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[NVTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VEGETABLE CENCE 2017, VOL 00, NO. 00, 1-19 Taylor & Francis nep./do erg 01080193 15260.2017 13685 ‘brs inne Crap Gomme] Vegetable Seed Marketing—An Overview of Challenges and Opportunities ‘Soma Mallick, Avishek Datta, and John KM. Kuwornu Department of Food, Agriculture and Bioresources, Schoo! of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathum Thani, Thalland ansreact xkeywonos Operational inefcencies in a vegetable seed marketing system Binglades Moketng ‘an lead to reduced marketing margins and proftabliy. The chan Martting cos ‘vegetable seed marketing system in Bangladesh was examined iting effcery: ‘with particular reference to marketing costs and marketing mar- Marketing margin ‘gs ofthe marketing channel members. The highest quanthy of ‘vegetable seed (219) was distbuted tough the channel seed Company ~ wholesaler ~ retaler ~ moble seed vendor ~ seed User. Marketing costs forthe various value chain actors were as follows importers, Bangladeshi taka (BOT) 220; seed companies, BDT 286; seed-producing farmers, EDT 131; wholesalers, BOT 64; retailers, BOT 47; and mobile seed vendors, BOT 20-kg~'; the fxchange rate in 2014 when the data was coleded was US $1 = approximately 78 BDT. The marketing margin and retum ‘on investment ofthe importer, seed company, and seed-produ- ing farmer were higher than forthe wholesle,retallr, and mobile seed vendor. Lackof capital for seed import high esearch and development costs for new varieties, inadequate storage faclities, inadequate supply of good quality seed in the peak season, and high purchase price of seed were problems in vege table seed production, processing, and marketing systems. Collaboration among stakeholders inthe vegetable seed system might help address the problems and make the vegetable seed sector mote efclent ‘Vegetables are an important component of our diet (Slavin and Loyd, 2012). ‘Vegetables are important crops due to their high yield potential and nutri- tional value. They are comparatively rich sources of vitamins and minerals, which are essential for the maintenance of good health and resistance against diseases (Oguntibeju et al, 2013). Globally, vegetable production has grown intensively, especially on a per capita basis, which has increased almost 60% over the last 20 years (Anonymous, 2014b). This trend is particularly strong in developing countries like Bangladesh. Vegetable production has increased fivefold during the last 40 years (Anonymous, 2016a). Bangladesh ranks fourth in vegetable production, with a total production of 12.23 million CONTACT Avtshek Datta @ dattagatt.acth; avshek ati@gmattcom @ Department of Food, Agriculture and ‘Bloresources, School ofEnvronment, Resources and Development, Asa Institute of Technolog, 210 AFE Buln, Pathum Than 1212, Talland (©2017 Tal & Fans Ge, LC 20 30

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