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Time Period Calculation T = 2 D

1000 F
D = Approximate DL of super-structure & LL in Tonne (DL+20% LL)
= 252.88 + 9.71 t
= 262.586 Tonne

F = Horizontal force in Tonne required to be applied at center of mass of

super-structure for 1 mm deflection at the top of pier / abutment
along the considered direction of horizontal force.

F = 6EI for 1 mm deflection at x F

x *(3L-x) 1.44
Top of Pier cap
E = 32308.2 N/mm
Column Cross-Section 1 mm deflection
B = 6.4 m
D = 1.2 m 5.21

ITT = 9.216E+11 mm4

ILL = 2.62144E+13 mm4

Force required in Long. Dir.FL = 44.6 tonne

Force required in trans. Dir. FT = 1269.9 tonne

Time Period -Longitudinal Seismic Case = 0.153

Time Period -Transverse Seismic Case = 0.03

Sa/g -Longitudinal Seismic Case = 2.5

Sa/g -Transverse Seismic Case = 2.5
Sa/g -Vertical Seismic Case = 2.5

Seismic Zone = IV
Type of soil = medium
Zone factor Z = 0.24
Importance factor I = 1.2

Horizontal seismic coeff. -Long., AhL' = (Z/2)*(I)*(Sa/g)(Long.) = 0.36

Horizontal seismic coeff. -Trans., AhT' = (Z/2)*(I)*(Sa/g)(Trans.) = 0.36
Vertical seismic coeff. Av' =2/3 Ah = 0.24

Response Reduction Factor, Rlong. = 3

Response Reduction Factor, Rtrans. = 3
Response Reduction Factor, Rvert. = 3

Design Horizontal Longitudinal seismic coeff., AhL = Ah'/R(Long.) = 0.12

Design Horizontal Transverse seismic coeff., AhT = Ah'/R(Trans.) = 0.12
Design Vertical Seismic Coefficient - Av= Av'/R(vert.) = 0.08

For Design of Foundations Seismic Forces are increased by 35%

Design Horizontal Longitudinal seismic coeff., AhL = Ah'/R(Long.) = 0.16
Design Horizontal Transverse seismic coeff., AhT = Ah'/R(Trans.) = 0.16
Design Vertical Seismic Coefficient - Av= Av'/R(vert.) = 0.11

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