Zikkhie Chapter 2 Final

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Foreign Related Studies

Career development is a process which enhances a person’s ability to develop

and aware of concepts about himself and his environment during occupations and make

career choicesTuckman(1974). According to (NCDA, 2003) stated that career

development should be seen as inevitable to the happiness and self-actualisation of the

child and as such, the home, classroom and the community at a large should be seen

as a workplace and all members as workers.

Parents career aspirations and children in selecting occupational goals, influence

their knowledge of occupations, and familiarize them with occupational roles and

requirementsDobbins (2000). On the other hand (Killer,2009) established that parental

influence will not have significant effect on the career choice of adolescent.

In a broader sense, the role of the family is outstanding as an influence an

antogonetic development including career developmentKerka (2000). In addition to

(Parke et.al 1994) stated that in family systems theory,parents are also conceptualized

as providers of oppurtunities, who regulate children’s utilization of material and social

within and outside the home.

According to (Goftfredson, 2015, p.72) stated that adolescents occupational

aspirations reproduce most of the class and gender differences of the parent

generation.In addition to (Ogunlade and Alerodolu 2012) gender parity influenced

choice of career among male and female Senior students. In support to(Rainey et. al

1997) stated that parental influence was even higher on male students than female.
Males are more of field independent while females subjects were found. Yakashi

(1991). In addition to (Riding and Read 1996) pointed out that previously known gender

bias in subjects was confirmed. It stated that females are encouraged to go for heavy

duties. Females therefore prefer, in most cases economics and socially related


(Sara, Safyanu Shuaibu 2010) stated that students particular learning style

greatly affects his choice or preferences of one career over the other, Female Student

tend to incline to artistic related careers because they are field dependent, Male

students select scientific related careers simply because they are fields independent,

Sex differences in learning style exist among the senior secondary school student as

well as career preferences.

The first factor affecting career choice may be the individual’s environment which

consists of the forces of family member , political issues , social and economic issue

that student may deal with a daily basis. Parents educational background may

infucence student views on whether to continue their education . kroll et.al(1970)

indicate’s that the decision of maturity and planning . opportunity is regarded as the

second factor that effect students career choices. It may influcences preciseness about

their future in terms of a realistic probability of a future career fields . it should be noted

that not only careers and education affect the abilities to opportunities,but timing and

location are very important in fulfilling ambitions . opportunities in career choice include

academic settings. Level job openings, industries contacts job placement, job

shadowing. Technical schools and locational guidance. Student show all the ambition,

talent and skills needed for a career but if the student has not capitalized on the right
locate at the right point in time, their hopes for that productive career are reduce.

Personality is third determining factors that influences a chosen career. Student usually

choose careers demand that matches his or her personality with the qualities of the job.

(Splaver,1977). Kenya, perrone et.at(2001) reported the role model supportiveness and

quality of relationship contributed to the career choice of students. The role model might

be the someone from their peer group, parent or teachers. It was also noted that

anticipated earnings are the most influential factors for males while females were

mostly influenced by prestigious position.


The k-12 basic education program is the flagship program of the Department of

Education in its desire to offers curriculum which attured to the 21 st century, The

Department of Education or DepEd seek to create a basic education system that’s

capable of attaining countries.

Choosing a career is crucial especially among students in the secondary or in middle

school, In making decisions in career selection one has toundergo an intricate process

and forcefully open-minded person to choose speciality practice and location of the

educational institution (Konon, 2016). From the study of Sarah S.S (2010) stated that a

lot of factors must be considered in choosing a course. Gender is a crucial factor among

students in their choice of course. Gender distinguishes female students to be inclined

to artistic related careers while male students select scientific related careers.

In addition to the study of Dosajee, H Obonyoet.al(2016) Gender differences exist in

selection of speciality medical courses. Gender differences ascertain preferred

specialities (Harmed,N.NJalealet.al 2017). Decision-making, negative thinking and

career difficulties indicate undecidedness of a student. (Bullock-Yowellet.al 2014) in

order for students to make a better decision one can consider interest and intellectual

ability(Pascual N.2014).
Jerald C. Moneva and Marsha H. Malbas (2019) stated that the right track for

students will help them to be ready for their future and choosing the right track can help

enhance their skills and capabilities in the track they will choose. Teachers should guide

and help their student in choosing the right and appropriate track for them and keep

their thoughts and arms open for students who intend to approach what int times of

doubts and difficulty in decision-making. Career guidance maybe given intensively and

be implemented in school through the mandate of the school head. Meanwhile, parents

should monitor and support their children for they will have challenging step for their


In addition from the study of (Pascual 2014) stated that student career success can be

best attained at the right course if suited to their personality, ability and intellect serves

as their guide in choosing the course they are to take on college. Experiencing the

career suited to students by integrating career plan with the curriculum help students

make good decisions in what course to take in college. Although elected courses are

available to help student make decisions in course they are in take in college, it is also

important to help student understand the important factors they have to consider in

choosing a course like the economical importance of the course they would want to take

a present and in the future collaborative effort of the school administration, guidance

councilor and parents should also be made to come up with better career plan of every

individual student.


