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We will be using a modified turn structure. Turns will not alternate, all players will have simultanteos turns!
So everybody gets to move in the movement phase, everyone gets to shoot in the shooting phase, etc.Bare
in mind that this makes charging and charge reactions maybe a little bit tricky in edge cases. Thats what
GMs are for! Also overwatch will be very important to protect shooters from charges.Casualties will be
removed at the end of the phase, so anyone shot will not be able to do thier combat, but even if a shooter
gets hit they still get thier shots back.Dont forget overwatch!


Players may also spend 20 Helsreach points.

Simply pick any combination of 20 upgrades from the list below.

STAT INCREASE +1 to any stat. May not go above the normal race maximum. The human one is is below:



SKILL: Choose any skill from your gangs skill tables.

ARMOUR: Each armour upgrade increases the armour save by one "pip". Minimum is obviously 2+ ;)

CASH: The gang gets +10 creds.

EXPERIANCE: Experience may be bought for the gang at 5 creds per experience point.

VEHICLE UPGRADE: These are in the vehicle section.


Vehicles are free to include in your gang. Players may take as many as they like. These rules are as simple as
I could make them! They worked last time pretty well.Each vehicle must be driven by a member of your
gang, although they driver may change or get out.You can mount weapons on them as you choose, but the
weapon costs come out of your gang creds.

Movement Toughness Capacity Damage Manouverability


BIKE 36 5 2 5 270

JET BIKE 100 5 1 3 270

CIVILIAN CAR 24 5 5 10 180

TRAILER 0 5 4 10 0

ORNITHOPTER 36 4 4 10 270

MINING WALKER 12 6 12 15 90


Upgrades are taken out of your allowance of 20 upgrades for the gang.

ARMOURED VEHICLE. Each increase adds +1 T to your vehicle to a max of 8.

ENCLOSED CREW SPACE: This is a single space for one crew member, more spaces may be added.A model in
an enclosed crew space may not be targeted by shooting or combat, but may not attack or shoot.If the
model opens the hatch to fire out or attack out then they are visible and may be shot with Overwatch, shot
in the next turn or Attacked in combat.Weapons mounted on the vehicle can be used by players in enclosed
crew spaces. Each weapon may only be used by one character per turn.The enclosed crew space can be
Closed or Open and remains that way until the players next turn. A player cannot open a hatch and close it
in the same turn.Models in a closed compartment are not visible and may not be shot at or attacked in
combat, but may themselves not shoot or attack, unless using a weapon mounted on the vehicle.Models in
an open compartment are visible and may be shot at or attacked and may do so themselves.

ASSAULT VEHICLE: Models disembarking may make a charge move.

FASTER! Each of these upgrades makes the vehicle go 5" further.

RELIABLE: The vehicle gets +1 Damage. More may be added.

EXTRA SEAT. Add +1 Capacity for each extra seat.

RAM: Making a ram with your ram adds another D6 damage to the target vehicle.

If the vehicle susessfully hits a pedestrian then the character is wounded on a 3+ rather than a 6.

COMBAT APPENDAGE: Each combat appendage adds plus +1 to the Weapon Skill of the vehicle and gives it
an extra +1 Attack.


Vehicles may only increase their speed by half of their Movement each turn. SO vehicles go from 0 to full
speed in 2 turns.Models may decelarate at thier full speed, so can basically stop at any time.Players must
declare during their movement phase if the vehicle is moving or if it has come to a halt.Vehicles can be
moved then declared to be stationary.


Maneuverability shows how many degrees a vehicle may spin each turn. A vehicle may spin any amount of
degrees at any point in its movement. Vehicles may make multiple spins each turn as long as the total is not
more than it's Manouverability. This rule is to make moving simple, so just estimate, usually in 45, 90 or 180
degree spins.


If a vehicle takes more than 3 damage in a single turn it may take Special Damage. Roll a D6,

1,2,3 Minor Mishap

4,5,6 Major Damage

Minor Mishap

1. Spins D6 x D6 x 10 degrees

2. Grinds to a halt and may not move next turn.

3. Driver spills their beverage, so is pinned. The vehicle must continue at its current speed until the model
recovers from being pinned.

4. Lurches forward D6 inches.

5. Random Passenger(or diver) falls off and is pinned.

6. Chips the paint work.

Major Damage

1. Spins D6 x D6 x D6 degrees and a random vehicle upgrade is destroyed.

2. Immobilised

3. Everyone on board is pinned

4. Lurches 3D6" 1-2: 45 degrees left 3-4: straight forward 5-6: 45 degrees right

5. Severe crash. Everyone on board must pass an Initiative test or take a wound. Armour saves apply as
normal.Also a random vehicle upgrade is destroyed.

