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Title Author Publisher Qty

W H Hayt, J E
Tata McGraw-Hill, 7/e,
1. Engineering Circuit Analysis Kemmerly & S M 1
Network Theory: Analysis and PHI publications, 6/e,
2. Smarajit Ghosh 1
Synthesis 2010
Tata McGraw Hill, 6/e,
3. Electrical Networks Ravish.R.Singh 1
K Channa Venkatesh Pearson Education, 2/e,
4. Network Theory 1
and D. Ganesh Rao 2010
Semiconductor Device 4/e, Pearson Education.
5. Robert F. Pierret 1
Fundamentals ISBN 0201543931
Holt Rinhalt& Winston,
Semiconductor Device
6. Warner and Grung 1991, ISBN 1
Operation and Modeling of the
7. Y.P.Tsividis McGraw Hill, 1986 1
MOS Transistor
Semiconductor Physics And Tata McGraw hill ,3/e
8. Donald Neamen 1
Devices ISBN: 9780072321074
Oxford University Press,
9. Electronic Devices and circuits David A. Bell 2008,5/e, ISBN 5
Pearson Education ,7/e,
Introductory Electronics Devices
10. Paynter 2008,ISBN 1
and Circuits
Tata McGraw hill, ISBN
11. Electronic Circuits 3/e, 2006 Neamen 1
Digital Electronics, Principles Soumitra Kumar Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2/e,
12. 1
and applications Mandal 2011, ISBN 0070153825
13. Higher Engineering Mathematics B.S.Grewal Khanna Publishers 5
The x86
Microprocessors:Architecture,pro Pearson Education,2010,
14. Lyla B.Das 5
gramming and Interfacing (8086 ISBN:9788131732465
to Pentium)
Microprocessors and
Prentice Hall India,1 /e,
Microcontrollers, Architecture,
15. Krishna Kant 2008, ISBN: 1
Programming and System Design
Jacob Millman & McGraw Hill ISBN
16. Micro Electronics, 2/e, 1999 5
Arvin 9780074637364
Prentice-Hall India,
Microelectronics Circuits &
17. Horenstein 2/e,2009,ISBN: 978-81- 2
C.L. Phillips, J.M. Pearson Education, 4/e,
18. Signals Systems and Transforms 1
Parr, E.A. Riskin 2008
Bruce Carlson Tata McGraw Hill ,5/e,
19. Communication Systems 1
&Crilly 2011
Tata McGraw Hill,1/e,
20. Analog Communication P Ramakrishna Rao 1
Prentice Hall India ,5/e ,
IBM ®PC Assembly language Peter Abel, Niyaz
21. 2001, ISBN: 1
and Programming Nizamuddin
Fundamentals of
22. Lonngren PHI Ltd, 2/e, 2007 1
Electromagnetics with Matlab
Umran.S.Inan and
23. Engineering Electromagnetics Pearson Education, 2010 1
Electromagnetic Field Theory Bhag Guru &
24. Cambridge,2/e 2010 1
Fundamentals Huseyin Hiziroglu
Introduction to Embedded
25. Shibu K.V Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 7
The 8051 and MSP430
Dr. K Uma Rao,
26. Microcontroller Architecture Pearson,2010 5
Dr.Andhe Pallavi
Programming and Applications
Embedded system design second
27. Steve Heath Elsevier,2/e,2002 5
PHI, ISBN: 978-81-203-
28. Embedded systems Kantha Rao 5
8051 Microcontroller
Pearson, ISBN:
29. internals,instructions, Subrata Ghoshal 5
programming and Interface
ARM System on Chip
30. Steve Furber Pearson ,2/e,2009 3
Embedded System Architecture , Elsevier ,2005, ISBN-10:
31. A comprehensive guide for Tammy Noergaard 0750677929, ISBN-13: 1
Engineers and Programmers 978-0750677929
Digital Communication, 5/e, John P Proakis & McGraw-Hill. ISBN
32. 5
2008 Salehi 97800-70591172
Introduction to digital Krzysztof
33. Wiley India 2009 1
Communication Systems Wesolowski
Digital Transmission Engineering
34. J B Andreson Wiely India 1
,2/e, 2005
Analysis and Design of Analog John Wiley, 4/e, ISBN
35. Gray 1
Integrated Circuit 9788126515691
Fundamentals of Wiley India, ISBN:
36. Razavi 1
Microelectronics 9788126523078
Digital Signal Processors:
Sen M.Kuo, Woon-
37. Architectures, Implementations, Pearson Education, 2005 1
Seng Gan
And Applications
Introduction to Measurements PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, 3/e,
38. Arun K Ghosh 2
and Instrumentation 2010
Electronic Instruments and PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd,
39. M.M.S Anand 1
Instrumentation technology India, 2010
Electronic Measurements and
40. Oliver-Cage Tata McGraw Hill,2008 2
41. Electronic Instrumentation H S. KALSI Tata McGraw Hill,3/e 10
A Treatise on Instrumentation K. Padmanabhan, S.
