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A mass of 20 kg is at a height of 8 m Above the ground. Then the potential energy

possessed by the body is -
20 किग्रा िा एि द्रव्‍यमान जमीन से 8 मीटर िी ऊंचाई पर है । तब वस्‍तु द्वारा प्राप्‍त
स्स्िततज ऊजाा है ।

A. 1568 J
B. 1568 C
C. 1568 W
D. 1568 N

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

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An element X has mass number 40 and contains 21 neutrons in its atom. To which
group of the Periodic Table does it belong?
एि तत्व X िी द्रव्यमान संख्या 40 है और इसिे परमाणु में 21 न्यूट्रॉन हैं। यह आवता
सारणी िे किस वर्ा से संबंधित है ?

A. Group 1
B. Group 4
C. Group 2
D. Group 3

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

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Numismatics is the study of:

न्यमू मज़माटटक्स ………..िा अध्ययन है :

A. Coins / मसक्िे
B. Numbers / संख्या
C. Stamps / टटिटें
D. Space / अंतररक्ष

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

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Which one of is not part of brain stem ?

इनमे से िौन मस्स्तष्ि पूँछू िा भार् नह ं है ?

A. Mid Brainमध्य मस्स्तष्ि

B. Pons पोंस
C. Medulla मेडुला
D. Cerebellum अनम ु स्स्तष्ि

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Euplectella, Sycon and Spongilla belong to the phylum-

यूपलेक्टे ला, सायिौन और स्पोंस्जला फाइलम से संबंधित हैं-

A. Porifera / पोररफेरा
B. Coelenterata / सीलेंट्रेटा
C. Nematoda / नेमाटोडा
D. Echinodermata / इिाइनोडेमेता

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Select the mismatched pair:

बेमेल जोडी िा चयन िरें :

A. Adrenaline – Pituitary gland / एड्रेनालाईन‍– पीयूष‍ग्रंधि

B. Testosterone – Testes / टे स्टोस्टे रोन‍- वष
ृ ण
C. Estrogen – Ovary / एस्ट्रोजन‍- अंडाशय
D. Thyroxin – Thyroid gland / िायरोस्क्सन‍- िायराइड‍ग्रंधि

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

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Archaebacteria differ from eubacteria in:

आिाबैक्ट ररया, यूबैक्टे ररया से किस िारण से अलर् है :

A. Cell type / िोमशिा िे प्रिार में

B. Mode of nutrition / पोषण िे तर िा में
C. Cell wall composition / िोमशिा मभत्ति पदािा में अंतर
D. Mode of reproduction / प्रजनन िे तर िे में

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

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The two kingdom Classification was given by

दो जर्त वर्ीिरण किसिे द्वारा टदया र्या िा-

A. Carl Linnaeus / िाला मलतनअस

B. John ray / जॉन रे
C. Huxley / हक्सले
D. Whittaker / स्व्हटे िर

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

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Bacteria that live in hot springs are called-

र्मा झरनों में रहने वाले जीवाणु िहलाते हैं-

A. Halophiles
B. Thermoacidophiles
C. Methanogens
D. None of the above

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

Springs are places where underground
water emerges at the surface – the start of B
many streams and some ponds.

❖ The bacteria that live in hot

springs are called

❖ Bacteria that live in salty

areas are called halophiles.

❖ Bacteria that live in marshy

areas are called
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Hard soaps are made by using _____.

_____ िा उपयोर् िरिे िठोर साबन ु बनाए जाते है ।

A. Sodium Hydroxide सोडडयम हाइड्रॉक्‍साइड

B. Sodium Bicarbonate सोडडयम बाइिाबोनेट
C. Sodium Carbonate सोडडयम िाबोनेट
D. Potassium Hydroxide पोटे मशयम हाइड्रोक्‍साइड

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

Hard soaps are made using sodium hydroxide. A
These are produced by the hot process of saponification.
सोडडयम हाइड्रॉक्‍साइड िा उपयोर् िरिे िठोर साबन ु बनाए जाते है ।
ये साबुनीिरण िी र्मा प्रकिया द्वारा तनममात होते है ।

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

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Which type of white blood cells is found more in human blood?

मनष्ु ‍य िे रक्‍त में श्‍वेत रूधिराणओ
ु ं िी िौनसी किस्‍म अधिि हे ाती है ?

A. Eosinophils / इमसनोकफल्‍ स
B. Basophils / बेसोकफल्‍स
C. Lymphocytes / मलम्‍फोसाइट्स
D. Neutrophils / न्‍यट्र
ू ोकफल्‍स

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

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What is the mode of nutrition in bacteria?

बैक्ट ररया में पोषण िा तर िा क्या है ?

