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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Quezon City
Lakandula St. T.S. Cruz Subdivision, Novaliches, Quezon City


Name of Learner: ________________________ Grade Level: Grade 9

Section: ____________________ Date: ________________


Week 4-Lesson1- Solves Problems Involving Quadratic Equations: Number Problems

Background Information for Leaners:

In this material, you need to use the skills you gained in solving quadratic equations using any
appropriate method which was tackled in the previous lessons, together with your ability to translate
verbal phrases/sentences into mathematical expressions/equations to be able to solve word problems
involving numbers.


1. recall how to get the solution/s of quadratic equations;
2. translate verbal phrases/sentences into mathematical expressions/equations;
3. solve problems involving numbers;
4. show appreciation in doing the assigned task with positivity and better outcomes.

I. Recall on Solving Quadratic Equations

Illustrative Examples
Solve the following quadratic equations using any of the method:
1. x (17 −¿ x) = 60 2. x (x + 6) = 27 3. x2 + (14 −¿ x)2 = 100
Solution: Transform first each of these equations in standard form, then find for the root/s:
1. x (17 −¿ x) = 60 → 17x – x2 = 60 → 0 = x2 – 17x + 60 or x2 – 17x + 60 = 0.
By factoring, we have (x – 5) (x – 12) = 0
By zero-product property, we got x – 5 = 0 or x – 12 = 0
Solving each linear equation: x=5 x = 12 The roots are x = 5 and x = 12. Answer
Checking: the product of the numbers: (5)(17-5) = 60, or 12(17-12) = 60

2. x (x + 6) = 27 → x2 + 6x = 27 → x2 + 6x – 27 = 0 which now the standard form of quadratic

equation →
x2 + 6x = 27 → x2 + 6x + 9 = 27 + 9 → (x + 3)2 = 36
x + 3 = ± √ 36 → x + 3 = ± 6 → x + 3 = – 6 or x + 3 = 6
x = – 3 – 6 or x = – 3 + 6 → x = – 9 x = 3 The roots are x = – 9 and x = 3. Answer
Checking: the product of the numbers: (-9)(-9 + 6) = 60, or (3)(3 + 6) = 60

3. x2 + (14 −¿ x)2 = 100 → x2 + 196 −¿ 28x + x2 = 100 → 2x2 −¿ 28x + 196 = 100
→ 2x2 −¿ 28x + 196 – 100 = 0 → 2x2 −¿ 28x + 96 = 0 → x2 −¿ 14x + 48 = 0 which is now
the standard form and a = 1, b = −¿ 14 and c = 48 By quadratic formula:
−b ± √ b2−4 ac 14 ± √(−14) −4(1)(48)
Solving the equation using: x= , we have x= →
2a 2(1)
14 ± √ 196+ 192 14 ± √ 4 14 ± 2 14+2 14−2
x= , → x= → x= → x= = 8, x= = 6 . The roots are x = 8 and
2 2 2 2 2
x = 6. Answer
Checking: the product of the numbers: 82 + (14 −¿ 8)2 = 100, or 62 + (14 −¿ 6)2 = 100

II. Expressing Worded Sentences/Phrases to Math Expressions/Equations

A. Represent and Translate: Use a symbol or a variable to represent the unknown quantity then
translate each of the following statements or conditions into mathematical expressions/equations.
1. The sum of two numbers is 17 and their product is 60.
2. The difference between two numbers is 6 and their product is 27.
3. The sum of the squares of two consecutive even numbers is 100.

Solution: Other than x, we can also use other symbols to represent the unknown quantity.
1. The sum of two numbers is 17 and their product is 60.
Representation: Let n → first number and 17 – n → second number (because their sum is 17).

