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Fourth Quarter
Final Output

Submitted by:
Marlon P. Sebolleros
Grade 7 - Humility

Submitted to:
Melben P. Cuevas
Layers of the Atmosphere

Earth’s atmosphere has a series of layers, each with its own specific traits. Moving
upwards from ground level, these layers are named the troposphere, stratosphere,
mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere.

Troposphere - the lowest layer of our atmosphere. From ground level to 10 km upward.
We live in the troposphere and most weather occur in this lowest layer.

Stratosphere - extends from top of the troposphere to about 50 km. Ozone layer is found
within the stratosphere.

Mesosphere - 85 km in height. Most meteors burn up in the mesosphere.

Thermosphere - this is the layer of very rare air above mesosphere. High energy X-rays
and UV radiation from the sun are absorbed in this layer, making it hot.

Exosphere - uppermost layer and the “final frontier” of Earth’s gaseous envelope.

The layers of the atmosphere are vital in keeping us alive. They bring us protection and
provide us with what we need.
Land and Sea Breeze

Land and sea breezes are wind and weather phenomena associated with coastal areas. A
land breeze is a breeze blowing from land out toward a body of water. A sea breeze is a
wind blowing from the water onto the land. Land breezes and sea breezes arise because
of differential heating between land and water surfaces. Land and sea breezes can extend
inland up to 100 mi or manifest as local phenomena that quickly weaken with a few
hundred yards of the shoreline.

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