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Second Language : ENGLISH


a Read_the passage and onswer to the questions

&ftqt j students graduatingfrom;r^ti"ryn;r"*tty d"rt"g tb-fifth *;Ab;i"*; t*td
M K Narayanan, who was the chief guor,
on rridav rormer gouernor
i"iior"a r;;";;;;;;;:";;.';;r";;;;;ff;i:X:Lf:fr:::,
agai ns t disrup t iu e
forc es.
"Two transformatiue deuelopments in
one in the perceiued decline in the influence ydu will shape yourfuture in multipte ways.
of the USA ind anoth[r k the rise of china.,, he said.
u.@ Narayanan' who was also the national security
aduisor,discussed at length about Ind.ia,s
tegic position in the Asian region and stra-
its relation with china and Rtussia.
possible outcomes of India's political Further, he discussed, the
stand in the internationot oi"no that the
aware of. students need to be
The uniuersity'sformer chancellor aduised
the graduating students to grab the
tunities that are becoming auailable. "You emerging oppor-
hAue to keep uplir*, the changes that
round the globe. you are takig place
need to deuelop a 1g0 degree uision.,, he suggested.
At the conuocation, the uniuersity awarded DLitt (honoris
causa) to eminent historian Romila
(honoris causa) to'Biocon rimited ci'ai;;;;";;;*anasingdirectori
Xff;;rr#" Kiran Ma-
The sFI had planned to hold a demonstration
if education minister partha chatterjee attended
the programme Howeuer; they lost the
opportunity with the minister giuing the conuocation
due to his other commitments. a miss
l.: Presidency university has achived- ,.,*r, Dr. Portha Chatterjee
was present in the cor_
@ soYears @'tooYears rocation-
@ t50Years @ 2oo Years @ fhe sentence is true.
2, Nameof thechief guestintheconvocation is_ @ fne sentence is false
@ u. r. Narayan @ ffre sentence is partially true
@ Kiran Majumder @ Can not be inferred.
@ Romila Thapar 5. RomilaThapar is a-
@ P. Chatterlee @ Litterature
3. Honorory D.Litt @ Historian
was conferred to_ @ Poet
@ Partha Chatterjee
@ Novelist
@ Kiran Majumder '$; term ,,Honoris (qs5s,, Jngsns-
@ Romila Thapar
@ Honorory @ Honorium
@ None ofthese Duehonor
@ @ Honours

PRTMARYTEI slr{r{ tqFftq cfi)
@ Cnildren tearning through
7. students shoutd develop lesson
@ 360' @90' draw from their art
-degreevision' @ Children learning to
@ 180"
@ 150" teacher
also- in person-
'.&l M. K. NaraYonon was Mary, a young teacher' believes
'Ii$, 'oiiiai"i,nini
"*' becouse she thinking thot-
@ Vice chancellor
on their own
@ National SecuritY Advisere @ All learners must learn
Children must enjoy their learning
@ President @
to learning
@ Poet and Novelist @ Every person must be exposed
and needs to be
@ Every learner is unique
1 Direction : Answet the following lues' given a cfrance to develop to the best of
tions their abilitY
to lose interest in
,i:lk wnat young learners seem
. ---tJ .1[" f," aimof mechanicaldrillsisto-
a lesson, tie teocher should- '"" learning capacity of
an interesting
@ Strengthen the rote
@ tett a story or conduct the learners
use of language
activitY @ Encourage creative
for some time
@ Askthem to sit quietly among the learners
@ ntlow them to go out
and PlaY the learners
@ lmprove the fluency of
for a while of the learners
@ lskthem to sleeP @ lmprove the accuracy
of Chitdren to Free ond Compulsory in individual activities'
-.ffi rh, Rigl, t 78,,. Leorners are involved
inctuded 'all round work be'
Education Act, 2OOg has
-ii"lip^",t pair work, group and whose'class
of the child's os one of the oims cousethese-
of educotion because- @ Provide the learners enough
mental and emo- language classroom
@ lt nurtures the physical' to relax in a
variety in
tional asPects of the child @ Have the sole aim of introducing
is a part ofa a language classroom
@ lt ensues that every child to
already over-worked teacher
between six to
- enaUie to her energY therebY becoming
@ Every child grows rapidly Prur",'"
fourteen Years more effective
to use the
@ Afford the learners opportunities real-life

@ Proper health case is essential

language in a focused manner
not give the meoning of
'W new
Teachers do interaction
wordsto leorners directly because- be developed most
@ Learners to not like to be
gives the mean- lt Corrects peech habits can
effectivelY through-
ing of words
discovering.the @ Pronunciation Practice
@ tt pr"rents learners from
through puzzling out using clues @ VocabularY Practice
meaning @ Dictations
the meaning of the @ Quizzes
@ Learner] already know cannot be assessed
words tlii fne language skills that
'"'''',hrougi pen'Paper test are-
enriched o tioditionat
@ VocabularY will not be
instance of non- @ Reading and listening
'W whicn of the following is an
@ Listening and sPeaking
formol learning?
their pa-rents @ Reading and sPeaking
@ Children learning to cookfrom
game from friends @ Writing and listening
@ Children learning a new
''lN rne primary objective of using role play is- & Latita, a teacher of young learners, provides
@ To evaluate dialogue withing skill them with opportunities to play with clay,
@ To promote the reading habit water and sand, so as to-
@ To improve the communicative compe- @ Please them and make them happy
tence @ Oirty their hands so that they may learn to
@ To develop acting talent wash them

llli, 'Decorum' in spoken longuage pertains to_

@ AuitO fine motor skill, especially of the
fingers and thumb
@ Correct grammatical usage
lng @ Encourage play with no other objective
@ Voice quality or loudness
@ Clarity and purity of style ,i5) A textbook describes a domestic scene which
lof shows the father cooking in the kitchen, the
@ Appropriate gestures
mother coming home from work and their
?E-;; Wnen a test item expects the learners to use son sewing. What is the concept conveyed?
tense forms, boice, connectors, prepositions @ Division of labour among
tof sexes
and articles accurately, such an approoch @ Work is worship
can be called- @ Removing gender bias
@ tvtixed grammar task @ Dignityoflabour
@ lmproper grammar testing
,28- As part of a class project, a teacher planned a
@ lntegrated grammar testing
salad fruit celebration day in which all learn-
@ Asserted grammar practice ers needed to participote.The boys protested
21,;, Minimal pairs are usually used to give prac- as they felt that boys do not cook. The teoch-
t: tice
@ Pronunciation
@ Reading
er should-
@ tvtake an attempt to counsel the boys,
impressing upon them that gender ste_
fty in @ Vocabulary reotyping is not healthy
@ Stractures @ Respect the sentiments of the boys and
her to allow them not to participate in the class
)ming 2X, tJnder constructivist approach to longuage project
learning, learners are encouroged to_
@ lgnore such protests and tellthe boys what
rcthe @ Discoverthe rules of grammarform exam- she thinks of their bias
tal-life ples
@ Complain to the head of the schoolseeking
@ Avoid errors completely action against the boys
@ Practise language drills mechanically TI,; Remedial teaching as part of formative as-
@ Learn the grammar rules by rote means-
21. Leena uses big reading books in her language @ Diagnosing and addressing gaps in
classes to- learning
@ Use these illustrated colourful books for @ Teaching beyond thetextbooks
llessed reading together @ Extra coaching by parents
)rc- @ Use them for big students of different @ Teaching for gifted students
21, Theevaluation process in learning is-
@ Rllow students to read at home
@ Quantitative @ Qualitative
@ Ensure books carry a lot of information
@ eoth @ and @ @ Descriptive
is not and obiective
of He soYs, "1 o1n
q Plol€f"'
?!!, Whichof the fotlowinq @ He saYs thrat he was PlaYer'
coiprehensive Evaluotion
Continuous and @
He says that he is PlaYer'
(cco- @ He said that he
is a PlaYer'
process of assess-
O ,i ,, a developmental @ Noneofthese
ment and
O i" i"r"'tp cognitive' psychomotor
effective skill
@ To emphasise
uP work to imProve uPon the
6 t"u"*

afnsttser 1,

11.@ 12. o 13. o

4.@ 5.@ 6.@ 7.o 8.@ e.@ 10.@
o 20. @
1.@ 2.@ 3'CI
19.o 20.@ 21.@ 22.@ 23. @ 24. 25. @

17.@ 18.@
14.@ 15.@ 16'@
30, @
2?.@ 28.o 29'@
. * "'* .' 'o
l Second ENGLISH

l Read the text and onswer to the question :
To make the most of the occasion,families of wouldbe brides and grooms in the upcom,r"S*rdar"g
season are in a hurry to change their chicken platters with mutton items. "We haue been receiuing
requests to alter our price or change chicken items with mutton, but we haue told our customers thet
the currentprice cannot affect our rate chart in any manner; as when we actually buy the meat, the
prices are definitely going to rise again, We haue a fixed rate chart and are charging our clients ac-
cordingly, irrespectiue of the changing prices," said Dwaraka Dutt of Diamond iatirers.
Restaurants across the city, too, are following the same norm but some roadside eateries haue
slashed the prices of mutton rolls and mutton keema by around Rs 2 to Rs S to lure more customers.
Industry sources said prices are sure to increase a week before Viswakarma puja on September tZ
0.@ and again before the start of the wedding season.

1. Who is Dwarka Dutt? 8, Prices of mutton and chicken goes high in-
@ A Restaurant owner @ Weekend days
@ snopowner @ SaraswatiPuja
@ Mutton shop owner
@ wedding season
@ Owner of Diamond Caterer
@ Viswakarma Puja
2. What did the roadside eateries do?
@ Decreased the price A Direction : Answer the following ques-
@ lncreased tions by selecting the eorrect options.
@ Oia not change 9, rhe Right of Chitdren to Free and Compulso-
@ Gave offer. ry Education Act,2009 stipulatesthe learning
3. The term'Eoteries' meons- should be-
@ Restaurants @ Non-veg food @ Through activities in a child friendly manner
@ Food stall @ Veg foods @ Supported by extra-coaching
4. Presently, the price of mutton orchicken has- @ Restricted to co-scholastic subjects
@ remained static @ Carefully monitored by frequent iesting
@ remained r:nchanged
1.0. Teacher help learners tonstruct, their knowb
@ Risen up
edge in English by-
@ Gonedown
@ Giving the learners a lot of assignments
Wedding fomilies want to change their plat-
and project that will lead to much practice
ter from chicken to- @ Correcting every mistake a learner makes
@ Mutton @ Paneere
and giving the relevant rule of grammar as
@ veg @ risrr
immediate feedback
6. 'Restaurant'is a
@ Giving extensive language drills in which
@ English @ French learners practice language items mechan-
@ German @ Arabic
7. a-
The word 'Eateries' is
@ Enabling them to see the relationship be-
@ Noun @ Pronoun tween the prior knowledge and the new
@ Adverb @ verb knowledge.
pnrnlmvmqit$< r(srffi@
@ Pass me the PaPer
11, Which of the following is-onnincorrect 6 Putt me the PaPer' Please
i',i,i ii,J, ""
iii' i
"1 .'1115 s e."
bY tYins to use
t 6 cun You Pass me the PaPer
possibly pass me the
Iti:J;;;;;;o""Jansuaee 5 d;''dft answel in-1ne
it in real situations 78. "You ask, what is our oim? I con
an impor- a question'ond
@ i;;t"*t, first language plays word: victory!' cnu,riliii "xs question s-
tance role in learning ' tn then goeson b onswer it'Such a
shoutd haveafocus @ ExPlanatorY
- ;;;;"g"t"ttt'ting
@ @ n-Pro,Pt
.o,-ti*unicative activities
should give impor-
6-spea*er @ stYlised
: Language teaching
;n6-g to-writing rather
than speech "'19, -irJ n", z1wcon t borrow v?u
.*: Leorning a languoge is a-
! 1lu
s a :iz#;iflf"i?i;
while ossessing ",1'
mark/s woutd be deducted
@ GradualProcess skills, '
@ Fast Process (u trotrr' >rrrLs it'\ is a meanin?]::t-":tflt;
d;hlsince con text justifies this
@ lnstant Process @ Neither, as the
@ All inclusive Process nter est i n is framed
t ose i as the question
$i' ilr,", :::::::^::l:
y9.,, t @ i[:t9rit ,peaker'
i;';;;';i;; i i r
- int"'"stine activ-
ch e sh.o u t d incorrectlY
speaker' as the response
6Tiii *ffff;;;;"t'n
O ii" t"tond
ity framed incorrectlY
quietly for some time downloadedby
@ n'rttft"* to sit 1[, n. Thedocumentshavebeen
6 eifo* them to out and
go PlaY
white he students'
by the stu'
for a
6 otr.,h"* to sleep
. -2-^ i.ii" r'ua"nts hove downtoaded
14. Z, oup P, o 1
"'t vr ambition
wo rk h et P.s i n
!:Y:::!::: - dents'
can be differentiat-
(8) A ntgtt rsvLr or -'. .
al thinking and
prob- I-:,::l'::: The two given statements
@ Collaboration, crtttc by dtawing stu.dents'
the passive tot* .
lem solving excel in @ tlt; of 'by;in -..-..
@ Competition among learners to in irtluttungement of'w1ds
@ Differenc"' oblect in both
learners @ Roles of tne suUiect
O ;;J;"morY in the Young -- sentences
of promote thinking verb forms
15. f,uno, ,ro" questions I @ Chung" in the
skitls in children? 21. Which is a function
@ Factual questions @ Booking
reading text @ However
6 d;;s based purely on the @ Someone
questions @ Principal
6 i"ttonut response questions *l,lrc,r"doPhelia:."F,o'.'!-:!'^i::,:i,:::'::E
6 ctos"d-ended ',f1,1",i{JJi'i2n'*"''i""':!"::!i:,!I;
cottkl nOL w[t, u,, ",-,,
ke r t_ w
:;_ fOrty thOUSandS
p s e a
! " ! : ::- I2!.':: -yr'
-;:21,:;;-;:{;t,iiii.,ii:,:::utdbede- "|i?:lili up mY sum', The YnrY;
-= ;i .,iJ)i- rott"d.
6 Personification
'iii# i" iiii ti i exch i ons e ro r
- @ tmagerY
@ HYPerbole
@ Atlegory
@ ThefirstsPeaker. does not help learners
@ rnesecond speaKer 23. ln" ,t" of dictionary
@ gotfr of them
to- saY a wod
@ Noneofthem
6 rtna out how into oral
6 i" r.n.tent communication
ilt X#;reootng
i"" "" 1' * :l ::?:': ::'"t#'Ji; orwords
6 i"i,r," part of speech of a word
ished 'ttc "cwrrr"r-- sehowyouwill

