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Contestant Number:

Science Month Competition - Infographic Rubric

Category 11 8 5 1 Your
Message The topic and Topic and main Topic is given but Topic and/or main ideas
Clarity messages of the ideas are clear. main ideas are unclear are absent or very
(weight x4) infographic are or lacking. unclear.
clear and easily
Intended to inform
or convince the
Details Details (including Detail is added to More is needed for Very little detail is
(weight x2) labels) support the support each main understanding. Some provided for the main
main idea without idea with minimal are distracting. ideas and understanding
distracting with clutter. is limited.
Content - At least 4 accurate 3 accurate facts are 2 accurate facts are Fewer than 2 accurate
Accuracy facts/concepts are displayed. displayed. facts are displayed.
(weight x2) displayed in the
Graphics - The graphics used Most graphics All graphics relate to Graphics do not relate to
Relevance represent represent the the topic but do not the topic.
information information represent
appropriately. appropriately. appropriately.
Graphics - Color, shape, size, Color, shape, size, Color, shape, size, Color, shape, size, and
Visual and arrangement and arrangement and arrangement are arrangement are
of graphics are eye catching and present but do not add distracting or misleading.
contribute contribute some to the information.
meaning to the meaning.
overall message.
Design/layout The design/layout Is attractive in terms Is acceptably attractive Is distractingly messy,
is neat, clear, and of design, layout and though it may be a bit unattractive, or very
visually appealing. neatness. messy. poorly designed.
Mechanics Capitalization and There is 1 error in There are 2 errors in More than 2 errors in
punctuation are capitalization or capitalization or capitalization or
correct punctuation. punctuation. punctuation.
Grammar There are no There is 1 There are 2 There are more than 2
grammatical grammatical grammatical mistakes. grammatical mistakes.
mistakes. mistake.

Connection to Synthesizes
Discipline and connections to deepen
Extends understanding; Draws
Academic conclusions by
Knowledge combining examples,
(0 to 8 pt) facts, or theories from
one or more fields of
study or perspective.
Image and info Credit/citations
Credits provided for all images
(0 or 4 pt) and research


Adapted from a templated offered by © 2012 by The Source for Learning, Inc.

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