Translation: Since the product of these numbers is 60, we have n (17 – n) = 60 → Answer.
Change to standard form: 17n – n2 = 60→ 0 = n2 – 17n + 60 or n2 – 17n + 60 = 0

Solve by factoring, (n – 5) (n – 12) = 0 → n – 5 = 0 or n – 12 = 0 → n = 5 or n = 12

If n = 5, then 15 – n = 12 or If n = 12, then 17 – n = 5. The two numbers are 5 and 12. Answer
Checking: the sum of the numbers: 5+12 = 17, while the product: 5(12) = 60

2. The difference between two numbers is 6 and their product is 27.

Representation: Let m → first number, m + 6 → second number (because their difference is 6)

Translation: Since the product of these two numbers is 27, we got m (m + 6) = 27 → Answer.
(Note: The second no. may also be represented as (m – 6), in this case, the first no. m is
bigger than the second no. m – 6).
Change to standard form: m2 + 6m – 27 = 0 Where, a = 1, b = 6 and c = – 27
−b ± √ b −4 ac
−6 ± √ 62−4(1)(−27)
Solve by Using quadratic formula: x= → m= → m=3 or
2a 2
m=−9 If m = 3, then m+6 = 9 or If m = -9, then m + 6 = -3 Thus, the numbers are 3 and 9 or −¿
9 and −¿ 3. Checking: the difference: 9 – 3 = 6, their product: 3(9) = 27
Also, –3 – (–9) = 6, their product: (–9)(–3) = 27

3. The sum of two numbers is 14 and the sum of their squares is 100.
Representation: Let r → first number, 14 – r → second number (since their sum is 14),
r2 → square of the 1st number, (14 – r)2 → square of the 2nd number.

Translation: Since the sum of the squares of these numbers is 100, r2 + (14 – r)2 = 100 Answer.
Change to standard form: r2 + 196 – 28r + r2 = 100 → 2r2 – 28r + 96 = 0 → divide both sides by 2
r2 – 14r + 48 = 0
Solve by factoring: (r – 6) (r – 8) = 0 → r – 6 = 0 or r – 8 = 0 → r = 6 or r = 8
If r = 6, then 14 – r = 8 or If r = 8, then 14 – r = 6. Thus, 6 and 8 are the numbers. Answer.
Checking: the sum of the nos.: 6+8 = 14, while the sum of their squares: 36 + 64 = 100.

To sum it up:
To solve problems based on the preceding examples, we follow these steps:
A. Read the problem until it is fully understood by representing a variable or any symbol for the
quantity involved.
B. Using that variable or symbol to translate the condition stated in the problem to form a
mathematical statement or equation.
C. And from the formulated equation, solve it using any appropriate method of solving quadratic
D. Check the result or the obtained values of the unknown against given condition or formulated
Solve each equation by any appropriate method.
1. m (13 – m) = 42 4. x2 + (x + 2)2 = 34
2. n (n + 2) = 195 5. x2 + (23 – x)2 = 289
3. p2 + (20 – p)2 = 232
Represent and Translate and Solve: Use any symbol or any variable to represent the unknown
quantity. Then write the mathematical expression/statement from each of the following informations.
Solve each of the following problems.
1. The sum of two numbers is 13 and their product is 42.
2. The product of two consecutive odd numbers is 195.
3. The sum of two numbers is 20 and the sum of their squares is 232.
4. One number is 2 more than the other and the sum of their squares is 34.
5. The sum of two numbers is 23 and the sum of their squares is 289.


Week 4 – Lesson 2- Solves Problems Involving Quadratic Equations:
Rectangular Dimensions Problem

Background Information for Leaners:

In this material, you need to use the skills you gained in solving quadratic equations using any
appropriate method which was tackled in the previous lessons, together with your ability to translate
verbal phrases/sentences into mathematical expressions/equations to be able to solve word problems
involving geometry related problems.


1. translate verbal phrases/sentences into mathematical expressions/equations.
2. solve problems involving geometry related problems.
3. show appreciation in doing the assigned task with positivity and better outcomes.

Observe the following examples on Finding the Solution of Quadratic Equations:

I. Solve the following quadratic equations by any of 4 methods: (Factoring,
Completing the square, Extracting the square roots or Quadratic Formula):
1. w (w+10) = 600 3. P (45 – p) = 350
2. (2w +8) (2w + 10) = 168
Solution: First is make sure that each equation is transformed in standard form
1. w (w+10) = 600 → w2 + 10w = 600 → w2 + 10w – 600 = 0,
a = 1, b = 10 & c = 600
−b ± √ b2−4 ac
Solve: Using w= , since w is the symbol used for variable. Substituting the values of a,
−10 ± √ 10 −4 (1)(−600)
−10 ± √100+2400 −10 ± √2500
b and c, we have w= →w= → w= →
2(1) 2 2
−10 ±50
w= →
−10−50 −10+50
w= or w= → w=20 or w=−30 , Answers.
2 2