42. Ik International, Pvt. Ltd. 1
Engineering Ananthi
Principles of Industrial PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, 1/e,
43. D. Patranabis 1
Instrumentation 2011. 10
Ernest O
Doeblins’s Measurements
44. Doebelin,Dhanesh N McGrawHill 1
Affiliated East-West Press
45. Microwave Principles Herbert J.Reich 1
Modern VLSI Design-System- Pearson Education,
46. Wolf 3
on -Chip Design 3/e,2002
PHI Learning private
A. Albert Raj and T.
47. VLSI Design limited, 2008,ISBN-976- 5
Thomas M. Cover Wiley India, ISBN
48. Elements of Information Theory 5
and Joy A. Thomas 9788126508143
Error Control Coding: Shu Lin and Daniel.
49. Pearson India, 2/e. 5
Fundamentals and applications J. Costello Jr
Applied Coding and Information
50. Richard B Wells Pearson Education ,2009 5
Wiley India ,2006 ,ISBN
Essentials of Error Control
51. J C Moreira 9788126528691 5
Information Theory ,Coding and Tata McGraw-Hill ,2/e,
52. Ranjan Bose 5
Cryptography 2008
John Wiley and Sons
53. Control Systems Engineering Norman S. Nise Inc,4/e, ISBN 3
Control Engineering an J Wilkie, M Johnson,
54. Palgrave 2002 3
Introductory Course R katebi
G. Frankline, J David
Feedback Control of Dynamic Pearson Education 5/e,
55. Powell 1
Systems 2011.
A E Naeini
Optoelectronics and Fiber Optic Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd,
56. Ray Tricker 3
Technology 2006
57. Principles and applications of Max Ming-Kang Liu McGraw hill,1/e,2010 3
optical communications
Optoelectronics and Photonics: Pearson Education ,2009
58. Kasap 3
Principles and Practices ,ISBN 978131726482
John Wiley and Sons, 4/e,
59. Digital Image Processing William K Pratt 5
TMH,2008,ISBN: 13:
VHDL– A Design Oriented
60. S S Limaye 978-0-07-064825-8, 3
ISBN: 10: 0-07-064825-5
61. VHDL basics to programming Gaganpreet Kaur Pearson,2011 3
Pearson,2009,ISBN: 978-
62. Fundamentals of HDL Design Cyril 3
Digital System Design with
63. Mark Zwolonski Pearson,2/e,2004 3
VHDL Modular Design and
64. Zainalabedin Navabi TMH,3/e,2008 5
Synthesis of Cores and Systems
VHDL Programming by
65. Douglas L. Perry TMH,4/e,2002 5
Pearson education ,2009,
66. Fundamental of nano electronics G W Hanson 5
ISBN 9788131726792
Nanotechnology for J.M. Martinez-Duart,
67. Microelectronics and R.J. Martin Palma, F. Elsevier, 2006 5
optoelectronics Agulle Rueda
McGraw Hill Education
68. Nano : the essentials T Pradeep 3
Digital Signal Processing using Vinay.K.Ingle, John
69. Thomson, 1/e, 2003 3
MATLAB G. Proakis
Modelling and Simulation using
70. Dr.Shailendra Jain Simulink, 1/e, 2011 3
D Ganesh Rao, B
Antennas and Radio Wave Sanguine Technical
