Ethics: Foundations of Moral Valuation Activities Chapter 2 (Sources of Authority)

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Instructions: Do the following activities below.

1. Write and explain at least 2 laws of the land stated in the country’s criminal and civil
 Section 1. No crime without law. There is no crime unless the act is defined and
penalized by this Code or other laws at the time of commission. Criminal laws are
prospective in application unless favorable to the accused.
 ARTICLE 5. Acts executed against the provisions of mandatory or prohibitory laws shall
be void, except when the law itself authorizes their validity.

2. Can be our Law be the basis of Ethics? Expand your answer.

 No. Law is based on thousands of years of pragmatic experience telling us what's practical
to administer and desirable for fairness.

3. Is Religion can be a basis of Ethics? Expand your answer

 Religion is based in some measure on the idea that God (or some deity) reveals insights
about life and its true meaning.

4. Make a 1 minute Video explaining different Filipino values that we have ignored.

5. Explain your certain traits, values and practices of your culture.

 Culture is our way of life. It includes our values, beliefs, customs, languages and
traditions. Culture is reflected in our history, in our heritage and in how we express ideas
and creativity.

6. Elaborate and explain the changes of our indigenous culture to the modern culture.
 Indigenous peoples and traditional communities have expressed concerns that the very
process of preserving TCEs, like documenting and displaying, for example, a traditional
song or tribal symbol can open the door to misuse or misappropriation.

7. Is culture can be the basis of Ethics?

 Culture reflects the moral and ethical beliefs and standards that speak to how people
should behave and interact with others.

8. Define “Holiness” in your own opinion.

 Being raised in a religious household and studying in a religious school, I have been
hearing the word "holiness" countless times. Based on my experiences and
understanding, being holy means being able to make decisions that would bring only glory
and honor to the name of God.
9-10. Imagine that you are a legislator. What rules or laws that currently prohibit certain
acts or practices would you want to amend or repeal? Also, are there certain acts or
practices would you want to prohibit? Think of this on the level of your school, your city,
and nation.

I personally believe that over the past years, we’ve legislated ourselves into a briar patch of
useless and restrictive laws and regulations, which serve no purpose, other than to hamstring
individual freedom and personal growth.

There are so many, that listing them all would be an enormous task, requiring months of
writing, however I can sum up a few key areas.

 Health Care - Any law that restricts the freedom of a person to obtain or reject
health care from a provider of their own choice should be abolished.

 Penalties and Interest - All Federal, Local governments must repeal statutes and
regulations, which impose excessive penalties and compounded interest for
payments to the government. Excessive would be anything in excess of 10% of the
original fee.

 Subsidies - Eliminate all government subsidies in private industry, including

agriculture and energy production.

 Transportation - Individual state-to-state automobile standards for things like

equipment, emission controls and driver laws should be standardized at the federal
level. Any requirements shouldn’t become a financial burden on the individuals or
families using their car.

 Property Taxes - These should remain fixed, as long as the current owner retains
the property. They should only be reassessed when the property is sold or

 International Assistance - All international aid or assistance to another nation must

be in response to a bonafide disaster or emergency.

 Legal Immigration - Simplify and streamline the difficult, lengthy and expensive
immigration policy. If people want to sneak in and work under the table, kick them
out. If they come here to find work, pay their fair share and contribute to society,
then make it easy for them to do so.

Those are just a few ideas I’ve had about government reduction and intrusion in our lives.

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