2. (2w +8) (2w + 10) = 168 → 4w2 +36w + 80 = 168 → 4w2 + 36w + 80 = 168
→ 4w2 + 36w + 80 – 168 = 0 → 4w2 + 36w – 88 = 0 → w2 + 9w – 22 = 0
Solve: Say by factoring: (w – 2) (w + 11) = 0 → w – 2 = 0 or w + 11 = 0
and solve each linear equation: w = 2 or w = – 11, Answers.

3. p (45 – p) = 350 → 45p – p2 = 350 → 0 = p2 – 45p + 350 or p2 – 45p + 350 = 0

Solve: By completing the square: p2 – 45p + 350 = 0
2025 2025
→ p2 – 45p = – 350 → p2 – 45p + = – 350 +
4 4
→ p2 – 45p +
2025 −1400+2025

45 25
→ (p –
45 2 625
) =
45 25 20

4 √
→p– =± →p= ± →p= – = = 10 or
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
45 25 70
p= + = = 35 → p = 10 or p = 35, Answers.
2 2 2

II. Expressing Worded Sentences/Phrases to Math Expressions/Equations

Use any symbol or a variable to represent the unknown quantity then translate each of the
following statements or conditions into mathematical expressions/equations.
1. The length of a rectangle is 10 units more than its width and the area is 600 square units.
Representation: Let w be the width w + 10 be the length
Translation: Since the area of the rectangle is 600 square units, we have
Area▄ = (Length)(Width) → 600 = (w + 10) w or w (w
+ 10) = 600 Answer.
Solving the equation: Say by quadratic formula
we have w = 20 or w = –30. But since there is no such thing
as negative dimension, we consider
w = 20 units, the width. Thus, w + 10 = 20 + 10 = 30
units, length of rectangle. Answer.

2. An 8 cm by 10 cm family picture is in the frame surrounded by a border of uniform width. The

combined area of the picture and the frame is 168 sq. cm. (as shown below)

Representation: Let w be the width of the border

Translation: Referring to the figure and use
Area▄ = (Length)(Width) = 168 → (10 + 2w) (8 + 2w) = 168 or (2w + 10) (2w + 8) = 168, Answer.

Transforming to standard form, we have w2 + 9w – 22 = 0

Solving the equation: Say by factoring, we have w = –11 or w = 2
(Refer to Illustrative example I, item 2), For the dimensions, we only consider the
positive value. So, w = 2 meters, width of the border, Answer.

3. A farmer has a rectangular garden plot surrounded by 90 meters of fence. The area of the garden
is 350 square meters.
Given: 90 m of fence surrounds the garden is the perimeter.
Representation: Let w be the width and l be the length
Using: Perimeter▄ = 2(length) + 2(width) → 90 = 2l + 2w → 45 = l + w
Solving for the length l in terms of p, we have l = 45 – w which is the length of the garden.

Translation: The area of the rectangular garden is 350 sq. meters, hence,
Using: Area▄ = (Length)(Width) → 350 = l w, then, (45 – w)w → w (45 –w) = 350

Solving the equation: 45w - w2 =350 , and rearranging them w2– 45w = -350. We will complete the
square by adding the constant term c = b2 /4a→ c = (-45) 2 /4→ c = 2,025/4. Solving for the roots, w
= 10 or w = 35. If w = 10, then l = 45 – w = 35 or l = 35. (The length is always longer than the width.)
Thus, the length is 35 meters and the width is 10 meters, dimensions of the rectangular garden.

To sum it Up:
To solve problems based on the preceding examples, we follow these steps:
A.Read the problem until it is fully understood by representing a variable or any symbol for
the quantity involved.
B.Translate the condition stated in the problem into mathematical statement or equation.
C. Solve the equation by any method of solving quadratic equation.
D. Check the result or the obtained values of the unknown against given condition or
formulated equation.