71. Somanathan Nair & 3
propagation Publishers, 2006
Deepa Raghunath
A.R.Harish and Oxford Higher Education,
72. Antennas and Wave Propagation 3
M.Sachidananda 2007
R.G.Kaduskar, V.B
73. Electronic Product Design Wiley India, 2/e. 5
John G Kassakian,
74. Principles of Power Electronics Martin F Schlecht, Pearson, 3/e, 2010. 3
George C Verghese
Power Electronic System, Theory
75. Jai P Agrawal Pearson,2001 3
and Design
John Wiley and Sons
Introduction to Electromagnetic Inc,1992, ISBN-10:
76. Clayton R. Paul 3
compatibility 0471549274, ISBN-13:
Ernest O Doebelin,
77. Doeblin’s Measurement System TMH, 6/e, 2011 3
Bernard Widrow and Pearson Education, ISBN:
78. Adaptive Signal Processing 3
Samuel D. Stearns 9788131705322
Fundamentals of Adaptive John Wiley and Sons,
79. Ali H Sayed 1
Filtering 1/e,2003
Digital Design – Principles and Pearson education, Fourth
80. John F Wakerly 1
Practices edition
Industrial Robots-Technology,
81. Michel P. Groover McGraw Hill,1986 3
Programming and Applications
Numerical Control of Machine Yoram Koren & Ben
82. Khanna Publishers,1984 5
Tools Yuri
83. Technologies for Intelligent A.Smaili,F.Mrad Oxford,2009 3
Oxford University
84. Introduction To Mechatronics Appukuttan .K.K 3
Press,1/e, 2007
Introduction to Mechatronics and David G
85. TMH,3/e,2007 2
Measurement Systems Alciatore,Micheal
Nitaigour P
86. Principles,Concepts and TMH,11/e,2011 2
Communication Systems
87. Modelling and Simulation, Using K.C.Raveendranathan University Press, 1/e, 2011 2
Li, Ze-Nian, Drew,
88. Fundamentals Of Multimedia PHI, 2011 2
Mark S
Multimedia: Computing Ralf Steinmetz, Klara
89. Pearson, 2011 2
Communications & Applications Nahrstedt
90. Multimedia communication Krishna Kumar D N Pearson 2010 2
John F. Koegel
91. Multimedia Systems Pearson, 2009. 2
Multimedia Communication Springer International
92. J.R. Ohm 2
Technology Edition, 2005
93. Multimedia in Practice Judith Jeffcoate Pearson,2009 2
Introduction to Data K.Sayood, Morgan
94. 2/e, 2000. 2
Compression Kauffman
95. Wireless Communication A. Goldsmith Cambridge ,2011 2
Mobile Communication TataMcGrawhill ,2/e
96. C Y Lee 2
Engineering ,2008
Wireless communication Theodore S.
97. Pearson Education,2/e 5
principles and practice Rappaport Simon
Haykin, Michael
98. Modern wireless communication Pearson Education,2008 1
Wireless communication and
99. William Stallings Pearson Education, 2006. 3
Mobile cellular
100. William C Y Lee McGraw Hill, 2/e. 2
Antennas and propagation for
S R Saunders AA
101. Wireless Communication Wiley India, 2/ e 2
Communication Networking : An Anurag Kumar, D.
