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Construction and Building Materials 76 (2015) 313–321

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Concretes made of EAF slag and AOD slag aggregates from stainless steel
process: Mechanical properties and durability
G. Adegoloye, A.-L. Beaucour ⇑, S. Ortola, A. Noumowé
University of Cergy-Pontoise, Laboratoire de Mécanique & Matériaux du Génie Civil, EA 4114, F-95000 Cergy-Pontoise, France

h i g h l i g h t s

 EAF and AOD slag aggregates are more dense but more porous than natural aggregates.
 Very few mineral phases can show expansive reaction in EAF and AOD slag aggregates.
 The use of EAF and AOD slag aggregates improves concrete mechanical properties.
 Concretes made of EAF and AOD slag aggregates show a slightly but limited expansion.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The aim of this study is to investigate the opportunity using EAF and AOD slags aggregates in concrete.
Received 28 April 2014 First, physicochemical and mineralogical properties of these stainless steel slag aggregates are deter-
Received in revised form 17 October 2014 mined. Second, the silico-calcareous aggregates of reference concretes are replaced by each of these steel
Accepted 5 December 2014
slag aggregates in different proportions. The results show a slight improvement of the mechanical prop-
erties for concretes made of stainless steel slag aggregates. The use of EAF and AOD slag aggregates can
slightly decrease concrete durability-related properties and increase linear expansion. But these charac-
teristics fit the standards requested for construction use.
Stainless steel slag
EAF slag
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Stabilised AOD slag
Coarse aggregates
Mechanical properties

1. Introduction storage. To date, very few studies have been conducted on the
use of slags from stainless steel process as aggregate in concrete.
Currently, stainless steel is essentially manufactured from recy- Published studies exclusively deal with carbon steel slag [4–14].
cled scrap in electric arc furnace and refined in an Argon Oxygen This work aims to study possibility of using slags from stainless
Decarbonisation vessel. The produced steel slags contain EAF (Elec- steel process (EAF slag and stabilised AOD slag) as aggregates in
tric Arc Furnace) slag, AOD (Argon Oxygen Decarburisation) slag concrete.
and LM (Ladle Metallurgy) slag. The use of these stainless steel According to published studies, EAF slag aggregates from car-
slags was very limited because of their high chromium content bon steel manufacture have a good mechanical strength and a high
[1,2]. However, recent research studies have shown that it is pos- specific density (3.6 on average) mainly due to their high content
sible to reduce the leachable chromium of these slags and make in iron oxide. Despite their good mechanical behaviour, carbon
them usable [3]. Stainless steel slags are nowadays only used as steel slag can show sometimes a dimensional instability due to
aggregates in road construction and their future recovery in con- the free lime and magnesia hydration [5,6,9,10,15–17]. Indeed
crete could be interesting. This new way of valorisation would help these chemical reactions result in an increased volume of oxides:
to achieve several aims: conservation of the natural aggregate about 5–10% for Ca(OH)2 and more than 100% for Mg(OH)2. Free
resources and reduction of the high costs of slag’s processing and lime hydrates quickly but free MgO hydrates at a much lower rate,
causing significant volume change after months or even years [18].
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 (0)1 34 25 69 75; fax: +33 (0)1 34 25 69 41. To limit these expansive effects, steel slag is left outdoor and
E-mail address: (A.-L. Beaucour). exposed to weather during several months. Published studies
0950-0618/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
314 G. Adegoloye et al. / Construction and Building Materials 76 (2015) 313–321

