Writing Chapter Two Proposal

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Writing Chapter Two of Research Proposal

Chapter two is labelled or titled as Literature Review or in other words, Review of Related
Literature. No matter the title, it still means the same thing.

The literature review covers well-detailed, well-structured, organized, and articulated reports
of scholarly works that have been done on topics that are similar to the topic currently a
researcher is working on.

The format the chapter two most likely takes may depend on the discipline. But, in most
cases, chapter two of research proposal mostly takes the following sections or is made up of
these components:


Conceptual framework

Theoretical framework

Empirical review

Summary of Literature


As the name implies, this section provides a concise insight into what you would actually
deliberate on or discussed in chapter two, as well as how you intend to organize chapter two.

Conceptual Framework:

The Conceptual framework section should be arranged in a manner that shows logical
linkages of central themes in your line of research. In simpler words, this section is supposed
to cover all the objectives of the research to provide solutions to the problem of the research
work. This section usually involves the use of diagrams to vividly explain certain key
variables that are used in the research work.

Theoretical Framework:

At this junction, various theories propounded by other researchers in the same line of study as
the current research is reviewed. You are expected to refer to one or two theories, although,
the number totally depends on the number of variables been researched – such information
as, the founder of the research, the researcher’s assumptions, and the suitability of your
current research should all be stated.

Empirical Review:
The empirical review section entails the various researches that have been done concerning
your topic or researches that are similar to your research work. Always remember, the names
of the various researchers must be attached to their findings or statement.

Summary of Reviewed Literature:

You are to summarize all that has been said from the beginning of chapter two to the end in
concise and brief sentences. This marks the end of most undergraduate research works of
chapter two.


When writing your chapter two, you are expected to list out all the works of literature you
consulted during your research. These listings would make your work easier when writing the
reference section after the last chapter of your project research work.

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