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The tourism and hospitality industry contributes the most to any country, not only in the Philippines. Tourism increases
the economy's revenue, produces thousands of employment, develops infrastructure, and created a positive sense of
cultural interchange between visitors and citizens. Although the Philippines is not a rich nation, we are rich in natural
resources, and we have many tourist attractions, historical sites, and magnificent museums that Filipinos desire to visit
every year.

Last 2020 when the Covid 19 alerted the country. As it spreads like wildfire, it affects many individuals, businesses, and
the tourism industry. It is one of the industries affected by the Covid 19 outbreak. Actually, this Pandemic has afflicted
people all around the world. They promptly blocked the borders in accordance with the government's tight guidelines. The
Department of Tourism has mandated that tourism-related activities be prohibited, including rigorous restrictions and
standards. Since a result of the lockdown, tourism suffered. However, I believe they are now striving to support tourism, as
the government has relaxed the tough guidelines and the crossings are now welcoming tourists. Many sectors are affected
by these crisis, students, workers, businesses and also this tourism sector due to the lockdown, the country's tourism
dropped due to the ban on foreign tourists entering the country. Many businesses closed down, including hotels, resorts,
and staycations. Many were affected and found it difficult to rise. Tourism sustainability has been affected by the crisis.
Many have lost their jobs, including tourist guides and many have laid off staff due to low incomes on a daily basis, so that
the business does not close, they have to lay off workers. Subsequently, as the Tourism Industry is recovering from the
impact of the Pandemic, as they produce new things to increase tourism nowadays, because they are the most vulnerable
in the Pandemic problem.

Initially, As the Pandemic affected the tourism and hospitality industry globally. UNWTO urge to protect the area of
tourism as they rebuilt a better foundation than before the Covid-19, with the new normal guideline The UNWTO,
recommends that protected areas in tourism be rebuilt better than they were before COVID-19, by not returning to
business as usual and by being more inclusive, equitable, and integrated with sustainable development principles. Nobody
knows how the pandemic will play out or how long it will take to recover, but stakeholders can identify potential scenarios
and build action plans to encourage sustainable tourism. Resilience is critical for the health of tourists, locals, and
employees, as well as more diverse revenue streams for the local economy and a greater emphasis on justice and inclusion.
Owners of protected areas, tourism operators, visitors, and gateway towns must be prepared to face the difficulty of
operating in the middle of COVID-19 for an extended period of time. A critical analysis of previous tourist experiences will
be required as a first step, concentrating on what was positive and what may have been damaging. We advocate for
achieving a consensus on a more sustainable course of action, followed by the implementation of appropriate management

Furthermore, even Covid 19 are not progressively disappearing, and there is always the threat that it may cause a major
crisis if people are not aware and do not follow regulations. We must always be prepared for what comes next, especially
now that we are in a new normal process and recovering from the effects of the pandemic, and as the tourism and
hospitality industries recover from the effects of the pandemic, they are working on solutions to open additional tourist
attractions in the country and restore the country's good tourism.

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