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BUT SUN ON SUNDAY HAS STRONG APPEAL KANTAR MEDIA SURVEY SHOWS 20 July 2011 The vast majority of former News of the World readers (86%) will choose another title, rather than dropping out of the Sunday newspaper market as some commentators have predicted. A quarter (26%) of people who had read the News of the World in the past four weeks indicated that they will read the Mail on Sunday most often from now on, 24% will choose the Sunday Mirror with 14% choosing The People and seven per cent opting for the Daily Star Sunday. Only 11% suggested they would migrate to any of the quality titles. These are newly released findings from Kantar Media who polled 1,001 Sunday newspaper readers on Monday 18th July. The research shows that this weekends claimed readership of The Sunday Mirror has increased 50% from that recorded on the previous week. The data also indicates a significant increase in readership for The Mail on Sunday, up 38% from last weekend. The survey followed a period of aggressive marketing activity among rival newspaper groups in the wake of the final edition of the News of the World on 10th July. Tactics included increased print runs, promotions and price cuts (the Mail on Sunday reduced its cover price from 1.50 to 1). The survey suggests that readers are rapidly adjusting to a post News of the World era. The majority of former News of the World readers who bought another title this week are likely to buy again next Sunday. Liz McMahon, Director, Customised Solutions at Kantar Media, comments: The Sunday newspaper reading habit is deeply engrained with the British public and shows little sign of being diminished by the closure of the News of the World. These survey results provide an initial snapshot of how readers have responded to the new Sunday newspaper landscape, but we expect further changes in reader allegiances as the marketing activity subsides and, potentially, new Sunday titles emerge. When asked about new Sunday newspapers that may be launched in the future, 49% of respondents said that they would consider buying the Sun on Sunday, if it were available, and 71% said that they would consider a similar Sunday tabloid from the publishers of the Daily Mail. McMahon comments: The data suggest a remarkable openness on the part of readers to changes in the popular Sunday newspaper market. The early signs are that, even without the News of the World, the overall size of the market will be relatively unaffected while publishers continue to invest in attracting and retaining new readers. We see opportunities for publishers to develop successful new Sunday titles, but they will require careful

positioning and clear differentiation to avoid the long-term cannibalisation of existing Sunday newspaper audiences.

Editors notes
Research methodology A representative sample of 1,001 GB Sunday newspaper readers took part in an online survey conducted by Kantar Media on Monday 18 July 2011. A reader was defined as those who have read a Sunday newspaper for at least two minutes in the last four weeks. The survey data were weighted to match the profile of GB Sunday newspaper readers (Almost Always or Quite Often) as determined by NRS. About Kantar Media Established in more than 50 countries, Kantar Media helps clients master the worlds multimedia momentum through analysis of print, radio, TV, internet, cinema, mobile, social media, and outdoor worldwide. Kantar Media offers a full range of media insights and audience measurement services through its global business sectors Intelligence, Audiences, TGI and Custom. Kantar Media companies also include Compete, Cymfony and SRDS. Drawing upon the deepest expertise in the industry, Kantar Media tracks more than 3 million brands and delivers insight to more than 22,000 customers worldwide. For more information, please visit us at For further information please contact: Teresa Horscroft PR Consultant Eureka Communications +44 (0)1420 564346

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