6. Destroyed. All models within D6" are caught in the explosion, at S2+D3

Models in a vehicle or mounted on one are in hard cover at all times. You need actual line of sight to be able
to hit them. Models in an enclosed crew space are not visible and may not be targeted.


Models may move or run onto or off a stationary vehicle as if it were a piece of terrain. To get on or off a
moving vehicle, take an Initiative test. If failed, the figure is placed off the vehicle at a random point and is
pinned. Players must declare during their movement phase if the vehicle is moving or if it has come to a
halt. Characters may not charge onto or off a vehicle, even if it is stationary. If the vehicle has the assault
vehicle upgrade then mounted characters may make a charge move off it.


Vehicles cannot be locked in combat and may move away without restriction in the movement phase.

Vehicles count as WS 1 with 1 attack and initiative 1. Resolve hits at Stength equal to toughness.


A vehicle may be charged as normal and attacked. Roll to attack vehicles as normal. Vehicles count as WS 1
with 1 attack. Resolve hits at S equal to toughness.


Characters mounted on a vehicle may attack any one on foot that the vehicle is touching in the Combat
phase. The models on the vehicle do NOT count as charging, so dont get a bonus. If they want the charge
bonus they have to get out and charge normally. Models on the vehicle do not count as being higher than
thier foe, so dont get the +1 to hit. Models may not charge off a vehicle unless it has the Assault Vehicle


A character on foot may charge a vehicle and attack the mounted models. This must be declared as normal.
Characters may not simple charge onto a vehicle. If they wish to board then they must do this as part of a
move or run action and cannot do it as a charge. The player who controls the vehicle may elect which
models fight back. This must be at least one model. So work out the charge as normal, then the vehicle
controlling player generally indicates who is fighting whom. Models in an enclosed crew space may not be
attacked unless the controlling player wishes them to fight back. Models on a vehicle do count as being
behind an obstacle, so the on foot charging model gets the normal -1 on the charge. In the case of no viable
targets the attacker may strike the vehicle.


This is a general mishmash of the above rules. A model may attack the crew of any vehicle their vehicle is
touching. The player controlling the target model nominates who fights back. Nobody on the vehicle counts
as charging, so nobody gets a bonus or minus. If they want the charge bonus they have to get out and
charge normally.

If a character has previously boarded a vehicle then they may charge and attack models on board as if the
vehicle were a piece of terrain. Models in an enclosed crew space are not visible and may not be attacked.


Declare your Ram at the start of the turn. The target driver may attempt to dodge the ram. To dodge a ram
attempt roll equal or under the driver's Initiative. Target vehicle will take D6 Damage, or 2D6 is the vehicle
has a ram. The Rammer takes 1 Damage.


Declare your Ram at the start of the turn. Characters may attempt a dodge. To dodge a run-over attempt
roll equal or under Initiative. If they fail to dodge roll a dice. On the roll of a 6 the model takes 1 wound,
although they may take their armour roll. If roll 1-5 then they are pinned. If the vehicle doing the running
over has a ram then they wound on a 3+ rather than a 6.


Uninsured vehicles are surprisingly rare in Helsreach. A vehicle that is destroyed can be respawned at the
vehicle dealers in Helsreach market, or at the Outlaw Trading post as appropriate.

At the end of both days the player with the most Helsreach Victory Points (HVP) will be declared the days
winner. Players gain HVP by performing certain actions as follows:

1. Killing the opposition. Players get 1 HVP for each wound or vehicle damage point they inflict.

2. Gather resources. A set number of boxes, crates and barrels will be placed around the board. Players may
trade them in for 1 HVP each at the market or Outlaw Trading Post.

3. Hunting. Taking a dead animal to the Bush Meat Trader or Outlaw Trading post earns 1 HVP per wound of
the animal.

4. Reassmbling the statue. A huge statue is missing 3 parts. Players who can re-fit a part will be rewarded
with 10 HVP.

5. Other outstanding feats of bravery or amusing acts of ridiculous tomfoolery will also be awarded HVP at
the Gms discretion.


Players can also spend HVP. These are permanently removed from the gang's HVP total. They may be spent
on the following options:

1 HVP to respawn a model that is out of action. Models are either respawned at the Doc's or at the Outlaw
Trading Post.

1 HVP may be spent to respawn a damaged or destroyed vehicle. This is then placed at the GMs discretion,
probably very close to your gang unless that would be really unfair ;)

1 HVP may be spent to purchase D6 weapon reloads at the market.

1 HVP may be spent to make a gang upgrade. These are the same as the 20 upgrade points for gang
generation. This includes stat increases, new skills, vehicle upgrades etc.

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