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PICTURE Name Classification

Chemical Composition:
Culinary rock salt is actually halite. Its name
Non-Silicates Sodium chloride (NaCl)
is derived from the Greek word hals, which
HALITE means “salt.” Most halite is colorless, white,
gray, orange, or brown, but it can also be
HALIDES bright blue or purple.

METAMORPHIC Chemical Composition:

ROCK: Made from quartz sandstone, a sedimentary
rock predominantly composed of the silicate
Product of metamorphosed
Non-foliated mineral quartz. The chemical composite of
quartz-rich sandstone which is
Metamorphic Rock the quartz minerals is silicon dioxide, written
recrystallized into tightly-locking
QUARTZITE SiO2. The metamorphic forces of heat and
grains and usually hard and
TEXTURE: Non- pressure force the quartz minerals to bind
foliated Metamorphic together and crystallize into a strong matrix.
Rock (Granular) This makes quartzite much harder on the
Mohs scale (a measure of a rock’s hardness)
than its parent rock of sandstone.
A kind of limestone that is Chalk is a soft, white, porous, sedimentary
Chemical or composed of a calcareous carbonate rock, a form of limestone
Biochemical microscopic organism called composed of the mineral calcite. Calcite is an
Precipitates foraminifera (forams) ionic salt called calcium carbonate or CaCO3.
CHALK It forms under reasonably deep marine
TEXTURE: (Non-clastic conditions from the gradual accumulation of
Sedimentary Rocks); minute calcite shells (coccoliths).

Composition: Calcite
A siliceous precipitate Chert is a fine-grained sedimentary rock
Chemical or commonly formed from composed of quartz (SiO2) that is
Biochemical chalcedony (microcrystalline microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline quartz.
Precipitates quartz). Other common varieties It is usually organic rock but also occurs
CHERT are flint and jasper. inorganically as a chemical precipitate or a
TEXTURE: (Non-clastic diagenetic replacement. It occurs as nodules,
Sedimentary Rocks) concretionary masses, and as layered


Chemical or Coal is a non-clastic sedimentary rock. They

Biochemical are the fossilized remains of plants and are in
Coal is an organic sedimentary
Precipitates flammable black and brownish-black tones.
rock that forms from the
Its main element is carbon, but it can also
COAL accumulation and preservation
TEXTURE: (Non-clastic contain different elements such as hydrogen,
of plant materials, usually in a
Sedimentary Rocks) sulfur and oxygen. Unlike coal minerals, it
swamp environment.
does not have a fixed chemical composition
and crystal structure.

Quartz is one of the most
famous minerals on the earth. It
occurs in essentially all mineral
environments, and is the crucial
constituent of many rocks. It is
NON- Chemical Classification
QUARTZ likewise the maximum varied of
all minerals, taking place in all
distinct habits, and colorings.
There are more range names
given to Quartz than any other
IGNEOUS ROCK: Mineral Composition: Texture:

Volcanic Rock Volcanic Rocks Olivine, Pyroxene Fine-grained (Aphanitic)

Name: (Extrusive Igneous Calcium Plagioclase
TYPE: Mafic
Silica Content: 45-52%

Jasper, an aggregate of
microgranular quartz and/or
Non-Silicates cryptocrystalline chalcedony
and other mineral phases, is an Jasper, an opaque, fine-grained, or dense
JASPER opaque, impure variety of silica, variety of the silica mineral chert that
Native Elements usually red, yellow, brown or exhibits various colors.
green in color; and rarely blue.
The common red color is due to
iron(III) inclusions.

IGNEOUS ROCK: Mineral Composition: Texture:

Plutonic Rocks Pyroxene, Amphibole Coarse-grained (Phaneritic)

(Intrusive Igneous Calcium Plagioclase
Rocks) Sodium Plagioclase
TYPE: Intermediate
Silica Content: 52-65%
SEDIMENTARY ROCK: Chemical Composition:

Chemical or Composed of Calcite(CaCO3),

Biochemical Aragonite, or fragments of shell A sedimentary rock such as greater than 50%
Precipitates corals. It reacts strongly with calcium carbonate (calcite – caco3). There
LIMESTONE acids. are many exceptional kinds of limestone
TEXTURE: (Non-clastic formed thru a ramification of tactics.
Sedimentary Rocks)


Fragmental Formed from sediments from Shaped from rounded gravel and boulder-
Sedimentary Rocks different mineral compositions sized clasts cemented or in a matrix
CONGLOMERAT and sizes of fragments of supported. The rounding of the clasts shows
E TEXTURE: (Clastic particles ranging from 2 to > that rocks have been transported a long way
Sedimentary Rocks) 2.048mm from their source or on a seaside tide to
Coarse-grained wave movement.

