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Lesson Plan Updated-Week 1

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English (Polytechnic University of the


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School Bancal Integrated School Grade Level Grade 7

Student Jodelaine M. Milanay Learning Area English
April 18-22, 2022
Teaching Date LAUREL- 8:10-9:10 AM
Quarter Fourth
and Time AGUINALDO- 9:10-10:10 AM
SSC/STE- 10:20-11:20 AM
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: contemporary Philippine
Standards literature as a means of responding to the demands of the global village;
various extended text types; lexical and contextual cues; appropriate and
polite oral language, stance, and behavior; and use of
imperatives, prepositions, verbs, and wh-questions
B. The learner transfers learning by: explaining the need to be cooperative and
Performance responsible in today’s global village; using appropriate strategies to
Standards comprehend extended text types; using lexical and contextual clues to
understand unfamiliar words and expressions; using
imperatives, prepositions, and appropriate and polite oral language, stance
and behavior in various information-sharing formats.
At the end of the discussion the student will be able to:
C. Learning
a. define academic writing and the four types of academic writing;
b. distinguish the features of academic writing; and
/ Objectives
c. express appreciation towards the importance of academic writing.
Title/Topic Distinguish Features of Academic Writing
Sub-LC: Distinguish Descriptive from Expository Writing
A. References Learning Activity Sheet Quarter 4, Week 1, MELC EN7WC-I-c-4.2
4. EN7WC-I-c-4.2
Additional English 7- Fourth Quarter- Week 1
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
Teachers’ Activity Students’ Activity

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“Before we proceed to our lesson for today, may I ask

anyone who can still remember what was the lesson last
week that I discussed to you?”
“Ma’am, it’s all about how
to React to What is Asserted
or Expressed in a Text”
“So, did we react to what is asserted in a text?” “Yes, Ma’am”
“What specific text did we asserted?” “Ma’am, Bonifacio- A
National Hero That Fight For
“That’s right, again what is Assertion?” Filipinos from LAS”
“Ma’am, Assertion is a
statement used to make a
“Will you give me the four types of Assertion?” declaration or to express
strong belief on a particular
“Excellent, seems like you’ve learned a lot in our previous “Ma’am, Basic Assertion,
lesson” Emphatic Assertion,
“Now, will you give me an example of Assertion?” Escalating Assertion, and
Language Assertion.”
“Okay, that’s correct. And how about the four types of
Assertion? Can you give me an example of Basic Assertion?” “I have to put so much
effort to finish my
assignment today”

“And how about Emphatic Assertion, can you give me an

example?” “I wish I could have
expressed this idea earlier,
A. Review because now someone else
previous lesson has taken the credit.”
or presenting the
new lesson
“Can you give me an example of Escalating Assertion?” “I know this is making you
angry and frustrated
because you have not
gotten a response yet.
But I can help you by
giving you an estimate of
how long it might take.”

“And last is Language Assertion, can you give me an example “If you don’t wear facemask
of this?” properly, you can’t enter
this building.”

“Okay, very good all of your answers are correct.” “When I don’t get enough
sleep, it affects my nerves
and I feel irritated.
Therefore, I try to go to bed
“To check your understanding proceed answering the Let Us
Review part of your LAS”

Let Us Review
Directions: Are you familiar with the following verbs? Define
each and write your answers at the back or space of your
1. Describe-____________________
2-3. Expose- ____________________
4. Narrate- _____________________
5. Persuade- ____________________

B. Establishing a “Now, why do you think we need to recall our previous “Ma’am, for us to know
purpose for the topic?”

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A map is a drawing of a place. The drawing shows
where things are. A map can show the things in a room
such as a classroom. A map can show the houses,
buildings, and streets in a town. A map can show the
towns, lakes, and mountains in a state or country. A
map also can show many other things about the world
we live in…

“So, what is academic writing?”