[4–8] and [13] also indicate that EAF slag aggregates from carbon 2.1. Tests
steel manufacture have a water absorption coefficient which may
strongly vary (from 0.2% to 10.5%) and an intrinsic porosity which To know the chemical composition of the aggregates, a study
is sometimes important. These both parameters can affect the was performed through X-ray fluorescence analysis on the two
durability of concrete made of steel slag aggregates. types of slag aggregates. To complete this aggregates chemical
In stainless steel process, EAF slag is a similar crystalline rock but analysis, other tests were made according to EN 1744-1 in order
its chemical composition is different from that of EAF slag from car- to measure the contents of total sulphur, acid-soluble sulphates,
bon steel process [19]. Its content in iron oxide is lower and may water-soluble chlorides and free lime. For these tests, samples
explain its lower specific density. This could lead to a lower strength are taken in accordance with the EN 932-1 standard procedures.
noticed in concrete made of this type of EAF slag aggregates. The intrinsic characteristics of aggregates also depend on their
The AOD slag naturally falls to a powder on cooling due to its mineralogical nature. To obtain more representative results of the
mineralogy. The dicalcium silicate (Ca2SiO4) phase is commonly mineralogical variability within a slag aggregates sample, the min-
present in this slag and the b ? c dicalcium silicate transition eralogical study was conducted here in two steps. Firstly, an identi-
which occurs during cooling causes its disintegration [20–21]. fication of aggregate’s groups under UV lamps is made with two
Here, the Ca2SiO2 is stabilised under beta form, producing a solid wavelengths (254 and 365 nm) [24]. For each type of stainless steel
crystalline slag in order to study their use as aggregates in slag aggregates, two groups are identified depending on their fluo-
concrete, that possibility has not yet been studied in the litera- rescence. This first stage of mineralogical study provides a sampling
ture. The resulting steel slag has almost the same physical and of slag aggregates at a larger scale. Secondly, for each identified
mechanical characteristics as EAF slag but a different mineralog- group, X-ray diffraction analyses and SEM observations with map-
ical composition [1,20]. Compared to BOF slag [22–23], stabilised ping by EDX are performed on five samples. For X-ray diffraction
AOD slag has a lower density and a much lower content in iron analysis, samples were scanned with a Philips diffractometer using
oxides. copper Ka radiation, with 1130/00 generator and 1050/30 goniom-
The results of an experimental study about two types of slags eter. The wavelength of the incident X-ray is equal to 1.54 Â. The dif-
from stainless steel process, EAF slag and stabilised AOD slag, are fractometer was running at 40 kV and 20 mA. The step widths was
presented. Firstly, physicochemical and mechanical properties of 0.025° from 6° to 66° 2-theta and 0.0025° from 64° to 70° 2-theta.
stainless steel slag aggregates are determined and compared to The counting time was 1.5 s per step. For SEM observations, the used
EN 12620 requirements for their use as aggregates in concrete. device is a LEICA S340i model with a 20 kV accelerating voltage. A
The mineralogical composition of these stainless steel slag aggre- Bruker’s Quantax X-ray energy dispersive (EDX) detector was also
gates is also analysed. Secondly, the natural aggregates (silico-cal- used to determine the mineralogical composition. Polished samples
careous) of reference concretes are substituted, partially to were evaluated using a backscatter detector.
totally, by stainless steel slag aggregates (EAF slag and stabilised The apparent specific density and the water absorption are
AOD slag) and several properties are measured on concrete sam- determined according to the EN 1097-6 standard. Pycnometer
ples. In this study, high-strength concretes are designed in order method is used. The Los Angeles coefficient is tested according to
to highlight the influence of slag aggregate strength on the EN 1097-2 standard. All these tests define the physical and
concrete behaviour. The measurement of the apparent density, mechanical properties of the aggregates.
compressive strength, tensile strength and elasticity modulus is
useful to assess the impact of stainless steel slag aggregate
strength on concrete’s mechanical properties. The evolution of 2.2. Chemical compositions of EAF slag and stabilised AOD slag
concrete mechanical properties has been followed over the time aggregates
up to 365 days. Similarly, to assess the impact of stainless steel
slag aggregates on concrete’s durability, porosity and permeabil- The chemical composition of slag aggregates studied (EAF slag
ity are measured. Because of the possible expansion of stainless and stabilised AOD slag) is shown in Table 1. The SiO2 and the
steel slag aggregates, the measurement of the longitudinal strain CaO are the main components of these steel slag aggregates: about
of prismatic specimens stored in water provides comparison of 80% of the total chemical composition. The iron oxides content is
dimensional variations between concretes made of EAF or AOD very low for both slags. The stabilised AOD slag basicity index is
aggregates and those made of silico-calcareous aggregates. SEM 2.3 while that of EAF slag is around 1.3.
observations were also made on interface between stainless steel EN 12620 standard indicates the maximum total sulphur con-
slag aggregates and cement paste. tent (Table 2) and acid-soluble sulphates content (Table 3). The
maximum allowable values of these contents depend on the type
of the aggregates. There is no specification about stainless steel
2. Study of EAF slag and stabilised AOD slag aggregates slag aggregates. Only blast furnace slag aggregates are mentioned
in the standard. For water-soluble chlorides, there is no maximum
In this study, the granular size of EAF slag and stabilised AOD value for aggregates but its content is required in the calculation of
slag aggregates is (4–20 mm). In order to limit the risk of the chloride content of the concrete.
expansion, these steel slags have been subjected to weathering in These minerals contents in EAF and AOD slag aggregates are
outdoor conditions during several months. Different tests on reported in Table 4. All the measured values comply with the
aggregates are made to determine their physico-chemical and requirements of EN 12620 standard for the use as aggregates in
mineralogical characteristics. Tests are also made according to EN concrete.
12620 standard in order to make sure they can be used as aggre- Stainless steel slag aggregates contents in total sulphur and in
gates in concrete. acid-soluble sulphates are far lower than the required maximum

