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Introduction to Mathematical Logic

Mathematical Logic – First Term 2021-2022


School of Computing
Telkom University

SoC Tel-U

September 2021

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1 Motivation

2 Course Description

3 References and Pertinent Topics

4 Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

5 Utilization of Safe Exam Browser

6 Instructors’List

7 Previous Classes’Statistics

8 Additional Rules for IF-45-INT

9 Miscellanea

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1 Motivation

2 Course Description

3 References and Pertinent Topics

4 Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

5 Utilization of Safe Exam Browser

6 Instructors’List

7 Previous Classes’Statistics

8 Additional Rules for IF-45-INT

9 Miscellanea

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What is Mathematical Logic?

Mathematical Logic
Mathematical logic is a part of mathematics which discusses theory and
application of formal logic using mathematical approach.

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What is Mathematical Logic?

Mathematical Logic
Mathematical logic is a part of mathematics which discusses theory and
application of formal logic using mathematical approach.
The materials in Mathematical Logic (CII-1B3) for undergraduate major of
informatics is mathematical logic for computer science. After completing these
materials, the students are expected to posses basic knowledge which is required
in computer science, such as algorithm analysis, automata and language theory,
arti…cial intelligence, knowledge-based system, formal methods in software
engineering, and cryptography.

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Why Do We Need to Learn Mathematical Logic?

By learning mathematical logic, the students are expected to have su¢ cient
understanding about propositional logic, predicate logic, inference methods, proof
techniques, and elementary set theory which are required in more advanced
classes. In addition, as a byproduct the students are expected to be able to write
programs more e¢ ciently using their knowledge about the logical equivalences in
this course. The implementation of mathematical logic are found in:

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Why Do We Need to Learn Mathematical Logic?

By learning mathematical logic, the students are expected to have su¢ cient
understanding about propositional logic, predicate logic, inference methods, proof
techniques, and elementary set theory which are required in more advanced
classes. In addition, as a byproduct the students are expected to be able to write
programs more e¢ ciently using their knowledge about the logical equivalences in
this course. The implementation of mathematical logic are found in:
1 digital circuit,

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Why Do We Need to Learn Mathematical Logic?

By learning mathematical logic, the students are expected to have su¢ cient
understanding about propositional logic, predicate logic, inference methods, proof
techniques, and elementary set theory which are required in more advanced
classes. In addition, as a byproduct the students are expected to be able to write
programs more e¢ ciently using their knowledge about the logical equivalences in
this course. The implementation of mathematical logic are found in:
1 digital circuit,
2 relational database,

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Why Do We Need to Learn Mathematical Logic?

By learning mathematical logic, the students are expected to have su¢ cient
understanding about propositional logic, predicate logic, inference methods, proof
techniques, and elementary set theory which are required in more advanced
classes. In addition, as a byproduct the students are expected to be able to write
programs more e¢ ciently using their knowledge about the logical equivalences in
this course. The implementation of mathematical logic are found in:
1 digital circuit,
2 relational database,
3 arti…cial intelligence,

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Why Do We Need to Learn Mathematical Logic?

By learning mathematical logic, the students are expected to have su¢ cient
understanding about propositional logic, predicate logic, inference methods, proof
techniques, and elementary set theory which are required in more advanced
classes. In addition, as a byproduct the students are expected to be able to write
programs more e¢ ciently using their knowledge about the logical equivalences in
this course. The implementation of mathematical logic are found in:
1 digital circuit,
2 relational database,
3 arti…cial intelligence,
4 automata and language theory,

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Why Do We Need to Learn Mathematical Logic?

By learning mathematical logic, the students are expected to have su¢ cient
understanding about propositional logic, predicate logic, inference methods, proof
techniques, and elementary set theory which are required in more advanced
classes. In addition, as a byproduct the students are expected to be able to write
programs more e¢ ciently using their knowledge about the logical equivalences in
this course. The implementation of mathematical logic are found in:
1 digital circuit,
2 relational database,
3 arti…cial intelligence,
4 automata and language theory,
5 design and analysis of algorithms,

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Why Do We Need to Learn Mathematical Logic?