6 an".-n aft"
him/herrc PassittoYoa
'io*"tn" iequest?
Second Language : ENGLISH 85
in the class
@ Helps in retaining homogeneity
@ Alloftheabove
part in
d& tyt,i.t, the fotlowing is an essentiol
formotive assessment?
entiated instruction-
her own knowl- @ Teacher @ Student
Ixrr O'ii u *uv of demonstrating 6 onrv O @ eoth @ and @
edge tt uses the
,fllt Ruby, English theacher of class
-" 'i;i;;iri
@ Onty helPs the bright learners criterio in formative ossessment'
0nd students for an 'iiil"
ls- @ f, tf," best way to prepare iiirn criteria is wrong in the said con-
@ i"f pt learners with multiple intelligences @ She asks her students to complete
to Perform well and learn better'
and assignments at home
ose? :*, en effective longuage teacher- ;h" ur"i diff"t"'t tools such as project'
Witt m"te children learn allthe
answers to :
@ etc
,ning assignment, debates' group discussion
the questions given in the textbo.ok to assess her students
well as other ma-
@ Will use the textbook as @ Sfre uses only paper pencil
tests for assess-
terial as resources for teaching
papers using only
@ Will prepare questions @ ift" ut"tonly oral speaking such as recita-
the question given in the textbook , . - tion, story teiting etc to assess
her learners
prescribed text-
@ Will iely entirely on the ToPoz said, "Are You ill?"
'16. wnicn of the following is o ualue associated @ ToPaz asked if he was ill
-.'' iith @ Topaz asked if he is ill
an inclusive classroom?
@ Topaz said if he was ill
@ Competition @ fnvy @ Noneofthese
@ SYmPatftY @ Collaboration
' Remediolteaching-
@ Fillsthegapthatcreepsintoapupil'slearn-
have been
@ Re"ctifies the concepts which

6.@ 7.@ 8.@ e,@ 10.o 11'@ 12'@ 13'@

1.@ 2.@ 3.o 4'@ 5'@
25'@ 26'@
14.@ 15.@ 16.@ 17'@ 18'@ le.@ 20.@ 21.@ 22.@ 23.@ 24.@
27.@ 28.@ 29.@ 30'@

la word
Pnrr',rnnv rEt EftF-l..di'[sfrq @

iirei-rishtT'om in'iorii'i'n*'i"'n"'*''i!'?ii"ii:;;i;i:::tiiif;;ruf
Digitat Technotogies
u,y and
f?, ,aZ'o W'ctlue 3!t^11ternet
that 'schoat' ""a tu
prornote a and se'
\,,, rt , board, issued.iirl'*rO*rn:,*rlrrra'i''i'ii"'g .safe
in Schoots ona srnoii's,i*i,; ",
cure educational
ed.ucanonat en,utrorurtlvtlt
1vr ; and the ualue
", "lrlri"ir-ir"ii*entat to themsetues, their peers inctuding those t'hat
_a'::"'::;;;;irir"" "r'r'i)'i'
carrying ele-ctronic
communication deuices connection
\ rh, noord. hasalso b'anned' ""rJir"d
t ,rr!;r'*Z?;i;ff 2"i'""'""t""oni'nt;tansmfiortecet'uetnlusv'' \"niiii' tma:teh:::?taptop'
ploy'-"' game consol"''"n1;;;'''nli"iion in'"noot'
to the internet

Jl:***' * **'*'*'-"' i 5'
"' -@ ;oolbuildins
i 9:*""TIthese
o a"^,*, Boarding school 'o:t::.t-o:,^. i: o uv'""are-correct @ None of
\vz Both
6 il;;isou,aois".?"oY:Y,1t:n Ertrratioo i .li,t* CBSEwontstod' eptoy system.

\!', ;;il*m
\-uttts"'""' Based'i".:::::::lll-.,""
ndstandardEducation i'o
6 -- : 6il;l'i,,,*".^*
(a) Digttal survet
@CentreforBusinessanq)Lcrrruorv I @ moa"rneducation
LtcBsEtoidemphasison- I: Osecurity
@-Uu'u"Education i. guidelines of the cBsE
Th"r" who breok the
7, 'iitli"-
@ Health Education \ "
@ CYber Education : @ Punished
@ None . . , L- i 6 ,irl,ortnutv action will be taken
g cBsE are reloted
Guid"rin" s iused by : O Detained
@ Effective use of lnternet i O None of these
@ Exam system 'i t following ques-
oirection: Ans*"r the ^--^"aarirr',c i
-t:^^ '\'ctorn

i",.ffffi;;;;oititv or atonsuaseteoch'
-. :rf;::H;", to corry etectronic
ii ers> q .-:r:^.rarrhc
'sgr,rE--' berof opportunitiesforthe
including- i "ratofacilitatoris-
@ Tocreateanu .--^-^'^lnnfitllv
@Laptop i 'f.:fJ;;'rt"il"'t"n'asemeanilsrlll
Phone i o- iilff;:;Li to otit inio'*ation
make the

@ tvtouite . gadget
,-^+ i leainers listen
6 o,, ,Yo"t of electronic
I Second Language : ENGLISH

@ To strictly control the class and cover the @ lnvolving the students in a variety of ac-
syllabus in quick time tivities to encourage them to learn new
@ To read the lessons aloud and provide words and structures by accommodating
explanation for each line them with those that they have already
$,: Languageocquisition- learnt through a process of discovery
@ Requires the memorisation and use of 14. When learners are engaged in a pair activity,
necessary vocabulary taking on roles of a doctor and a patient, the
@ lnvolves a systematic approach to the anal- activity is called-
ysis and comprehension of grammar as @ Declamation
well as to the memorisation of vocabulary @ Simulation
@ Refers to the process of learning a native or @ Exchanging notes
a second language because ofthe innate @ Realactivity
capacity of the human brain 15. Your classmate has just finished reading a
@ ls a technique intended to simulate the book fro the librory that you wanted ond you
environment in which children learn their want him/her to give it you. Choose how you
native language will makethe request-
li,W. Which stotement is true? @ Let me have the book now. please
@ Learning is governed by external stimuli @ Could you let me take the book now?
@ Learning takes place in a social cultural @ cive me the book
context @ Can you give me the book now?
@ Learning has taken place only it is evident 10. 'While listening'means a stage-
in behaviour @ When students are listening for pleasure
@ Noneoftheabove @ When students are listening to a recording
l*; When students learn a language for bright em- of a natural conversation
ployment opportunities, their motlvation- @ Where the students attempt a listening task
@ Eccentric @ Extrinsic @ When a listening activity is introduced
@ lntrinsic @ Exotic 17. Read this exchonge.Teacher Shall we go out to
12., Which of the following is suitable for moking the gorden and find out the nomes of those flow-
students responsibelfor their own learning? ers neor the wall? Students Yes, yes, yeah
@ Using technology to chat and network -
Teacher Yes, Ma'om, please. Here the teacher.
Ir CBSE @ Encouraging students to ask more and @ Relates languagefunction with politeness
more questions @ Makes a polite suggestion to start reading
@ Civing a lot of home-work, project work @ Confirms the students request
and assignments to improve language @ Offers an alternative language activity
skills of students 'lX, A listening stimulus'-
@ Discouraging students from making deci- @ Enables students to discuss a set of crite-
sions about how they learn best ria which they priortise to complete and
ques- lil fte constructivist approach to leorning present a task
meons- @ Presents input to separate groups of stu-
@ Teaching rules of grammar and consolidat- dents who gather again to share what
teach- ing through rigrous practice they listened
@ Helping learners acquire new vocabulary @ Presents an information gap activity such
forthe by studying literature intensively as giving directions
@ Teaching new words and structures using @ ls listening to a good commentary to re-
a variety of audio-visual aids followed by view it
practice through drill

PRIMARY TET $'FIT (s.l$ftq.@
to achieve
@ n frigl"r level of ambition
while playing a and prob-
fre students make mistakes
shoutd- - @ Collaboration, criticalthinking
so^"'rhe teacher lem solving
and offer to excel in
"@ iarr .r'id" th" erring student @ Competition among learners
some guidance academics
incharge in the group learners
@ tall asi-de the student
guidethe students @ Good memory in the Young
.nOintttuct him/her to
ii. Remediol teaching is a Part
the mistakes and hold
O Ori"tfy note down
@ Formative assessment
u-i"."aiul class for the'erring'student @ Summative assessment
O: ifli"try down the mistakes and.dis- above
@ Class test @ All of the
J*tif,"* with the class after the activity
by setecting correct
'Yo, have to bring your won
statione'y-'.t:u *, Complete the following
ffi and a rule! alteinative' Feedback is-
witl need two penits' ond eroser
is o- @ An indePendent activity
The underlined words
word @ Reference word @ Part of the teaching Process
@ Substitute
@ The end of a teaching Process
@ Conjunction @Lexicallysimilarword
@ A useless activitY
tt;tsussesttnat,we2tt-t1111!.:::^2?::";':1*- in evoluation does
;;; ; ; ; ;i it d tn ot * " y,"h :l:::: fr, The term'comprehensive'
;'li;;i i;;Zih er'" rhebytwo
siven stotem.ents
students at' @-;.ih scholastic and co-scholastic
rm i" iiitiiintioted drawing
";;""i;; of student's growth
kntiontothe- @ nppfiiution if variety of tools and tech-
@ Change in the verb
and object in niques
6 ih; t;l"t of the subject
O Nnuf<'ingteaching'teacher centred'..^
both sentences part of teach-
form 6 io rr"-"uuluatio-n as integral
@ Ut" of 'bY'in the Passive ing learning Process
of words
@ ff," arrangement of CCE?
o 29, What is not true in context
22. A good introduction'o Y'j\1!!:.b::, learning in a friendly envi-
anvthing that th"v :11 @ tt witt motivate
di"ri'"g,he students
the text ronment
i"a'"llf6themselves by reading learners
of the meantng or @ tt witt produce average .
@ R a"t"it"a explanation holistic development
the text
6 ii wilf help learner's

O"g,he student's active

involvement 6 ii;iil reducethe drop out rate of learners focus
bY means of questioning N, Formative ossessment and evaluation
O Short and to the Point on
onlY Product.
of the following is not o study
skill? @ onty Process @
23. Which
of'*'" uoou" None of the above

iE ;;ni"g information from an encyclopedia 6 ntr @

@Writingformalt"pllt. r:-ri^a^,r, &, There
"'' -ofis a tree
Using a dictionarY
@ Note taking @ @-;; @ on @ Near @ At

W eroup proiectworkhelps in developing-


O (E lr' (qf
\P'l ru' \Y/ rz'
1.@ 2.@ 3.@ 4'@ 5.@ 6.@ 7.@ 8'@ 9. 10.

20'@ 21'@ 22.@ 23.o 24'@ 25'@ 26'@

14.o 15.@ 16.@ 17'@ 1S.o 1e,@
2?.CI 28.o 2e.o 30'o
h Second Language : ENGLTSH


rl in
rnfitffit $ET
a Read the text and answer to the questions:
Scientists haue managed to remoue fearful memories
from the brains of mice as part rf research that
could lead ta new ways to treat people with post-traumatic stress disordir (p'fSD) and
help those addicted to drugs.
The researchers stressed the importance of being able to selectiuely rernoue particular
Vrcct rather thanmake people generally less afraid, asfear is a part of humans'basic suruiual mechanism.
In an experiment, mice were played a high pitched sound and a low pitched, sound. The higher
noise alonewas then accompaniedby a "mild" electric shock to theirfeet. The mice learned
to associate
thehigher soundwiththe shock and exhibitedfearfulbehauiour euinwhen itwas playedwithout the
The researchers established that thk training strengthened connections between synapses
in the
brain that relay the higher sound to the amygdala, a pait o|the brain inuolued in emotionat reactions,
does memory and decision-making.

prpect _ Usinq a technique called optogenetics, in which light is used, to manipulate genetically modified
braincells, the scientiststhenweakenedthat signalto tiepointwherethefiarful m"emorywisremoued.
So mice which had oncefrozen infear at the sound of the high-pitched noirc no longir
di.d so.
d tech- While it would not be possible to use the same technique in humans, the researct sheds ligfut
such emotions are stored and triggered. "This study expands our understanding of how adap:tiuefear
memory for a releuant stimulus is encoded in the brain." Professor Jun-Hyeong iho of the Uniuersity
ltcach- of Califu rnia, Riuerside.
"It k also applicabe to deueloping a nouel interuention ta selectiuely suppress pathologicalfear
while preseruing adaptiue fear in PTSD," Cho ad.ded. Inuestigating "reward iearning" couldlhelp
ways to reduce or remoue crauingfor addictiue behauiours of drigs.
ly envi-

The researh was done on- $i' The research witl help in minimising-
pment @ nats @ Human @ Memory .@ Drug addiction
larners @ Guineapigs @ RaUbit @ Fear @ Mentaldisorder
n focus The reseorch is about- :\;, fhe same teehnology can be applied to hu-
@ ntos @ covro-rs man body-
@ prso @ usor @ True @ False
bove ln the reseorch, researchers used- @ Can't be inferred
@ Nerve therapy @ Sound therapy @ Human briin resist sound
@ Shock'therapy @ Lighttherapy ffi 'Opto genetics' deals with-
@ lisht @ Sound
Port of brain responsible for memories is- @ ware @ water
@ Hypothalamus @ Amygdala
@ coroty @ Gray matter
I Direction : Answer the following ques-
tions by selecting the correct options.
13.@ 5. Dr. Cho belongs to-
26, @
@ California University ffi ne process of word formation consists of_
@ Spelling and compounding
@ Harvard University
@ Using synonyms or euphemisms
@ Oxford University
@ Compounding and conversion
@ None
@ Conversion and meaning
mt be- il
PRTMARYTETEgg(air<Fq see the relationship
@ Enabting the to
* and the new
what is learnt becouse- ;;;; knowledse
i6e P'ior
ffi is t aught is not
'-' Wtrat
@;;;;.il' o' t"u'ner can never fully master knowledge
anY disciPline li[,Communicotivetanguageteachingreplaced
attention during informal bosicallY-
@ Students pay
discussion @ Natural language Processlng
: Ateacher'ssocio-economiclevel
Ot @ Structural teaching
*ia"tY from the students
different abilities''per-
6 iitu"tional language teaching
@ Students possess from a variety of @ Motivational teaching
sonalities uno'torn*" ng to Constitution
of lndio English is
lsi nccorai
of English on-
to NCF 2005' leorning language
fli. nccording @ official language
@ t-int<

knowledse acquisition
tfigl @ Window language
Ki" "^.0,"
and its dever-opment
into an instru- @ Associate official
literacy in a cinema storts
*""ilr uuttract thouqht fi. ; p;;;;' sittins behind vou
o:d yo-l^Yont
rctkins on the nroi'it"'phone
6) the tunguug".lh3t " :l']1 how you will
- To subsume
home and
from her/his to tell him/h""o'J'oi''choose
environment . mokethe request?
soc'retal -:-
sign language tn @ "StoP taling so
(D To introduce standard phone inside
- l;;i;';t; tr'itat"n wih laneuase
@ "Please don't usethemobile
imPairments the theatrel'
facilities at the state use the mobile Phone'
@ io'p'o'iae adeouate in English at the prt- @ "Can't You not
levelfor instruction Please?"
stop using the mobile
*"'Y tttg" of education @ "Could you possibly
to 'deep struc'
,1a' fVoam Choisky's reference Phone here?" this
enjoyoble holidoy
ture' means a-
underlying tlt"
l. Sp["i,, ' *" noa on
@ Universal grammar to an innate
ouaqe unO toii"tponding Speaker ZWhere
didYou go?
Zffitv of the human oll'1, rures-..,^. ,...,',
rearnt SPeaker l Where?
: ;i::;;;;'"; ;;"'"aticar
intensive studY
thltusht During the assessmr
o ;;;;;r.'."'?::lYll1$i:'$Iil5lJ: Listening, skills' mards
would be deducted
turn to increased
lirrg {his exchange for-
linguistics @sPeakerll
is the most common @ Speakerl
O n t-,"na that Enolishin the world 6ffi@and@ @Noneofthese
auxiliarY tanguJge linteractionol routine' during speaking
7L Teachers netp teirnerc 'construct'
fi, in" o-
'"'iiiircasein Enstish bY- dssessmentincludes
or more object/places/
a lot of assignments @ Comparing two
@ Giving the learners assessor
feaato much practice events for the -- ---- -^/{
and projectstnaiwiff takine turns and
@ correcti ne 9'"'Y, T:::1Y,'1':r':1,"#:i:: :
@ i,;"i,;,"" '"t"'"n'
to take turns
or srammar as allowing others
" ';X;;Jffi i'"-'lr"'"nt 'ule
i"*riUing one's school
or its environs
immediate feedbacr O
drills'" Ylltl
o ;;i;; ;'ensive.lansuaee
items mechan-
will another
learners practice taniuage @'Telephone' conversation
Ihe- Read the following exchange.
Second Language : ENGLISH

