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St. Paul School, Barotac Nuevo, Inc.

Gomez St., Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo


1st SEMESTER – First Quarter

Module No. 1


Prepared by:

NAME OF LEARNER: ________________________SECTION: ___________________________

St. Paul School, Barotac Nuevo, Inc.

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Content Standards
The learner acquires knowledge of appropriate reading strategies for a
better understanding of academic texts.
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs)
 Determine the structure of a specific academic text.
 Differentiate language used in academic texts from various
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
 I can define academic writing.
 I can identify features and characteristics of academic writing.
 I can distinguish the language used in academic writing from
other kinds of writing.
 I can explain the structure of academic paper.
Life Performance Outcome (LPO)
 LPO3: I am a credible, responsive communicator and team
player, building harmonious community through active
Essential Performance Outcome (EPO)

 EPO1: Devote focused time to developing the competencies

required for sound achievement in a chosen field and for
functioning effectively in the face of life’s diverse challenges.

Here’s a simple guide for you in going about this

1. Read and follow carefully the given instructions.
2. Do diligently the module activities and submit outputs via
messenger, Gmail address or Aralinks.
3. Update yourself with reminders and instructions of the
teacher in the class GC.
4. Take the post-test online via Aralinks.
5. Practice being a credible, responsive communicator and
team player to fruitfully learn from this module.
6. Communicate with the subject teacher via messenger your
concerns regarding the module.

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“Writing is thinking on paper.” Not only students but even

professionals cringe when asked to submit academic papers.
You might think that writing reaction paper, argumentative
essays, or proposal is not within your grasp that only a few,
gifted with writing skills can successfully complete the task.
Your notion may be right, but not quite. Anyone can be a
writer. You can be a writer. Though it is true that some
people are just born good writers, but you should not
neglect the idea that others can become good writers with
good writing instruction and constant practice. Writing can
be learned.
This module will open a door for you to the realm of
Academic Writing and though it abides to certain standards,
your thoughts as a writer should still surface and sooner you
will come to realize that writing is more of a personal rather
than a technical endeavor.


EXPLORE Think of four (4) words/ideas that you can associate with Academic Writing.



Academic writing is a process that starts with a posing a

question, problematizing a concept, evaluating an opinion,
and ends in answering the question or questions posed,
clarifying the problem, and/or arguing for a stand.

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Characteristics of Academic Writing

1. Planned and focused: answers the question and

demonstrates an understanding of the subject.
2. Structured: is coherent, written in a logical order, and brings
together related points and material.
3. Evidenced: demonstrates knowledge of the subject area, supports opinions and
arguments with evidence, and is referenced accurately.
4. Formal in tone and style: uses appropriate language and tenses, and is clear,
concise and balanced.

Purposes of Academic Writing

1. To inform The primary purpose of academic writing is to

2. To argue a specific point convey knowledge and understanding of a topic in a
3. To persuade persuasive, formal, objective manner.

Academic writing is thinking; you can’t just write anything that comes to your
mind. You have to adhere to certain requirements and standards in writing. The
language that you have to use in academic text should be appropriate and formal, not
too pretentious. Big and difficult words are not recommended since ultimately the
purpose of writing is to engage the readers. You are not just expected to inform or to
persuade but you are also expected to engage the readers in a conversation by giving
them clear ideas and points to evaluate and to question. Your statements should be
backed up with strong and valid evidences. Writing academic papers requires deliberate,
thorough, and careful thought and that is why it involves research.


Academic writing is concise, clear, formal and active.
It does not need to be complex or use long sentences and
obscure vocabulary.
In formal academic writing it is important to be concise. This helps your reader to
understand the points you are making. Here are some tips to help you:
 Only include one main idea per sentence.
 Keep your sentences to a reasonable length (generally not more than 25
words). Long sentences can be difficult to follow and this may distract from
your point.
 Avoid repetition.
 Don’t state the obvious. For example: The conclusion chapter contains
the paper conclusion.
 Don’t restate points you’ve already made. This might distract or bore
 Avoid repetition of particular sounds or words. For example: Several
shelves sheltered similar sets of shells.