By learning mathematical logic, the students are expected to have su¢ cient
understanding about propositional logic, predicate logic, inference methods, proof
techniques, and elementary set theory which are required in more advanced
classes. In addition, as a byproduct the students are expected to be able to write
programs more e¢ ciently using their knowledge about the logical equivalences in
this course. The implementation of mathematical logic are found in:
1 digital circuit,
2 relational database,
3 arti…cial intelligence,
4 automata and language theory,
5 design and analysis of algorithms,
6 formal methods in software engineering,

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Why Do We Need to Learn Mathematical Logic?

By learning mathematical logic, the students are expected to have su¢ cient
understanding about propositional logic, predicate logic, inference methods, proof
techniques, and elementary set theory which are required in more advanced
classes. In addition, as a byproduct the students are expected to be able to write
programs more e¢ ciently using their knowledge about the logical equivalences in
this course. The implementation of mathematical logic are found in:
1 digital circuit,
2 relational database,
3 arti…cial intelligence,
4 automata and language theory,
5 design and analysis of algorithms,
6 formal methods in software engineering,
7 computational logic,
8 and many more.

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Logic and Programming

After learning mathematical logic, the students are expected to understand

logically— albeit super…cial— why their codes work (or do not work).

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Multiple Drones

How do engineers ensure that drones do not collide each other?

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Logic and Engineering

Unfortunately, this is not how coding and algorithms works. The safety
speci…cation can be expressed precisely using logical formulas.
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An Example: System Speci…cation Problem

System Speci…cation Problem

A software engineer is inquired by his manager to develop an information system
that complies following speci…cation:

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An Example: System Speci…cation Problem

System Speci…cation Problem

A software engineer is inquired by his manager to develop an information system
that complies following speci…cation:
1 Whenever the system software is being upgraded, the user cannot access …le
2 If the user can access …le system, then the user can save a new …le;
3 If the user cannot save a new …le, then the system software is not being
The question is, can a system with these speci…cation be built?

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Formal Methods, Logic, and Ariane 5

Excerpted from https://www.ima.umn.edu/~arnold/disasters/ariane.html.

On 4 June 1996, the maiden ‡ight of the Ariane 5 launcher ended in a

failure. Only about 40 seconds after initiation of the ‡ight sequence, at
an altitude of about 3700 m, the launcher veered o¤ its ‡ight path,
broke up and exploded.

The failure of the Ariane 501 was caused by the complete loss of
guidance and altitude information 37 seconds after start of the main
engine ignition sequence (30 seconds after lift-o¤). This loss of
information was due to speci…cation and design errors in the software of
the inertial reference system.
Course Description


1 Motivation

2 Course Description

3 References and Pertinent Topics

4 Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

5 Utilization of Safe Exam Browser

6 Instructors’List

7 Previous Classes’Statistics

8 Additional Rules for IF-45-INT

9 Miscellanea

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Course Description

Course Description

Course name: Mathematical Logic

Course code: CII-1B3
Status: mandatory course
Credit: 3 semester credits
Prerequisite: none, however the students are expected to remember (or at
least have already been exposed to) the materials pertaining to logic which
was given in their high school (e.g.: truth table construction).
This course is a pre-requisite for the following courses:
Discrete Mathematics
Digital Systems
Automata and Language Theory
Basis Data Modeling
Complexity Analysis of Algorithm
Arti…cial Intelligence

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References and Pertinent Topics


1 Motivation

2 Course Description

3 References and Pertinent Topics

4 Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

5 Utilization of Safe Exam Browser

6 Instructors’List

7 Previous Classes’Statistics

8 Additional Rules for IF-45-INT

9 Miscellanea

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References and Pertinent Topics

Utilization of CeLOE
Mathematical Logic course will use CeLOE
(https://lms.telkomuniversity.ac.id) extensively as an e-learning
platform for the class. The informations in CeLOE consists of:
1 the course materials (lecture slides, videos, and useful links),
2 the weekly online quizzes,
3 the assignments (i.e., homework), including their submission slots for the soft
4 solutions examples of the assignments,
5 examples of the previous exams (possibly together with their solution
6 exams and their tryouts,
7 grade information for the problem sets (online quizzes), assignments, and