Table 1
Chemical composition of EAF slag and stabilised AOD slag aggregates (percent per mass).

Contents (%) CaO SiO2 MgO Al2O3 Cr2O3 MnO TiO2 FeO CaF2 Total
EAF slag 41.7 34.7 9.1 6.3 3.5 2.1 2.2 0.5 – 100.1
Stabilised AOD slag 58.4 26.4 2.1 2.1 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.2 9.4 99.2
G. Adegoloye et al. / Construction and Building Materials 76 (2015) 313–321 315

Table 2
Maximum allowable values of total sulphur content [EN 12620].

Aggregates Total sulphur content

(percentage by mass)
Aggregates other than air-cooled 61
blast furnace slag
Air-cooled blast furnace slag 62

Table 3
Categories for maximum values of acid-soluble sulphate content [EN 12620].

Aggregates Acid soluble sulphate content Category

(percentage by mass) AS
Aggregates other than air- 60.2 AS0.2
cooled blast furnace slag 60.8 AS0.8 Fig. 1. Mineralogical composition of EAF slag aggregates group 1.
>0.8 ASDeclared
No requirement ASNR
Air-cooled blast furnace slag 61.0 AS1.0
>1.0 ASDeclared
No requirement ASNR
are present like fluorite CaF2 and periclase MgO (in a very small
This mineralogical study shows that MgO is not found in the
EAF slag aggregates, neither through X-ray diffraction, nor by
values. This limits the risk of sulphate expansion. As stainless steel SEM–EDX analyses. Mg is mainly within akermanite, merwinite
slag contents in water-soluble chlorides are very low, the risks of or spinels. XRD analyses and MEB-EDX analyses do not show the
damage due to a bad concrete setting and to the steels corrosion presence of free lime. Only XRD spectrums of CaCO3 and
are also reduced. Free lime content in EAF slag and stabilised (CaMg)CO3 were observed. It is likely that carbonation of CaO is
AOD slag aggregates is very low, below 1% by weight. Thus expan- done when slag aggregates are subjected to weathering in outdoor
sion due to its hydration could be neglected [9]. Free MgO content conditions. In stabilised AOD slag aggregates very small amount of
in EAF slag and stabilised AOD slag aggregates could not have been MgO was observed. In conclusion, in the stainless steel slag aggre-
determined by chemical analyses. However the presence of peri- gates, the content in mineral phases likely to present an expansive
clase (MgO) in stabilised AOD slag aggregates were detected reaction (free CaO or free MgO) is very low.
through SEM and EDX analyses.
2.4. Physical and mechanical characteristics of EAF slag and AOD slag
2.3. Mineralogical composition of EAF slag and AOD slag aggregates aggregates

