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BRGY Sha) re eas PROJECT: P617TP.C750 TECHNOPARK INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT — ADDITIONAL WORKS OF PHASE 2 METHOD STATEMENT FOR ROAD WORKS MS Road Works saan Enno CONTENTS S.NO. DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. L Purpose 3 2 Scope 3 3. Materials 3 4, Equipment / Manpower 34 5 Location 4 6 Specification 4 A Drawings 4 8. Procedure (Sequence of Works) 49 9, Safety 9-10 10. Quality Control 10 uw Risk Assessment 10 reo sssoas MS Road Works Es PURPOSE To ensure that all Road works activities are executed safely and in accordance with the contract requirements, all works are inspected, conformance is verified and documented. 2 SCOPE ‘The Sequence of works is as follows: © Site Clearance * Formation Preparation * Improved Subgrade © General Filling © Aggregate Road Base © Wetmix Macadam © Asphalt Base Course 3. MATERIAL! All the material shall comply with the project specification and the following approved materials shall be used. 4, EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER All surveying equipments proposed to used shall be calibrated, certified and in good working condition. All other mechanical machineries, tools & tackles, equipment required for the job should be in good working condition. 4.1 Equipment * Total Station /GPS © Dumpy Level Grader © Excavator © Shovel © Roller / Tandem Roller *. PTR «= Truck *° Paver © Water Tanker * Baby Roller + Plate Compactor 1g er oon Pose sos sues son MS Road Works aS 4.2 Manpower © Chargehand * Grade Checker * Carpenter © Mason © Steel Fixer © Operator © Screwman /Rakeman © Labour 5. LOCATION ‘Techno Park Road Network Phase 2 6. SPECIFICATION * Project Specification © All good engineering practices shall be followed for execution of work. 7 RAWIN' All project specific drawings shall be used for the execution of works, 8. PROCEDURE The sequence of work activities are described as under; 8.1 Site Clearance and Earthworks Before commencing with excavation or fill, the area shall be cleared of all stumps, roots, bushes, vegetation, debris, materials or other obstructions. Waste material such as bushes, vegetation, roots, stumps, debris shall be graded out from the construction area with dozer/grader. This waste material will be carted out in tipper trucks to DM Dumping yard. Machineries used for Site Clearance * Dozer/Grader for grading and heaping of excess material + Excavator/shovel for loading the material on to tipper trucks Sr Rev Noon Page sof 10 ess sons MS Road Works ES 8.2 Excavation for Road Construct This work consists of excavating the roadway, removing and disposing of all materials excavated within the limits of the Work. It also includes all shaping, sloping as necessary for the preparation and completion of all embankments, cuttings, subgrade, shoulders, slopes to the alignment and grades as per the approved cross sections. ‘The excess material will be carted away to designated stock pile yard. Excavation will be for the full construction width down up to the formation level Excess material which has to be removed to achieve the design profile level will be removed by cutting and heaping of the material by dozer. The excavated material will be transported by dump trucks/tipper trucks to designated stock pile yard or next filling area. Machineries used for Excavation © Dozer for cutting and heaping of excess material # Excavator/shovel for loading the material on to dump trucks/tipper trucks © Water tanker to wet the surface for movement of trucks and to spray water on material being loaded on to trucks to avoid air pollution. 8.3 Formation Preparation ‘After excavation to the required formation level, a further depth of 15cm of the existing material will be scarified by grader. ‘The scarified surface will be thoroughly mixed with water by spreading and spraying of water with water tankers, The mixed material will be spread to the entire width and to the required profile grade to plus or minus two (2) centimeters. ‘The spread material will be compacted by means of vibrator roller to achieve the maximum dry density of 95% or greater. Machineries used for Preparation © Grader for scarifying, mixing and spreading of material xcavator/shovel for loading the material on to tipper trucks. ‘* Water tanker to spray water to achieve OMC. Se en rr eR Page $f 10 evo sous ew a0 MS Road Works Ne eeemint eee tear parma atnemitagaennnnneneraen 8.4 Improved Subgrade ‘Improved subgrade layer’ is used to increase the bearing capacity of soil, where excavation to the finished graded section i.e, earthworks formation level, results in a formation of unsuitable soil. Suitable excavated material available at site like subbka will be used as improved sub-grade material. Subbka material available at site will be cut and heaped by dozer. ‘The excavated material will be transported by tipper trucks and spread by grader to the required profile grade to plus or minus (2) centimeter. ‘The tipped material will be ploughed and mixed with water by spraying through spray bar of water tanker to achieve the OMC. The spread material will be compacted by means of vibrator roller to achieve the maximum dry density of 95% or greater. Machineries Used For Preparation © Dozer for cutting and heaping of available material © Grader for scarifying, mixing and spreading of material * Excavator/shovel for loading the material on to tipper trucks. © Water tanker to spray water to achieve OMC 8.5 General Filling/Embankment Foundation This work consists of constructing embankments with suitable material for roadways It also includes the preparation of areas upon which they are to be placed and the placing and compacting of approved material within roadway areas where unsuitable material has been removed. All operations will be performed in accordance with the lines, grades, thickness and typical cross-sections shown on the drawings, Alll debris, unsuitable material and vegetable matter will be removed from the surface upon which the embankment is to be placed and cleared by using a grader. ‘The original surface upon which the embankment is to be placed will be completely broken up ploughed, scarified or stepped to 2 minimum depth of fifteen (15) centimeters , regardless of the height of the embankment to be placed and compacted to a minimum of 95% of MDD by using vibrating roller. Hoge 10 nso sosonn