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 Avoid using redundant words. For example:
• Use “because” instead of “due to the fact that”.
• Use “alternatives” instead of “alternative choices”.
• Use “fundamentals” and not “basic fundamentals”.
• Use “to determine” and not “in order to determine.”
 Avoid using colloquialisms or slang terms such as 'sort of' or 'basically'.
Instead you could use 'somewhat' or 'fundamentally'.
 Don’t use words that are contracted. Write words out in full rather than
shortening them. For example, instead of writing “don't” or “isn't” you
should write “do not” or “is not”.
 The use of clichés is not appropriate in academic writing. These are phrases
such as “at the end of the day” or “in the nick of time,” instead you can
write “finally” or “at the critical moment.”
 Avoid other types of conversational language such as figures of speech and
idioms. Instead of writing “got out of hand”, you write “was no longer under
 Avoid using first person (I, me, we, us) and second person (you) pronouns.
The third person point of view is usually clearer and more credible in
academic text.
Most verbs can be used in either an active or passive form. It is usually
appropriate to use a mixture of passive and active forms within academic
The Active Voice
 The active voice places the subject of the sentence in charge of the action.
For example: “The research assistant designed the survey.” Here, the
research assistant (the subject) designed (the verb) the survey (the
object). It is usually more direct and easier to read than the passive voice.
The Passive Voice
 Sometimes you may want to emphasize what is happening rather than who
is doing it. To do this you can use the passive voice. The passive voice
places the subject at the end, or may leave it out completely. For example:
“The survey was designed by the research assistant.” Here, the survey (the
object) was designed (the verb) by the research assistant (the subject). The
passive voice is more formal than the active voice. It is often used in
academic writing as it is seen as more impersonal and therefore more
objective. However, it is not always easy to read and it may add
unnecessary words.

Activity 1. Directions: Put a check if the text observes

the characteristics and language of academic writing.

1. When a woman chooses to have an abortion, she decides to end the life of her
child. “An abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy. It uses medicine or surgery
to remove the embryo or fetus and placenta from the uterus”. Therefore, anytime a
woman chooses to have an abortion, she is killing the new life that had been created.

2. I’ve been to so many places, but I never thought that Tagaytay would be one of
the most beautiful places I’ve been to. When I was in Grade 3, I first experienced
riding in a bus, where my classmates were with me. My first field trip was in Tagaytay. I
was so happy that my parents allowed me to go there.

3. Playing computer games is a form of recreation; however, it can also be

extremely addictive to those who lack self-control. At first, a person may not show
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the signs of being a computer addict, but as he continues to play, the person will have
tantrums when he is not allowed to play. As time passes by, the condition will worsen
until the point whereby, the addict may resort to force in order to resume gaming, thus
resulting in family violence.

4. Same-sex marriage is desecration of the sacrament of marriage instituted by

God. God has ordained and made the holy union of a man and a woman only, never a
man for a man nor a woman for a woman. The unification of a man and woman in
marriage signifies the beginning of the creation of a family. Same-sex marriage violates
the very purpose of marriage which is the creation of families.

5. He described Syrian aircrafts as big dark birds in the sky. A loud snoring, like a
thunder storm could be heard coming near to his village. He looked up and saw bombs
dropping from above like bread coming from heaven. Mounir Samuel was a six-year-old
Syrian boy who died in war at Syria.


An academic paper has three distinct sections - introduction, body and

In the introduction, you must grab the reader's attention and
identify the thesis of the paper. You can do this by starting with:
✓ Several questions
✓ A quote from a famous work or person
✓ Some interesting facts or information
✓ A definition of an important term related to the work
This is the main part of the work and the paragraphs must be clearly written and be
arranged in a logical order, like chronologically or in order of importance. Each initial
sentence links the preceding paragraph and the whole section flows smoothly. Within
each paragraph, the sentences need to flow and refer back to the topic. Cohesion is
achieved by repeating important words, using synonyms for the main subject, and using
transitional words like: however, such as, therefore, and for example.
In the conclusion, you re-emphasize the thesis and summarize all the main points.
It consists of one paragraph which shows the final conclusion or at times it prompts a
call to action to the reader.


• Books and book reports

• Translations
• Essay
• Research Paper or Research Article
• Conference Paper
• Academic Journal
• Dissertation and Thesis - These are written to obtain an
advanced degree at a college or university.
• Abstract - This is a short summary of a long document.
• Explication - This is a work which explains part of a
particular work.

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Activity 2.
Directions: Identify each of the following texts if what section of academic paper it is
best for. Write I for introduction, B for body and C for conclusion. Use the space
provided for your answer.