102. Elsevier, 2005 2
Analytical Approach Manjunath, Joy Kuri
Frequency Domain Hybrid Finite
John L. Volakis, and Morgan & Claypool
103. Element Methods 1
Kubilay Sertel Publishers ,2006
Advanced Engineering Wiley Publications, 1989,
104. Balanis.C.A 1
Electromagnetics ISBN-10: 0471621943
Prentice Hall Inc.,
105. Satellite Communications Dennis Roddy 4/e,ISBN:978-00-700- 5
Radar Principles, Technology,
106. Byron Edde Education1/e,1993,ISBN: 2
Mc Graw Hill
Fundamentals of Radar Signal
107. Mark A Richards ,2005,ISBN:978-80-0714- 2
J. C. Toomay, Paul
108. Principles of RADAR PHI, 3 /e, 2010 3
Microwave Transmission
109. Networks, Planning, Design and Harvey Lehpamer TMH,2/e,2010 2
Tata McGraw Hill
110. Digital Satellite Communication Tri T Ha Publishers,/e, 2009,ISBN: 2
W.L. Pritchard, HG
Satellite Communication Systems Pearson education, 2/e,
111. Suyderhoud and 2
Engineering 2012,,978-81-3170-242-0
Fundamentals of Satellite Pearson education, 2011,
112. S. K. Raman 2
Communication, 1/e ISBN: 9788131762608
Anil.K.Maini, Wiley publications,2011,
113. Satellite Communications 4
Varsha Agrawal ISBN 9788126520718
Prentice Hall of
114. Artificial Neural Networks B. Yegnanarayana 3
Advanced Fuzzy Systems Design
115. Yaochu Jin Springer 2
and Applications
Neural Networks and Fuzzy
116. Bart Kosco Prentice Hall of India. 3
Systems: A Dynamic Approach
to Machine Intelligence
Intelligent Systems and Control- Laxmidhar Behera,
117. Oxford. 2
Principles and applications Indrani Kar
118. Fuzzy Set and Fuzzy Logic M.Ganesh Prentice Hall of India 2
An Introduction to Fuzzy logic
119. John Harris Springer 2
120. Artificial Neural network Robert J Schalkoff TMH,2011 1
Neural Networks-A class room
121. Satish kumar TMH,2011 2
M.Morris Mano, Pearson Education,2009,
122. Digital Design, 4/e 5
Michael D.Ciletti ISBN:978-81-317-1450-8
Object oriented programming M.P.Bhave,
123. Pearson Edn. 3
with C++ S.A.Patekar
Object Oriented Programming in
124. Robert Lafore 4/e Pearson Edn. 6
Programming a Practical
125. Madhusudan Mothe Pearson Edn 2
Object Oriented Programming
126. Ira Pohl Pearson Edn. 2
Using C++, 2/e
Object- Oriented Programming Anand Pearson, ISBN:978-81-
127. 3
Using C++ and Java Vasappanavara, 317-5455-9
Object oriented programming in Tata McGraw- Hill, ISBN:
128. Balaguruswamy 6
C++- Fifth edition 978-0071072830
The c++ programming Pearson, ISBN: 978-
129. Bjarne Stroustrup 5
Language- Third edition 8131705216
The 8085 Microprocessor- ISBN : 978 – 81 – 7758 –
K. UdayaKumar, B.S.
130. Architecture, Programming and 455 – 4 3
Interfacing, 5e 1st Ed.
Microprocessors, architecture RBA Publications, 2004
131. Nagoor Kani 10
and programming
S. P. Chowdhury,
132. Microprocessors and Peripherals SCITECH, 2004 4
Sunetra Chowdhury
Theory of Computer Science , Prentice Hall , 3rd Edition
K.L.P Misra and
133. Automata,Languages and ,2010 ISBN 978-81-203- 5
Computation 2968-3
Data structures and algorithms in Pearson, ISBN: 978-
134. Robert Lafore 4
JAVA- Second edition 8131718124
Programming with JAVA-Fourth Tata McGraw- Hill ,
135. Balaguruswamy 6
edition ISBN: 978-0070141698.