A. Autotrophic / स्वपोषी
B. Heterotrophic / परपोषी
C. Autotrophic and heterotrophic / स्वपोषी और त्तवषमपोषी
D. None of these / इनमें से िोई नह ं

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

Examples of cyanobacteria:
Nostoc, Oscillatoria, Spirulina, Microcystis, Anabaena.
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First vascular plants on land were –

भमू म पर पहले संवहनी पौिे िे -

A. Gymnosperms / अनावत ृ बीजी

B. Pteridophytes / टे ररडोफाइट्स
C. Bryophytes / ब्रायोफाइट्स
D. Algae / शैवाल

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

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Sodium carbonate is a basic salt because it is a salt of a-

सोडडयम िाबोनेट एि क्षार य लवण है क्योंकि यह ……….से बना है -

A. Strong acid and strong base /प्रबल अम्ल और प्रबल क्षार

B. Weak acid and weak base / दब ु ला अम्ल और दब
ु ला क्षार
C. Strong acid and weak base / प्रबल अम्ल और दब ु ल
ा क्षार
D. Weak acid and strong base / दब ु ल
ा अम्ल और प्रबल क्षार

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

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Agaricus is

A. Autotrophic स्वपोषी
B. Saprophytic मतृ ोपजीवी
C. Parasitic परजीवी
D. Symbioticसहजीवी

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

It has saprophytic mode of nutrition as it feeds on dead
and decayed organic matter
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Which of the following indicates an alkene?

तनम्‍नमलखित में से िौन एल्‍िीन िो इंधर्त िरते है ?

A. – C = C –
B. – C – C –
C. H – O – H
D. O = C = O

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

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The bacterium Yersinia pestis causes _____

जीवाणु यमसातनया पेस्स्टस _____ िा िारण बनता है

A. Bubonic Plague
B. Rubella
C. Roseola
D. Measles

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

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The calorific value of bituminous coal is

बबटुममनस िोयले िा िेलोररकफि मान है -

A. 3500-4000
B. 4500-5500
C. 7000-8000
D. 2000-2500

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

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Fibrinogen globulin and albumin are the major proteins present in which part?
फाइबब्रनोजन ,ग्‍लोब्‍यूमलन ओर एल्ब्यूममन प्रमि
ु प्रोट न किस टहस्से में मौजद ू है ?

B. Plasma प्‍लाज्‍मा
C. Hair बाल
D. Platelets प्‍लेटलेट्स

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |


Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

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A man walks 8 m towards East and then 6 m towards North. the magnitude of its
एि आदमी पव ू ा िी ओर 8 m और कफर 6 m उत्‍तर िी ओर चलता है । उसिे त्तवस्‍
िा पररमाण क्‍या है ?

A. 10 m
B. 14 m
C. 2m
D. 0m

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

Displacement: Displacement is a vector quantity, which is the shortest A
distance between the starting and ending points.
िापन : त्तवस्‍
िापन एि सटदश मात्रा है , जो प्रारं मभि और अंततम
बबंदओ ु ं िे बच िी सबसे छोट दरू है ।
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The formula for acetonitrile is ____.

एसीटोतनट्राइल िा सत्र
ू ____ है ।

B. C2N2

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

Acetonitrile is used to make
pharmaceuticals, perfumes, rubber
products, pesticides, acrylic nail
removers and batteries.
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Water can be used as a fire extinguisher when _______

जल िा उपयोर् अस्ग्नशामि िे रूप में किया जा सिता है जब ______

A. The Cause of fire is short circuit आर् लर्ने िा िारण

शॉटा सकिाट हो
B. Fire is due to burning of wood लिडी िे जलने िे िारण
आर् हो
C. The fire was caused due to petrol पेट्रोल िी वजह से
आर् लर्ी हो
D. All of the above उपरोक्‍
त सभी

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

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When a constant force acts on an object with a mass of 8 kg for a duration of 3s it

increases the object ‘s velocity from 4 ms-1 to 6 ms -1 . What is the magnitude of the
applied force ?
जब एि स्स्िर बल किसी वस्‍तु पर 3 सेिंड िी अवधि िे मलए 8 किलो द्रव्‍ यमान पर
लर्ता है तो यह वस्‍तु िे वेर् िो 4 m/s से 6 m/s ति बढ़ा दे ता है । लर्ायें र्ए बल
िा पररमाण बताएं।

A. 5.33 N
B. 4.33 N
C. 6.33 N
D. 3.33 N

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

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The mass of the earth is-

ृ ‍वी िा द्रव्‍यमान है ।

A. 6×10–23 kg
B. 6×1023 kg
C. 6×10–24 kg
D. 6×1024 kg

Wifistudy | Neeraj Sir |Use code “NEERAJ11” For Unacademy Subscription |

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