Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris

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Nama : Nurul Fadillah

No. STB : 09220210032

Kelas : D1

A. Watch the following link, then please answer the following questions :
1. What is Chemical engineering ?
Answer :
We have to design chemical plants, reactors, and work with the processes that go into many
of the products we know of.
2. What are four main basic subjects in studying chemical engineering ?
Answer :
Chemical engineers apply the principles of chemistry, biology, physics dand math.
3. Where do chemical engineers work ?
Answer :
a. Chemical engineers work in industries, offshore oil rigs, governmental and private
offices, laboratories, universities, consultants, etc.
b. They may spend time at industrial plants, refineries, and other locations, where they
monitor ordirect operations or solve onsite problems.
c. Nearly all chemical engineers work full time.
d. Some chemical engineers specialize in a particular process, such as oxidation (a reaction
of oxygen with chemicals to make other chemicals) or polymerization (making plastics
and resins). Other specialize in a particular field, such as nanomaterials (extremely small
subtances) or biological engineering.
e. Chemical engineers can also work in the production of energy, electronics, food,
clothing, and paper. They must understand how the mmanufacturing process affects the
environment and the safety of workers and consumers.
f. Chemical engineers also conduct research in the life sciences, biotechnology, and
business services.
4. What is the difference between chemical engineering and chemistry ?
Answer :
Chemistry is the science that investigates the nature and structure of matter, as well as the
interactions between the materials that make up the substance. Chemical engineering is a
science that studies engineering to produce something that can be used for human purposes,
based on knowledge of chemistry.

B. Please contact your classmates. Then please make a short interview of your classmate on why
he/she chooses chemical engineering and what are his/her dreams when he/she becomes a
chemical engineer later. Write a short report of your interview.
Answer :
Yuni : Hi Nurul, How are you today ?
Nurul : Hi Yuni, I’m Fine. And how about you ?
Yuni : I’m fine too. Are you busy ?
Nurul : Yes, I want to finish the homework given by the English lecturer. I can’t believe it’s
been almost a month since we studied at FTI UMI, chemical engineering study program.
What made you choose to continue your studies by majoring in chemical engineering ?
Yuni : I’m very interested in chemistry. And I’ve got chemistry at SMK-SMAK Makassar. I
want to continue my stdyy at FTI UMI by majoring in chemical engineering because I
want to further deepen chemistry both in its application in the industrial environment
and in everyday life. How about you ?
Nurul : Because FTI UMI chemical engineering study program has been accredited A and
cooporates with SMK-SMAK Makassar. SO this is a very good choice for me to
continue studying here and become a chemical engineering graduated. I hope to
graduated with good honors and satisfactory grades.
Yuni : Aameen, hopefully we can pass easily and good grades.
Nurul : Ok, thank you for your time.
Yuni : Yes, me too !

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