The k-12 education program is the flagship program of the department of

education in its desires to offer a curriculum which is attuned to the 21 st century. This is

in the pursuance of the reform thrusts of the basic education sector reform agenda, a

package of policy reform that seeks to systematically improve critical regulatory,

institutional, structured, financial, physical, cultured and information conditions effecting

basic education provision access and delivery on the ground.(Mohamad, Nhelbuorne


The enhanced k-12 basic education program is a dep-ed program that will

improve the stardard of education and give more opportunities for graduating student.

last school year 2012, philo education offierally implemental the k-12 curriculum .

everyone knows the country (in public school preferably) is drastically left behind in

terms of curriculum adjustments . Grade 1 entrants in SY 2012-2013 are the first batch

to fully undergo the program and current 1st years junior high school student ( of grade

7) are the first to undergo the enhanced secondary education program (KY nemarie


The goal of implementing the k-12 basic education program is to create a

functional basic system that will produce productive and responsible citizens equipped

with the essential learning and employment . this is in line with the agenda of the

president Aquino of having education as a long term solution to poverty. The k-12

education vision from the Department of education (DepEd,2010) every graduate of the
enhanced k-12 basic education program is an empowered individuals who has learned

through a program that is rooted on social principles and geared towards excellence.

(Mohamad,Nhel Bounek. 2016).

Education secretary Armin A. Luistro (2011). Says The additional 2 years

will help student decide what course they will take in college. It will also help high school

student to be given a change to specialize in science and technology, music and arts,

agriculture, fisheries, sports, business entrepreneurship, and others. K-12 program aims

to make basic education sufficient enough so that anyone who graduates can be

gainfully employed and have a specialized education such as a high school or

community, which will focus on the arts or agriculture. (Mohamad,Nhel boune K.2016)

Senator Chiz Escudero (2011). Also against about the implementation of

k-12 education plan and he pointed out that it is not in the length of education years but

the quality of education a student can acquire, And this has to begin by training teacher

to be competitive, create more classrooms and improve learning facilities and provide

budget for textbook (Mohamad, Nhelbourne,2016)

Personal. This k-12 program will be a burden on the part of parents and students, not

just for emotional, physical reason but also in financial aspect because this program will

prolong thr years of study in school of the students. This k-12 program main goals is to

equip the graduates with knowledge and skills that will arm Pilipino graduates to be at a

solid ground where if not for excellences with foreign countries but at least quality

Student Welfare. This k-12 program is abreast with new idea to fully develop and

cultivate the skills of students . so that they will not become liabilities to the country but

instead, these will be a valuable citizen of this country.

Stakeholders. The parents have also evaluated the disadvantages of the

implementation of k-12 program will the most perceived problems is that these could be

a struggle of classroom, teachers, and non teaching personnel. This is true as we have

seen and observed it today.

According to (www.Edukasyon.ph) stated that General Academic Strand is great

for student who are still undecided on which track to take, You can choose electives

from the different academic strands under this track, these subject include Humanities,

Social Sciences, Applied economic organization and management, and disaster

preparedness. In addition to (www.academia.edu) stated that general academic

strands is nearly helpful for students like us who our still undecided for our future. The

advantages GAS offers subject that can also taken in other lack. It is general studies if

all track you can choose what you like in college be its general preparative of all

course .

STEM is a curriculum based or the idea of educating students in four specific

disciplines, science, technology, engineering and mathatics in an interdisciplinary and

applied approach. Rather than teach four disciplines as separate and discrete subjects ,

STEM integrates them into a cohesive kearning paradigm based on real world

application .(live science.com) in addition to (www.engineeringforkids.com ) stated that

STEM is important because it pervades every part our lives. STEM activities provide
hands-on and minds-on lessons for the student . making math and science both fun and

interesting helps the student to do much more than just learn.

The ABM strand in its most fundamental course refers to the accountancy,

business and management academic programs that concentrate on the fundamental

concept, in corporate operations, financial management, business management as well

as each and every factors that revolves around those central fields,(www.Enderun

collage.com) in addition of (https; blog.edukasyon. ph) THE ABM strand provides

student with the skills, and knowledge they need to work in the corporate world. This

senior high school strand for student who wants to become business leaders and


The HUMSS strand it is one of the strand offered to senior high school student.

This strand is for learners who aim to take up journalism, community Arts, liberal Arts

education. And other social sciences related course in collage. (Medium .com). in

addition to (Curt-rice.com )HUMSS help us to understand others through their

languages, histories and cultures. Humanities students build skills in writing and critical

reading. It helps us to think creatively.

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