Oxford Higher Education,
136. Systems programming Srimanta Pal 1
Software Quality assurance- First Tata McGraw-Hill,
137. Milind Limaye 1
edition ISBN:978-0-07-107252-6
Software Testing-Principles, Tata McGraw-Hill,
138. M.G.Limaye 1
testing and tools-First edition ISBN:978-0-07-013990-9
Managing Software Projects- Jones and Barlett learning
139. Frank Tsui 1
illustrated edition ISBN: 9780763725464
Software engineering- First Schaum's outline series,
140. David Gustafson 1
edition ISBN: 978-0-07-053101-7
Oxford Higher education
Software engineering-principles
141. Deepak Jain publications, ISBN: 978- 1
and practices- First edition
Second Illustrated edition,
IEEE Computer Society,
Software Project Management ISBN No: 978-0-81-
Procedural Elements for David F.Rogers, 868000-7
142. 1
Computer Graphics, Second Richard Thayer Tata McGraw-
Edition hill,2001,ISBN-13:978-0-
07-047371-3, ISBN-10:0-
Ane Books, 2011,ISBN:
143. Computer Graphics C.S.Verma 1
Tata McGraw-
Procedural Elements for
hill,2001,ISBN- 13:978-0-
144. Computer Graphics, Second David F.Rogers 1
07-047371-3, ISBN-10:0-
Computer Graphics with Donald Hearn ,M Pearson Education ,2004,
145. 1
OpenGL, 3/E Pauline Baker ISBN:978-0-13-015390-6
Modern Digital Signal
146. Cristi Thomson / Brooks Cote 1
Processing, Ed. 1
Analog and Digital Signal Brooks Cote Publishing
147. Ashok Ambardar 1
Processing, Edition 2 Company
Alfred V. Aho, Ravi
Compilers Principles, Techniques
148. Sethi & Jeffrey. D. Pearson 5
& Tools
Sibsankar Haldar,
149. Operating Systems Pearson Education 1
Alex A Aravind
Achyut S Godbole,
150. Operating Systems, 3rd Edition Tata McGraw Hill, 2011 1
Atul Kahate
Software Testing and Quality Wiley, ISBN: 978-0-47-
151. Naik and Tripathy 1
Assurance, First edition 178911-6
New Age International
Software Engineering”, Revised K.K.Aggarwal and
152. Publication, ISBN: 978-8- 1
second edition Yogesh Singh
153. System Modeling and Simulation Frank L.Severance Wiely, 2001 1
Simulation Modeling and Averill M. Law and
154. McGraw Hill, 2006. 2
Analysis, Third Edition W.David Kelton
Jerry Banks,
Discrete-Event System J.S.Carson, Barry L
155. Pearson 4th Edition 2
Stimulation Nelson, David M.N,
Cryptography and network
156. Atul Kahate McGraw Hill 5
security, 2nd Edition
Behrouz A Forouzan,
Cryptography and network
157. Debdeep McGraw Hill 4
security, 2nd edition
Programming for Embedded
Wiley Dreamtech,2005
158. Systems,Dreamtech Software K.V.K.K Prasad 3
PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. ,
Introduction to Artificial
159. Rajendra Akerkar 2005, ISBN: 81-203-2864- 3
Akshar Bharati, Prentice Hall India Ltd.,
Natural Language Processing: A
160. Vineet Chaitanya, New Delhi, 1996, ISBN 2
Paninian Perspective
Rajeev Sangal 10: 8120309219
Introduction to the design and
161. Anany Levitin Education,secondedition,I 2
analysis of algorithms
Fundamentals of Computer E Horowitz and S Computer Science Press,
162. 2
Algorithms Sahni Rockville
Algorithms and Data Structures - AddisonWesley,Singapore
163. Jeffrey H.Kingston 1
Design, Correctness and Analysis ,1990
Software Project Management in Pearson Education, ISBN:
164. Jalote 3
Practice, First edition 978-7-30-210682-1
Software Project Management, Bob Hughes, Mike Tata McGraw Hill, ISBN:
165. 2
Third Edition cotterell 978-0-07-070653-8
Managing Global Projects, First Ramesh, Tata McGraw Hill, ISBN:
166. 3
edition Gopalaswamy 978-0-07-059897-3
Software Project Management, Pearson Education, ISBN:
167. Royce 2
First edition 978-0-2-0130958-4
Advanced Computer Dezmo Sima,Terence
Pearson Education, 2012.
168. Architecture-A Design Space Fountain,Peter 2
ISBN: 978-81-317-0208-6
approach Karsuk
David E.Culler, Elsevier, 2000. ISBN: 81-
169. Parallel Computer Architecture Jaswinder Pal Singh, 8147-189-X , 1-5586- 2
Anoop Guptha 0343-3
Object oriented design using Tata McGrahill
170. Dales Skrien 2
java- First edition publications, ISBN: 978-
Object oriented Systems Tata McGrawhill
171. Development using the unified Ali Bahrami publications, ISBN: 978- 2
modeling language- First edition 0-07-026512-7
George Coulouris,
Distributed Systems – Concepts Pearson Education, 2011.