_____ 1. Divorce here in the Philippines will not make any good changes. Maybe it is
good for the couple because they will gain peace and freedom. But the question is, “How
many happy families are needed to be broken before we all realize that divorce is not
the key to solve family problems?” Mother Theresa said, “What can you do to promote
world peace? Go home and love your family.” Think about it.
_____ 2. There is a clear evidence that child abuse is a global concern. Child abuse is
any behavior directed toward a child that endangers or impairs his/her physical or
emotional health and development.
_____ 3. Life is truly wonderful. We get to live bearing experiences with success and
failures, love and hate, joy and grief, freedom and restrictions and any ups and downs
as we witness its true meaning. We only live once that is why we should live life to its
fullest and engrave beautiful memories. But, what if something as precious as life will
only be strangled by abortion?
______ 4. Death is something that is left to God to decide. Many people cannot accept
that the state can end the life of a criminal rather than reform him. People can change,
and to take away this chance is not right. The Old Testament says’ “An eye for an eye, a
tooth for a tooth,” but Jesus teaches us to forgive and to give mercy. Death penalty
leaves no room for forgiveness and mercy.
_____ 5. A same sex marriage couple can have children of their own through the
process of adoption and can still be called a family, but the generational continuity
through the passing of genes is severed forever. So, where does same sex marriage fall
if marriage is designed to establish a generation of families


It is time to unleash the power of your pen. After learning

the nature of academic writing, you may now engage in a
writing activity to gauge your strengths and weaknesses in
writing. You can do research about the given topic but do not
copy word for word the work of others or else you will
commit plagiarism which is done when a person uses other
person’s words, work or ideas without giving the author of
those works credit.

Activity 3.
Directions: Write an essay that follows the standards of academic writing. Your essay
can be informative or persuasive. You will be scored based on the given rubric on the
next page. Choose your topic from any of the following:
Animal Extinction
Covid Pandemic
On-line/Face to Face Classes
Social Media
Mental Health
Afghanistan War

Note: Answer Transfer activity (Activity 3) in Aralinks.

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Your essay will be graded based on this rubric.

TRAITS 4 3 2 1
There is one clear, There is one clear, There is one topic. The topic and main
well-focused topic. well-focused topic. Main ideas are ideas are not clear.
Focus and Details Main ideas are clear Main ideas are clear somewhat clear.
and are well but are not well
supported by supported by detailed
detailed and information.

Organization The The introduction The introduction There is no clear

introduction is states the main topic states the main topic. introduction,
Organization inviting, states the and provides an A conclusion is structure, or
main topic, and overview of the included. conclusion
provides an paper. A conclusion is
overview of the included
paper. Information
is relevant and
presented in a
logical order. The
conclusion is strong.
The author’s The author’s The author’s purpose The author’s purpose
purpose of writing is extensive knowledge of writing is of writing is unclear.
very clear, and there and/or experience somewhat clear, and
Voice is strong evidence of with the topic is/are there is evidence of
attention to evident. The author’s attention to audience.
audience. purpose of writing is The author’s
somewhat clear, and knowledge and/or
there is some experience with the
evidence of attention topic is/are limited.
to audience. The
author’s knowledge
and/or experience
with the topic is/are
The author uses The author uses vivid The author uses The writer uses a
Word Choice vivid words and words and phrases. words that limited vocabulary.
phrases. The choice The choice and communicate clearly, Jargon or clichés may
and placement of placement of words is but the writing lacks be present and
words seems inaccurate at times variety. detract from the
accurate, natural, and/or seems meaning.
and not forced. overdone.
All sentences are Most sentences are Most sentences are Sentences sound
Sentence Structure, well constructed well constructed and well constructed, but awkward, are
Grammar, and have varied have varied structure they have a similar distractingly
Mechanics, & structure and and length. The structure and/or repetitive, or are
Spelling length. The author author makes a few length. The author difficult to
makes no errors in errors in grammar, makes several errors understand. The
grammar, mechanics, and/or in grammar, author makes
mechanics, and/or spelling, but they do mechanics, and/or numerous errors in
spelling. not interfere with spelling that interfere grammar, mechanics,
understanding. with understanding. and/or spelling that
interfere with


(via Aralinks)

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 Saqueton, Grace M. (2016). English for Academic and Professional Purposes.

Quezon City: Rex Bookstore Inc.
 Cover Page Image/ Write On Image:
 Thinking Image:
 Writing Images:
 rubric

“A writer is someone who pays attention to the world.”

The Charity of Christ Impels Us!

St. Paul School, Barotac Nuevo, Inc.

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