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Jessica Paldino – Russia Reflection

What was your biggest challenge while planning the lesson?
 The biggest challenge as a group was making sure the information got delivered in a
way the students could understand. Learning something new is very different then
learning something that is for 1st graders so ensuring that the information was
delivered properly was imported.

Do you feel you created enough interaction during the lesson?  How do you know that you,
as the teacher, did not dominate the discussion?  If you did this lesson again, how could you
create more interaction?
 We had an interactive part at least every three slides if not more. The teacher didn’t
dominate the lesson because there was more discussion with the students then the
teacher. Also, as the teacher I noticed I was repeating a lot of what the student was
saying so the students could understand.

How do you feel you used your co-teacher(s)?  With multiple teachers, do you think you
used this advantage effectively?  What is one way you might approach co-teaching
differently if you were to teach this lesson again?
 I think my co-teacher (Amy Cotton) and I did a great job bouncing off each other and
allowing the other to show o a diagram or visual do something while the other is
talking. I think one way we could improve is one teacher maybe be more interactive
with the students while the other is teaching.

Did you achieve your objectives?  How can, you be sure?  Looking back, was your
assessment effective?  What is one thing you would do differently with assessment if you had
another opportunity to teach this lesson?
 We did achieve our objectives because we assessed those objectives throughout the
lesson with worksheets, discussions, and we checked all the work. I believe our
assessment was effective because it allowed the students to demonstrate if they
learned the material and what the teacher needed to do differently if we did it again.

How did you select the visuals you used in your lesson?  Do you think they were effective in
helping the students make connections?  Why or why not?  Did you find yourself "reading"
your slides, or do you believe you used the slides to highlight important points, as opposed to
just providing a "script" for yourself?
 We used a lot of visuals to help explain something. For example, we used a diagram
to explain the language spoken in Russia. I think that visual helped the students to
really see the different languages and the percentages in which that language is used.
I believe I did a good job not reading off the slides because we didn’t have that much
material o the slides, but I also think I could do a better job of not practicing those
important points and how to say it so if I don’t remember something I dot get thrown
In regard to time management, how do you feel you managed the lesson?  Did something
take longer/shorter than you anticipated?  Would you do anything differently if you were to
teach this lesson again?
 Our lesson was exactly to the minute of allotted time. We planned to be about 2/3
minutes later then the shortest time given. I definitely think the slides part went faster
than we thought because people get nervous and talk faster so next time I think we
just need to maybe plan for 4/5 minutes later then the shortest time or take a breather
and slow down.

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