172. Jean Dollimore, Tim 3
and Design, Fourth Edition ISBN 978-81-317-1840-7
Oxford University Press,
Sunita Mahajan,
173. Distributed Computing 2010. ISBN: 0-19-806186- 3
Seema Shah
Andrew S Pearson Education, 2011.
174. Distributed Operating Systems 3
Tanenbaum ISBN 978-81-7758-179-9
Distributed Operating Systems Randy Chow, Pearson Education, 2011.
175. 2
and Algorithm Analysis Theodore Johnson ISBN 978-81-317-2859-8
Principles of Distributed
M.Tamer Ozsu,
176. Database Systems, Second Pearson Education 2
Patrick Valduriez
177. Operations Research Goel and Mittal, Pragti Prakasan 2
Kanti Swarup, Gupta Sultan Chand and Sons
178. Operations Research 2
and Manmohan Publishers, New Delhi
179. Operations Research S Kalavathy Vikas Publishing House 2
Introduction to operational C. R. Kothari, N.G. Vikas Publishing House 5.
180. 2
research Nair Resource Management
Third edition, Elsevier
Data mining-Practical machine Ian.H.Witten,
181. Publications, ISBN: 978- 3
learning tools and techniques E.Frank, M.A Hall
First edition Pearson
Data Mining: Introductory and Margaret H. Dunham
182. Education, ISBN: 978-81- 2
Advanced Topics and S.Sridhar
First edition, PHI
Insight into data mining-theory K.P.Soman, Shyam
183. publications-ISBN: 978- 3
and practice Divakar, V. Ajay
Patrick Henry 3rd Edition, AW, 1999.
184. Artificial Intelligence 2
Winston ISBN: 978-81-317-1505-5
Soni, Gupta, Dhanapat Rai & Sons
185. A course in Electric Power 3
Bhatnagar New Delhi, 1996
Goren - Electric Power
186. Transmission System Turan John Wiley,1988 2
187. Electric Power S.L Uppal Khanna Publishers, 1992 5
Op amps and Linear Integrated
188. RF Coughlin Pearson Education /PHI 1
189. Elements of Electromagnetics Sadiku MNO Addison Wesley 2002 5
McGraw Hill,
International Editions. For
Frenzel Modules IV & V 4)
190. Communication Electronics 5
3rd Ed. Communication
Electronics : Frenzel
A text book of Electrical
191. Narang K.L Trch India Publication 5
Engineering Drawing
Dhanapath Rai, New
192. Electrical Machine Design A.K Sawhney 5
193. AC Commutator Motors Openshaw Taylor 5
194. Alternating Current Machines Puchstein & Lloyd 4
Kostenko &
195. Electrical Machines Part I & II 1
196. Control Systems Engineering S Palani Tata Mc Graw Hill 1
Joseph J. Distefano,
Feedback and Control Systems, III.Allen R.
197. Tata McGraw Hill 1
Schaum’s outline series Stubberud, Ivan J.