Solve the following equations by any of the following methods:
Factoring, Completing the Square and Quadratic Formula.
1. x (x + 5) = 234 4. (40 – x) x = 300
2. x (2x + 2) = 60 5. (100 – x) x = 2,400
3. x (22 – x) = 112
Analyze and solve the following problems:
1. A rectangle has an area of 234 sq. m and its length is 5 more than its width.
Find the length and the width of the rectangle.
2. A rectangular garden has its length 2 m more than twice its width and has an area of 60 sq. m.
What is the length of the garden?
3. The perimeter of a rectangular lot is 44 m and its area is 112 sq. m. Find the dimensions of the
rectangular lot.
4. A pool measuring 10 meters by 20 meters is surrounded by a path of uniform width, as shown in
the figure below. If the area of the pool and the path combined is 600 square meters, what is the
width of the path?
5. A farmer has a rectangular garden plot surrounded by 200 m of fence. Find the length and the
width of the rectangular garden if its area is 2400 sq. m.



Week 4 – Lesson 3 - Solves Problems Involving Quadratic Equations
Distance-Speed-Time Problems

Background Information for Leaners:

Another real-life situation that can be modeled by quadratic equation is the distance-speed-time word
problem. In this material, quadratic equation principle is now being integrated in another area of
discipline and obviously, we are talking about Physics which is one of the science subjects.


1. translate verbal phrases/sentences into mathematical expressions/equations;
2. solve problems involving distance, time and speed;
3. show appreciation in doing the assigned task with positivity and better outcomes.

Illustrative Examples: Recall

Find the least common multiple of the following expressions.
1. 5, 15, 30 3. w, w – 4
2. x, x + 2
Solution: Look for the prime factors of each expressions/quantities.
1. 5 is already a prime number since its factors are 1 and 5. 15 = 5•3 and 30 = 5•3•2.
Thus, 5 is least common multiple. In this set of numbers, the following factors that appear with
greatest number of occurrences are 2, 3 and 5. Thus 2•3•5 = 30 is the least common multiple.
2. x and x + 2 are quantities whose factors are 1 and the quantities themselves.
Thus, x (x +2) is the least common multiple.
3. w and w – 4 are quantities whose factors are 1 and the quantities themselves.
Thus, w (w – 4) is the least common multiple.

Make Representations and Translations:

Use a symbol or a variable to represent the unknown quantity then translate each of the following
statements or conditions into mathematical expressions/equations.
1. On a journey of 100 km, Jim travels at a certain speed for the first 60 km, and then increases
his speed by 15km/h for the remainder. The whole journey takes him 2 hours.
Solution: In Physics, Distance = Rate • Time, so Time = →Total time is 2 hours.

Represent: Let r be the speed for 60 km and → slower speed

r + 15 be the speed for 40 km → faster speed
Translate: Since, time at slower speed + time at faster speed = Total time, and Time = , we
60 40
have + =2
r r +15

Solve the equation: Transform to standard form, we have the following:

Get the LCD which is r (r+15) and multiply it to both sides of the equation to clear the
denominators. Thus,
60 40
r ( r+ 15)+ r (r +15)=2r(r+15) → 60r + 900 + 40r = 2r2 + 30r →
r r +15

0 = 2r2 + 30r – 60r – 40r – 900. Simplifying we have, 2r 2 – 70r – 900 = 0 and dividing→
r2 – 35r – 450 = 0 and a = 1, b = −¿35 and c = −¿450.
−b ± √ b2 −4 ac 35 ± √ (−35) −4(1)(−450) 35± √ 1225+1800 35± √ 3025
Using r = , we have r = = = =
2a 2( 1) 2 2
35± 55
35+55 35−55
r¿ = 45 or r ¿ = −10.
2 2
Since there is no negative speed, we have r = 45 km/hr for his speed in 60 km and r + 15 = 60 km/hr
for his speed at a distance of 40 km is the answer
60 40 60 40 60 40
To check, substitute r = 45kph in + =2 → + =2 → + ¿ 2 LCD 180 →
r r +15 45 45+15 45 60
240 120 360
+ ¿2→ ¿2
180 180 180