!.$| According to the recommendotions of NCF


ll{'w Speaker I Have you been to lndore? 2005, technology coutd be integrate_
Speaker 2 Who? @ Witfr the larger goals and processes of
rced Speaker I To lndore in Modhya pradesh. educational programmes
Speaker 2 Umm ... I am not sure.
@ Witn revisions to meet current develop_
During the ossessment of student,s speaking
skills, marks would be deducted duiing
^ mental polities of the CentralGovernment
@ As and add-on to the main educational
exchange for- goals
@ ffre first speaker @ ttre second speaker
@ Used only judiciously subject to the
, @ Bothofthem @Noneoftnem
th is Kk W.nat is wrong with the foUowij iuftipte ;:
?li; rhe
nomic and social goals of a community
korning experie-nces tnat onir iiirori_
choice question? Tick the most af,propriote. ous experience to leorners are_
The metro theatre is located ... Lodhi
road (a) @ fietd trips, observations
over (b) at (c) beside (d) behind_
@ Realobjects and specimens
@ 'Over'is the correct answer
@ Abstract word, case study
@ All answers are wrong
Itorts @ Display boards, film clips
want @ two answers are wrong Zt.
@- The statement is not cJrrectly framed \mediolteaching refers io teaching_
v will -,,,,, @ to hetp bright learners to excel
Zli:: What is the system of rules tn" goiirrr-no*
@ To test learners periodically
words can be meaningfuily arranged to form
phrases and sentences?
@ To address gaps in learnini
(D After the regular school hours
llnside Phoneme @ Language
@ A-
.r. Lomprehensive evaluation in teaching
-- @syntax @Morph;e concept that focuses on_
is a
hone, 21. Remediation, when students find difficutty @ Ttre cognitive capacities of the learners
in the use of different,modals, would be for @ fne non-cognitive abilities of the learners
nobile them to- @ fhe psychomotor abilities of the learners
@ Practice by collaboratively completing
@ ttre entire range of the learner,s exferi_
ty this tasks where structures are used integra_
ences in the context of the school envi_
tively, in variety of real life situations
G) Be given ample practice in using modals
in a set of sentences
W tgotocollege_bus.
@ Frame sentences on their own and @sv @nt
Itt corrects them @to @on
toking. @ Learn about the structures outside the 29. Enter -=-.- the room
ducted classroom through suitable activities @ tn @nt
2?t: llse of the medium of motion p,irtiriiiff"o @ lnto @ ey
alan _ experience for the siudent. 30; /om in-hurry
@ Abstract @ lndirect @sv
@ Concrete @nt
@ Vicarious @on
jca*ine @a

1.@ 2.@ 3.@ 4.@ 5.@ 6.@ 7.@ 8.@
lrns and e.@ 10,@ 11. @ 12. @ 13. @
14, @ 15. @ 16. @ 17.
@ 18.@ 19.@ 20.@ 21.O 22.@
23.@ 24.@ 25.@ 26,@
invirons 27.@ 28.@ 29.@ 30.@

Iher mffiffiww
A^**ryTM'u) t'P""*
with thi aim of prouiding
,nZ-i*,rii"", ,f i*n-iiJ.ti*'
\ commerciat ,pporru\iin"iiZ'r-"riuir, rndia *:
to their ioint custome"""i'iitiiieiween
\ s*r?I
-:#fr#':::;;tr':r::';:x?::';:'#:::il:';:";;:3:::'';:;";; .'::'.: ::^:'::,'"':::
- wett
rt;;; i'r'lnership-'as
exnertise and

t;;":"ge'eaci'h o'iil'::i"'i*ork'
Vom authorities'
as other operationat \
assets,subiect to n"'u'fiTppiouaX part Check ln' (lATCl) I

rc eryo-y^'
,orifrrinu year enabling jl;i:wr:;::::!*v;'r
g'own temend'ously ouer
the recent years'
\ berueen lapan and t'd'io (Narita and Delhi, with plans
non.stop ,,,u,,n between -Tolqto
\ Jo,on Airlines operates
a d,aily
in tittscoun-t.ry"ri"ou,i ; 'u*able parin'er to help boost connectiuity
\ or strengthening its;;;r';;r,
"'"" '* - '
\' uur'wvoto
i' 6' nirport of rokyo is- ' The
l, on*ouhasbeensisnla.1yeenJALand- i'' 6'fi;i.""- @ Narita
@ lNDlGo glATCl I @ Karita @ Naruta
O lA @vistara _ i2..l. i"r")oiv,raiaandJapanairtravelhas-
,, lri,rondtndiowillbeconne.ctedthrough- @ o".r"rr"a I@.:|rfi:
tfi** @ trtarita
i O lncreased TlYl
@ Korkata
6 ;i;; i ,r, i'rr'i,"irrnuranalilar.aylt-thetp-
t,,JALstandsfor- i @Cooperation
@ Japan Airlines : @ Signalling system
@ Japanes Airlines i O Connectivity
6 iutpuigrri Art League Oir".t ion : Answer the followi'!-1,:5
;.ffi;ni.r-"ugu" i-t iirii'ii rg rh" *r,
4. Moustandsfor- g,*O,;*r"t,*d'duringlang*g:1",o-':::?::-
i *
@ Memory or understanding ii b;;il1il" ,"t uiid" for students to in-
@ M"rnorundum of understandins
- iensively practice l'PYt'"-l::-
6ilJ'il1J"*,","0 i -
::il;J;'..ease that anv other
3 I s';ut"'
its business in-
5, uistaro-operotes i lili""n.n of time before a comprehensive
@ 40Countries i
@ 50 countries _:^- i O ;Jft;;iaiory period for anv laneuase
@ More than 50 Countries
I project
@ 25 Countries
I 1i&, When chitdren first start to speak in sentenc_
their speech may be described as_
lL Students learning a longuoge often lack con-
ndence when speaking due to the language,s
@ Multilingual @ aabbting unique pronunciation rules. Onewayio over_
@ Exceptionally @ telegraphic come this problem is-
It} Which observation supports Noam Chomsky,s @ Children reading aloud in class
ideas about languoge ocquisition? @ Using game like activities which require
@ Children's language development follows verbal interaction in classroom
a similar pattern across cultures @ Conducting special speech therapy with
@ The stage of language development occur counsellor
at about the same ages in most children Correcting errors whenever they happen
@ Chtldren acquire language quickly and
lli" I
Learners lack confidence to speakin the tar_
effortlessly about the same ages in most get language in ctoss *neri tii ;;'i; irr-
children guagje of conversation is the local vernacular.
@ All of the above This challenge can be met by-
1*, Whlch @ Allowing students to speak about whatev_
.l1a1ying domain constitutes higher er they can irrespective of the grammatical
order thinking-
@ Remembering @ Understanding errors, enhance their vocabulary and grad_
@ Application @ Evaluation ually make corrections
lg;, Using songs, rhymes ond games in class- @ Allowing students to watch English films
rooms would help the child to_ as motivation, practice a drill consisting
@ Overcome shyness
of useful sentences and vocabulary with
@ Develop confidence and interest _ regular correction of grammatical errors
@ Motivate to speak @ lnsisting on studentiusing only the tar-
get language irrespective of grammatical
@ Rllof the above
errors, enhance their vocabulary, with
14: Knowledge of more than one language-
@ Becomes a burden to the teacne-r in ttre _ regular feedback on their performance
@ lnstructing them to speak slowly and self
language classroom
correct grammatical errors, enhance their
@ Confuses the learners while learning a new vocabulary with a list of useful words,
)n language 19. ln order to drive home the point that listening
rlp- @ ls very helpful in teaching and learning a ---'
skills matter, students should be,-
new language @ Exposed to popular English films and re_
@ Caused interference in learning a new viewing them
language @ taken to the language lab once a week for
ques- 15,' A teacher engages her learners in fun activity practice and feedback
be-f9r.e beginning a new lesson. The purpose @ Allowed to listen to CD,s of poetry voice_
options. of this activity is to- artists
Irningis- @ Discipline the learner before the lesson @ Reminded that listening skill practice relate
fnts to
in- @ Divert the attention of the learners to real life
) @ Reduce the workload of the teacher ,*; Awareness raising grommar games encour_
lqe can be @ Motivate and energise the learners age students to_-
I any other 16, n student recommends the reading of the @ Use learnt structures to communicate with
latest best seleer, saying it isvery intZresting. one another about a given theme
prehensive You listen, trying to make out whether the @ ffrint
consciously about the structures
student's observation is sincere or not. This they have learnt
,unnuun" type of listening can be described as_
f @ Collaborate in completing a given activity
@ Critical @ Comprehension @ Engage and feet about human relationships
@ Sympathetic @ Active while the teacher controls the structures
pnrnrnnvrnsEt-< (dI@ @ Language Practice

aPProach issPecificallYtuned
*, The humonistic
|othe- ence is taught along
@ Process *1"1"-^t:11rhp
retated contents
with how to ot"'="',.
J,rciptines with
@ Masterv of ?!3*11,,,,,.,
featu res
notes etc
@I;;li#r;;'iih*1":l:'Js";,f,'ll:l: *;il;;"
:3xl:'&::l ip i, *, pi"''":::-::i::$:
with a'-1'::]^:j"P'Ii'
scove r
d i
["J]:ffi:l],' r* : l[t l,:*"*lt tf,.:i".[
o ;?:::H'f il:".*i"^i,]:1" "''" responses ln
in cl?tt:t
L't" ""1-";;used
Hr:;;};r themserves resoonses x-carr nh the syl-

,r1.. ,*'#;;";;;';;;';
the schoot Premises
t ffit: H' :'t'I1l"l"TJ#Hft::i
ideas :'*

teave the schoot

premises f['[: ti' :,i:;'d;i; i" exProre
?rf!"!rl'r"nht tu oain masterY
r ;"J',:::';::ylJil?
Meaning conveye( I wr,
i.i, f the f ott owin.? t::.:'::::t,
to Pass
ff[l;;;;;;; u'; essentiar
and obiect in both part
a Ta""tt'lti"iof the subject is an indispensable
sentences o,'J}ufil:,ion
rn j::::'l)n!o,,n" system
o'oTI"* *-' crr1n9e.
\!2 Atr>st''-
lnstruction GAD)
education !.- -$i^6 nrovid€
i*;, ln
:f ;by a pro-
;;i;{;; ; iiJ
''simutotrotttttvss i' *
''.1 "lifl
gff;ili [';in j t"u'ni ns Process
@ cet Problems Yi:i^, soih@ and@. ---.i-A,nt
Ie-st?or trait and-error -';ii;;z';r,"":;,:;!;::;:::'xiii::;
t Eil# J"'*i'ir"'v""* *fl1;#I"li
o*"a uv
3 :hm:'e,
ouesttons wrLr t'-"-repetition
rr t
':r '
.111'^1i"-"*13;;1 K?i"i"*iite educational
@ "ff;,:S;-:f
media' are- 6 9^:#ililli'",,n
*-- TYPes of 'text
taPes @ Measure behavtou
6 Audio discs and tests
and diagrams
6 ittustrations @ Allof the
(0t Motion pictures and documentarles Simla'
Leelawent ------^ ^.
;-books' e-iournars
'6"fo*"" o rrr--o nt
6 il;;;i
30. Y ii," * ni,"'i *' K
o catt d e
@ Penn
woter conservotiol @ None ofthese
octivitY' @ Pain
sci en ce project
o-*r,,1 a] tt'' iit nu tv @

e.@ 10.@ 11'@

12'o 13'@
s.o 6.@ 26'o
r.@ 2.@ 3'@ 4.@ ts'@ rg. @
ir., zs'@ 24'@ 25'@
,;.t ts'@ 16'@ tr'@
zr.@ 28.@ zg'@ ffiffiffiffiw
) closs-
to the questions :
to- Read to
a Kegg text and
the rt^r
acl l'rE answer
5r'' ------
Department to find out the reqsons
rr of the beiiii
,Road saJety Units, haie
up wTn, :mt" P"blit
behind. road. accid'ents and'
accord'ndv cnouc ::{,Itr:':'"*'
assistant engineers
executiue ensineers and two
other the roads across
orn *ntlioi op* tie flvouers and
Among the twa
Litu' awareness
'r; ,;:*i#1,:i;'!rf::::;:::ff:#,, bunched the 'sare Driue s.ave
'"^\ryots' 'o
tiiii ittoiigtn, ariue, ii was unsuccessfut in doing
oPPortu- tuckte road, accid,ents. Th;;sh";;;;;dri"t"u
accid'ents occur' through
ldeas and
"-y*::*l:;;i:#;:#l'ili'Ion,, to fi:d o:lt the actuat reasons as to whv

-,;; ;;i j:;;?:,:;F,?,:X,f #fi;:,1';!:'.:l;::,:;l:l;,1:,,::,:,no occiden s, nametv cut urat,

the national and' the state highway
The unit will id.entify the
'black spots' an iit" rir"irn"t oJ
pass the aremostaccid,ent-prone'
ar e mo st accid,ent-Pr o ne' ,-^-)^--s,rhtnrtorc particularly
of the roads and flyauers,
those where accidents
It would atso,uprrrir" the condition expandingthem as per requirement'
suggestions.on strengtheningor
haue occurred. aswell as prouid'e t'o6t *o"*ent on the ac-
planning the units wouli ,ugg^t tystematic
Through research ancl reports in this regard
provides a cid,ent-prone stretches oii rn*"ai reduce porrruil't'y fficciients and submit
rr;bilitv ano daily.
'8, Whot is the campoign mentioned in the text?
1, PwD stand for- @ Road safetY Programe
:opProach' @ PublicWorks DePt' @ Avoid accident Programe
lnvolved in @ PhysicalWorks DePt' @ safe Drive Save Life
@ Person with DisabilitY @ safe Life safe Drive
@ Noneofthese 1, Road sofet1 unit will identifY-
set up by-
through li' Road sofety units has been @ glack Holes @ Black Circle
@ Black Spots @ Black Sides
@ aoth ofthese @ None include-
.,8;: Reosons for accident
!, Rood sofetY unit will comPrise @ Behavioural
rlr) On @ 2Engineers @4Engineers @ Physical
ralled- @ 6Engineers @sEngineers @ Cultural
Road Safety Unit @ All are included
*, The Purpose of setting up of
to- ques'
rl these is I- -ll;t
Direction : Answer the following
OV t"te"t'g *" *
@ Cft"tt out a plan to avoid
who cause accidents
@ Punish those consists of-
9. The process of word formation
']: ]i]:!,igjiljrjffi