198. Resource Management N.G. Nair 2
Mark Nelson, Jean-
199. The Data compression Book BPB Publications, 2nd ed. 2
Loup Gailly
200. Digital Image Processing and Chanda & Majumdar Prentice-Hall India Ltd, 2
Analysis 2003. 6
Image Processing, Analysis and M. Sonka, V. Hlavac,
201. Thomson Learning, 2006 2
Machine Vision R. Boyle
John W, Twidell &
202. Renewable energy sources ELBS Publication 1
Antony D. Wier
Oxford University Press in
Renewable Energy - Power for Edited by Godfrey
203. association with the Open 2
sustainable Future Boyle
University, 1996
Meinel A B and Addison Wesley
204. Applied solar Energy 2
Meinel MP Publications
Renewable and Novel energy MI Publications, New
205. SL Sah 2
sources Delhi, 1995
206. Direct Energy Conversion George Sutton McGraw hill Publications 2
Electrical System Design,
207. Raina & Battacharya Wiley Eastern 5
Estimation & costing
Electrical Installating, Estimating
208. Gupta J.B Kataria & Sons 2
& Costing
Bureau of Indian Standard
209. ISI, National Electric Code 1
Cinema Regulation (Rules) &
210. IEEE Standards IEEE 1
Relevant Indian Standard
211. IS Publication. 1
Elements of Power System
212. Stevenson W.D Jr Tata McGraw Hill 2
I.J Nagrath & D.P
213. Modern Power System Analysis Tata McGraw Hill 2
214. Electrical Power S.L.Uppal Khanna Publication 5
215. Switch gear & Protection S.S Rao Khanna Publication 4
Soni, Guptha,
216. A course in Electric Power Dhanapat Rai & Sons 3
Mobile communication Design
217. Willium C. Y. Lee 3
and fundamentals
218. Wireless digital communication D. R. Kamilo Fehar 3
Extra High Voltage AC
219. R. D. Begamudre Wiley Eastern 3
Transmission Engineering
HVDC Power Transmission
220. Systems: Technology and System K. R. Padiyar New Age International 5
M. S. Naidu & V.
221. High Voltage Engineering Tata Mc Graw Hill 2
222. Transmission Engineering and S. Rao Khanna Publisher 3
EPRI, Transmission Line
Palo Alto,California, Electric Power Research
223. Reference Book, 345 KV and 1
1982 Institute
224. Principle of soft computing S.N. Shivnandam Wiley 2
Neural Network Fuzzy logic And S. Rajshekaran and
225. PHI 5
Genetic Algorithm G.A.V. Pai
Fuzzy logic with Engineering
226. Timothy J.Ross McGraw-Hills 1 2
Handbook on Energy Audit and Y P Abbi and
227. TERI, 2006 1
Environment Management Shashank Jain
228. Electrical Machine Design Sawhney Dhanapath Rai 5
229. Switch Gear protections Rao S.S Khanna 3
Soni, Gupta &
230. A Course in Electrical Power Dhanapat Rai 5
Van.C Warrington
231. Protective Relays Vol.1 & 2 Chappman & Hall 3
Power System Protection and Ravindranath,
232. WileyEastern 2
Switchgear Chander.M
Kazibwe W.E &
233. Electric Power Quality Springer 1
Sendula M.H
Principles of Applied Biomedical
234. Geddes & Becker John Wiley, 1989 1
Engineering Principles in
235. Brown & Gann Academic Press ,1973 1
physiology Vol I
Handbook of Biomedical
236. Harry Thomas Reston Virginia 2000 1
Heinemann Newness,
237. Sensors & Transducers Keith Brindely 1
Great Britian, 1988
Reactive Power Control in
238. T.J.E. Miller JohnWiley & Sons, 1984 2
Electric Systems
Understanding Power Quality
239. Math H. Bollen IEEE Press, 2000 1
Sivadandam, Janaki
240. Theory of Computation IK International 5
Meena M
Formal languages and Automata Sunitha KV N,
241. TMH 4
theory Kalyani N
Formal languages and Automata
242. Nagpal C K Oxford 2
Theory of Automata languages
243. Rajendrakumar TMH 2
and Computation
Finite Automata and Formal
244. PadmaReddy A M Dorling Kindersley (RS) 2
Data Structures and algorithm in
245. Adam Drozdeck Ceneage 3
246. Data structures through C++ ISRD Group TMH 3
Introducing Data structures with
247. David Cousins Pearson 2
Java and Object oriented
248. Dabasish Jana PHI 2
Programming paradigm
Mathematical elements for
249. David F Rogers TMH 2
Computer Graphics Ed 2
Computer Graphics with Open G Donald Hearn, Paulin