The mineralogical properties of EAF and AOD slags aggregates EAF slag aggregates and stabilised AOD slag aggregates have the
are determined through XRD analyses and SEM–EDX studies. The same physical characteristics even if they have different colours:
mineralogical composition of EAF slag aggregates is different from dark grey or black for EAF slag aggregates and light green for
that of stabilised AOD slag aggregates. stabilised AOD slag aggregates. These both stainless steel slag
XRD patterns of EAF slag aggregates are very complex, with sev- aggregates have generally a rough surface and a heterogeneous
eral overlapping peaks resulting from the main present minerals. appearance; from compact to cavernous (Figs. 5 and 6).
X-ray diffraction analyses show that EAF slag aggregates contain: The apparent specific density and the water absorption coeffi-
some silicates (akermanite Ca2Mg(Si2O7), merwinite Ca3Mg(SiO4)2, cient of aggregates are indicated in Table 5. Three measurements
andratite Ca3Al2FeSi3O12, cuspidine Ca4Si2O7F2, rankinite Ca3Si2O7) are done for each type of aggregate. The EAF slag and stabilised
and some metallic oxides (chromium spinels MgCr2O4 and AOD slag have an apparent specific density higher than that of
perovskite CaTiO3). XRD patterns of AOD slags aggregates show the silico-calcareous aggregates: 2.8 against 2.5. Nevertheless
less variety of minerals. The main identified mineral phases are these values remain lower than the average amount of 3.6 for
dicalcium silicates ß-Ca2SiO4, fluorite CaF2, calcium sulphide CaS
and periclase MgO.
SEM-BSE observations with Energy-Dispersive X-ray (EDX) anal-
yses are performed in order to study the distribution of the mineral
phases identified by XRD analyses (Figs. 1–4). For EAF slag, they indi-
cate that akermanite and merwinite are the main mineral phases.
Those minerals are stable. For stabilised AOD slag, the mineralogical
composition is more homogeneous, as they essentially contain the
stabilised beta-dicalcium silicates. Some other secondary phases

Table 4
Measured contents in stainless steel slag aggregates.

Contents (percent by mass) EAF slag Stabilised AOD slag

Total sulphur (%) 0.26 0.18
Acid-soluble sulphates (%) 0.02 0.21
Water-soluble chlorides (%) 0.0005 0.0020
Free lime (%) 0.07 0.07
Fig. 2. Mineralogical composition of EAF slag aggregates group 2.
316 G. Adegoloye et al. / Construction and Building Materials 76 (2015) 313–321

Fig. 3. Mineralogical composition of stabilised AOD slag aggregates group 1.

Fig. 5. EAF slag aggregates appearance.

Fig. 4. Mineralogical composition of stabilised AOD slag aggregates group 2.

