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Linear Algebra and Logic

Course Facilitator

Dr. Sabitha D’Souza

Assistant professor-selection grade
Department of Mathematics
Manipal Institute of Technology, MAHE, Manipal

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1 Course plan

2 Introduction

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1 Course plan

2 Introduction

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1 Course plan

2 Introduction

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The most common use of Linear Algebra is to solve systems of linear
equations, which are in Physics, Biology, Economics, Engineering and
Sociology. One can express system of linear equations compactly using
matrices and vectors.

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A matrix is a rectangular array of scalars. If the matrix has m rows and n
columns, we say that the size of the matrix is m by n, written as m × n.
The matrix is square if m = n. The scalar in the i th row and j th column is
called (i, j)-entry of the matrix.

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• If A is a matrix, we denote its (i, j) entry by aij .

• We say that two matrices A and B are equal if they have the same
size and have equal corresponding entries i.e. aij = bij for all i and j.
We express it as A = B.

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• If A is a matrix, we denote its (i, j) entry by aij .

• We say that two matrices A and B are equal if they have the same
size and have equal corresponding entries i.e. aij = bij for all i and j.
We express it as A = B.

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Matrix sums and scalar multiplication

• Matrices are more convenient devices for storing information. Their

usefulness lies in their arithmetic.
• If A and B are m × n matrices, the sum of A and B, denoted by
A + B, is the m × n matrix obtained by adding the corresponding
entries of A and B; i.e, A + B is the m × n matrix whose (i, j)-entry
is aij + bij .
• Let A be an m × n matrix and c be a scalar. The scalar multiple cA is
the m × n matrix whose entries are c-times the corresponding entries
of A. Its (i, j)-entry is caij .
• 1A = A, (−1)A = −A and 0A = 0m×n
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Matrix sums and scalar multiplication

• Matrices are more convenient devices for storing information. Their

usefulness lies in their arithmetic.
• If A and B are m × n matrices, the sum of A and B, denoted by
A + B, is the m × n matrix obtained by adding the corresponding
entries of A and B; i.e, A + B is the m × n matrix whose (i, j)-entry
is aij + bij .
• Let A be an m × n matrix and c be a scalar. The scalar multiple cA is
the m × n matrix whose entries are c-times the corresponding entries
of A. Its (i, j)-entry is caij .
• 1A = A, (−1)A = −A and 0A = 0m×n
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Matrix sums and scalar multiplication

• Matrices are more convenient devices for storing information. Their

usefulness lies in their arithmetic.
• If A and B are m × n matrices, the sum of A and B, denoted by
A + B, is the m × n matrix obtained by adding the corresponding
entries of A and B; i.e, A + B is the m × n matrix whose (i, j)-entry
is aij + bij .
• Let A be an m × n matrix and c be a scalar. The scalar multiple cA is
the m × n matrix whose entries are c-times the corresponding entries
of A. Its (i, j)-entry is caij .
• 1A = A, (−1)A = −A and 0A = 0m×n
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Properties of Matrix addition and scalar multiplication

Let A, B and C be m × n matrices. Let s and t be any scalars. Then

1 A + B = B + A Commutative law of matrix addition

2 (A + B) + C = A + (B + C ) Associative law of matrix addition

3 A+0=A

4 A + (−A) = 0

5 (st)A = s(tA)

6 s(A + B) = sA + sB

7 (s + t)A = sA + tA

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Properties of Matrix addition and scalar multiplication

Let A, B and C be m × n matrices. Let s and t be any scalars. Then

1 A + B = B + A Commutative law of matrix addition

2 (A + B) + C = A + (B + C ) Associative law of matrix addition

3 A+0=A

4 A + (−A) = 0

5 (st)A = s(tA)

6 s(A + B) = sA + sB

7 (s + t)A = sA + tA

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Properties of Matrix addition and scalar multiplication

Let A, B and C be m × n matrices. Let s and t be any scalars. Then

1 A + B = B + A Commutative law of matrix addition

2 (A + B) + C = A + (B + C ) Associative law of matrix addition

3 A+0=A

4 A + (−A) = 0

5 (st)A = s(tA)

6 s(A + B) = sA + sB

7 (s + t)A = sA + tA

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Matrix Transpose

The transpose of an m × n matrix A is the n × m matrix denoted by AT

whose (i, j)-entry is the (j, i)-entry of A.