Every student has to check CeLOE on a regular basis, preferably at least twice

The problem concerning the utilization of CeLOE can be addressed to

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Course References
Slides, online quizzes updates assignments, and evaluation results will be uploaded
regularly to CeLOE (https://lms.telkomuniversity.ac.id). The students
are expected not to use lecture slides as a primary reference and still study the
materials from the following source instead:
1 K. H. Rosen. Discrete Mathematics and Its Application, 8th Edition, 2019
(primary reference)
2 S. S. Epp. Discrete Mathematics with Application, 5th Edition, 2018
(secondary reference)
3 M. Huth, M. Ryan. Logic in Computer Science: Modelling and Reasoning
about Systems, 2nd Edition, 2004
4 M. Ben-Ari. Mathematical Logic for Computer Science, 2nd Edition, 2000
5 M. Bramer. Logic Programming with Prolog, 2nd Edition, 2013
6 H. J. Gensler. Introduction to Logic, 2nd Edition, 2010
7 V. Klenk. Understanding Symbolic Logic, 5th Edition, 2007
8 J. Kelly. The Essence of Logic, 1st Edition, 1996
9 E. Lehman, F. T. Leighton, A. R. Meyer. Mathematics for Computer Science.
MIT, 2010 (Available freely).
10 T. Jenkyns, B. Stephenson. Fundamentals of Discrete Math for Computer

Science, 2013 (Exercise and problem solving materials).

References and Pertinent Topics

Pertinent Topics

1 Propositional logic: truth table, propositional formula, semantics of

propositional formulas, inference in propositional calculus.
2 First order predicate logic: predicate formula, semantics of predicate
formulas, inference in predicate calculus.
3 Introduction to declarative programming with Prolog.
4 Mathematical proving technique: direct proof, indirect proof using
contrapositive, indirect proof using contradiction.
5 Mathematical induction: ordinary mathematical induction, strong
mathematical induction.
6 Elementary set theory.
The materials for midterm exam includes propositional logic, …rst order predicate
logic, and introduction to declarative programming in Prolog; other materials are
assessed in the …nal exam. The details for weekly activities can be seen in the
syllabus posted in CeLOE. However, there are probably some minor di¤erences.

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Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation


1 Motivation

2 Course Description

3 References and Pertinent Topics

4 Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

5 Utilization of Safe Exam Browser

6 Instructors’List

7 Previous Classes’Statistics

8 Additional Rules for IF-45-INT

9 Miscellanea

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Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

Course Learning Outcomes

The course learning outcomes (CLO) for Mathematical Logic course are:
1 CLO 1: propositional logic.
2 CLO 2: …rst-order predicate logic.
3 CLO 3: elementary mathematical proof methods and mathematical induction.
4 CLO 4: elementary set theory.

Each CLO are evaluated on three components:

1 Exam: 70% (overall).
2 Problem set (online quizzes): 20%.
3 Assignments (homeworks): 10%.

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Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

Evaluation Types and Their Proportions

The …nal-numerical grade for each student is determined by the following

Midterm Exam: 35% (17.5% for CLO 1 and 17.5% for CLO 2)
Final Exam: 35% (17.5% for CLO 3 and 17.5% for CLO 4)
Problem sets (online quizzes): 20% (there will be at least 14 online
quizzes overall, at least two online quizzes per CLO; in on-site setting we
have 8 problem sets, 2 problem sets per CLO)
Assignments (homework): 10% (four assignments, one assignment per

The topics tested in the midterm exam are: propositional logic, …rst order
predicate logic, and declarative programming with Prolog.

The topics tested in the …nal exam are: mathematical proving techniques,
mathematical induction, and elementary set theory.

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Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

Grading Matrix


Midterm Exam 17:5% 17:5% 0% 0% 35%
Final Exam 0% 0% 17:5% 17:5% 35%
Problem Sets (Online Quizzes) 5% 5% 5% 5% 20%
Assignments 2:5% 2:5% 2:5% 2:5% 10%
TOTAL 25% 25% 25% 25% 100%

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Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

Exams (Midterm and Final Exams, O- ine Mode)

Due to current situation (1st term, 2021-2022) the following regulation will not be
used. However, you deserve to know how the exams are usually administered in an
o- ine (on-site) setting in the past …ve years.