the carbon steel slag aggregates [4–8]. Indeed these latter have a
higher content of metal oxides.
The water-absorption coefficients of stainless steel slag
aggregates are slightly higher than that of the silico-calcareous
aggregates. The stainless steel slag aggregates also have a very Fig. 6. Stabilised AOD slag aggregates appearance.
good resistance to fragmentation: their Los Angeles coefficients
range from 16 to 23. According to EN 12620 standard, EAF slag
aggregates category’s is LA25 and stabilised AOD slag aggregates’
one is LA20. LA20 and LA25 are respectively the second and third and 50% of stainless steel slag aggregates (EAF slag or stabilised AOD
best categories of the nine proposed by EN 12620 standard. LA slag); the last two concretes are made of 100% of stainless steel slag
coefficient shows that the slag aggregates from stainless steel aggregates (EAF slag or stabilised AOD slag). The volume of aggre-
process have good mechanical characteristics. As specific feature, gates remains the same from one concrete to another. The mixing
they are at the same time more dense but paradoxically more por- water is obtained by considering the water content in aggregates
ous than silico-calcareous aggregates. This could be related to the and the water provided by the superplasticiser. The different
presence of metal oxides in the solid phase of aggregates. concretes have S4 consistency class (EN 206 standard) and the
amount of superplasticiser varies from one mix concrete to another
in order to keep the same slump. The modified polycarboxylate-
3. Study of concrete made of EAF slag and stabilised AOD slag based superplasticiser (cimfluid 3002) is used. The mix composi-
aggregates tions of these concretes are presented in Table 6. For fine aggregates
only silico-calcareous aggregates are used. Their water absorption is
3.1. Mix proportion and specimen preparation lower than that of silico-calcareous coarse aggregates and is
estimated at 1%. The binder is Portland cement CEM I 52.5 R.
In this study, all or part of the silico-calcareous aggregates of a
reference concrete has been replaced by stainless steel slag 3.2. Methods
aggregates. As aggregate strength plays a more important role in
high-strength concrete than in ordinary one, seven types of high- Seven mixtures are tested. For each test and each mixture, three
strength concrete (ratio W/C = 0.3) are designed. They differ in their concrete samples stored in water at 20 °C are used.
composition in coarse aggregates. One concrete contains only Mechanical properties of concretes are investigated. The
silico-calcareous aggregates (SC, reference concrete), concretes are measurements of compressive and tensile strengths were done
composed of 50%, in volume percent of silico-calcareous aggregates on all studied concretes. Compressive and splitting tests were
G. Adegoloye et al. / Construction and Building Materials 76 (2015) 313–321 317

Table 5
Physical properties of EAF slag and stabilised AOD slag aggregates.

Aggregates EAF slag (4/20) Stabilised AOD slag (4/20) Silico-calcareous (4/20)
Average Standard deviation Average Standard deviation Average
Apparent specific density 2.8 ±0.2 2.8 ±0.3 2.5
Water absorption (mass%) 2.6 ±0.2 3.0 ±0.2 1.7
Porosity (volume%) 7.3 ±0.3 8.4 ±0.3 4.2
Los Angeles coefficient (LA) 23 – 16 – 30

carried out on 16  32 cm specimens according to EN 12390 stan-

dard. The loading rate is 0.5 MPa per second. The dynamic Young’s
modulus is determined by acoustic test according to EN 12504-4
standard. The equipment used is the ultrasonic device ‘‘Pundit’’.
It generates low-frequency ultrasonic pulses and measures the
time to pass from one transducer to the other. The pulse velocity
is calculated and the dynamic modulus is determined from its rela-
tion with the Poisson’s ratio and the concrete oven-dried density.
The good acoustical contact between the sample and the face of
each transducer is ensured by the use of petroleum jelly. Before
the test, the 15  7 cm concrete samples are drying at 60 °C until
constant weight in laboratory oven.
The measurement of the mechanical properties is performed at
various ages (28, 90 and 365 days) in order to identify possible
damage with time, due to the forming of expansive compound.
To facilitate the possible hydration reactions, the samples have
been stored in water at 20 °C.
Fig. 7. Measurement of concrete expansion.
To determine whether any expansion occurred, length measure-
ment of prisms is made at 28, 90 and 365 days, following NF P 18-
454 standard (Fig. 7). Our tests consist in measuring longitudinal slag aggregates and the cement paste. These possible cracking
deformations of three concrete prismatic samples (7  7  28 cm) could be caused by the expansion of EAF or stabilised AOD slag
stored in water at 20 °C. The first value is taken on 24-h-aged con- aggregates.
crete samples. Reference stainless steel studs are casted into the
mid-points of the top and bottom faces of the prisms. An invar rod
is used to calibrate the length of the measurement apparatus. For 4. Influence of EAF slag and stabilised AOD slag aggregates on
each measurement, the prism is kept in the same position (top concrete mechanical properties
and bottom position, the same prism face towards the apparatus).
Some measurements of gas permeability and water porosity High-strength concretes made of EAF slag and stabilised AOD
were also performed to obtain some durability indicators of con- slag aggregates are slightly denser than the only natural aggre-
cretes made of steel slag aggregates. The gas permeability test is gates-composed ones (silico-calcareous): apparent density of the
made with a constant load device ‘‘CEMBUREAU’’ with nitrogen hardened concrete made of silico-calcareous aggregates is 2.42
as neutral percolating gas. According to AFPC-AFREM protocol, while the hardened concrete made of slag aggregates vary from
concrete cylinders are cut by using a diamond blade saw, to obtain 2.60 to 2.64, depending on the proportion of the slag aggregates
15  5 cm concrete discs. Three discs are tested for each concrete in the concrete mixes. So the use of EAF slag or stabilised AOD slag
mix. Only discs located in central portion of the cylinder are aggregates increases the concrete’s density from 7% to 9%. That
retained; discs at the both extremities are rejected. The samples increase occurs with a slight rise of the concrete’s mechanical
are drying at 60 °C in laboratory oven. The density and water strengths. Fig. 8 shows the evolution of the concrete 28-days com-
porosity of the concretes are determined by hydrostatic weighing pressive and tensile strengths with the proportion of EAF slag and
according to NF EN 12390-7 standard. stabilised AOD slag coarse aggregates. Each value is the average of
SEM observations were also carried out on concrete samples three measurements. Standard deviation of the data is ±3 MPa. The
stored in water for 365 days to detect possible cracking 28-days compressive strength of concretes made of natural aggre-
(longitudinal or radial) at the interface between the stainless steel gate is 67 MPa. When EAF slag or stabilised AOD slag are used as

