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Summative Assessment (What I Can Do)

Written works

1. How does biodiversity increases stability in an ecosystem?

Claim: The help of plants like trees, herbs. Grasses, vines, and shrubs increases the stability of
ecosystem as well as the reproduction of their kinds in order to give more oxygen, home or
shelter, sites for reproduction for animals and other organisms. It also help to get rid of more
carbon dioxide and other waste gases that are not essential for them to live and to help a
biological community live in their respective places.
Evidence: Plants are considered primary producers, and consumers would be unable to thrive in
an ecosystem without them. There will be many organisms that benefit from diverse species of
plants such as trees, herbs, grasses, vines, and shrubs flourishing in an ecosystem. Consumers are
mainly creatures that rely on plant elements such as leaves and flowers:

1. leaves
2. stem
3. trunk
4. flowers roots
5. fruits in order to survive.

 First order consumers are organisms that primarily feed on plant’s part in order to survive. They
are also called herbivores.

 Second order consumers are organisms that eat on herbivores and they are called carnivores.
Example of carnivores is wolves, tigers, lions etc.
 Organisms that feed on both plants and animals are called omnivores. 
 When these consumers died because of natural calamity, predation, fighting or disease their
remains will be eaten and consumed by another organisms known as decomposers.


 Decomposers’ role is to break down the parts of dead plants and animals and bring back the
unused nutrients to the soil to be used again by plants as an organic fertilizer.

Reasoning: Like a chain, each organism is linked to the next. If this chain breaks, calamities
may occur, resulting in the death of other creatures. Animals can use the oxygen released by
plants. Animals, in exchange, release carbon dioxide, which plants use. An ecosystem's stability
is determined by the diversity of creatures discovered and living together. When an ecosystem
has fewer organisms, it becomes insecure. Nature does really have a method of supporting the
needs of all animals in an ecosystem.

2. Does greater species diversity lead to greater stability in ecosystems?

Claim: Yes, greater species diversity goes lead to greater stability in ecosystems.

Evidence: Ecologists frequently focus on species diversity, also known as biodiversity, within specific
ecosystems, despite the fact that ecosystems are always part of a larger continuum.

Reasoning: Ecosystems, species, and humans with more biodiversity have more stability. Species with a
high genetic diversity and many populations that have evolved to a wide range of environments, for
example, are more likely to withstand disturbances, disease, and climate change.

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