Academic Writing – nonfiction and formal written

1. Descriptive Writing- gives a concise and clear

description of
C. Presenting
examples/ places, people, objects, or events.
instances of the
new lesson EXAMPLE:
Did you know not all forest fires are bad? Some forest fires
actually be a good thing, because they provide many
benefits the forest. In this defense,
this little secret is not very well known. But forest fires might
be a good thing
for a forest, because they help clean the forest and nourish
the soil. According
to article on page 5, “Forest fires kill harmful insects and
bacteria in the soil
allowing for new growth to occur.” This is very helpful
because getting rid of
the harmful insects and bacteria allow for new seeds to
spread across the
forest floor and create more green foliage.

2. Expository Writing- explains an important information.

D. Discussing new PRE-TEST
concepts and Directions: Identify whether the statements should be or
practicing new should not be done in academic writing. Just write FACT if
skills #1 yes or BLUFF if not on your paper. Answers:
__________1. Ask questions 1. Bluff
__________2. Provide precise facts/ figures. 2. Fact
__________3. Use third person point of view like he, she, 3. Fact
and it. 4. Bluff
__________4. Use phrasal verbs. 5. Bluff
__________5. Use vague or ambiguous language.

Directions: Draw a smiley face if the item is an example of
academic writing and draw a sad face if it is not.
1. Journal
2. Novel
3. Textbooks
4. Poem
5. Riddle

Let Us Know
Getting Ready Activity
Directions: Look carefully at the given pictures. Are you
familiar with the pictures? Where did you see these? Write
one sentence for each picture. Please be honest in
answering the activities and questions that follow on blank
sheets of paper. (5 points)

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Directions: Write two to three sentences about the picture.

Please be direct to the point while writing something about
the picture. Please be honest in answering the activities and
questions that follow on blank sheets of paper. (5 points if
you complete the answers)

E. Discussing new “What do you think our topic for today?” “Ma’am, I think it’s about
concepts and Distinguish Features of
practicing new Academic Writing”
skills #2
“Exactly, that’s correct”

“So now let’s proceed to our next topic.”

“Okay, first let’s define what is Persuasive writing”
Persuasive writing convinces a reader about a
particular idea or focus

Though cellphones are necessary for high school
students in terms
of their safety, they should still be prohibited from
use in school. This concept is founded on several
reasons, such as disrupting the educational
process and facilitating students’ cheating,
distracting students by the possibility to the
Internet, social media, or communicate with
friends; finally, cellphones contribute to the
spreading of the social phenomenon known as
cyber bullying.

“And how about Narrative Writing”

Narrative Writing tells a personal true-to-life story

It was the 4th of July in blistering Nebraska,
America’s Independence Day. As usual on every
Independence Day since I was five years old,
George and Terry, my two best friends, and I went
on a picnic. I diligently carried out my household
chores, packed my picnic bag, and off I went to
collect my friends by way of a bicycle. It is going to

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be an awesome day, I thought to myself as I sed

down my neighborhood street on my beat-up blue

F. Developing Let Us Practice

mastery (leads to Directions: Read aloud the paragraph. Then
assessment 3)
analyze if it is
descriptive or expository academic writing by
answering the set
of questions that follow. Write your answers on a
separate sheet
of paper. (5 points)

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is protective

clothing, helmets, goggles, or other garments or
equipment designed to protect the wearer's body
from injury or infection. The hazards addressed by
protective equipment include physical, electrical,
heat, chemicals, biohazards, and airborne
particulate matter. Protective equipment may be
worn for related occupational safety and health
purposes, as well as for sports and other
recreational activities. "Protective clothing" is
applied to traditional categories of clothing, and
"protective gear" applies to items such as pads,
guards, shields, or masks, and others. PPE suits
can be similar in appearance to a cleanroom suit.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

2. What is descriptive writing?

3-4. Does the paragraph describe something?