Table 6
Mix composition of concrete.

Contents for m3 of concrete Silico-calcareous EAF slag Stabilised AOD slag

Volume percent of slag in coarse aggregate 0% 50% 100% 50% 100%
Cement content CEM1 52.5 (kg) 500 500 500 500 500
Silico-calcareous coarse aggregates 4/20 (kg) 1052 526 0 526 0
EAF slag coarse aggregates 4/20 (kg) 0 592 1183 0 0
AOD slag coarse aggregates 4/20 (kg) 0 0 0 600 1200
SC fine aggregates 0/4 (kg) 649 649 649 649 649
Effective water (kg) 150 150 150 150 150
Superplasticiser (kg) 3.3 3.6 3.8 3.6 3.7
Slump (cm) 19 18 16 19 17
318 G. Adegoloye et al. / Construction and Building Materials 76 (2015) 313–321

80 71 72 73 73

Mechanical strengths (MPa)



6.1 6.2 6.2 6.4 6.4
0 50 1 00
Volume percent of SC aggregate substitued by slag aggregates (%)
Silico-calcareous compressive strength EAF compressive strength
stabilised AOD compressive strength EAF tensile strength
Stabilised AOD tensile strength silico-calcareous tensile strength

Fig. 8. 28-Days compressive and splitting tensile strengths of concretes made of EAF slag and stabilised AOD slag aggregates.

60 53 55
50 51
Dynamic modulus (GPa)

40 EAF slag

stabilised AOD slag



0 50 100
Volume percent of SC aggregate substituted by slag aggregates

Fig. 9. 28-Days dynamic Young modulus of concretes made of EAF slag and stabilised AOD slag aggregates.