O fin" those who cause accidents and affixes

12.@ 13.@ @Arr"r, those who cause accidents @ tomPounding
@ OpPosites and meaning
25.@ 26.o 5. What is noun form of 'reduce'?
@ Reading @ Verbsand nouns
@ Reduced @ Using synonyms or euPhemisms
@ Reduction O Reducted
PRTMARY TEr 5ir{rn (ffiq cs)
.1s., Students always find in difficult to listen
.L0*, "Chitdren deserve most of the credit for the longuoge presen-
ond understond a second
'-"' tiiiioge that the ocquire!'This observation
iation inside or outside their class' This can
imfties that in modern classrooms- be helPed bY-
@ Students pursue their own lines of enquiry @ Recommending to choose another
@ Students need not attend L2 classes guage closer to Ll
@ Students may choose L2 on their own @ 6ein-g taught by only native speakers
of L2
@ fn" teachei establishes the task and @ tncte-usini the number or periods for the
Ports of facilities learning second language
fearnin g a new languoge ofter puberty
*i @ Practice by using the second language
to o foreign languoge'
@ Diffrculty in acquisition of
11. Which activity best supports the practice
speaking skills-
@ Great Mastery @ Students independently research
a topic
@ Loss of masterY and Present a formal report
'#; Language learners learn to do by doing' @ Teac'her is giving purposeful dictation
'"-' whirh ictivity supports this observation? activity
with integrating it with a spoken
@ Opportunities to prictise as it helps @ tnaiiidually, students read a case-study
habit formation and draft a response
@ Encourage the use of their mother tongue @ Students tell their version of a story based
to promote better understanding of the on some hints and aPPIY it to a Prob-
meaning of a Prescribed text lem-solving situation'
@ Go from concrete to abstract texts tl, sharing stories, familiar experience
speak- 18. At class
@ the teactrer models the writing and ond interests, employing gestures where ap-
ing styles which learners coPY
propriate, is o sub-skitt of
13. lnstead of asking question and
getting an-
gives some @ Reading @ Listening
leirners, o teocher
swers fro her
to frame @ Speaking @ Writing
tiiri t"rtt and osks her learnersis to- 19. One of the sub-skills that is assessed
question. Her primory obiectives
speaking would be-
@ fut" their help during examination para-
@ Understanding and responding in a
@ ttt"t" the learners realise the difficulties graPh to literarY works
faced by teacher in preparing question
@ lrsing appropriate volume' clarity
critical gestures in individual or group situations
@ Lnirance the learners analytical and
@ ipelling common, frequently used words
paper correctlY
@ Train the learners as good question
@ Listening actively and responding to oth-
ers in small and large group situations
14. substitu tion table drilt helps teachers in- where the collective form is an error?
@ Developing free writing skills
m, Hentify
@ Hoitofangels @Congressofbaboons
@ lmProving the fluencY of learners
@ clutcrr ofducks @ Shoal offish
@ Evaluating the listening skills
practice ' ' The
'21. potitician had been moking
@ Giving controlled language is in
ioiigT",f ore election time' The statement
1t A rhetorical question is asked- the
@ To gather Personal information @ Past continuous
@ To clarify a concePt -tense.
@ Present Perfect
6 for tf,e sat<e of effect with no answer needed
think @ Present Perfect continuous
@ to g"t a feedback about what others @ Past Perfect continuous
about Your sPeech/writing
fta. en example of a question to ,funnel, or ;fr;., Providing learning support to pupils who lag
restrict a respondent'a onswer is_ far behind their counterparts in school per-
@ "What do you think of the weather?,, formance includes-
@ "How many books are there"? @ Civing more activities for language prac-
@ "fett me about your most recent holiday,i tice
@ "Wfrat are your goals?" @ Providing extra notes and coaching
2#; nn activity asks students to determine from a @ Allowing them to complete assignments
list of possible answerswith atitle, what kind without time limits
of information will oppeor in an input text @ Initially adapting school curricular and

before an audio recording is played. Here,
students are-
@ fitting in missing information
@ Actively predicting the content of the input
@ Checking for facts
teaching strategies
.I;l;, Whicn statement is correct in context of eval-
@ Evaluation is not a must to assess a learn-
er's performance
@ Guessing answers to questions @ Evaluation creates fear in the mind of
t$, tdentity the false assumption. Language
course-books prescribed for students should @ Evaluation forms an integral part of the
provide- whole learning process
@ Detailed lesson-plans for teachers @ Effectiveness of teaching cannot be mea-
sured through evaluation
Drob- @ Suggested sequence of teaching proce-
,.*,t: According to the new pattern of education,
@ Balanced presentation of information evoluotion is a/an _process.
@ Organised units of learning experiences @ Bipolar @Tripolar
)re aP-
@ Unipolar @ Automatic
n. }ii Uow does computer technology support
2l; e group of soldiers is called-
language learning in classes V and Vl, to en-
hance accurocy in student's writing? @ Gang @ nrmy
@ Rapid drillwork @ Band @ shoat
@ Oetailed error feedback ., ;, Rhythmic beot of clock is calted-
@ Spelling and grammar checking @ rick @ tvtict
@ Formating and font designs @ tict @ oict<

1.@ 2,@ 3.@ 4.@ 5.@ 0.@ 7"CI 8.@ e.@ 10.@ 11.@ 12.@ 13.O
to oth-
14.@ 15.@ 16.@ 17.@ 18.@ ls.@ 20.@ 21.@ 22.@ 23.@ 24.@ 25.@ 26.@
error? 27.@ 2S.@ 29.@ 30.@




Read the text and answer to the
o*r-iiriiir" ,iii; t;;htd ccrv ,"*eras, burning tyres, damaged'
iniured poticeman, trrrii"i-'i"*"i"^ ayy"i"r

ers were arrested.

dealing with arson and' rioting anxonS 7thers"'
haue been booketl. under uarious section
said lha.
the epicentre of
could not be held at the Raiaram saha college'
The first examination, of Hindi,
the protests.
students walked
The trouble started. at Raiaram Saha
Cotlege at around 9:15 -am,,wheru a Sroup
"out of syllabus" questions' They were by
out of the examination hall in protest againtftoi" Hindi' to a grinding halt'
the first examinations' of
other students who went on rapage, bringing
extensiue damage to college property' breaking
Police remained spectators as students caused
smashing CCTV camera* said sources'
benches, throwing desks downfloors

standsfor- @ Janardan Saha College

@ Patna College
@ Cable and communication Television
@ Closed CircuitTelevision 6. Roxoul is adiacentto-
@ sitkim @ Bhutan
@ Centre Circuit Television
@ Nepal @ Srilanka
@ Contact CircuitTelevision
Distonce between Raxaul ond Patno is- 1. The subiect of exainotion was-
@ zog rm @ Bengali @ Nepali
@ zooxm
zozrm @ z+o rm @ English @ Hinai
The cause of warlike situation wos- '8. Number of students arrested-
@ Out of sYllabus question @ r:t @ tsz
@ Death ofa student O 133 @ l:z
@ Teachers' misbehaviour
@ PoliticalgrouPism
I Direction: Answer the following ques-
Number of police personol wounded- what
@ z @: Language learning is better achieved if
@+ @s students learn-
first- @ ls functional in terms of their life values and
The centre where the trouble started
@ Rajaram Saha College
Saha College
@ ts in a controlled classroom environment
@ Baburam
) Second Language : ENGLISH
@ ls closer in form and sound to their mother
13. "Yot! osk, what has my government done for
tongue you? I can onswer in two words: A tot,i The
@ ttelps them improve their chances of col- question put here is-
lege admission
@ Rhetorical @ Stylised
lB,.: Learners lack confidence to speak in the tor- @ Aprompt @Explanatory
get language in class where the main lan-
guage of conversation is the local vernacular. : 14. Notes can be made using a flowchart or a

This chollenge can be met by-

web diagram.The study skillinvolved is-
@ Storing @ Summarising
@ Allowing students to speak about whatev-
erthey can irrespective of the grammatical @ Retrieving @ Gathering
errors enhance their vocabulary and grad- l'i. Learners are familiar with the concept,cyber-
ually make corrections space' due to their cognitive overload. There-
@ Allowing students to watch English films learners-
as motivation, practice a drill consisting @ tvtay end up studying more meaningful
of useful sentences and vocabulary with topics in class
regular correction of grammatical errors @ May explore their own interests according
@ Insisting on students using onlythetarget to their own experience, background and
language irrespective of the grammatical perspective while spending considerable
errors enhance their vocabulary, with reg- time navigating for content
ular feedback on their performance
@ Usually omit studying prescribed, but
@ lnstructing them to speak slowly and self important topics
correct grammatical errors, enhance their
@ tvtay be exposed to a sequentialand cohe-
vocabulary with a list of useful words
sive expository presentation
lL. Generolly speaking, the first language is- 78. What are some of the features of o good lis-
@ Marked by the accent and regional expres- tening task?
sions of the area where students grow up
@ Simple and easily completed in a large
@ lnfluenced by the grammar and style of class
second language
@ Give clues and supports completion of the
@ Marked by characteristic difficulty in mas- task
tering it
@ lnexpensive to administerfora large num-
@ Marked hy the influences of the school ber of students
environment the child is studying in
@ Has a variety oftasks to be chosen from by
1t;:: Vocabulary in the target language should be students
kept under control, i.e. graded. This can be i
1?. Develop a resource box for class l. Teacher
doneby- :
gives three instructions to eoch student re-
@ Teachers providing a short listofwordthat i garding which items are to be put in it. (e.g.
Ulng ques- are commonly used
puppets, pieces of coloured fobric, brushes,
It oqtions. @ Students learning and practising in the : stencil colour pencils, small toys etc). Stu-
lcved if what context to real situations :
dents follow, instructions.The activity is_
@ Students write/speak using a graded list of i
@ Listening with concentration for specific
fe values and new words :
information needed for a task
@ Studentsread a prescribed bookandtake :
@ Stage in a listening session when a listener
nvironment a vocabulary quiz : completes a task
PRTMARYTfi Elr{F tqrcfrq d) and
@ Understand how to make meaning
@ Listening to natural conversation
between - O"lorn" more proficient in speaking and
teacher and student
@ Listening to a speech which is skills
@ Enhance theirformal communication
Children's oral longuage development @ Witfr confidentlY
for learning litera-
itn iiportantfouidation lll text
*' is reading a lesson from class
,v.iiirn of thefottowing classroom practic' ti[?l;,Ateacher
irrix iiout a girt Nino, who is not interested
is enoble oral longuage development? party as she doe.s not
poems individu- in attending a morriage
@ Memorising and reciting sparrow alone locked in her
allY or in a chorus
wont to leive the
aboy' Ati standsup andtells
in the textbook house.Suddenly
@ Cf,orw reading of a story day'he saved an iniured
teacher theteocher how one
along with the in his ba.l.cony' Ali's
pigeon which wos lying
@ Practicing the words in a chorus the story can be described as-
favorite stories riction to
@ Participating in role-plays on
errors' @ lnterrupting the teacher in between
l* tf o student is making pronunciation in the
is to- @ An opportunity to use oral language
the best waY to helP him/her class
@ Provide him/her with correct @ His attention seeking nature
in the class
tion without anY humiliation his personal
@ Connecting the text with
@ catt his/her parents and complain exPerience
@ Scold him/her in class for incorrect learn-
ciation *,
-"'' Dictionory in avery importonttool .for
@ Mock at him/her in class for incorrect
pro- ,ng o toiguage' which of the following
nunciation i"iort i^pirtoit aboutthe use of dictionary?
and spelling @ Looking the meaning of a word
10. lJse of grommor' punctuation a word
pertainsto- @ Check the Passive voice of
@ Text Production while writing @ CheckthePartof sPeechof
sPelling of a word
@ ThermalsPeech @ Check the
@ Listening to a lecture --- A student has difficutty in applying.
28;' -learned
@ lnformal conversation knowledge, e'g' in word
'tA. Longuoge is taught by beginning with s.imple the student olso fails to translate
or the vario.b-les' A
'" ;;';i;;;s insteZd oi th" initiot sounds and into equations identify
blends. This imPlies that- possibie solution to this problem could
the same
@ Communication is based
on complete @ Allowing more time to complete
sentences activitY
in language to boost
@ Pronunciation has no place @ Giving only simple assignments
acquisition their confidence
@ Grammar and pronunciation have @ Pairing him/her with high achievers
Place in language
teaching @ Civing carefully designed assignment
of commu-
@ Grammar is an important basis simPler simPle comPlex
nication is not an integral part
learners ac- hS wt i.t, of the foltowing
2*;,: tn the communicative classroom' of cog nitive develoPment?
of second language to
quire the grammor @ Emotions
betterwhile @ nttitudes
@ Understand second language @ values @ None ofthese
reading/listening to it
.27'',, Which of the fottowing is incorrect in the con-
text of evaluation?
Second Language : ENGLISH

ffi U"will-
@ Carry on
@ carry out
nd @ lt refers to the process of comparing the @ Carry by @ Carry in
results of instructions or tests
29. Bread and butter _sold here
@ lt refers to the extent to which the objec-
tives have been achieved @ Are @ts
@ goth evaluation and measurement mean @ witt @ were
the same 10, The noice in the bedroom me up.
Ita @ lt requires collecting of evidences regard- @ woke
lnot @ wake
ln.., ing the growth or progress of the students @ Awoke -
@ Awake
1.@ 2.O 3.@ 4.@ 5.@ 6.@ 7.@ 8.@ e.@ 10.@ 11.@ 12.@ 13.O
14. @ 15.(g 16.@ 17.@ 1S.@ 19.@ 20.@ 21.@ zz.@ 23.@ 24.@ zE.@ 26.CI)
27. @ 2S.G) 2s.@ 30.@

[; wffiffiffie
tlng is

les. A

sr{F tot<Eq dl

I to the text ond answer to the questions

Reod iepreside.ntial
W"p"*dt" " t;A"y
rninuipnriai"iri*ii,cni"ii'.yti"sc:::::':: P",rty
griund for President Xi tinping to stav in
'iLi*"rmarinrtetviper-ttt"":!'f in 2022. h:.::::::^Y:,::
remouing iiu,rn that the President and Vice-President
CPC Central Committee proposed
.,^L',,9!,f i1ilT:: :;:tr":';::::;;,;; ;,i';;;;;; ;;;- counnrv\ constitution' state-run xinhua
-- agencY rePorted todaY'
is expected tu be endorsed by the Plenum of
the party-to be
mr"rrioual of the term limit' which
iould' giue 64-year old Xt' regarded
in" most powerful leader in modern China'
naiioiorrow "t
ttT;:";rt;:l?sors, to
' rrang zemin -who was i: p:Y:'-t::
well 2?::'"::i^"y#'::iff"f#,'003
iir:rn qt"'.?:i as the presid'ent in line with
the rule
2013stepped, d.own as thi grn"rot ,"rr"tory .to\t"
pro*'" 'iitectiue leadership svstem in the one-party state' most powerrut teader
of two terms to
tr china pushes ,?;;;;";;!i";;;::r:::,ii:l!:::::::",X::;";gi{.'o''
ot* tire grnerat trr;;;;;;i;;" cPc ani chairman
of the centralMilitary
\ whoi,
{ y'
presidentxi, C::p::: CPC
commission, began his
ii*-_* second' fi'ue-vear *";: Lt:t *r f:lyyT 9: 9!'l:l
_** "*_:-*- *
Presidential t'""r
rres'qet"'u' terms v' Jiong Zemin wos-
of r's"r
l;:. The present chinese president
is- :
@ zoof-zot f
6\ Tamin
Zemin t: "t O
\8/ 2013'2017
tv 5'zv t t
@ fiao tse tung @ riann t
@xiliiuao t O 1e93-2013
@ XiJinpins 9 ":'.:*:
i a oirection: fns-y-el:!:::!:::':l::'.'
t - a, ^---1.

