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Guidelines on how to read and summarize a journal paper efficiently?

The guidelines cover two parts: how to read the research paper? And how to summarize the

research paper.

Part One: Reading Journal Article:

Why we need to read a research paper?

- To keep yourself updated with recent research findings.

- Reading research papers is useful for your own research (Master, PhD, DBA, etc.)
So, by reading a research, you can understand what research has been done, and what research
needs to be conducted (research gap).

What is the format/structure of a research paper? And how to read a research paper?

The IMRAD Format for Scientific Papers are:

1. Introduction:What was/were the question/s?

2. Methods: How did you try to answer it/them?

3. Results: What did you find?

4. Discussion: What does it mean?

Usually, beginners’ students start reading paper in order (in the way) as it is printed (Title, abstract,

introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion).

Do not follow this order in reading papers; this is not a good use of your time. The better way is

to start by surveying the paper and see whether it is useful for you or not.

First, better to look at the title and key words. If these are not interesting you, then you can stop

reading the paper.

Next, read the abstract, then jump to the conclusion (i.e., do not read the paper sequentially). Again

if the conclusion is not relevant to you, then you can quit reading the paper.

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Then, look quickly at the tables and figures (if any). This will let you know what the main things

that the authors did.

If reading the abstract, conclusion, and tables and figures are interesting you, then you can start

digging on the paper by start reading the introduction (introduction will provide you with an initial

background of the study and why the authors did this study – the objective of the study).

The real heart of the paper is the results and discussion parts. Here we spend most of the time

reading the paper.

Finally, if finished reading the paper, it is very useful and a good idea to have some notes of the


Part Two: Summarizing Journal Article:

A journal article summary provides potential readers with a short descriptive commentary, giving

them some insight into the article's focus.

Start your summary by defining the research objective/s and question/s. Describe, in your own

words, the main argument the authors hope to prove with their research.

Then, discuss the methodology used by the authors. You need to summarize how the authors or

researchers came to the conclusions they came to with first-hand research or data collection.

Next, describe the results: what the authors accomplished as a result of their work?

Finally, highlight the implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research, if applicable.

Refrain from using direct quotations of text from the journal article. Focus more on paraphrasing

the ideas when writing a journal article summary without losing focus of their meaning and

intended content.

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1. Pete Carr (2019) How to read a paper efficiently.
2. How to read a research paper?
3. Jamie Korsmo (2019) How to Summarize a Journal Article,

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