2. A jet flew from New York to Los Angeles, a distance of 4200 km. The speed for the return trip
was 100 km/h faster than the outbound speed. The total trip took 13 hours.
Solution: Use the formula Time =
Represent: Let v be the speed from New York to Los Angeles and
v + 100 be the speed from Los Angeles to New York
Translate: Use Time = . Since the distance between the two places is 4200 km, we have
4200 4200
Time from N. Y. to L. A. + Time from L. A. to N. Y. = 13 hours. Hence, + = 13
v v +100
Solve the equation: Transform to standard form, we have the following
Get the LCD which is v (v+100) and multiply it to both sides of the equation to clear the
4200 4200
denominators. Hence, v (v+100)+ v ( v+100)=13 v (v +100)
v v +100
4200v + 420000 + 4200v = 13v2 + 1300v → 8400v + 420000 = 13v2 + 1300v →

0 = 13v2 + 1300v – 8400v – 420000 → 0 = 13v2 – 7100v – 420000 or 13v2 – 7100v - 420000 = 0 and
−b ± √ b −4 ac
a = 13, b = –7100 and c = - 420000. Use v=
7100 ± √(−7100) −4(13)(−420000) 7100± √ 50410000+ 21840000
v= ¿
2(13) 26
7100 ± √ 72550000 7100± 8500 7100+ 8500 7100−8500 −700
v= = → v= → v=600 or v= =
26 26 26 26 13

Since we only consider the positive result, we have v=600 km/hr, jet’s speed from New York to Los
Angeles is the answer.
4200 4200 4200 4200
To check, substitute v=600 km/hr in , + = 13 → + = 13 →7 + 6 = 13
v v +100 600 600+100

Activity 1: Find the least common multiple of the following expressions.
1. 12, 18, 30 4. r, r + 5
2. x, x + 10 5. v, v + 4
3. 36, 30
Activity 2. Represent and Translate and Solve these problems.
Use a symbol or a variable to represent the unknown quantity. Then, translate each of the following
statements or conditions into mathematical expressions/equations.
1. Ben took a train and traveled 80 km. Then, he boarded a bus that increased the rate of his trip by
4 kph and traveled 120 km. His entire trip took him 20 hours. What was the rate of his travel on a
2. Rafael traveled from home to his province and covered 100 km. Going home, his was 5 kph faster
than his outbound speed (meaning trip from home to his province). His total trip lasted for 9 hours.
What was his outbound speed?
3. Kiran drove from Tortula to Cactus, a distance of 250 mi. She increased her speed by 10 mi/h for
the 360-mi trip from Cactus to Dry Junction. The total trip took 11 hr, what was her speed from
Tortula to Cactus?


Week 4 – Lesson 4- Solves Problems Involving Quadratic Equations
Work- Related Problem

Background Information for Leaners:

The last real-life situation in this material that can be modeled by quadratic equation is a work related
problem. Just like in the previous type of word problem, quadratic equation principle is a necessity
especially when reducing rational equations into quadratic equations.


1. translate verbal phrases/sentences into mathematical expressions/equations.
2. solve problems involving quadratic equations.
3. show appreciation in doing the assigned task with positivity and better outcomes.
Recall on Getting the LCM of expressions:
Illustrative Examples
1. Find the least common multiple or LCM of the following expressions.
1. 12, 32, 36 3. 35, x, x – 24
2. 2, x, x – 3
Solution: Look for prime factors of each of the expressions/quantities and
determine each of these factors’ the greatest number of occurrences.
1. 12 = 2•2•3, 32 = 2•2•2•2•2=25 and 36 = 2•2•3•3=22•32
Thus, 25 • 32 = 288 is the LCM.
2. 2, x and x – 3 are already prime factors. So, we have 2x(x – 3) as the LCM.
3. Since 35, x and x + 24 are already prime factors, we have 35x (x – 24) as the LCM.

Make Represent and Translate and Solve:

Use a symbol or a variable to represent the unknown quantity then translate each of the following
statements or conditions into mathematical expressions/equations.
1. Two pipes working together can fill a tank in 35 minutes. The large pipe alone can fill the tank in
24 minutes less than the time taken by the smaller pipe.