*;t;,';;;,;;;ii, i:ouota'
o+ @ oo
i !!9ns by selecting the correct options'
@ i g.ur*ro,;tg
" to language ocquisit.ion
* cPCstandsfor- ii. ;;;"n'i'"xahzkoisufficientinformation
@ Central Party Committee is a universal
i, in" languoge input, there
@ CommunistPartyofChina '., grammarihatappliestoall-
@ Central Parliamentary Committee...I b Colloquial languages
6 Cor*unist Parliamentary Committee : @ Modein languages
T"nrr"ofXi'sPresidentshipclosesin- : @ Classicallanguage
6l zota @zozo : @ Humanlanguage
6 ior'' @zozz i. ..!:Vt 1A,
--fr', --
I situotion"isthe,bos:::,?f languageacqu'st-
'vrv'-- ' -
$, proposedPlanof
1 Xi'st1nure..isl r .!-r
q^)Unlimited ^Period i tion.Anexamplewouldbe-
@ sYears ,, .-:--i
\!1./ rv '|sq'|J @zov"u" : qreacher-diie""9f'11:,e-',:11.':?:'j::I
fi.rheChineseGovtlsdaitvis- i: ,:,-_,- @!:li!"t'tion of students in learning situ-
@ xinhung
',iffi; @ ations
desisned to use parents sup-
6 @ ii;;id i' @
wos- t'vr
W Presidential term of Hu Xintoo
.nn, 2 : * Student receive feedbackfor error correc-
@ zot3-2070. 9?::i
6 rss:-zoo3 o 1e93-2013
/a.\ 1^'r
i:l: : il;;;il;iy
l 11, Second longuoge acquisition is more effec-
Second Language : ENGLISH
@ Theoretical knowledge of a language
@ Second language grammatical knowledge

tive when in-

@ ls used as the basis for discussing gram- 17. ln order to know the correct pronunciation of
matical concePts English words, the learner should-
@ lnvolves periodic revision work by the @ Know how to write the words
teacher and students @ Knowthe spelling, meaning and howthey
Xlrttltl @ lnvolves mostly self-study by students, are pronounced
ll iri using certain guidelines @ Know the meanings onlY
@ ls practised in situations familiar to stu- @ Know the sPelling
It'nl: dents
tlttttt 12. For English as a second language,'acquisi- 18, Under which activity do-recog.nising sou.nds

tion-poor environment' is one where- and deducing meoning from them come?
@ Speaking @ Listening
hlrc : @ Uindi/vtother tongue is the lingua franca
lnrl, I,

@ English language is used only in the class- @ Reading @writing

room 11. 'Role play'is an activity for promoting-
tilo I
@ English is not spoken at home at all @ Assessment
tttle ',
@ Access to any learning material is unavail- @ Listening
able to students
@ writing
,trl1,.y:. 7!.' Constructivism is a theory where students-
@ Speaking and listening
@ Study a variety of dissimilar samples and
lttt'y : draw a well founded conclusion 20. Structures in second longuage are better as-
l'C. ,,
@ From theirown understanding and knowl- similoted in o pedagogical practice-
edge of the world through experiencing @ Through repetition and practice of com-

things and reflecting on those experiences monlY used sYntax

@ Are facilitated by the teacher and use a @ Through application of learnt structure in
variety of media to research and create discrete language items
their own theories @ through meaningful interaction with in-
)ques- @ Constructtheirown learning aids,thereby teresting content
)tions. gaining hands-on exPerience
@ lnsisting on accuracy, explicit instruction
14,', A learner's competence in English will im- in rules
prove when she/he receive of learning
experience that is aPProPriote. 21. tn the cose of vocobulary use' grammor pro'
- vides a PathwaY to learners to-
@ R stigntty easier, lower level
@ An equallevel @ Speak in formal situations with greater
accuracy and confidence
@ n sligtrtty higher level
@ n range of levels @ re-tell listening inputs into oral output
1S., fre 'naturol order'in the process of learning @ Combine lexical items into oral meaningful
English suggests that, children- and communicative exPression
@ Acquire some language structure earlier @ Draft formal pieces of writing in higher
than others classes
@ Rre slow at learning to speak when not in 12. When the teacher quietly observes the stu-
school dents during o collaborative grammar activ-
@ Learn to read and write simultaneously ity, the activitY PtaYs a role.
@ Are able to sPeak first then listen @ Diagnostic
16, Learning to speak in a second languoge does -
@ Evaluative
correc- @ lnteractive
@ lts pronunciation
@ Record keeping
@ Culturally bound speaking events

is not tue in rela' @ Expose them to more literary reading
N Wnicn one of the following literoture?
---" @ Become more cost-effective compared
tio,n to the use of children
respect technologically supported course
@ lt makes them understand and for
diverse cultures 27. Exomples of 'creotive reading' proiects
and assessment are-
@ Their reading proficiency deteriorates for more
@ Reference work done in the library
gets worse
imagination information on the theme
@ tt fretps in developing learner's
@ Surfing the internetfor related information
@ lt broadens their mental horizon re-writing
lffi (TLM) should be @ Dramatisation, role-play and
teaching Leorning Moterial from a different Point of view
used bY teacher as it-
@ Reading for meaning
@ ls not verY exPensive students' responses.for a
@ Motivates learners to further
prepare such *'28. While'evaluoting
material at home
;;;;;;;r; iiip,"fr""ion' marks maY be de'
ducted for errors'
@ Supplements teaching-learning @ Grammatical
sit in the
@ Prepares students mentally to @ Syntactical
@ content-
'&,:, Teocher can remediate for the student
'- """-
lorguoge learning difficulty by- @ SPelling
indi- bridge up by the terrorists last
@ Focusing on individual progresswith 29,: The
vidualised instruction
and @ gtowed
@ Providing notes that are summarised
simPlified @ Was blown
only' @ Blew
@ lnitially giving information as reading
no writing @ Was blow
student to health'
@ Conduct extra classes for the ffi ttord wo rkis bound to
tatch uP with others @ Effect
* @ Affect -your
textbooks, the textbook leorning shouto- @ Affected
@ Correlate with assessment and @ Effected
@ Lead to using the textbook sparingly

1.@ 2.@ 3.@ 4.@ 5,@ 0.@ 7.@ s.@ s.@ 10.@ 11.@ 12.@ 13.@
20.@ 21.o 22.@ 23.@ 24.@ 25.@
14.CI 15.@ 16.@ 1?.@ 1S.@ 1s.o
27.@ 2s.@ 29.@ 30. @
Second Language : ENGLISH

Q Read the text ond onswer to the questions :
| ttu1y, *ng m";icat r*t;, k;;; iiitiiiitirtc sigiilirantty ii,,,irt, i,iiin *-rins
!r-r-rrrt: " that process sound and control
region mouement. The stucty moy p(tt)e the way
) ?:*"r: for nouil
'l therapies to restore motion in stroke patients.

',wereRn:olr-he-rs at the Uniuersity of Edinburgh in the UK recruited Sa right-handed uolunteers, who

diuided ,:!, yy groups. They were asked to learn a new task iiuoh,ing sequences of
I Jinger
mouements lefi hayd. One group learned the task with musicat cues)' the other group did
llt: .t||ith lhe
,h",:o:, without,music,
I well at learning the sequences,
Afterfour weeks of practice, both groups of uolunteers peryorrniA equally
researchers said.
Usinq MRI scan, it was found that the music group showed a significant increase in
1 structural
in the white matter tract that link auditary and motor regiorcs on the right side of the
1 :::?"*riry
br?l.n. lhe non-muslc Sroup showed no change. The
I wi.rjng findingfocus on white matter p=athways-the
that enables brain cells to communicate with each other. Researchers hope thatfuture
I withlar9er.numberofparticipantswillexaminewhethermusiccanhelpwithspecialkindsofmotorstudy

flts last i re nabt lfialto n programmes.

1:, Number of participonts in each group- ffi Wnicn part of brain is focussed?
@:o @+o @ White matter @ Cray matter
@ts @zo @ Botfr matter @ None of these
&; Learning a physicol taskwith musical cues is- I Direction : Answer the following ques-
@ Enhanced @ Slowed
$realth. tions by selecting the correct option:.
@ No change @ No result
t fne volunteers belonged to- $,$ ytotiratbn is an importontfactor in languoge
@ t-eft handed @ nigfrt handed
learning. e.g, in clos Vl, _ may to done.
@ Memorisation and use necessaryvocabulary
@ eoth handed @ trtot mentioned
@ Systematic analysis and use of structures
*,: The study continued for- @ Use of visual devices and game like exer-
@ 2 weeks @ 4 weeks cises
@ 6 weeks @ 8 weeks @ Use of the mother tongue as the medlum
5,,, After one month test, both the group learnt
$ffi 4 t"r* er of class ltt realises that vocotulory
the- development is an important factor in en-
re. @ obling students to become better readers.
@ first group better than 2nd
26. @ @ Second group better than first group From the following, which might be a good
@ Equally well strategy for vocobulary development-
@ Can not be inferred @ Students underline difficult words from a
text and make senteneces with them
E,'', Which medical
instrumentwas used?
@ Students learn to use the context to guess
@ Thermometer @ Stethoscope
@ unt @ x-ray
the meaning of new words
@ Students memorise extensive word-lists of
1, After the study the scientist ore- synonyms and antonyms
@ Confused @ lndifferent @ Students consult a dictionary whenever
@ Pessimistic @ optimistic they come across a new word

the best way to get them to go the distance
11. e Uindi-speaking teacher gets posted in a and shared their finding
primary schoot which is situated in a remote
'or"o @ ln groups created graphs about the diffr-
of Raiasthan. Since she doesn't know cult situations that students have had to
the local longuage, she faces lots of prob- face in life
lems. She should-
li. A person, who is a fluent speaker, is likely to
@ Tryto get posting to a Hindi-speaking area
@ Focus on the textbook as a source of stan-
dard Hindi @ Logico-Mathematical abilitY
@ Use the child's language as a resource @ AodllY-t<inesthetic abilitY
while teaching @ MusicalabilitY
@ Encourage the community to learn stan- @ Verbal-linguistic abilitY
dard Hindi ll. An intonotion moy not be a
'$t A good teocher is one who- @ Loud @ stidins
@ Gives them ample opportunities to learn @ Rising -tone
@ railing
@ Gives them useful information i*!. A teocher of closs V is proctising 'interactive
@ Explains concepts and principles listening' in the closs. She should focus on-
@ Gives Printed notes to students @ Listening and observing speakers attitude
13; A twelve yeors old child enioys using
puns' @ Listening to word stress and intonation
This enioyment indiate thot she has- @ Listening to the Pronunciation
@ Metalinguistic awareness @ Listening and resPonding
@ Semantic slanting t$,t A speech community refers to a community
@ Deductive reasoning which-
@ Mentalblocks @ Uses different language
1A*', The'bottom uP m odel' of curriculum
is one @ SPeaks different dialects
where- @ SPeaks the same language
@ A need=based distance education with @ Connects by virtue of a link language
indirect influence on students
on a set software to make
&' Students con master complex language
@ Learning is based
structures without being aware of the fact
curriculum more learner friendlY theY are doing so,through-
@ rfre curriculum that allows freedom @ Regular, simple grammar practice sessions
student mobility with increased choice of
@ Teachers avoiding the teaching of struc-
curricular activity and encourages learning ture altogether
bY doing
@ Use of grammar games with a focus on
@ the learning process is geared towards relevant structure
career orientation
@ More speaking and listening practice with
15. To inculcate a'Never Give Up Attitudei a
regural feedback
able activity isthe onewhen students
'*;' tn this example, there is o deviation from the
@ Managed to get the principal's permission apporently intended form of an utteronce'
to go out and play during the English period
ldentifY the error-
@ Sang two popular songs and exhibited Torget t must let the cat out of the house'
some of their art and craft works during
Error I must let the house out of the cat'
the Parent teacher meet
@ Lexical selection error
@ Made modifications to their paper planes
and tested them again experimented with @ Word-exchange error
@ omission @ Points out major errors using symbols and
F @ substitution
22,',,. Gro*-ar gains its prominence in language
students self-correct
@ Gives students more drill work till they
teaching, particularly in English as a foreign 'learn' the correct responses
language. Accuracy in longuage use con be @ Writes out the correct answers on the
ffi achieve through-
@ lntensive practice with sentence patterns
@ Revises the wrong answers with them
@ Grammar is taught as the basis for allfour 26. tdentify the question that assesses student's
language skills ability to infer the meaning of the text-
@ Reading more books written in the target @ Use the phrase'in disbelief in a sentence
language ofyour own
@ lntegrating knowledge of structures with @ Cive the opposite of delighted'
use and meaning @ Why did Mohan change his mind despite
2!f,l Which one of the foltowing is on essential his parent's advice?
characteristic of a good textbook in English? @ Where did Tom and his parents live?
@ tre maximum numberoftextual exercises 27, While assessing o report of a school pro-
loctive should be given to practice at the end of gramme for a class journal the following are
lon- the lesson the main criteria-
tttitude @ Every lesson should have a proper intro- @ Literary style, chronological presentation,
Ition duction at the beginning and a conclusion word limit
at the end @ Relevance, logical organisation of content,
@ lt should be based on the guiding princi- a direct style
ples of curriculum and syllabus @ Descriptive presentation, title, winter's
@ tto difficult words should be given in the name
textbook at primary level @ Word limit, title, factualdescription
24n Stow learners fail to grasp effectively ond mix 28. The dead body was by his friends.
up words and structures eosily. Teaches can @ Bear @ Born
remediate by beginning with- @ Bore @ Borne
@ Setting drills for practice is
@ Painting them with tlever'students "fl[n,
The man
@n @nn
@ ldentifying the areas of difficult @to @ For
@ Preparing a summary of the content
21,' Error correction in students' written work is
:ffi;,: Riki is -
@an @nt
most effective when the teocher- @on @a

1.o 2.@ 3.@ 4,@ 5.@ 6.O 7.@ 8.@ e.@ 10.@ 11.@ 12.@ 13.@
14.O 15.@ 16.@ 17.@ 1S.@ 19.O 20.@ 21,@ 22.@ 23,@ 24.CI 25.@ 20.O
fromthe 27.@ 28.@ 29.@ 30.@


Second Language : ENGLISH I07
F @ omission @ Points out major errors using symbols and
@ Substitution students self-correct
lrffi- 7t;,1 Gro-.or goins its prominence in language
@ Glves students more drill work till they
!to 'learn' the correct responses
teaching, particularly in English as a foreign
language, Accuracy in language use can be @ Writes out the correct answers on the
achieve through- board
ly to
@ lntensive practice with sentence patterns @ Revises the wrong answers with them
@ Grammar is taught as the basis for allfour 26, ldentify the question that ossesses student's
language skills obility to infer the meaning of the text-
@ Reading more books written in the target @ Use the phrase'in disbelief in a sentence
language ofyour own
@ lntegrating knowledge of structures with @ Give the opposite of delighted'
use and meaning @ Why did Mohan change his mind despite
l&i wnicn one of the foltowing is an essential his parent's advice?
characteristic of a good textbook in English? @ Where did Tom and his parents live?
@ The maximum number of textual exercises tl.t White assessing o report of a school pro-
ilive should be given to practice at the end of gramme for a class journal the following are
ln- the lesson the main criteria-
tude @ Every lesson should have a proper intro- @ Literary style, chronological presentation,
0n duction at the beginning and a conclusion word limit
at the end @ Relevance, logical organisation of content,
@ lt should be based on the guiding princi- a direct style
ples of curriculum and syllabus @ Descriptive presentation, title, winter's
lnitY name
@ No difficult words should be given in the
textbook at primary level @ Word limit, title, factual description
2&':, Slow learners fail to grasp effectively and mix 28:, the dead body was his friends.
up words and structures easily. Teaches can @ Bear @ Born
remediate by beginning with- @ Bore @ Borne
@ Setting drills for practice is
I @ Painting them with tlever'students
::Nk', The man -by
bos" @n @Rn
I foct @ ldentifying the areas of difficult @ro @ ror
@ Preparing a summary of the content t
Zi,,l Error correction in students' written work is
;,: Rikirs -
lsions @an @nt
most effective when the teacher- @on @a