Properties of the Transpose

Let A and B be m × n matrices, and let s be any scalar. Then

• (A + B)T = AT + B T

• (sA)T = sAT

• (AT )T = A

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Suppose that a company owns two bookstores, each of which sells
newspapers, magazines and books. Assume that the sales(in hundreds of
dollars) of the two book stores for the months of July and August are
represented by the following tables.
July August
Store 1 2 Store 1 2
Newspapers 6 8 Newspapers 7 9
Magazines 15 20 Magazines 18 31
Books 45 64 Books 52 68

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The sales
 in July and August can be  simplydenoted as
6 8 7 9
   
A = 15 20 B = 18 31
   
   
45 64 52 68
Suppose July sales were to double in all categories, then what is the sales
in July?   
6 8
12 16
   
2A = 2 15 20 = 30 40 
   
   
45 64 90 128

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The sales
 in July and August can be  simplydenoted as
6 8 7 9
   
A = 15 20 B = 18 31
   
   
45 64 52 68
Suppose July sales were to double in all categories, then what is the sales
in July?   
6 8
12 16
   
2A = 2 15 20 = 30 40 
   
   
45 64 90 128

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The sales
 in July and August can be  simplydenoted as
6 8 7 9
   
A = 15 20 B = 18 31
   
   
45 64 52 68
Suppose July sales were to double in all categories, then what is the sales
in July?   
6 8
12 16
   
2A = 2 15 20 = 30 40 
   
   
45 64 90 128

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What is the total number of Newspapers, Magazines and Books sold by
both stores
 in Julyand August?
6 8 7 9
   
A + B = 15 20 + 18 31
   
   
45 64 52 68
 
13 17
 
A + B = 33
 
51 
 
97 132

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What is the total number of Newspapers, Magazines and Books sold by
both stores
 in Julyand August?
6 8 7 9
   
A + B = 15 20 + 18 31
   
   
45 64 52 68
 
13 17
 
A + B = 33
 
51 
 
97 132

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   
2 −1 1 1 3 0
1). A =   B= 
−5 6 −1 2 −1 4
Compute A − B, 2A, A + 3B
Find AT , (3B)T , (A + B)T

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   
2 −1 1 1 3 0
1). A =   B= 
−5 6 −1 2 −1 4
Compute A − B, 2A, A + 3B
Find AT , (3B)T , (A + B)T

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 
−4 0
   
3 −1 2 4 2 5
 
2) A =   B=
 
1 5 −6 −2 −1 −3

 
0 2

Compute A − B T , 3A + 2B T , (B T − A)T

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• A matrix that has exactly one row is called a row vector, and a
matrix that has exactly one column is called a column vector.

• The entries of a vector are called components.

• In this chapter, we work with column vectors and we denote the set of
all column vectors with n components by R n .

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• A matrix that has exactly one row is called a row vector, and a
matrix that has exactly one column is called a column vector.

• The entries of a vector are called components.

• In this chapter, we work with column vectors and we denote the set of
all column vectors with n components by R n .

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• A matrix that has exactly one row is called a row vector, and a
matrix that has exactly one column is called a column vector.

• The entries of a vector are called components.

• In this chapter, we work with column vectors and we denote the set of
all column vectors with n components by R n .

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 
 
Suppose U = −4 .
 
 
Then its components are denoted by u1 = 2,u2 = −4,u3 = 7.
We identify a vector U in R n with an n-tuple(u1 , u2 , . . . , un )

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As vectors are special types of matrices, the two arithmetic operations on
vectors namely vector addition and scalar multiplication is defined as
Vector addition: If u, v ∈ R n then
u + v = [u1 , u2 , . . . , un ]T + [v1 , v2 , . . . , vn ]T
= [u1 + v1 , u2 + v2 , . . . , un + vn ]T
Scalar multiplication: If u ∈ R n and c ∈ R then
cu = [u1 , u2 , . . . , un ]T = [cu1 , cu2 , . . . , cun ]T

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   
2 5
   
u = −4 and v = 3 then
   
   
7 0
   
7 −3
   
u + v = −1 u − v = −7
   
   
7 7
 
 
5v = 15
 
 

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Geometry of vectors
 
If v =   is a vector in R 2 , then it can be represented as an arrow from
the origin to the point (a, b) in the x − y plane.

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Vector addition and Parallelogram law

 v∈ R . Then u+v is the diagonal
Let u,  of theparallelogram.
a c a+c
u=  v =   then u + v =  
b d b+d

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Vector addition and Parallelogram law

 v∈ R . Then u+v is the diagonal
Let u,  of theparallelogram.
a c a+c
u=  v =   then u + v =  
b d b+d

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     
2 −6 −4
The vectors u =   v =   then u + v =  
2 1 3

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Scalar multiplication

 
If v =   is a vector and c is a positive scalar, then cv is a vector that
point the same direction as v ; and whose length is c times the length of v .
If c < 0 then vector cv points in the opposite direction from v
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