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Thinking fast and slow


New trading for a living

242,ReAD chapter 31 on page 117 on open interest after learning future and options.

Day trade for a living


Learn to earn
Beating the Street

THE most important thing


Trading in the zone


Reading Price charts bar by bar


The Art and Science of Technical Analysis


The rule of 72, Divide 72 by annual return over ayear in percentage and the answer
is the number of year it will take for
your money to multiply twice.

experience: before you invest in a low-priced stock in a shaky company,

look at what�s been happening to the price of the bonds.

I circled merchandise inventory, which is always something

to worry about with retailers. You don�t want a company to have too much
inventory. If it does, it may mean that management is deferring losses by not
marking down the unsold items and getting rid of them quickly. When inventories
are allowed to build, this overstates a company�s earning

selling, general, and administrative

expenses) on the income statement

All else being equal, invest in the company with the fewest color
photographs in the annual report.

The higher the E/A, the better.

An S&L that�s worried

about the economy or the creditworthiness of borrowers parks its assets in bonds,
just as individual investors do. When the economy improves and it�s safe to lend
money, Germantown will sell its investment securities and make more loans, and
this will cause a surge in the earnings.

This is a useful year-end review for any stockpicker: go over your portfolio
company by company and try to find a reason that the next year will be better than
the last. If you can�t find such a reason, the next question is: why do I own this.

How did I know this was a low-cost operator? I could figure it out with
information I found on the income statement (see Table 14-1). By dividing the cost
of sales by net sales

I focus on the cash

flow situation with any company that makes a lot of acquisitions.

Now when Company X buys Company Y, the amount it pays over and
above the value of the tangible assets, i.e., the goodwill premium, must be
from the earnings of Company X over several years.
This �penalizing� of earnings is a paper transaction, which results in a company�s
reported earnings being less than its actual earnings.

Unless you�re a short seller or a poet looking for a wealthy spouse,

it never pays to be pessimistic.

One useful indicator for when to buy auto stocks is used-car prices.When used
cardealers lower their prices, it means they�re having trouble selling cars, and a
lousy market for them is even lousier for the new-car dealers. But when used-car
prices are on the rise, it�s a sign of good times ahead for the automakers.Look for
pent up demand for car stocks and
follow the trend of annual sales that is to be completed.

Corporations, like people, change their names for one of two

reasons: either they�ve gotten married, or they�ve been involved in
some fiasco that they hope the public will forget.


int fib(int n)


/* Declare an array to store Fibonacci numbers. */

int f[n+2]; // 1 extra to handle case, n = 0

int i;

/* 0th and 1st number of the series are 0 and 1*/

f[0] = 0;
f[1] = 1;

for (i = 2; i <= n; i++)


/* Add the previous 2 numbers in the series

and store it */

f[i] = f[i-1] + f[i-2];


return f[n];


int main ()


int n = 9;

printf("%d", fib(n));


return 0;

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