The duration of the exams are 125 minutes.

An exam consists of six problems.
Students will be assessed based on:
the accuracy of the …nal answer,
the accuracy of mathematical symbols and notations,
the argument in a formal-mathematical language.

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Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

The maximum score in the exams can be > 100 (there is a bonus problem).
The exam will be graded by the team of lecturers, not only by the class
instructor. Each lecturers typically will grade one or two problems (depending
on the number of problems in the exam).
In the exam, make sure that:
your handwriting is neat and legible (readable),
your argument is clear and coherent,
your identity is written in every space provided on the answer sheets.
The absence of your identity on the answer sheets may result in a reduction
or cancellation of your exam score.

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Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

Exams (Midterm and Final Exams, Online Mode)

Online exams will be used in an online class mode (such as the 1st term of
2021-2022 academic year ).
There will be two exams: midterm exam and …nal exam.
The midterm exam will consist of two parts, the …rst part is for CLO 1
evaluation and the second part is for CLO 2 evaluation.
Each part will comprise of 27 problems, each problem is worth four points (so
if you answer all problems correctly, you will get 108 points, the additional 8
points are bonus points).
The problems can be multiple choice with multiple answers, matching, short
answer, or short programming.
Every student can have up to three attempts for each part, the result of the
exam is taken from the last attempt.
You have 125 minutes (in total) to submit the …rst and the second part of the
The exam will be graded automatically, you can see the result of your exam
immediately after you submit your exam.

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Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

The …nal exam will consist of two parts, the …rst part is for CLO 3 evaluation
and the second part is for CLO 4 evaluation.
Each part will comprise of 27 problems, each problem is worth four points
(just like the midterm exam).
The problems can be multiple choice with multiple answers, matching, short
answer, or short programming.
Every student can have up to three attempts for each part, the result of the
exam is taken from the last attempt.
You have 125 minutes (in total) to submit the …rst and the second part of the
The exam will be graded automatically, you can see the result of your exam
immediately after you submit your exam.

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Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

Problem Sets (Quizzes, O- ine Mode)

Due to current situation (1st term, 2021-2022) the following regulation will not be
used. However, you deserve to know how the problem sets (on-site quizzes) are
usually administered in an o- ine (on-site) setting in the past four years.

Weekly evaluation is done using problem set (quiz), which is planned to be held
eight times overall (two problem sets per CLO).
Problem set is to be completed individually (no cooperation is allowed).
Problem set is given in standard (American) English. For international class,
the instructor/teaching assistant will not translate the problem to Bahasa
Indonesia. However, the utilization of dictionary and Google translate is not
Students are allowed to use their notes or the lectures slides during the
completion of the problem sets. Nevertheless, the class instructor may
restrict this utilization if it is deemed necessary.

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Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

The duration of each problem set is around 30 minutes.

The solution of each problem set is immediately discussed shortly after the
time allocated for completing the problem set is up. The solution is then
cursory discussed by the instructor or teaching assistant. The detailed
discussion is conducted separately in a recitation by the teaching assistant.
Since the problem set solution is discussed right away in the classroom, then
there is no makeup problem set for any reason (including sick leave, urgent
family matters, or o¢ cial duties from institution).

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Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

Problem Sets in the Online Mode: Online Quizzes

Weekly evaluation is done using online quizzes, which is planned to be held once
a week for every topic.
Online quizzes are to be completed individually (no cooperation among
participant is allowed).
The duration of each attempt for an online quizzes is 45 minutes.
The online quiz can be accessed in a speci…ed date, normally the access is
open for 3-6 days.
By default, every student can have up to three attempts for each online quiz,
the grade is taken from the last attempt.
Online quizzes are graded automatically.
Your instructor might give you additional online quizzes if required.

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Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

Online Quizzes Schedule (Pre-Midterm)

Quiz CLO Material Access Schedule
1 1 Propositional Logic 1 22-28 Sep. 2021
2 1 Propositional Logic 2 29 Sep. - 5 Oct. 2021
3 1 Propositional Logic 3 6-12 Oct. 2021
4 2 Predicate Logic 1 13-19 Oct. 2021
5 2 Predicate Logic 1 20-26 Oct. 2021
6 2 Predicate Logic 1 27 Oct. - 2 Nov. 2021
7 2 Introduction to Logic Programming 3-9 Nov. 2021

Midterm exam will be held between 8-20 November 2021.

