TGS Bing Kel 6

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Ditulis Untuk Memenuhi Sebagian Dari Sebagian Bahasa Inggris Dasar

Oleh Kelompok 6

Khalda Salsabila Rahmah 211211907 Bunga Kartika 211211893

Nessy Afriyanti 211211915 Tiara Febrian Sumantri 211211927

Rafisyu Ilham 211211938 Maratul Aulia Azzahra 211211937

Lukman Loise Vigo Alfarizi 211211909 Fifin Delta Putri 211211902

Dosen Pengampu

Firdaus M.Pd



TA 2022-2023
Assignment Situation:

A mother and father take their daughter to hospital because she has a measles with high
temlerature and has a rash over the body. Two nurse staffs welcome them ask them to fill
theform for registration. After that the nurseask the mother to take the daughter to the room tobe
checked by the doctor. Then the doctor inform the daughter condition, give suggestions, and give
prescription to the mother.

Nurse Good morning Mr. How can i help you?

Mr Anton I want to check my child to a general

Nurse Excuse me Mr, have you been here before or is
this for first time?
Mr Anton This is the first time

Nurse If this the first time, may I borrow your identity

card, Mr?
Mr Anton this is my 10

Nurse Thank you Mr. I borrowthis 10 to be copied.

Here Mr and Mrs I return your 10. Please don't
lose it. After that, please fill in this form.
Mr Anton Alright, here it is

Nurse thank you Mr for filling out the form

Nurse Please wait in the waiting room after that you

will be called by a nurse.
Mr Anton Well thank you

Nurse Guard over Mr Anton lease go to the doctor’s

(wali atas nama bapak Anton. Silahkan menuju
ke ruang dokter)
Mom Okay,nurse.

(oke suster)
Doctor Good evening, Mr and Mrs I’m Dr. Doni and
please have a seat
(selamat sore, bapak dan ibu. Saya Dr. Doni
dan silahkan duduk)
Mom Good evening, doctor. My names is Ana Putri
and my daughter has a problem masles with
high temperature and and has a rash over the
(selamat sore dokter, nama saya Ana Putrid an
anak saya memiliki masalah dengan campak
demam tinggi dan memiliki ruam di sekujur
Doctor Scine when did this problem with she masles
appear and what exactly do her feel?
(sejak kapam masalah cacar anak ini muncul
dan apa yang tepatnya dia rasakan?
Mom Since a week ago his body temperature was
high, her appetite was gone and rashes appeared
all over his body
(sejak seminggu yang lalu suhu badannya tinggi
nasu makan nya hilang dan muncul ruam di
sekujur tubuhnya)
Doctor Oke, I will check

Doctor All right, based on the symptoms you

mentioned, your child’s body temperature is 38
degrees celcius, it seems the disease is not to
bad and I will give a injection to the your
daughters, the fever is goes down. I will
prescribe some types of medicine for she drink.
Please drink all the medicine and if after she
finish the medicane, but the symptoms still
appear, you can come back to see me.
(Baik, berdasarkan gejala gejala yang anda
sebutkan, suhu badan anak anda adalah 38
derajat celcius tampaknya penyakitnya tidak
terlalu buruk dan saya akan memberikan
suntikan ke pada anak ibu agar panas nya turun.
Saya akan meresepkan beberapa jenis obat
untuk anak anda minum. Habiskan semua obat,
namun gejala-gejala tersebut masih muncul,
anda bisa menemui saya lagi).
Mr. Anton Thank you so much, Dr. Doni. I hope my
daughter will feel better after consuming the
medicine from you.
(terima kasih banyak dokter Doni. Saya harap
anak saya segera baikan setelah mengonsumsi
obat-obatan dari anda).

Doctor Yes, and I also hope your daughter will feel

better soon. Don’t forget to take a rest.
(ya, dan saya juga berharap agar anak anda
segera sembuh. Jangan lupa untuk istirahat).

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