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The Framework of Consumer Analysis

Consumer behavior is the dynamic combination of affect and cognition, behavior, and
environment through which humans perform their life's transaction aspects. In other words,
consumer behavior encompasses people's ideas and feelings as well as their consumption
activities. Consumer behavior can be defined as a collection of activities and outcomes
related to a customer's needs and wants. Needs and wants are activated when there is a
problem, and with every problem comes needs and wants. However, not all basic needs are
tied to wants and needs, which might be an issue.

Because the thoughts, attitudes, and actions of individual consumers, targeted consumer
groups, and society at large are continually changing, consumer behavior is dynamic.
Consumer behavior is the result of interactions between people's thoughts, feelings, and
actions, as well as the surroundings. Consumer behavior entails human-to-human
interactions, in which people give up something of value in exchange for something of worth.

Framework Consumer Behavior

The Wheel of Consumer Analysis is a versatile tool that can help marketers better understand
their customers and establish marketing strategies on a variety of levels. It assists us in
comprehending consumer behavior. The scenario of consumer analysis can be broken down
into four categories. Affects and cognition, consumer behavior, consumer environment, and
marketing strategy are all variables in the consumer analysis wheel.

Components Of The Wheel Of Consumer Analysis

a. Affects it refers to one’s feeling about stimuli and events;
b. Cognitions it refers to one’s thinking;
c. Behavior it refers to the physical actions of consumers that can be directly observed and
measured by others;
d. environment it refers to everything external to consumers that influences what they think
feel and do;
e. Marketing Strategies it is a set of stimuli placed in consumers environments designed to
influence their affect, cognition and behavior.

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