Access schedule may vary from class to class. The precise access schedule
hopefully would not be much di¤erent from the existing one.

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Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

Online Quizzes Schedule (Post-Midterm)

Quiz CLO Material Access Schedule
8 3 High School Mathematics Review 22-28 Nov. 2021
9 3 Elementary Proof Methods Part 1 29 Nov.- 5 Dec. 2021
10 3 Elementary Proof Methods Part 2 6-12 Dec. 2021
11 3 Ordinary Mathematical Induction 13-19 Dec. 2021
12 3 Strong Mathematical Induction 20-26 Dec. 2021
13 4 Elementary Set Theory Part 1 27 Dec. 2021
- 2 Jan. 2022
14 4 Elementary Set Theory Part 2 3-9 Jan. 2022

Final exam will be held between 10-22 January 2022.

Access schedule may vary from class to class. The precise access schedule
hopefully would not be much di¤erent from the existing one.

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Assignments (Homeworks)
The assignments are individual evaluations. However, the students may
discuss or work together for answering the problems.
Assignments are given in English for every class. The students in
international class must answer the question in English.
The deadline for an assignment is identical for all classes. In the normal
setting, the assignments are collected simultaneously for each class in two
forms: soft copy and hard copy. However, under the current situation
assignments are only submitted in a soft copy type.
Normally, the hard copy of the assignment is to be submitted in the space
provided at School of Computing academic roster (roster FIF Tel-U), room
A203A. The deadline of the submission is at 5:00 p.m. on the day speci…ed
for the assignment.
The soft copy of the assignment is to be submitted in the submission slot
provided in CeLOE. The deadline of the submission is at 5:00 p.m. on the
day speci…ed for the assignment.
The solution of the assignment will be uploaded immediately after the
submission deadline is reached. The students may not submit their
assignment later than the deadline. If hard copy submission is impossible
(e.g.: the students are on leave), the soft copy submission is su¢ cient.
Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

Attendance, Makeup Exam, and Academic Violation

(Normal Setting)
Normally we have the following regulation for Mathematical Logic class:

According to the university regulation, every student is obligated to attend at least

75% of all meetings held by the instructor. Any absence due to medical sickness
must be supplemented by o¢ cial sick leave letter provided by legitimate doctor,
clinic, or hospital. There is no makeup exam, unless due to legitimate medical
sickness, urgent family matters, or o¢ cial duties from the institution (e.g.:
academic competition). The makeup exam might be more di¢ cult than the
regular one.

To avoid administrative error in attendance recapitulation, the instructor and

students are expected to tap their identity card in the class. If your card is lost or
broken, please resolve this problem immediately.

Any academic misconduct, such as cheating and plagiarism, may lead to a failing
grade for this class.
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Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

Attendance, Makeup Exam, and Academic Violation

(Online Setting)

The following regulation applies in full online academic setting. Student’s

attendance will be considered based on the completion of two activities:
Student’s completion for weekly online quizzes (by default there is at least
one online quiz for each weekly topic). To complete an online quiz, a
student needs to score at least 50% of the maximum grade or at least
have used all three attempts.
Student’s participation in an online discussion forum (by default there is at
least one discussion forum for each weekly topic). To complete a discussion
forum, a student needs to post or reply a relevant message in the provided
discussion forum.
Nevertheless, sometimes your instructor will replace “participation in an
online discussion forum” with completion of another online quiz. This
regulation is vary from class to class and subject to class situation and
learning materials.

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Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

Are Video Conference Meetings Mandatory?

By default, students do not need to participate in any synchronous video

conference meetings with their instructor. Participation in the synchronous video
conference meeting is not mandatory (since not all students live in the same
region or time zones). However, synchronous video conference meeting will be
held regularly by your teaching instructor.

