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Class: 2 AMANAH
Title: secret diaries of a junior doctor. 

The alarm clock’s piercing “Beep ! Beep ! Beep!” screech wakes Shawn from his
dreams. After turning off the device, he stares up at the ceiling. A new day. A day
brimming with unexpected chances, power and possibilities. But then why does he
have a different point of view? 

Shawn sluggishly drags himself out of bed. He feels nothing when the warm shower
touched his back. He was chewing the cud his next course of action to combat the
urge to give up on his journey to become a doctor of cardiology. After that, he asks, “
why is everything about me being treated with such cruelty ? “ as he looks in the

He went to a nearby cafe to gain courage and spirit. He made an effort to learn and
comprehend in hopes to interested in medicine. In the blink of an eye, a car crash
occurs in front of the cafe. After seeing so much blood on the victim’s body. He
immediately ran to the accident victim. He told himself. “ You can do this “, and then
made an attempt to stop the bleeding, which he was successful in doing it .after a
short while, the ambulance pulls up, and the doctor inside shouted for him to follow

He instantly followed the doctor and struck up a brief chat with him. He attempted
to explain his situation to the doctor, but they had already reached the hospital.
Shawn persisted in waiting for the doctor to emerge from the operating room with
the patient. When the doctor finally appeared, He questioned him, “ why haven’t you
returned home yet? “ in a private place, Shawn quickly disclosed to the doctor all of
his concerns.

The doctor attempted to console him by offering to advise him of all his difficulties.
Shawn heard him say softly “ The road seems long and arduous at the beginning, but
with effort and dedication the benefits at the end last a lifetime “ and also told him
that success has never been unkind to those who strive to achieve their goals. After
talking with him, Shawn felt less tension. the doctor also had to leave sooner than
expected, and before leaving, he encouraged Shawn to be strong and think positively
at all times.

Shawn returned home with a new perspective. It was a light bulb moment when
Shawn realised he can pursue his doctoral degree.After two years, Shawn
successfully completes his doctor of cardiology degree. With a smile and satisfaction
on his face, he said to himself, "After all the pain and worry, the outcome is more
fantastic than expected."

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