Does it give concise and clear description of

5. Is the paragraph a descriptive form of writing?


Directions: Read the paragraph below. Identify if it is

persuasive or narrative writing by answering the
questions that follow. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper. (5 points) Alaska Milk products have
been a staple in the Filipino kitchen; providing
delicious, nutritious milk products for households and
businesses alike. Whether you’re feeding a family,
running a restaurant, or operating as an entrepreneur,
there is an Alaska product to meet your needs.

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1. What is the main idea of the passage?


2. What is a persuasive writing?


3-4. Does the paragraph convince the reader about a

particular idea or focus?

5. Is the paragraph a persuasive form of writing?


Let Us Practice More

Directions: Read silently the paragraph Then study if it
is descriptive or expository academic writing by
answering the group of questions after it. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper. (5 points)

The single most important piece of advice health

experts can give to help us stay safe from COVID-19 is
this one: Wash your hands. “In the final analysis, it’s
the hands. The hands are the connecting piece,” says
Elizabeth Scott, PhD. Scott co-directs the Center for
Hygiene and Health in Home and Community at
Simmons University in Boston.
“You can’t necessarily control 4 6 what you touch. You
can’t control who else touched it. But you can look
after your own hands,” she says. Hand-washing -- with
soap and water -- is a far more powerful weapon
against germs than many of us realize. Scott says it
works on two fronts: “The first thing that’s happening
is that you’re physically removing things from your
hands. At the same time, for certain agents, the soap
will actually be busting open that agent, breaking it
apart.” (March 6. 2020;

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

2. What is an expository writing?
_____________3-4. Does the paragraph explain an
important information? What information is it?
5. Is the paragraph an expository writing?

Directions: Read the paragraph below. Identify if it is

or narrative writing by answering the questions that
follow. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper. (5 points)

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I went into the classroom and took my seat in the last

row in front of me there was a big blackboard on the
wall. Near it there was a decent chair and a table for
the teachers on a raised platform. After a few minutes
a teacher entered the classroom. I gave the chit to
him. He wrote my name in the register. The teacher
was an interesting fellow. He passed a few funny
1. What is the main idea of the passage?

2. What is a narrative writing?

3-4. Does the paragraph tells a personal true-to-life
story or experience?


5. Is the paragraph a narrative form of writing?


G. Finding
applications of
concepts and
skills in daily
H. Making Again, Academic Writing
and abstractions
about the lesson
I. Evaluating Evaluation
Learning Directions: Identify what type of writing is each
excerpt by choosing one from the choices. Then
distinguish its features by answering the questions
after each text. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper. (10 points)
A) Descriptive Writing
B) Expository Writing

Reindeers are large deer with a body length

between 1.2 and 2.2 m (4 - 7.25 ft), a tail length
between 10 and 25 cm (4 - 10 inches) and they
weigh between 120 and 300 kgs (260 - 660 lbs.).
Their coat is thick and it is brown in color during
the summer and grey during the winter months.
Their chest and underside are pale in color and
their rump and tail are colored white. Reindeers
have specialized hooves that adapt according to
the season. During summer when the tundra is

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soft and wet, their footpads become spongy to
mammals/hoofed_mammals/rein deer.html) 7
provide them with extra traction and during the
winter months their pads shrink and tighten,
which exposes the rim of the hoof enabling them
to cut into the ice and snow to prevent them from
slipping. Their nose features nasal turbinate bones
which increase the surface area within their
nostrils. Reindeers are excellent swimmers and
when migrating they will not hesitate to swim
across a lake or river that is in their path. They can
also reach speeds of 80 km/hr (50 mph) if

1. The Letter of My Answer: _______

Reason of my Answer:
(features of the academic writing)
Main Topic of the Academic Writing:
(5 points if you complete your answer)

Snow refers to a type of ice crystals precipitated

from the atmosphere which experience numerous
changes upon falling on the surface of the earth.
When talking about snow, it is important to
remember that it is related to the entire life cycle
of water that is from liquid state through solid and
finally back to vapor. Snow is formed when the
weather is cold enough to allow it. In the places
where there are lengthy periods of cold weather,
such as two years or more, then a glacier may be
formed; this happens in few places though. For
most places, the snow melts away as summer
approaches. This water is then evaporated back
into the atmosphere and the cycle continues.