Turquoise is a member of the
phosphate mineral with
chemical the formula CuAl6
(PO4)4(OH) 8·4H2O. Turquoise
is an opaque, blue-to-green
mineral that is a hydrated Chemical Classification
TURQUOISE Non-Silicates
phosphate of copper and Phosphate minerals
aluminum. Beads made of
turquoise that date back to
c.5000 BCE have been recovered
in Mesopotamia (present-day

METAMORPHIC Chemical composition:

ROCK: Schist has flat, large, and sheet-like grains
and it has flat and elongated minerals such
Foliated Metamorphic as talc or micas. It has quartz and feldspar
Rock minerals intertwined. These lamellar (flat,
Produced from slate from planar) minerals include micas, chlorite, talc,
TEXTURE: Foliated further metamorphism hornblende, graphite, and others.
Metamorphic Rock
(Foliation, Schistosity

Chemical Composition:
It is opaque, bright, and metallic
salmon pink on freshly broken
COPPER Non-Silicates
surfaces but soon turns dull
Native Elements
MINERALS Chemical Composition:
Gold has been the most prized Au
metal that is a chemical element
Non-Silicates with the symbol Au. It is
opaque, has a highly attractive
metallic golden yellow color, is
Native Elements extremely malleable, and is
usually found in a relatively pure


Formed when sedimentary rocks Chemical Composition:
Metamorphic Rock
are buried and mildly altered by
heat and directed pressure of Phyllite is mainly composed of fine grains of
regional metamorphism. mica minerals that are muscovite, or sericite.
foliated or Foliated
Composed of quartz, mica, Also fine grained feldspar and quartz are
Metamorphic Rock
sericite, and chlorite. frequently major in phyllite.
(Fine-grained, Well-
developed schistosity)

Chemical composition:
Foliated Metamorphic
Rock Schist has flat, large, and sheet-like grains
Produced from slate from and it has flat and elongated minerals such
TEXTURE: Foliated further metamorphism as talc or micas. It has quartz and feldspar
Metamorphic Rock minerals intertwined. These lamellar (flat,
(Foliation, Schistosity planar) minerals include micas, chlorite, talc,
Texture) hornblende, graphite, and others.
IGNEOUS ROCK: Mineral Composition: Texture:
Coarse-grained (Phaneritic)
Plutonic Rocks Amphibole, Biotite
(Intrusive Igneous Sodium Plagioclase Granite is the most common intrusive rock in
Rocks) Potassium Feldspar Earth’s continental crust, It is familiar as a
GRANITE Quartz mottled pink, white, gray, and black
TYPE: Felsic ornamental stone. It is coarse- to medium-
Silica Content: >65% grained. Its three main minerals are feldspar,
quartz, and mica, which occur as silvery
muscovite or dark biotite or both.
IGNEOUS ROCK: Mineral Composition: Texture:
Fine-grained (Aphanitic)
Volcanic Rocks Amphibole, Biotite
(Extrusive Igneous Sodium Plagioclase Rhyolite is a felsic igneous extrusive rock and
Rocks) Potassium Feldspar it is fine-grained and dominated by quartz
RHYOLITE Quartz (>20%) and alkali feldspar (>35%). Due to the
TYPE: Felsic high silica content, rhyolite lava is very
Silica Content: >65% viscous. It is often difficult to identify
rhyolites without chemical analysis due to
their glassy ground masses.
Calcite is a rock-forming mineral
with a chemical formula of
CaCO3. It is extremely common Composition:
and found throughout the world
in sedimentary, metamorphic, Calcium carbonate, CaC03. CaO = 56.0 per
and igneous rocks. The most cent, C02 = 44.0 per cent. Small amounts of
common form of calcium magnesium, ferrous iron, manganese, and
carbonate, calcite is known for zinc may replace the calcium.
the variety and beautiful
development of its crystals.
MINERAL Kaolinite is a clay mineral with
chemical composition
Silicates Al2Si2O5(OH)4. It is an
important industrial mineral.
Rocks rich in kaolinite are called Chemical Classification:
KAOLINITE CLAY MINERAL kaolin. Kaolinite, common group
of clay minerals that are Phyllosilicates Kaolinite-serpentine group
hydrated aluminum silicates;
they contain the main
components of kaolin (china
IGNEOUS ROCK: Mineral Composition: Texture:
Coarse-grained (Phaneritic)
Plutonic Rocks Olivine, Pyroxene
(Intrusive Igneous Calcium Plagioclase Gabbro is actually an intrusive basalt
Rocks) equivalent, but unlike basalt gabbro, it has
GABBRO variable mineral content. Generally
TYPE: Mafic stratification of light and dark minerals
Silica Content: 45-52% (layered gabbro), significant amounts of
olivine (olivine gabbro), or a high percentage
of coarse crystals of plagioclase feldspar
MINERAL Muscovite is a potassium-rich
mica with the following
Silicates generalized composition…
KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2 Muscovite is the most common mineral of
In this formula, potassium is the mica’s own family. It is an essential rock-
NON- sometimes replaced by other forming mineral present in igneous,
FERROMAGNESIAN ions with a single positive metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. Like
charge such as sodium, other micas, it with no trouble cleaves into
rubidium, or cesium. Aluminum skinny transparent sheets.
is sometimes replaced by
magnesium, iron, lithium,
chromium, or vanadium.

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