Us on wttl -M.D.

twith 1.@ 2.@ 3.@ 4.@ 5.@ 6.CI 7.@ 8.@ e.@ 10.@ 11.@ 12.@ 13.@
14. @ 15. @ 16. @ 17. @ 18.@ 19.@ 20.@ 2f.@ 22.@ 23.@ 24,@ 25.@ 26.O
mthe 27.@ 28.@ 2s.@ 30.@

,e. *ffiffiffiw
PRIMARYTET $il4t< (erffiq cs)

rnltlltt stl
I Reod the text ond answer to the questions:
&fi"sh"t, Jrly il iA"b ,rr""ttt"s iu'go nuja 7t Na!'-r-?':::::1!:t:!:::::::X:-:::::"?,:::,', out
o"iwkosefatherhad.iommittedsuicide apparenttv
afier hauingfailed to raise money for her treatment'
iS dipresston
of cancer'
In early 2015, Rajeswari Roy, 77, was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma' a-type
her to take a two-year breakfrom studies'
Doctors at a priuate hospirtal in"tabutta hadidutsed
which inctuded chemo-
But Rajeswari was deterntined. to continue. The prolonged' treatment,
tn ropy,ioaforcedhertooffenstayawayfromclassesbutdidnotgiueup,Raieswati'sstrugg,lepair'i
oX-ii" t"orid 71.2 percent in her higher second'ary examination'
Tod.ay, members of the Puia committee handed ouer
Rs 25,000 to Raieswari' The organisers haue
alsod,ecid,edto cut dawntheii expensesforPuiaand.donate
aportionof thesubscriptionthey would
collect to the 17 Years old girl.
"This year, we intend to collect 3.5 takh for the Puia. But we
haue decided to keep aside a portion
of the Puia committee.
of the sutscriptionfor the girl,,, said Ba.bul De, the president
Raieswari's treatment'
A member of the club said they planned. to giue Rs 75,000 for
"The cost of my initial treatment
Rajeswari, a resident of [Jttar Nasra uillage in Ranaghat, said:
was around. Rs 10,000 a iontn. It had becoie
quite dfficutt for my father (a grocer) to arrange for
my world completely'"
the ruoney. He used to suffer fram depression. His d'eath changed
my treatnxent expenses of about
'Taday, I feel a bit relieued'. The money witl largely help me meet
Rs 4,000 a month," she added.
Her immediate dream? "I haue to complete my graduation andthen
tryfor aiob' I wouldlike to
be a teacher."

1.. Roieswari wants to be a- l, Rojeswori scored in Higher Secondary exam'

@ Grocer @ Player ination-

@Teacher @ 60.50lo @ 69.9o/o
@ Doctor
@ 10.6o/o @ ll.zo/o
L: Rajeswari's father was a-
@ Businessman &; puio committeewill donate-
@ Grocer
@ Rickshaw puller @Tradere @ t soooo @ < 2oooo

from- @ < Tsooo @t tzooo

Rajeswori is suffering
@ glood cancer 7. At present Raieswari needs monthly for het'
@ Leucamaeia treatment-
@ < 2ooo @ t oooo
@ uodgkint lymphoma
@ < 4ooo @ < sooo
@ Gout
{. The cost of treatment at the beginning was- Doctor odvised the girl-
@ t sooo per month @ TobreakthestudY
@ { gooo per month @ To continue studY
@ < to,ooo per month @ To stoP studY
@ { +ooo per month @ To study at home onlY
l I Direction : Answer the following ques-
Second Language : ENGLISH
@ Assessment of needs, formulation of
qy selecttn objectives, selection of texts/learning
;;,;fii Who strongly maintains thot language is experience evaluation.
learnt by imitation of stimuli and reinforce_ 1i, n hnguage teacher should focus on-
ment of correct responses- @ Enough worksheet for practice
lutr I
ruttt @ Albert Bandura @ Kurt Lewin @ Everyday vocabulary and sentences
@ Tolman @ BF skinner @ their learn ability, coverage and teach
10., The Linguist, Noam Chomsky maintains the ability
| (r"
every child hos on innote Language Acquisi_ @ n focus on language rules
tion Device (LAD) thot he/she uses for_ '1.$:; How will a teocher best teach
tilo- skills
ttt i,i @ Phonemes @ Universalgrammar to a calss?
@ Complex words @ Semantics @ Through dictation
1i;, fne'ocquired system, or,acquisition, of a lon- @ By asking student to learn articles and
rl l)ti
guage is the- rewrite them
@ Formal skills development @ By brainstorming ideas and asking stu_
dents to write in their on words
@ Subconscious process of learning
@ lnput output process @ By asking students to write neatly
17. "students need to brainstorm ideas, orga_
@ Self monitoring of learning
nise, draft, edit and revise their work,,, is a
li One of the objectiives of teaching vocabulary
is not to- 'process' which refl ects-
ttbr @ Listening skilt @ SpeakinE skiil
@ Be able to use words in different contexts
@ Reading skill @ Writing skilt
@ Develop active and passive vocabulary 'l& Reading for comprehension can be best
@ Enable learners to use the dictionary achieved through-
@ Understand the meaning of words @ Teaching learners to run a finger or pencil
18., 'Gender sensitisation, in the school cutticu- under the line being read
lum implies- @ Rsking the children to read the text aloud
@ Children should be differentiated as boys @ Helping learners speak words softly while
and girls reading
@ Sex education from primary school on- @ Learners reading silently and asking com_
wards prehension questions
@ Respectful approach towards defining 19, tlsing a word bank and brainstorming hetps
gender roles to build-
@ Promote co-education in high school @ ldeas @ Writing skilt
l&l Curriculum development follows the foltow- @ Reading comprehension
lor her
ing sequence- @ Vocabulary
@ Formulation of objectives, assessment &' Teachers can demystify obstract grammat_
of needs evaluation, selection of texts/ ical technology so thot students can write
learning experiences through the-
@ Formulation of objectives, assessment of @ Explicit teaching to certain structures
needs, selection of texts/learning experi_
@ Separating of spoken and written forms of
ences, evaluation language
@ Selection of texts/learning experiences, @ tinking of spoken language with writing
assessment of needs, formulation of ob_
@ Frequent feedback on only grammatical
jectives, evaluation
PRIMARYTET SilqT{ (ffi{ C6)
i& purpose of assessment is-
X:;. Student of
t'"'tr-log" closs lV can recognise.flowed ' ne Tomain
measure achievement of learners
of sentence construction when the @
rcacher- @ To give Practice in writing
@ tells them something is wrong @ To improve the teaching learning
@ Gives alternatives as possible corrections @ To decide Pass and fail
'2,5r,' Reoding between the lines as o sub'skill
@ Lets them find the corrections
@ Focuses on certain surface errors reoding moinlY involves-
*i), Which of the following is not true obout sen- @ Understanding the stated facts
tences in the Possive voice? @ Giving sufficient space between
passivised @ lnfering the unstated using the contextual
@ Any declaiative sentence can be
fft" verb in passive sentences is always in and verbal clues
Perfect ParticiPle form
@ ldentify the grammatical itme
@ it is generally used whee the subject
'-"o'''' dot" o, every doy'
hidden, not clear or not significant
@ the, a
@ Sentences with intransitive verbs cannot @ a,the
be Passivised @ the,the @the,an
more famous
*;' A good language textbook should include- 28. Or. Radha Krishnan wos
philosoPher than Politician'
@ lnteresting stories
@ Attractive fonts, illustrations and
learn- @ The @an-
er-friendlY Pictures @a @Noneofthese
go it is'
@ Extractfrom British and American literature 2g,
@ a,the @ the, the
@ More grammar exercises
'il*, with @ a,an @ an, the
tndiniduolised educationol progrommes -colder
"'' int"nrin" suppoit to help students to consoli- 30,
TheeggsaresoldbY - dozen'
iate their bosic knowledge is referred to as- @a @an
@ Advanced studY Programmes @ the @ None ofthese
@ lntroductory courses
@ Remedialcoaching
@ Revision sessions

10.@ 11.@ 12.o 13.o

1.@ 2.@ 3.@ 4.@ 5.@ 6'@ 7.o 7'(D 8.@
8'G) e.@ 10.@
21'@ 22.@ 23.@ 24.o 25.@
14.@ 15.@ 16.@ 17'@ 1S.@ 19'o 20'o
27.@ 28.o 2s.@ 30'@

) Second Language :


,h:':::: f
,,r*,k,*,,.f ,,_
letl yhiclt ,ni*"t iuime quarter horo ro
the lt x nonutarty
is this

II started
Big Ben has been ch,iying
out the quarter
t*-t tvr hours
ttours nowfor
chiming on ttth 1uni, more th
than one-and-a-hatf
liss"" centuries. It
At that time, the parliament
^ couldn,t h-*^ the
Parliament ,"tii o{trntior-, in a speech, ,odecide uthnt tn name
bell, A
.right-hearted Member of
nous rhe ctock that resu\y1,yhe
made a 290 days check
chlmins ri'iir u", keep good time. r
on the performinrrTif the Royal Astronomer
error was ,p"
r1or1r. Hefound thal !ss.s,
than two-tenth'rr"
on to out of ,n" iiii"yr. ,rrr"ii"L;';::r,'r::;!';x,:::
4 hours on gs days !::::r,.r,',i, ril-*"rii""rr
and greater t

tho, on" i"'"o)a ont1,

l/s. The-re was an unexpected I
. rapse on r2th Auort.ct 1Q,tr
^-) ^^_
thaidnrk d;;,";;,';;;;Tl#l,i;,;::"i:!,;::,,;,;:,,;;,;::;:Xf:;!,,!;#:;

*, Afu from popular usage,

Big Ben is really @ fhe clock did rlot function
ProPerlY for 93
@ Exclusive radio signal of days
the BBC
@ Name of Chief Lord @ the clock was maintaining
of the Woods and accurate time
Forests on alldays
@ Clock tower of the place p fhe clock was reasonably
of Westminster
@ Great bel in the clock tower @ me clock was lr
t3. @
of Westminster "il";,.:" ,,e..orrr;;;;;;;:,'ri;;:,7:;:::,:';:::rr_
16. @ 2, Theyearlg5gwasthe_ @ seing checked for acJuracy -'v,r "vJ'
@ I OOtfr anniversary Big Ben @ 5 minutes fast
@ year in which Big Ben was @ Bombed
restored @ 5 minutes slow
@ SSth anniversary of Big
$y, For the Britons
@ Last year Big Ben was at
L fne word ,consternation,
heard t:rlt th; ;;; ;;;;:r:r';r:',',ff
used in the last It shows that_
stands for_ @ ffre British are very patriotic
@ Alarm @ Sorrow @ ffre British are very sentimental
@ Anxiety @ Despair @ the British are fond of
travelling to far_off
ln the Royol Astronomer,s lands
290 days check, it
was established that_ @ me Big Ben has belcomea
Powrful national
pRrMARy rET sir{rd (errsFq cs)
to motivate
chimes @ Using methods and strategies
l.' People outside London con hear the and irake learning more challenging
in the
of the Big Ben because- class
@ The BBC broadcasts the chimes @ Taking the help of an academic'
is avail-
@ fn" recording of the bell's chime who will address the class
able all over the world
@ ldentifying the students who are'unmoti-
O if," Uuf ft sound is so loud that it can travel vated'anJ taking a special class for them
to all Pats of the world their own
a global @ Encouraging learners to take
@ rhe legendary bell has become time to comPlete assignments
in The clock lost five minutes once
because- 1*, While translating o subiect using the.tra.nsla-
-' tion in the mainstream curriculum'the
@ Sor" starling had roosted on the minute
fit is-
@ There was an unexPected laPse
@ Promoting national identitY
@ Enriching linguistic capability and
by the
@ The maintenances was not done
MinistrY of works are not competent
@ Enabling teachers who
@ ltwasadarkdaY classes
ques' in the mainstream language to take
1 Direction : Answer the following @ Standardising cultural identity
tions the correct will help
ffir, Which of the foltowing resources
con:ito of y:'!:which- barriers ond
ffi l.tir" rousecabulary
frequently in our daily life
b break down comminication
children to study and learn in both Ll
@ We enoble
@ We use occasionallY and L2?
@ Are diffrcult @ Multilingual @ Multimedia
@ We recognise and understand @ tlor" teitual @ Communicative
10. iombining of movement abilities
with ac- paragroph construc-
'16., Anio, while teaching
t"urh os speaking a lansuase is re-
tion, should draw attention to-
ferred to os of ideas
@ OriginalitY
@ Cognitive skills details and
-. @ Topic sentence, supporting
@ Affective skills connectors
@ Motor Perception skills @ A range of vocabularY
@ lnteraction skills @ A large variety of ideas
l$it*i wtite leorning vocabulary'.learners given
'*' i;:;:i;;; iira'witn its retated words and the 17. What is the skilt omong the ones .below
iiiis wnicn con occurcolled?
before and ofter it' that connot be tested in a formal written
What is this technique amination?
@ Dictation @ Note making @ Meaning of words and Phrases
@ Collocation @ Conversation @ Extensive reading for Pleasure
who @ AnalYsing texts
&,, ine first generation learners are those
are- @ Reading for information
on a
@ Learning Hindi for the first time 18. Essays or long writing tasks especially
@ Learning English for the first time discursive issue should-
6 if,"ntt ftomtheirfamilytocometoschool
seek admis-
@ HetP students with grammar
@ Coming first time to schoolto @ H"tp them to improve their handwriting
pints of
sion 6 H"tp them discuss the different
g;, 'i"oiinir'often
"'"" x
loreign/non-mother tongue view and justify them with illustrative
faces the probtem of a class full
of reluctant, unmotivated leorners' fn's
can skills
@ irelp students develop their literary
be helPed bY-

k lil*'rnteroctive' listening is-

@ Listening and responding
@ lt enables girls and boys to interact freely
@ tt is an effective classroom management
@ Listening for mood and tone technique
@ Listening for word stress and emphasis @ lt enables students to engage in meaning-
@ Listening forfinding our speaker's attitude ful talk
H ,M) Point out the figure of speech used in the sen- @ lt enable students to memories the story
h., tence given below- %i,,, Criteria os assessment is/are-
lown @ Guidellnes with making scheme
The moon smiled atthe stars oround her.
Metaphor @ simile
@ Question-wise distribution of marks
lnsla- @ Oxymoron @ Personification
@ General impression of student ability
@ Scorting key
lbene' ,ffi f, a role play a student at the end soid, "This
news report is presented by the reporter, An-
l$... Z,e two areos of CCE are-

shu ond cameroman, Priya!'Theteacher said

@ Scholastic and curricular
fppre- @ Scholastic and co-scholastic
that insteod of cameraman you should say
comera person. lt indicates that the teacher @ Curricular and situational
petent @ Situational and functional
is using a-
@ Feminine gender 21;: lf the superlative is least thon the positive
@ Gender biased language is-
)ll helP @ Gender neutral language @ Least @ Less
Is and @ Masculine gender @ tittle @ Lesser
loth Ll 28i Zr: movie is the last one.
tff:: 76" Theory of lJniversal Grammar was for-
muloted by- @ Best @Good
@ Steven Pinke @ Better-than@ worst
@ Jean Piaget I$.l taenti4, tye type of word thot is underlined in
)nstruc- @ Noam Chomsky the given sentence. All the people cheered-
@ Stephen Krashen @ Noun @ Pronoun
ddllr': A g o o d textboo k of E n g t i sh sh o u t d possess- @ Adjective @Verb
llls and
@ Reading material
'&. Uentify the type of word thot in underlined in
@ Picture and illustrations the given's Sheer rubbish-
@ Cultural content @ Noun @ Pronoun
@ Allof the above @ Adjective @Verb
Nk: Roleplay should be an integral part of every
len ex-
language classroom becouse-