250. Dorling Kindersley 2
L Baker M
Amarendra N Sinha,
251. Computer Graphics TMH 2
Aurn Udai
Interactive Computer Graphics: a
252. top down apporach usig upen G Edward Angel Darling Kindersley 1
Worldwide Game
253. Linux 3D Graphics Programming Moman Lin 1
Development Library
Keith O Cooper
254. Engineering a Compiler Ed 2 Elsevier 2
&Linda Torezon
Advanced Compiler Design Muchnack S S,
255. Elsevier 2
Implementation Harcourt Asra
256. Compiler Design in C Alan Holub PHI 1
Doug Brown, John
257. Lex &yace PHI 1
Levin, Tony Masor
Cryptography and Network
258. Security Principles and Practice Stallings W Pearson Education 10
Ed 3
Data Commuication and Behrouz A
259. TMH 2
Networking Ed 2 Fourouzan
Hands on networking with
260. Douglas E Comer Pearson Education 2
internet technologies
Advanced Programming in the Richard Stevens W,
261. Pearson Education 5
Unix environment Ed 2 Stephen A Rago
Morris mano M,
262. Digital Design Ed 4 Pearson Education 5
Michael D Cilletti
Fundamentals of software
263. Rajib Mall PHI 5
Engineering Ed 3
264. Software Agents Jeffrey M Bradshaw MIT Press 10
Networks for Computer Youlu Zheng
265. Oxford University Press 5
Scientists and Engineers &Shakil Aktar
Grady Booch, James
The Unified Modelling
266. Rambough, Ivas- Pearson 10
Language: User Guide
jacobson A W
Dorling Kindersley
267. Mobile Communication Ed 2 Schiller 3
Addison Wesley
268. Linux Kernal Development Robert Love Pearson 5
Computer Fundamentals and Pradip Dey &Manas
269. Oxford Press 5
Programming in C Ghosh
Software Testing Principles and Desikan S &Ramesh
270. Pearson Education 5
Practices G
Fundamentals of Database Addison Wesley
271. Elmasri &Navathe 2
Systems Ed 5 Pearson
Prentice Hall
272. Computer Graphics Ed 2 Hearn &Baker 3
Concepts of Programming Addison Wesley
273. Robert W Sebesta 2
Languages Ed 8 Dorling Kindersley
Advanced Microprocessors and Ray A K &Burchandi
274. MGH 2
Peripherals KM
275. Advanced Computer Architecture Kai Hwang TMH 5
Muhammed Ali
The 8051 Microcontrollers PHI
276. Mazidi &Janice 5
&Embedded Systems Pearson
Gillispie Mazidi
277. Foundations of Software Testing Adithya P Mathur Pearson Education 5
Discrete event system simulation Jerry Banks &John PHI
278. 5
Ed 4 Carron Dorling Kindersley
279. System Simulation Ed 2 Geoffry Gordon PHI 5
Cryptography and Network
280. Security Principles and Pracice Stallings W Pearson Education 3
Ed 4
Modern Cryptography Theory
281. Moa W Pearson 5
and Practice
Computer as Components-
282. principles of embedded Wayne Wolf Reed Elsevier 2
computing system design
Assembly Language Step by Step
283. programming with Dos and Jeff Dunlimann Wiley 2
Linux Ed 2
Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Addison Wesley
284. Modern Information Retrieval 5
Berthier Riberio Neto Pearson
Maozhen Li, Mark
285. The Grid for Technologies John Wiley and Sons 5
The Grid to Blueprint for a new Ian Foster &Carl
286. Morgan Elsevier 2
computing infrastructure Ed 2 Kesselman
Joshy Joseph &Craig Pearson Education
287. Grid Computing 2
Fellenstein Dorling Kindersley
Fran Berman,
Grid Computing: making the
288. Geoffrey Fox, John wilely and Sons 2
global interpretation a reality
Anthony J G Hay
UNIX Network Programming
289. Richard Stevens PHI 2
IPC Vol.2 Ed 2
UNIX Network Programming ,
290. Richard Stevens PHI 4
Networking APL – Vol.1 & 2
Grady Booch, James Pearson
291. UML User Guide Ed 2 5
Rambaugh Dorling Kindersley
292. Data Mining Guptha G K PHI 5
Pearson Education
293. Data Mining Richard Roger 5
Dorling Kindersley
294. Data Mining Methods Rajan Chittamvelil Narosa 5
Data Mining Conepts and Jiawer Han and
295. Morgan Elsevier 5
Techniques Micheline Kamber
Artificial Intellegence a modern Stuart Russel, Peter
296. Prentice Hall 3
approach Ed 2 Norvig
Compiler Desigh using flex and
297. Vinu V Das PHI 5


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