2. The Letter of My Answer: _______

Reason of my Answer:
(features of the academic writing)
Main Topic of the Academic Writing:
(5 points if you complete your answer)

Directions: Identify what type of writing is each

passage by choosing one from the choices. Then
distinguish its features by answering the questions
after it. Write your answers on a separate sheet of

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paper.(10 points)
A) Narrative Academic Writing
B) Persuasive Academic Writing

When the coronavirus crisis began, my med-

surgical floor became the “COVID-19” floor. I work
40 hours a week. I just spent the weekend
working on the COVID side of our floor. All the
possible rule-outs, the ones awaiting tests results
that needed to be admitted, come to our floor.
I’ve had a dramatic change in my daily life because
now, with each of these patients that are still
pending results, I need to wear full protective gear
— the PPEs everybody is talking about. I have to
wear all of that to go into a room. You can’t just
walk into a room to change the TV station or
answer the phone. You need to put all of that gear
on. So it is quite a challenge because putting it on
and taking it off is not a one-minute thing. It takes
quite a while to get yourself safely dressed to go
into the patient’s room.

1. The Letter of My Chosen Answer:

Reason of my Answer:
(features of the academic writing)
Main Topic of the Academic Writing:
(5 points if you complete your answer)

Tiktok is a great app for people who want to be

famous among people without any special talent
or skill. This app allows every single person to
make a short video and upload it and gain
publicity among society. So, you don’t require to
have any special equipment to make great videos.
The content that you make have possibilities that
connect other users to see your video and
become viral.

2. The Letter of Chosen Answer:

_____________________________ Reason of my
(features of the academic writing)
Main Topic of the Academic Writing: Answers:
_______________________ 1. A
(5 points if you complete your answer) 2. A
3. A

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Directions: For no. 1-5 read the questions 4. B

carefully and choose the letter of the best answer. 5. C
And 6-10 write T if the statement is true and F if 6. T
the statement is false. 7. T
8. T
1. What is expository writing? 9. T
a. Writing that seeks to explain, illuminate, or 10. T
2. What are the four types of writing?
a. Expository, descriptive, narrative, and
b. Descriptive, objectivity, narrative, and
c. Persuasive, expository, accuracy, and

3. What is academic writing?

a. A type of writing which uses formal

language to give information or convince
the readers.
b. A type of writing that aims to deliver and
narrate a story.
c. A type of writing where the author
describes a certain object, landscape, or

4. A type of academic writing that aims to

convince the readers to believe in a certain idea or
point of view by providing logical arguments and

a. Narrative essay
b. Persuasive essay
c. Descriptive essay

5. The following are TRUE about academic writing,


a. It must follow standards in writing

b. It is impersonal and supplies factual
c. It includes opinions, predictions, and facts.

_______6. Expository text is fact-based with the

purpose of exposing the truth through a reliable

_______7. Academic writing is clear, concise,

focused, structured, and backed up by evidence.

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_______8. Descriptive writing makes imagination

seem real by the use of image that appeal to the
senses as if the readers becomes a part of the
writer experience.

_______9. A narrative writing is writing that has a

story, characters, conflict, and other essential
parts of a story.

_______10. Persuasive writing is meant to

convince someone that something is true.
J. Additional “For your assignment,
activities or
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress. What works? What
VI. REFLECTION else needs to be done to help the pupils/students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can
provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners
who earned 80% of
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/ discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers

Prepared by:

Student Teacher in PCCM

Checked by:
Resource Teacher in English 7/MT-I

Checked and reviewed by: Checked and recorded by:


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Master Teacher in English/MT-I English Coordinator/T-I

Noted by:
Head Teacher III-Mathematics Principal IV

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