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Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

Minimum Attendance and Academic Violation

According to the university regulation, every student is obligated to attend at

least 75% of all meeting held by the instructor. This means that students
need to complete at least 75% of the mandatory online quizzes and online
discussion forum participation. Any absence due to medical sickness must be
supplemented by o¢ cial sick leave letter provided by legitimate doctor, clinic,
or hospital.
There is no makeup exam, unless due to legitimate medical sickness, force
majeure, urgent family matters, or o¢ cial duties from the institution (e.g.:
academic competition). The makeup exam might be more di¢ cult than the
regular one.
Any academic misconduct, such as cheating and plagiarism, may lead to a
failing grade for this class.

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Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

Index Conversion

The index of a numerical grade (NG) is converted using following rule:

80 < NG ) …nal grade A

70 < NG 80 ) …nal grade AB
65 < NG 70 ) …nal grade B
60 < NG 65 ) …nal grade BC
50 < NG 60 ) …nal grade C
40 < NG 50 ) …nal grade D
NG 40 ) …nal grade E

There is no remedial such as additional assignments or corrective exam if the …nal

index has already been announced. A student is passed the class if his/her grade
is D or better.

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Utilization of Safe Exam Browser


1 Motivation

2 Course Description

3 References and Pertinent Topics

4 Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

5 Utilization of Safe Exam Browser

6 Instructors’List

7 Previous Classes’Statistics

8 Additional Rules for IF-45-INT

9 Miscellanea

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Utilization of Safe Exam Browser

Utilization of Safe Exam Browser

The exams (midterm exam and …nal exam) of Mathematical Logic in the …rst
term of academic year 2021/2022 will utilize Safe Exam Browser. It is
recommended that students use a computer with the following speci…cation:
1 Operating system: Windows 8.1 or higher (Windows 10 is recommended).
2 RAM: at least 4 GB of RAM (6 GB or higher is recommended).
3 Prolog version 8.0 or newer which is installed in the default directory,
e.g.: C:nProgram Filesnswiplnbinnswipl-win.exe.
4 Python 3.8 or 3.9 installed under program …les folder, e.g.: C:nprogram
5 Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on its default path.

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1 Motivation

2 Course Description

3 References and Pertinent Topics

4 Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

5 Utilization of Safe Exam Browser

6 Instructors’List

7 Previous Classes’Statistics

8 Additional Rules for IF-45-INT

9 Miscellanea

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Team of Instructors for Undergraduate Informatics Major

Subject coordinator: M. Arzaki (MZI), email:

<mylastname>@telkomuniversity.ac.id. O¢ ce: Room E 104 (Gedung
Kultubai Utara, Room 104). Laboratory A¢ liation: Computing Laboratory (E
101). Appointment is available upon request, please send an email …rst.
Annisa Aditsania (IF-45-10).
Bambang Ari Wahyudi (IF-45-01).
Danang Triantoro Murdiansyah (IF-45-02).
Muhammad Arzaki (IF-45-INT).
Nurul Ikhsan (IF-45-03).
Rifki Wijaya (IF-45-12).
Rijal Khaerani (IF-45-04, IF-45-05, IF-45-06).
Tamtoyo (IF-45-07, IF-45-08, IF-45-09).
Yasi Dani (IF-45-11, IF-45-GAB).

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Team of Instructors for Undergraduate Informatics Major

(Distance Learning)

Subject coordinator: M. Arzaki (MZI), email:

<mylastname>@telkomuniversity.ac.id. O¢ ce: Room E 104 (Gedung
Kultubai Utara, Room 104). Laboratory A¢ liation: Computing Laboratory (E
101). Appointment is available upon request, please send an email …rst.

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Team of Instructors for Undergraduate Information

Technology Major

Subject coordinator: Danang Triantoro Murdiansyah (DTO), email:

Danang Triantoro Murdiansyah (IT-45-01, IT-45-02).
Solikin (IT-45-03, IT-45-04, IT-45-GAB).

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Team of Instructors for Undergraduate Software

Engineering Major

Subject coordinator: Widi Astuti (WDU), email:

Widi Astuti (SE-45-01).
Rismawati Ramdani (SE-45-02, SE-45-03).

