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In this country we might never know the value of
what we have until we have all taken a tourist visit
to Olumo rock. On Suday, 4th May, 2008 I took a firm
and bold decision to visit Olumo rock in Abeokuta in
Ogun state of Nigeria following the much interesting
stories I had heard of the rock. Before this historic
visit, I had only thought of Abeokuta as one small
town with prominent illustrious sons and daughters
many of whom have greatly contributed to the
development of the country.
It was exactly 11.15am; I had chosen to go to see
for myself that natural imposing wondrous rock
called the Olumo rock which everyone has talked
about except me rather than go to church that
Sunday. I soon took a commercial vehicle from
Oshodi to Abeokuta. My observation of the
passengers in the bus showed that 12 out of the
total 18 passengers in the vehicle were heading for a
party in the town, I therefore began to wonder what
the sight of Abeokuta could hold for me. Abeokuta
indeed must be a party place I reasoned.
The bus soon set me down at a place called Kuto
still in Abeokuta where I took another vehicle that
stopped me right in front of Olumo rock. I had
observed that Abeokuta itself is an ancient hilly
town full of rocks. This Olumo rock is incredibly
wonderful. We (with Patrick Bassey-Akpan) soon
struck up friendship with a guide and photographer
who would give us historical explanations about the
rock and take several photographs of us using digital
camera. Our first assignment was climbing the stairs
(which I understood was artificially attached to the
rock by the present Governor of the state, His
Excellency, Otunba Gbenga Daniel popularly called
OGD by his political Admirers in 2006 to boost the
tourist arrangement of the rock) This exercise tired
us out completely as we had to take a rest
immediately we got to the top of veranda provided
on the rock with a balcony.
Next we were shown the "Egba time Hide-out"
which obviously were tiny natural caves with holes
on the floor, we were told that the Egba warriors hid
their wives children and in these caves while they
engaged their enemies in the inter-tribal wars. This
war is known as the Yoruba civil war in History. The
holes dug on the floor were said to have provided a
device for the grinding peeper, tomatoes, onions and
other ingredients during the war.
We were also shown a tomb with an epitaph
describing the name of the deceased as "Sonni" with
the year of his final departure in 1956. The
explanation for the interment here is that in the
olden times the Egbas were often interred within
their premises. We took note of a shrine said to be
opened only once in a year perhaps every August 8,
when the festival in veneration of the stone god
which saved the lives of the Egbas is often held. We
got to know that the festival itself attracts the Alake
of Egbaland and several other dignitaries from within
and outside the town.
We were stunned to discover some aged women
still living on top of the rock. These Aged women
simply said to be of the "7th generation" were indeed
very pleasant and nice to meet. Our next mission
took us to the very top of the rock. This gave us an
amazing view of Abeokuta as almost every single
structure in this town could be seen. Prominent
amongst these were the Late MKO Abiola's family
house, the first mosque in Egbaland, premises of a
once missionary school now said to be housing part
of Ogun television House, the first church in Nigeria
situated in Egbaland with the influence of Rev.
Gollmer and Samuel Ajayi Crowther and other Saro
The Ogun River from which the state itself derives
its name could also be sighted amazingly flowing
from afar. The palace of Alake of Egbaland said to be
full of historical antiquities could also be seen.
The total height of the rock was said to be 137
metres above the sea level and our guide pointed to
a particular spot which he explained was the middle
of the rock, not far from this spot is a long length of
crack which completely splits the rock causing it to
divide. According to our guide some Europeans
hoping to find gold invaded the rock, a strike on this
middle of the rock caused blood to gush from the
rock and the long crack which the rock experienced.
The result therefore was the death of the Europeans
who died some of who also fled.
As we climbed down this magnificent rock, Series
of questions struck my memory. I was simply
imagining how trees which I saw on top of the rock
could have grown without any access to the soil, and
how the rock was said to have been discovered by a
Hunter. Again I imagined how a Hunter could have
discovered what may have been visible to everyone.
But there was a lesson I learnt from it all, that
God is wonderful and greater than all. The Egbas
may have also learnt this lesson many centuries ago

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