Program 4

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# program to create a module for calculating are and volume of shapes

def rectangle (l,b):


def square(a):


def triangle(h,b):




def cuboid(l,b,h):


def cube(a):



choice=int(input("enter 1 to calculate are \n\

enter 2 to calculate volume \n\

enter your choice: "))

if choice==1:

    choice_2=int(input("enter 1 for calculate for rectangle \n\

    enter 2 to calculate for square \n\

    enter 3 to calculate for triangle \n\

    enter your choice: "))

if choice_2 ==1:

        l=int(input("enter the length of side of the rectangle: "))

        b=int(input("enter the breadth of side of


    elif choice_2==2:

        a=int(input("enter the length of side of the square:"))    


    elif choice_2==3:

        h=int(input("enter the height of the triangle:"))        

        b=int(input("enter the breadth of the triangle:"))



elif choice==2:

    choice_3=int(input("enter 1 to calculate for cuboid \n\

    enter 2 to calculate for cube \n\

    enter your choice: "))

    if choice_3==1:

        l=int(input("enter the length of the cuboid: "))

        b=int(input("enter the breadth of the cuboid: "))

        h=int(input("enter the height of the cuboid: "))



    elif choice_3==2:

        a=int(input("enter the side of the cube: "))    


enter 1 to calculate area

enter 2 to calculate volume

enter your choice: 1

enter 1 for calculate for rectangle

enter 2 to calculate for square

enter 3 to calculate for triangle

enter your choice: 1

enter the length of side of the rectangle: 2

enter the breadth of side of rectangle: 4

Enter 1 to calculate area

enter 2 to calculate volume

enter your choice: 1

enter 1 for calculate for rectangle

enter 2 to calculate for square

enter 3 to calculate for triangle

enter your choice: 2

enter the length of side of the square:5


enter 1 to calculate area

enter 2 to calculate volume

enter your choice: 1

enter 1 for calculate for rectangle

enter 2 to calculate for square

enter 3 to calculate for triangle

enter your choice: 3

enter the height of the triangle:5

enter the breadth of the triangle:6

enter 1 to calculate area

enter 2 to calculate volume

enter your choice: 2

enter 1 to calculate for cuboid

enter 2 to calculate for cube

enter your choice: 1

enter the length of the cuboid: 12

enter the breadth of the cuboid: 23

enter the height of the cuboid: 3


enter 1 to calculate area

enter 2 to calculate volume

enter your choice: 2

enter 1 to calculate for cuboid

enter 2 to calculate for cube

enter your choice: 2

enter the side of the cube: 13


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