coarse aggregates, the mean value of the compressive strength is been noticed regarding the strength of concrete made of EAF and
73 MPa, showing an increase of 9%. Tensile strength also increases stabilised AOD slag aggregates.
when the natural aggregates are replaced by stainless steel slag
aggregates. The results show a small tensile strength variation
between traditional and steel slag aggregate concretes. This differ-
ence would be more evident for normal strength concrete. Indeed, 5. Durability indicators and volume stability over the time of
the improvement of the Interfacial Transition Zone (ITZ) due to the concretes made of EAF slag and stabilised AOD slag aggregates
highest surface porosity of stainless steel slag aggregates is more
pronounced for high w/c ratio concretes. 5.1. Porosity and permeability
Fig. 9 shows that the dynamic Young’s modulus also increases
when natural aggregates are replaced by EAF slag or stabilised Porosity and gas permeability are durability indicators. In this
AOD slag aggregates. The increase in dynamic modulus is 10% with study, the 28-days water porosity of high-strength concretes made
EAF slag coarse aggregates and 20% with stabilised AOD slag coarse of steel slag aggregates varies from 12.1% to 12.4% (Table 7) and the
aggregates. The higher dynamic modulus is due to the higher den- 28-days gas permeability from 2.0 to 2.3  10 16 m2 (Fig. 12).
sity of EAF slag and stabilised AOD slag aggregates compared to Those values are slightly higher than those of high-strength con-
that of the silico-calcareous aggregates. cretes made of silico-calcareous aggregates. This is mainly due to
The good mechanical performances certainly result from the the higher porosity of EAF slag and stabilised AOD slag aggregates.
higher strength of stainless steel slag aggregates (Los Angeles coef- For a same concrete mixture, concrete made of steel slag aggre-
ficient LA = 23 for the EAF slag and LA = 16 for the stabilised AOD gates are thereby slightly more sensitive to aggressive agents and
slag). It could also result from the crushed shape, the rough surface to freeze–thaw cycles. According to the approach developed in
and the higher porosity of the used stainless steel slag aggregates, the AFGC guide (2004), concretes made of steel slag aggregates
which provide a better adhesion with the cement paste. These belong to the average category of durability (porosity between
results are consistent with the literature [4,8,12]. The analysis of 12% and 14% and permeability between 1 and 3  10 16 m2).
failure planes show transgranular fractures and confirm the good Values of Table 7 and Fig. 12 match with the recommended limits
matrix-aggregate adhesion for slag aggregate and for natural for building constructions of 30–50 years service-life [25]. How-
aggregate (Fig. 10). This is linked to the low water to cement ratio ever, the porosity and gas permeability of concretes made of stain-
of high-strength concrete. less steel slag aggregates may be improved by adding fillers which
Compressive strengths over the time of concrete made of slag could fill the voids between the aggregate particles and the cement
aggregates are presented on Fig. 11. Over the time, no drop has particles. Such as in [4], the use of air-entrainer admixture could
G. Adegoloye et al. / Construction and Building Materials 76 (2015) 313–321 319

Table 7
28-Days water porosity of concretes made of EAF slag and stabilised AOD slag

Concrete with Silico-calcareous EAF slag Stabilised

aggregates aggregates AOD slag
Volume percent of slag in 0 50 100 50 100
coarse aggregate (%)
Porosity (%) 9.9 10.9 12.4 10.8 12.1


Permeability 10-16m2


0.8 0 0.9 50 100

EAF slag stabilised AOD slag

Volume percent of silico-calcareous aggregates substituted by slag aggregates

Fig. 12. 28-Days permeability of concretes made of EAF slag and stabilised AOD
slag aggregates.
Fig. 10. Failure plane after compressive strength test on concrete made of steel slag
aggregate and silico-calcareous aggregate.

Table 8
Evolution over the time of water porosity of concretes.
28 days 90 days 365 days
100% silico-calcareous 9.9 9.9 9.6
100% EAF slag 12.4 12.4 12.0
100% stabilised AOD slag 12.1 12.1 12.0
compressive strength MPa


slag aggregates and concretes with silico-calcareous aggregates.