1.@ 2.@ 3.@ 4.o 5.o 6.@ 7.@ 8,@ 9.@ r0. o 11. @ 12. @ 13. @

1{.@ 15,@ 16.€) 17. @ 18. @ 1s. @ 20.@ 21.@ 22.@ 23.@ 24.@ 25.@ 26.@
27.@ 2S.O 2e.@ 30. o
pints of #ffiffiffi#

ll4 \ e_B!$nvrnsIFrtr ($rsfrq d)

micr co sms of
; *h ffi o

ck rrty thr;*i'ti"tt' ;'f i;id;; .;W;*A

i.; oI
ills i.titr,-ft"plnws that the
normal socialisation patterns
society, mirroring,,, ,riiririr-'and g';i':' are reflected in the classroonls"'
ai'to'ted' percipltiori*"1
young child'ren tnat olteni'Ziio 'aes
1997) -:-t:^-+;^h ratron< hin.sisembedd.edintextbooks,

is part of the hidden curric-

with studeni. iir"t ii"'"f rZrud'er bias
lessonsand teacher iriirrr-iiri,n, af their ctassroom'
,, students ;;;;;;; ;;, ;;rvdav functioning
utum of tesson,tougni-i";pliriiiy
Researchhaslbundthatboysweryfyrmoretilcelytoreceiuepraiseorremed,iationfromateacher reacher'
*re girt,iere iostlikity rorrrri'"-in ictcnowted'genxentresponsefromtheit
than thelt do for girls'
1 they reinforc"
Aoy' *o''" |oi gen"'al i"'pon'" lead
rgle3 ynd. the use of a
gender biased hid'd'en curriculum
of gender that
\ clrorty, the socialisation is an insid'ious probtem
\, to on inequitabte ed,ucationfor
!,v, ::!-s-:::;t::ii;;';'ii'a"i"tio"
\ "**--- " " the process
'" r" 'Remediation' in the classroom
5- ^E"'se'e,v''
L Socialisotion is a process of- to certain i
@ Moulding a child to conform : @ Giving specialcoaching
for quiet students
norms of behaviourI :
: Stopping a negative trend
in learning
@ Learning to accept moral
values ^r^
of a 'nri-
I -
-'' I @ vrerr/ during
Error correction orally
Erlor-LurlcLrrvrr -- class
to confort :n to- environmental
^-..'-^^*^^t,l ; Y
@ Causing : @ Reinforcementofgoodbehaviouramong
demand pressures
' learners
@ Succumbing to psychological , U, ,, ,r"r'rir,," education-
2, A'microcosm of society'- of.: @ Teachers disrespect
process be-
@ n"n".* the exceptional
achievements : @ Learning is not a balanced
its government ! ,*een the genders
outside the classroom learning o Boys get more school hours
@ lm'riates life i for
environment : 6 ;;;r; books are prescribe differently
@ Has educationalfacilities : boys and girls
@ Has excellent learning environment i I Or)inridiour-p,oblem'would
be one that is

\, A'perception' referred to here isthot- i cauted seemingly-

@ Teacher balance the bias

thphias t
; OCarelessly
(D Lareres5ry @lgnorantly
a There in <rhools
schools :; (9 Deliberately
Ol uelloeldttrrv @ Harmlessly
@ -' --^ :- bias in
no l-rir<
is ^a
implies here that-
the girl child i g. i'niaden cu*iculum'
@ School curriculum *O-O*r, gender-biased
@ Boys are more intelligent
and lively t O The curriculum is
while teaching
which i- +ha
.-.L:-L is annn<itP z
the opposite
I (uy' r> need more attention
@ \rrr "=="r'.,'r""rll"niiri
*, A word from the essay
i ir"u,r"n'
@ goys need preferentialtreatment
enrorces sexual ste-
61ffifi.ated'is- Distorted ii 6;;;;ili'vstem
@ Animated @ Clearly
Second Language : ENGLISH
a Direction: Answer the following ques- @ Encourage the use of their mother tongue
tions by lelecting the correct options. to promote better understanding of the
9;, Aword gets its meaning meaning of a prescribed text
@ From dictionary only @ Go from concrete to abstract texts
@ Spelling @ The teacher models the writing and speak-
@ From its origin ing styles which learners copy
@ ln relation to its context 15. Prouiding learning support to pupils who lag
7'$,,; Learning to speak in a second longuage far behind their counterparts in school per_
not involve formance includes
@ lts pronunciation @ Civing more activities for language prac_
@ Culturally bound speaking events
@ Theoretical knowledge of a language @ Providing extra notes and coaching
@ Second language grammatical knowledge @ Allowing them to complete assignment
without time limits
ll:;,' When a chitd leorns a languoge naturally,
without much practice, it is colled
@ tnitially adapting school curricula and
teaching strategies
@ Language generalisation
@ Language adaptation 16. Organisation of orguments ond ideas in
paragraphs is an important aspect of
@ Language learning
@ Language acquisition @ writing essays
lC Wnicn one of the fottowing is the most im- @ writing memos
portant about story telling? @ Writing stories
@ lt broadens their knowledge about various @ Writing personal letters
authors 17, Wnite writing o notice, the writer should pre-
@ lt enhances graded pattern and structure fer
@ lt promotes whole language approach @ Active voice @ passive voice
@ lt is an effective way of learning vocabulary @ Any voice @ None of these
ffi students who do not have the opportunities l$, Which of the following is on important stage
to use the target language outside the closs_ in the writing process?
room, demonstrate ntuch lower levels of lan_ @ raiting
be- @ Memorisation
guage competency. This can be overcome by
@ Calligraphy O Comprehension
@ Conducting tests periodically to motivate
Ll.,. Scanning meons danting over much of a text
them to learn
ly for to search for
@ Civing them a set of commonly used
sentences and vocabulary which they are @ fne opinion of the author
lot is @ Difficult words
expected to use
@ Settings separate tasks which are easier, @ A specific item or piece of information that
with more time to complete them we wish to discover
@ Engaging them in specific language-fo- @ ffre central idea
cused tasks which are indirectly monitored ,?A| 'Diphthongs, need continuous practice
by their group leaders teaching pronunciation. Diphthong is a
!hing W Longuoge learners learn to do by doing. @ Long vowel
Which activity supports this observation? @ Short vowel
ll ste- @ Opportunities to practice as it helps with @ Consonant
habit formation @ two vowels jointly used
ltt to descr,ibe
@ Phoneme
'&i, A teacher asks stu dents of closs
-"' @ Subjective utilitY
;;;;;ri-iiiina' lhe writes the stud.ents.' re- foll- ow'
'#lri"i ii'i'e atac*aoard' At lost' she states 'ti, Curricutum development follows the
on the block- ing sequence-
that olt tnese aescriiing words of objectives' assessm^"Lt
iiira or" odiectives'This is- O'i"irur"ion of text/tearn-
needs, evaluation' selection
@ lmmersion method ing exPeriences
@ lncidentalmethod assessment of
@ Formulation of objectives'
@ lnductive method needs, selection of text/learning
@ Deductive method
r8 ; i i i. w * *."'!: !^':i:i,n,t:rfri;1,
ences evaluation
@ Selection of texts/learning
Z,r'i n
l!:,!:':'::?: #!!'
noi:r;';;:;;;:,';;;syiiiii,hi:s-!::,:::?^ assessment of needs' formulation of ob-

of grammar in context jectives, evaluation

@ oirj;;,n" ptittitu formulation of ob-
@ Assessment of needs'
as a strategY
note down the , j"oiu"r, selection of text/learning experi-
O nrking students to carefully
ences evaluation'
rules from the blackboard - . r
of the rules with he can leave the
;;i;; ;[.; 11; Provided he is feeling better'
"-Planations hosPital-
nrLn'g students to do drill
work only to @ navernial clause of concession
learn rules @ RdverUial clause of condition
not a form of litero- @ Adverbial clause of PurPose
&, Wnicn of the foltowing in
@ Adverbial clause of manner
zg. itote the part of speech of the
@ One-Act PlaY --'
@ Travelogue
@ Dictionary @ Memoir ;;;;. ie tooked above-in the sky-
@ Adiective @
'W i chitd ,t,
A cnrtu' "
insteod of writing "l like -t!)\y^:!X
YI!!fj:.'! l,#,
@ Verb @ Rdverb
-? worked hord you
iiL-tJJi ri i t d's iv r iti s
n sh ow n, iitt in the btank' lf you had
n"uas remedial classes to
6 i"
sPelling @ willPass
@ ile nas used invented spellings. -L^ -r^-. @ Would Pass
in the class @ Would have Passed
6 i" it not paying any attention
6 He n"edsto work on Phonetics @ Haa been Pass
sentence' He
Adverb in the following
25. i ro,r,ow labels its !'l'*^::i*1,'::rl2i ,S0','"" Choose
iiiiiirtl comes unPrePared- ..
iZZii,',ii it i ii " ^
' o sitiv etv' r
m o re p
h is i @ Frequently
tn @
examPle of a- I (O Comes
@ Unprepared

@ Semantic slanting
@ PrototYPe

10.@ 11.@ 12'@ 13'@

1.@ 2.@ 3.@ 4.@ 5"@ 6'@ 7'o 8'@ e.o
22.@ 23.@ 24.@ 25'@
14.@ 15.o 16.@ 1?.@ 18.@ 19'@ 20'o 21'o
2?.@ 28.o 2s.@ 30. @


Second Lan-guage : ENGLISH

TRffTITT 5_Erl3'
It b w", d"ty :iiiii tiitrasr, i""n t
I l:.:t ,bly'.r"n.obtain.
Knowledge is like a deep well, feed by perennial springs "r*trasiiij*1
^ and yottr mlna i tne I
title bucket that you drop into it: you will get as much as you can assimilarc. rh, biain,
I which is the I

(t1xyt orgay of tlte mind, is one of the two precious products of the aeons of euolution : the
other l,

'social instinct! This wonderful brain, whosi euery canritution represents mil-
i tions of years o! time, distinguishes you {rom the animals. Many animak haue uery powerful

I t:::: -really i
the eagle, ,h:.".r! the haue keener sense of sight than Man. But no iii*"t io,
a:nore?rg"y; "n!intelligence.
.dog I

euotued Brain and higher If you do not deuelop and use this brain to the utmost
i oJ your powen you i
are more akin to the beasts than to Homo-sapiens.

and mental self-culture will confer untold blessing upon you. you wi6 not be the
| . \noyledse

ynnry of superstition and demagogy in religion and politics. you wili know your
I be d.uty and do it. To

and independent in your religion and your politics, not be doped and duped. by the tl

) priests
.wise seffish
I and the scheming politicians of capitalism and so called socialism: is thii not i noateLim

wo.rth striu,ingfor?.Most men and women ioday are notfree and wise: tlrcy are
I like kftesftowi";;;;; i
trllaU the ilk of man arydue to ignorance.

*; What, according to the passage, is the duty of 5' What will knowledge and mental self-culture
flrlined human beings? confer upon man?
@ To make ourselves cultured @ fUany blessings
@ To digest knowledge @ Untold miseries
@ to study correctly @ Richness of knowledge
Jrdyou @ To acquire knowledge and develop the @ Money and material things
:6i,' lf one ocquires knowledge and develops
Mind has been compared to- mental self-culture, one will not be the victim
@ Adeepsea of-
@ A perennial spring @ Pugnacity
@ Abucket @ Superstition and demagogy
@ A deep well @ Breed
For human beings,their brain is one of thetwo @ Lust and carnal appeties
f'*'" products of evolution. The other is
@ Physical strength
their- l', The author implies that most men and
@ Self-culture and knowledge @ Oo not prossess capacity for free judge-
@ Keener sense of sight ment
@ lnstinct for living is a society @ nre manipulated by priests and politicians
What is mon like if he does not develop and

I 13. @ @ Are arrogant in their behaviour

use his broin? @ Lack social instinct
26.@ @ He is akin tothe beasts TheWord'untold'as used in the second para-
@ tte is greater than gods graph is-
@ He is askin to the motionless statues @ An adjective @ An adverb
@ He is like an angel @ Averb @Anoun

PRTMARYTET Srlqli (aimBq CqBl
I Direction: Answer the following ques- which helps the teocher to'keep the lesson on
tions by selecting the coruect oPtions. target'is/are the-
@ objectives @ Methodology
jti$: fre study of words and their meoning is @ evaluation @ documentation
known as-
16. Reoding between the lines as a sub-skill of
@ Phonetics @ Syntax reading moinly involves-
@ Linguistics @ Semantics @ Understanding the stated facts
ffi tutrct, one of the following is not o language @ Civlng sufficient space between lines
component? @ lnferring the unstated using the contextual
@ Grammar @ Speech and verbal clues
@ Sound system @ Manuscript O ldentifying the grammatical item
l1;, ffe major objective of teaching English at 17, Longuage skilts are best learnt-
primary level is- @ Onty through written tests and assign-
@ Using English in different situations of life
@ When they are taught in an integrated
@ Speaking English in British accent manner
@ Scoring good marks in the exams @ Wittr the help of challenging and mechan-
@ Knowing the grammar of English ical language drills
$,,' tn learning o language, students'tolking time @ When they are introduced in isolation, one
should be increased because- skill at a time
@ fne use the target language for various 18. When young leorners are asked to read a text
purposes silently, they should be instructed-
@ Teachers feel relaxed while students are @ To stop reading whenever they encounter
talking difficult word or phrase
@ ffrey enjoy spending time talking with @ To infer the meaning of new words from
their friends the context and read with comprehension
@ ffrey can learn the correct pronunciation @ To pay special attention to grammar items
from each other used in the passage
@ To read fast if they don't comprehend the
,tlSn The teacher's cues for activities are given meaning
in the first language, in a second languoge
closs. This exploits the communicative 19. Correct speech habits can be developed most
potential of a given structure. effectively through-
@ Sandwich - approach @ Pronunciation practice
@ Vocabulary practice
@ Communicative
@ Quizzes
@ Billngualtechnique
@ Dictations
@ Structural technique
2t. Dipthongs ore-
*$: Selectio n of Longuoge item while determin- @ Consonantsounds
ing the second language syllabus should take @ Double consonant sounds
into accoung @ Vowel sounds
@ fne minimaldisruption of schoolschedule @ Double vowel sounds
@ How easy it is to learn/use the item 21. Structural opproach loys stress on-
@ how easy it is to teach the concdPt @ Developing linguistic competence
@ The frequency and range of use of the items @ Selection and gradation of materials
I5; Ihe'question' How witl I achieve my teaching @ lmproving fluency
goal?, in the design of a language instruction, @ Developing accuracy
non tl;, Functional grammar refers to-
@ Learning grammar by knowing the tech-
@ Self assessment
@ Peer assessment
nicalities of language 'fr.' Wnite providing feedback to the parents, o
@ Learning grammar through the rules of teocher should not-
lllof language @ Give qualitative feedback about the child
@ Learning grammar in isolation @ Share the incidents recorden in the anec-
@ Learning grammar in a given context dotes
2i., A good Teaching Learni ng Material (TLM) can @ Compare their child with other children
tual best- @ Compare the current performance of the
@ Be a source of entertainment child with her previous performance
@ ttelp the teacher to transact material with- 27"' Which of the fotlowing is not formative as-
out any modification sessment?
lgn- @ Hetp the learners'acquire a language @ Oraltesting
@ Facilitate the teaching-learning process @ Term-end assessment
Ited I{,, A purposeful collection of student's work @ Anecdotalrecords
that demonstrotes their efforts, progress and @ Portfolios
achievement in a give area is called a/an- 28, t shatt alwoys by indebted _ you for this
@ Anecdotalrecord timely help.
@ Portfollo @ from @of
@ Checklist @to @ with
@ Rating scale ,{s ge broke the jug
21. When learners give feedback on eoch other,s
_ hundred pieces.
@an @ into
lnter longuage, work, learning strategies, perfor-
mance etc it is called-
@ at @of
@ Formal assessment
!0. Oo not cry milk.
lrom @ Above @ Under
ision @ Group assessment
@ over -spilt @on

d the
1.@ 2.@ 3.@ 4.@ 5.@ 6.@ 7.@ 8.@ e.@ 10. @ 11. @ 12. @ 13. O
14.@ 15.@ 16.@ 17.@ 18.@ 1e.@ 20.@ 21.@ 22.@ 23.O 24.@ 25.@ 26.O
27.@ 28.@ 29,@ 30. @