Representation: Let x be the time in minutes the smaller pipe can fill the tank alone
x – 24 be the time in minutes the larger pipe can fill the tank alone

Translate: For every minute, the smaller pipe alone can fill of a tank and the larger pipe alone
1 1
can fill of a tank. But if these pipes are both open, for every minute, they can fill
x−24 35
1 1 1
of a tank. So, + =¿
x x −24 35
Solve: Change this equation to standard form: Get the LCD or the LCM of the denominator:
(35x)(x−¿ 24) and multiply it to both sides of the equation
1 1 1
(35 x)( x−24)+ (35 x )( x−24)=¿ (35 x )( x−24)
x x−24 35

35x – 840 + 35x = x2 – 24x → 0 = x2 – 24x – 35x – 35x + 840

−b ± √ b −4 ac
x2 – 94x + 840 = 0 where, a – 1, b = – 94 and c = 840 Using x= , we have
94 ± √(−94 ) −4 (1)(840)
94 ± √ 5476 94 ±74 94+ 74 94−74
x= → x= = → x= = 84 or x= = 10.
2(1) 2 2 2 2

x = 84 is the answer because x – 24 = 60. The other root which is x = 10 will not give us the
answer we’re looking for since 10 – 24 = -14. Therefore, 84 minutes and 60 minutes for each pipe
fill the tank working alone. To check, substitute x = 84 in
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
+ =¿ → + =¿ → + =¿ → + =¿ (LCD is 420) →
x x −24 35 84 84−24 35 84 60 35 84 60 35
5 7 12
+ =¿
420 420 420

2. Jayson and Roger working together can paint a school canteen in 3 hours and 36 minutes (or 3
hours). Working alone, it takes Roger 3 hours less than what Jayson to do the job.
Representation: Let t be the time in hours for Jayson alone to do the job &
t – 3 be the time in hours for Roger alone to do the job.
Translate: For every hour, Jayson alone can paint of the canteen, while Roger alone can
1 5
paint of the canteen. But if they work together, for every hour they can paint of the
t−3 18
5 18 3 1 1 5
(Note: is the reciprocal of = 3 ). Thus, + =¿
18 5 5 t t−3 18
Solve: Change this equation to standard form: Get the LCD or the LCM of the denominator:
(18p) (t−¿ 3) and multiply it to both sides of the equation.
1 1 5
(18 t)(t−3)+ (18 t)(t −3)= (18 t )(t−3)→18t – 54 +18t = 5t2 – 15t → 0 = 5t2 – 51t + 54
t t−3 18

−b ± √ b 2−4 ac
or 5t2 – 51t + 54 = 0 where, a = 5, b = – 51 and c = 54 Using t= ,
51± √ (−51) −4 (5)(54) 51± √ 1521
51± 39 51+ 39 51−39 6
we have t= = → t= → t= = 9 or t= = .
2(5) 10 10 10 10 5
Since t = will result to negative value for t – 3, we consider only t = 9. Thus, for t = 9, we have
t – 3 = 6 hours for Roger to do the job alone, and 9 hours for Jayson to do the job alone.
To check, substitute t = 9 in 5t2 – 51t + 54 = 0 →5(9)2 – 51(9) + 54 = 0 →5(81) – 51(9) + 54 = 0→
405 – 459 + 54 = 0

Activity 1: Find the least common multiple or LCM of the following expressions.
1. 3, 18, 27 4. 9, x, x +
2. 4, x, x + 2 5. 15, x, (x + 2)
3. 2, x, x – 3
Activity 2: Represent and Translate then Solve these problems. Use a symbol or a variable to
represent the unknown quantity. Then, translate each of the following statements or conditions into
mathematical expressions/equations.
1. Joe can paint a house 2 hours faster than Jennifer can paint similar house. Working together, they
can finish painting a house in 15 hours. How long would it take Joe and Jennifer working on their
own houses to finish?

2. Two taps A and B fill a swimming pool together in two hours. Alone, it takes tap A three hours less
than B to fill the same pool. How many hours does it take each tap to fill the pool separately?
3. Two faucets can fill a tank in 1 hour & 20 minutes (or hours). The first faucet takes more than
two hours longer to fill the same tank when functioning without the second faucet. How long does
it take to fill each one separately?

4. Henry and Irene working together can wash all the windows of their house in 1 h 48 min (or
9 3
hours ¿. Working alone, it takes Henry hours more than Irene to do the job. How long does it
5 2
take each person working alone to wash all the windows?



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