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Team of Instructors for Undergraduate Data Science Major

Subject coordinator: Bambang Ari Wahyudi (BBD), email:

Bambang Ari Wahyudi (DS-45-01).
Rifky Wijaya (DS-45-02).
Rismawati Ramdani (DS-45-03).

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Grading and Teaching Assistant

The assistants will soon be announced. He/she is assigned for:

grading and assessing the assignments (homeworks) and problem sets (in
normal situation) given by the instructors,
providing tutorial, recitation, and exam preparation for students with special
needs (if it is deemed necessary), all of these activities can be done at
scheduled time and classroom or unscheduled period agreed by the class
representatives and the teaching assistant,
helping and guiding the students in discussion forums in LMS CeLOE.

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Previous Classes’Statistics


1 Motivation

2 Course Description

3 References and Pertinent Topics

4 Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

5 Utilization of Safe Exam Browser

6 Instructors’List

7 Previous Classes’Statistics

8 Additional Rules for IF-45-INT

9 Miscellanea

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Previous Classes’Statistics


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Previous Classes’Statistics


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Previous Classes’Statistics

Mathematical Logic A: Academic Year 2017-2018

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Previous Classes’Statistics

Mathematical Logic A: Academic Year 2018-2019

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Previous Classes’Statistics

Mathematical Logic A: Academic Year 2019-2020 (IF)

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Previous Classes’Statistics

Mathematical Logic A: Academic Year 2019-2020 (SE)

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Previous Classes’Statistics

Mathematical Logic: Academic Year 2020-2021

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Additional Rules for IF-45-INT


1 Motivation

2 Course Description

3 References and Pertinent Topics

4 Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

5 Utilization of Safe Exam Browser

6 Instructors’List

7 Previous Classes’Statistics

8 Additional Rules for IF-45-INT

9 Miscellanea

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Additional Rules for IF-45-INT

Schedule: What, When, Where?

Regular slot for IF-45-INT:

Wednesday, 07:30 a.m. – 09:30 a.m. at Google Meet, the class is expected to
begin e¤ectively around 8:00 a.m..
Friday, 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. at Google Meet, the class is expected to begin
e¤ectively around 4:00 p.m..

The Google Meet meeting link will be informed in the discussion forum for
corresponding topic.

The duration of one meeting is about 60 minutes – 90 minutes. The recitation

and tutorial schedule with the assistant is held on one of the slots available in the
assigned classroom or another slot agreed with the teaching assistant.

Other class schedule can be seen in iGracias. The replacement/makeup class due
to national holiday or instructor absences will be informed to the class

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Additional Rules for IF-45-INT

Some Notes for IF-45-INT

The students are expected to actively use

https://lms.telkomuniversity.ac.id/, all course materials and
information will be provided via https://lms.telkomuniversity.ac.id/.
Evaluation results (assignments, online quizzes or problem sets, exams, and
…nal grade) will also be uploaded to
The information regarding instructor or teaching assistant absence will be
informed in https://lms.telkomuniversity.ac.id/ or will be sent to the
class representative’s email in case
https://lms.telkomuniversity.ac.id/ is crashed/down.
We will use a Telegram channel to support our class communication, but the
main medium for class activity is the LMS.

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Additional Rules for IF-45-INT

Attendance Regulation in IF-45-INT

There are two meetings in each weak.

Student attendances is considered based on two activity completions: online
quiz and participation in the discussion forum.
If a student only completes one of the two activities (online quiz or
participation in the discussion forum, but not both), then he/she is
considered present in the …rst meeting of the corresponding week.
As mentioned earlier: attending Google Meet conference meeting is not
mandatory (student presence in Google Meet conference neither a¤ects
his/her grade nor his attendance).
Please check the deadline for each online quiz and discussion forum carefully.
The deadline for completing the online quiz and participating in a discussion
forum: Tuesday, at 5:00 p.m..

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1 Motivation

2 Course Description

3 References and Pertinent Topics

4 Course Learning Outcomes, Grading System, Attendance, and Evaluation

5 Utilization of Safe Exam Browser

6 Instructors’List

7 Previous Classes’Statistics

8 Additional Rules for IF-45-INT

9 Miscellanea

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Other questions or problems which have not been discussed in this slide will be
discussed during the course.

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