*i,:;:::::::iw'iqiiisi;;**---*- -l
I'mnotpayingyouforyouruisit' I

\ \ ldid'notcallyoutobetold I
I lrn3 upyourhatandstethoscope' y:yq:acommoncold' - *-*-l
1 I c, washyourmo,utnwithtaund.ry:y:p,- ffi,'in[
:' o"d *itr;-
:Ibfi pr;;n,ri i*' .* - ny handkerchief after handkerchieJ''
'iuflt'' 'i*t' \

'\ w '-"';;'i'"'
grip; scaly naught i
ny krer's hot and Tltis cold your waue away
By those two red redund'ant
eyes I

i I {sthedamnerlestcoldmaneuer"y?ht! -- )
\ | Thatyeeplikewoefulanltsfigl;
- a**';;;'To:'g'o'ii'i
| -lcllnacittiswarmi'?'f'*'';o''itot' I

1 lsucn astDerene'erconceiued'bvmortals! Y:'Y::lreanclhead'sofice

Who neuer interrupt for
slumber 1

and' hoary
\ 'i Aut Ared' by scientists
\ {'| tn some otympic taboranry;
t-t''''""t'""'""' ' -- " :y'-t'"!,lt:::t":n."'y:::?'- - ---i
I ' '' "' '
,cr interruot for slumber
l,#'who neverinterruptfor
thotthe poetdisptaysi, i
z. Their rtamping elephontine ruyba:
thefirststonzo? u6, r^^r^,rcrr
R'^":1"^:" i '. Th"meaningoftheselinesisthat-.
-6";n:::il'#;;s"'*'?t"':::tY[::l to the poet without
*no,,"8":H:;' et show hisi" ;1:";;; breax""J
*Y;l:::Y i any
-:. -^ $L-+ +r.ra\r rafirse to
lllriiirr"' .,,---^-ia^.n,.i
-- i *@il:;;:;il'aresoactivethatthevreruseto
6'iilo;""rforanincorrectdiasnosisofhis s"-,Jti""n
ilj;:;H;'i"^'*' ^'-^r'^!'+ i
t: ilJ;ffinotabre'to-fficentrateonhis
@ AlJ";;;noi'r'uppvu,:Sf::''j]i*: ii, *o'[J,".:.!:]1rl:::::1 stampins
3 iliT::,T;;;ffi;'d.h"po"'mererv ffil"ouli","o'u,"."ontln'ousrv
il;.-;ld --^-,rri
ut t of the poem can be de-
lll'"ilman because he has sneered ,'t, *""i"-"'i tone
thepoet : ' scribedas-
!$. rhepoetdescribeshiseyesos'tworedredun'
i @ lronical and mocking
L--t ^.,ac, ho.nttse- : -" humorous
YYrrrrrrJrs-' and
@ whimsical
6'iilv'r'"w howfu-riou':!"1:^"-t]:,,"o,"o
+ffi1;#;"*#;"dbv::t,i*:1"- @ satiricat
! R li::i I'llI
-i T:-:::lr
3 ll .*;-**
"il n:Tfi *"
u polt i' t'h - "geii'ii't
a m
D r e cti n : an sw
i a s
:!tn": *u"!t
i o e

ll,ff-ffi;"' - -:. due

@ il:';;;il"" P'oP"ttY
,. ,^ to
,^ the ..,rd
tr,o cold i' tiiing e!!!9*'-
o/ * g'ilffi!:'-"-
ffi ?octeria astorseasmice'isaninstonceof i AL"*f,?uon""- @Learnt
on- i 6niq"uit"a
@ MetaPhor * unguageisnot-
@ Personification @ t]nstinctiue @social
@ Symbolic
(O Alliteration @ Arbitrary
6" and a hYPerbole
l :'& Uyhen language development is a deliberote
ond conscious effort, language is-
Second Language : ENGLISH
reflect in longuage ped'
kind of orrangement
@ Honed @ Brushed up
@ Electric apProach
@ Learned @ Acquired
@ fop down approach
@ Aesthetic approach
language classroom is to provide leorners @ Bottom up approach
with an opPortunitYto-
@ lnteract @ lnterfere
&,,Story tetting should be used frequently in
classrooms becouse-
@ Assess @ Limitate
@ lt provides space for teachers to engage in
;fti is the particular way a learner prefers to other academic task
learn o second orforeign language. @ tt lays the foundation of logical under-
-@ Cognitive stYle standing and imagination
@ Cognitive process @ tt lays the foundation for other academic
@ Behaviorist approach engagements arrangements
@ Literalapproach @ lt allows students to imagine and relax
W fre focus is on using the language rather A teacher uses a report from a newspaper
than analysis the language and grammar is to teach writing. The material used thus for
taught implicitly rather thon explicity. Which teaching is referred to os-
method/approach is this? @ Authentic material
@ Direct approach @ Externalmaterial
@ Communicative aPProach @ Realistic material
@ Grammar-translation method @ Naturalmaterial
@ Structuralmethod
'lii 'Prediction' as a subskill is associated with-
l* "Some reseorch has shown thot developing @ Reading @ Drafting
students native la guoge skills leads to high' @ Summarising @ Note making
luse to
er scores ocademically over the long term in ,flX f the piece of writing is briet complete, in
English;" A bilingual class would be charac' the third person, without digressions and
lon his
terised by- emotional overtones and logically arranged,
@ The use of students'native language in the it is o-
second language class @ Classifi ed advertisement
@ Revision work done in the native language @ Memorandum
be de-
@ More guided translation activities individ- @ RePort
ual/collaborative @ Newspaper article
@ tre re-formulation of concepts, structure ffi ruotes con be made using a flowchart or o
use in the native language web diogram.The study skills involved is-
.$$ nnshu is teoching English to closs Vl students @ Storing @ Summarising
and her class seemsto be noisy. She is probo' @ Retrieving @ Gathering
blv t& Pedagogical grammar is-
f,9rs. @ Teaching a crowded class
@ Learning of rules first and then the mean-
@ t,tot able to manage a class ings of words
@ t,tot bothered about the noise @ Learning of meanings through form
@ having group work @ Learning of grammar in contextthrough use
$ e hnguage textbook for closs I starts with @ Learning of grammar through prose and
poems and stories (complete text) and ends PoetrY

22. Functionol grammot stands for using/teoch- Iypes of Meaning

ing grammor in/through Assessment
@ Parsing B. Assessment 2. It k us e d when students
@ Explanation of literary content reflect on the monitor
for learning
@ Context
@ lsolation C, Assessment 3. It is used towards
23. Awordwith same spelling and same pronun' as learning and at the end of the
ciotion as onother butwith a different mean- intruction period
ing is a/an
@ Homonym @ HomoPhone ABC ABC
@ Antonym @ Synonym
@ s 2 -l @ s 12
$ffi wtrite teoching a'One-Act Playi a tobleou @ 2t s @ 132
con be used os one of the teoching strotegies.
The Tableou refers to 27. A teocher after completing a chapter osks
@ Silent still image made by actors posing as the students some questions to review their
characters learning and check their understonding- The
questions she is asking will be based on
@ A monologue
@ Some musical instrument @ Lower-order thinking skill
@ Dialogue between different actors @ Hyper-order thinking skills
rL$ Civing effective feedbock to the learners @ Hlgher-order thinking skills
meons @ ttnidate-order thinking skills
@ Diagnosing problems and guiding the 28. He looked his watch all around the
learners how to imProve house
@ Correcting their mistakes in the class @or - @ For
@ Civlng appropriate time and space for @ro @ From
as well as areas 29" t am fond movies.
@ Focus on positive aspect
of development @ From @ For
W r,latcn of the following @or @ Rbout

Iypes of Meaning
il$ Chose the adverb from the following option.
@ watk @ eaaty
@ Good @ rast
A. Assessrnent 1. It is used during the
of learning process of learning
and teachting

1.@ 2.@ 3.@ 4.o 5.@ 6.@ 7.@ 8.@ e.@ 10.@ 11.@ 12.@ 13. @

14.@ 15.@ 16.@ 17.@ 18.@ 19.o 20.@ 21.@ 22.@ 23.@ 24.@ 25.@ 26. o
27. @ 28. @ 29. @ 30. @
'6' {:"rtl.t:,
Pffitlltt SETr
ntr I

I Build Walls hide,

Walls that Truly touch
u'ar l

,11 I build walk Walls that couer what's inside Those I loue so uery much.
Walls that protect, Walls that stare or smile or look Walls that need to fall!
Walls that shield, away, Walls meant to be fortresses
Silent lies, Are prisons after all.
Walls that say I shall not yield Walls that euen block my eyes
or reueal From the tears I might haue
who I am or how lfeel. cried'

),The Ibuildwalls Ibuildwalls

Walls that neuer let me

What are the walls in this poem made of? 8. Wails built to protect us ultimately turn into o
@ Blood and flesh prison. lt is an example of a-
@ Hidden feelings and thoughts @ Puzzle @ riddle
@ Bricks or any physical material @ satire @ Paradox
I the
@ Cement and tiles I Direction : Answer the following ques-
Which one of these has been used in the po- tions by selecting the correct options.
et's presentation of 'the walls'? i$ neading English as a second languoge meons
@ Metaphor @ Alliteration @ Reading aloud
@ simile @ Personification
@ Reading for grammar
When walls act as a protection, they- @ Meaning making
Nlon. @ Touch the ones who are truly loved @ Decoding of letters and words
@ Surrender to strong feelings ii{il Wnicf of the following is not true while
@ Oo not revealwhat is inside teaching the learners in their mother tongue
@ tvtake one shed tears at primary level?

The expression'silent lies'in the second stan-

@ tt is helpful in the intellectual development
of the child
za impliesthat-
@ tt frelps children in learning in a natural
@ Walls make one hide one's true feelings
@ Walts lie silently around all of us
@ lt develops self-confidence in the child
@ Walls are silent
t@ @ tt makes learning easy
@ Walls are liars
711" second languoge should be tought
to Why is it not o good idea to have these 'walls'?
@ ffrey are made of bricks @ Mother tongue and translation
@ ffre hurt others @ Using the target language as much as it is
@ mey act as a fortress possible
@ fney act as a prison and keep loved ones @ Learner background and talent
away @ Grammar and rules of language
rtH Providing students con encourage sec- trying to achieve through this activity-
ond longuage acquisition. @ Activate the previous knowledge of stu-
@ Frequentfeedbackon spoken and written dents
outputs @ Activatethe intellectual stance of students
@ lnformalinterviews @ Activate enthusiasm in students
@ Adequate speaking and writing assign- @ Activate the efferent stance in students
ments ffi When reading, to'decode' means to-
@ the opportunitytovoicetheiropinion and @ Make notes
to solve problem in the target language @ Read superficiallyforthe general meaning
,lffii tn the primary classes, it is recommended @ Recognise words to understand their
that children should betaught in their moth- meanings
er tongue because- @ Replace long words with symbols
@ lt enable children to comprehend
ffi f,vfrle writing, one of the cohesive devices
@ lt creates a natural environment used is-
@ Children develop self-confidence @ Content words @ Preposition
@ lt promotes regional languages @ lmagery @ Ellipsis
11 Af Skinner claimed thot longuage is learnt ffi'Rahul received the foltowing telegrom on
through- his birthday. Write three sentences about it:"
@ Repetition and approximation [The input is givenl
@ Reinforcement and engagement This writing tosk require this skill-
@ Orittand practice @ Creating @ Analysing
@ lmmersion and employment @ Knowing @ Applying
.t$: from the following which one is the most im' '1$;, gr" of dialogues and ovoiding unnecessary
portant per-requisite for language learning, details pertain to-
whether first or second? @ Wrlting a report or story
@ A structural-situational approach @ Listening to a conversation
@ Skills-based instruction @ Reports
@ A multi-lingual approach @ story telling
@ An input-rich communicational environ- t&, A shorte r form of a group of words
which usu-
ment ally occurs in an auxiliary verb, is-
|tr Here is o list of tasks commonly included in @ Connotation @ Connector
a longuoge classroom. Which of these sees @ Contraction @ Conjunction
children as active learners?
tE; The grammartranslotion method emphosises
@ Children work in groups to generate inter-
pretations of a poem
@ oralfluency
@ Command over speech
@ Children carefully memorise correct an-
swer to questions on a poem
@ Use of mother tongue
@ Listening and speaking
@ Children write answer to questions give at
the end ofa poem
.fril Structures ond patterns are used os o teoch-
@ children carefully note down answers from
ing unit in-
the blackboard @ Direct method
@ Structuralmethod
:iti eefore students start reading a story titled,
@ Grammar and translation method
'Brave Bittoi theteacher initiotes a discussion
with them on 'Braveryi What is the teacher @ Project method
F Second Language : ENGLISH

of- @ netell a story in their own words or to

I stu- ffi Travelogue is a genre
summarise the main idea or the moral of
@ criticism @ Bibliograptry
the story
ients @ Literature @ PoetrY
@ take a short dictation of what they have
'* e diagnostic test in English will help the lon- read
guage teacher to identifY- @ Write a diary based on one of the charac-
@ lntelligent learners in her class ters
@ Slow learners in her class @ Use a set of identified vocabulary on their
@ Learning difficulties the learner faces in own
English 'ffi everybody tikes him because he is nice
@ the topic which the learner has not learnt helpful.
by hear @ gut @ Rna -
@ Therefore @Rs
wtces i& fre process of assessment in a class of lan'
guage should be conducted- i0r. he was angry with her, he didn't utter o
@ During the teaching-learninq process -@ since @ Authough
@ For assessing the textual exercises at the sut @tr
end of the chaPter
29. sre failed did not reod.
@ To know the level of students in the class
[,* @ Although @ Because
@ To know the efficiency of teachers in teach-
@ Anyhow -she @ white
d-O,r geri known
?jil'' ro evaluate reading comprehension at class
to- @ro @Bv
ttl level, students mY be asked
@nt -me. @ From

1.@ 2.@ 3.@ 4.@ 5.@ 6.@ ?.@ s.@ e.@ 11.@ 12.@
10.@ 13.@

14.@ 15.@ 16,@ 17.@ 18.@ ls.o 20.@ 21.@ 22.@ 23.o 24,@ 25.@ 26.@

27.@ 2S.@ 2s,@ 30. @

'lt usu-



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