MS Road Works Ce ed The foundation material scarified will be adjusted to a moisture content within the moisture range of +or- 3% of the optimum moisture content by spraying water through spray bar of the water tanker and thoroughly mixed by grader. Where embankment is to be placed on appreciably sloping groung, it will be benched in steps. Material for filling will be either from the stock pile yard or from the cutting area which will be loaded on trucks by shovel/excavator and tipped at site. This tipped material will be graded to a maximum thickness of 15em (+or-2em) by grader, sprinkled with water by tanker to achieve OPC and compacted with roller to achieve the required density of 95%. Machineries Used For Preparation © Grader for scarifying, mixing and spreading of material. # Excavator/shovel for loading the material on to tipper trucks. © Water tanker to spray water to achieve OMC. 8.6 Aggregate Roadbase Furnishing and placing of 150 mm thick aggregate road base on a prepared formation layer in conformity with the lines and grades of approved cross-sections as follows. The aggregate road base required for the work will be stock piled at designated yard as approved. ‘The stock piled material will be wetted with water to achieve the O.M.C before hauling, Hauling of aggregate road base shall be made by tipper trucks from the stock pile, This material will be tipped and spread on approved formation level to a layer thickness not exceeding 150mm (+or- 10mm), Before placing the material, the receiving surface will be wetted by sprinkling water through water tankers. ‘The tipped material will be spread by grader to the lines, grades and thickness. ‘The material will be handled in a manner which can avoid segregation. Segregated ‘materials will be remixed until uniformity on site with grader. ee SEE era Page FoF 0 soonas 3 MS Road Works Le eee nn Suitable precautions will be taken to prevent rutting of the formation during the spreading of aggregate road base materials. ‘The moisture content of the aggregate roadbase material will be adjusted prior to compaction, by watering with water tankers or by drying out to obtain the specified density. Aggregate roadbase will be compacted by vibrator roller and PTR to Ninety Bight (98) percent of the maximum dry density at a moisture content between (+ oF -2) % of the OMC, Rolling will continue until the entire thickness of each layer is thoroughly and uniformly compacted to the specified density. Rolling will be accompanied by sufficient blading to ensure a smooth surface free from ruts or ridges and having the proper section and crown. Machineries Used For Preparation © Grader for mixing and spreading of material * Shovel for loading the material on to tipper trucks. » Water tanker to spray water to achieve OMC. 8.7 We Macadam Furnishing and placing 150mm thick high quality crushed aggregate, bound by means of carefully controlled moisture content, on the prepared road base in conformity to the line, level and thickness shown on the drawings. ‘The material will be plant mixed with controlled moisture content and transported to site by tipper trucks Material will be laid and spread uniformly using a paver with sensor. Survey pins will be given at 10m intervals and 1m away from the edge of road width at both ends. Levels will be given on steel pins with masking tapes and a piano wire will travel along the road through the pins for the sensor to follow. Immediately after laying with paver, tandem roller will be used for compacting the laid material with vibration Subsequently, PTR will be used for wet rolling, final compaction and smooth finish. ‘The area will be primed with MC70 while the surface is half dried to avoid the moisture loss due to evaporation in order to maintain OMC, eS nn eva Page bof 10 even us 0s MS Road Works Machineries Used For Preparation © Paver for laying and spreading the material in uniformity. + Tipper trucks for transporting the material from plant to sit. © Water tanker for water rolling and wetting the surface before laying. © Tandem roller, PTR for compacting the material. Asphalt Base Course Asphalt base course will be asphalt plant mixed, ‘The material will be plant mixed and transported to site by tipper trucks. Material will be laid and spread uniformly using a paver with sensor. Survey pins will be given at 10m intervals and 1m away from the edge of road width at both ends, Levels will be given on steel pins with masking tapes and a piano wire will travel along the road through the pins for the sensor to follow. Immediately after laying with paver, tandem roller will be used for compacting the laid material with vibration. Subsequently, PTR will be used for, final compaction and smooth finish. Machineries Used For Preparation + Compressor to clean the surface before laying asphalt Paver for laying and spreading the material in uniformity « Tipper trucks for transporting the material from plant to site © Sweet water tanker for supplying water to tandom rollers © Tandem roller, PTR for compacting the material. 9. SAFETY MEASURES © Safety measures will be taken with regard to protection of property, plants and landscape. © All required signs and barrier shall be in place before commencement of work in traffic movement areas. ne Res Noo Page 99 10 evens on ‘5 Road Works ed '* Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to be provided to the working resourses (safety helmetssafety boots glovesmasksear muff and high visibility vests). © Only staff and workers directly involved with the work are permitted within the work area. «Safe access for the vehicles, plant and person shall be provided. ¢ Allplant, vehicle and equipment shall be in good working order. @ Adequate space and sufficient time shall be allocated for this work. © Staff and workers directly involved with the work shall be permitted within the works area, © Tool box talks to all workers shall be carried out before commencing the work. © Suitable first-aid equipment and firefighting equipment shall be available. @ Supervisor shall be present at all times to monitor the work 10. |ALITY CONTROL Quality Control will be ensured implementing the requirements of the construction drawings/ specifications/ manufacturer's recommendations to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 11, RISK ASSESMENT As attached. rn a Rev Bio. 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