This shrinkage results from the chemical reaction of the cement
with water. It is not observed for concrete made of stabilised
30 AOD slag aggregates in which it could have been offset by swelling
phenomena. After one year, the concretes made of stainless steel
slag aggregates show a higher expansion than that of concretes
made of silico-calcareous aggregates: 0.017% for concretes with
EAF slag aggregates and 0.026% for concretes made of stabilised
0 AOD slag aggregates, against 0.008% for concrete made of silico-
0 100 200 300 400
calcareous aggregates. These values are consistent with the expan-
Time (days)
sion of concretes made of nonreactive alkali aggregates (from
EAF slag Stabilised AOD slag Silico-calcareous 0.01% to 0.03% at one year) [26].
The expansion increases with the volume fraction of stainless
Fig. 11. Compressive strength over the time of concretes made of EAF slag and
steel slag coarse aggregates. XRD analyses did not show the pres-
stabilised AOD slag aggregates.
ence of glassy phases in slags so that the expansion cannot result
from alkali-siliceous reaction. No ettringite is determined in SEM
help to improve the durability-related properties of concrete made observations either. Consequently, additional dimensional change
of stainless steel slag aggregates. could be related to some hydration reactions with free lime or free
The water porosity over the time (28, 90 and 365 days) regard- magnesium oxides. XRD and SEM–EDS analyses only show a few
ing concretes made of 100% stainless steel slag coarse aggregates is proportion of MgO in stabilised AOD slag. Only few content of free
presented in Table 8. It shows that for stabilised AOD and EAF slag lime was also detected according to EN 1744-1 standard in both
aggregates concretes the water porosity has slightly reduced over aggregates.
the time, like that of natural aggregate concrete. That porosity However, according to FD P 18-456 standard, the maximum
reduction is consistent with the increase of the compressive limit acceptable for the longitudinal strains (0.03% at 12 months
strength over the time. for concrete stored in water at 60 °C) has not been exceeded.
SEM observations of crack network at the paste-aggregate inter-
5.2. Volume stability and microscopic observations about concretes face and in concrete samples were carried out (Figs. 14 and 15). For
made of EAF slag and stabilised AOD slag aggregates these observations, samples are taken in 365-days concretes made
of EAF slag, stabilised AOD slag and silico-calcareous aggregates.
Fig. 13 shows the expansion curve of EAF slag and stabilised SEM observations show intact coarse aggregates (EAF slag,
AOD slag aggregates concretes during 365 days. Each value is the stabilised AOD slag and silico-calcareous) but cracking through
average of three measurements on three different prism samples. the cement paste and in some areas at the interfaces between the
The results indicate shrinkage at 28 days for concretes with EAF paste and EAF slag or stabilised AOD aggregates. No intergranular
320 G. Adegoloye et al. / Construction and Building Materials 76 (2015) 313–321


ΔL/L0 (%)
50% EAF
100% EAF
0 50% AOD
0 100 200 300 400
-0.01 100% AOD
Time (days)

Fig. 13. Longitudinal strain of high-strength concretes made of EAF slag and stabilised AOD slag aggregates.

substitute of the natural aggregates (silico-calcareous). Stainless

steel slag aggregates have an apparent specific density higher than
that of the silico-calcareous aggregates. They also show a very good
resistance to fragmentation. Physical properties and mechanical
strengths of concrete made of stainless steel slag aggregates are
slightly higher than those of concrete made of silico-calcareous
aggregates. Compressive strength increases by 9% when the
natural aggregates are replaced by stainless steel slag aggregates.
Tensile strength increases by 3%. The increase in dynamic modulus
is 10% with EAF slag coarse aggregates and 20% with stabilised AOD
slag coarse aggregates. Although durability indicators for concrete
made of stainless steel slag aggregates (water porosity and gas per-
meability) show values slightly higher than those of traditional
concrete. The expansion of 365-days water-cured concrete speci-
men increases with the volume fraction of stainless steel slag
coarse aggregates. All the measured values match with the recom-
mended limits for building constructions. The mechanical
strengths evolution over the time and the conservation of the
Young’s modulus indicate that there is no damage due to possible
Fig. 14. SEM observations of an interface between EAF slag aggregates and cement chemical reactions or expansive reactions of stainless steel slag
paste in 365-days concrete. Slight cracking in some areas. aggregates. From the results obtained on the tested mixtures, this
study reveals a new type of concretes with specific properties; as
they are denser and more porous than traditional concrete.
Furthermore, stainless steel slag aggregate concretes provide an
environmental solution: sustainable recovery of industrial by-
products and conservation of natural resources.


The authors thank UGITECH SA for financial contribution and

scientific collaboration.


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