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Name : Lia Aftanty

NIM : 21202241042
Class : PBI B

Ceker Pedas Lilia Fauziah

500ceker ayam

Bumbu halus:

50 gr cabai kecil 1 buah serai, memarkan

2 buah cabai besar daun salam
1 ruas jahe minyak goreng
4 siung bwg putih air es secukupnya
5 siung bawang merah santan secukupnya
daun jeruk daun kemangi
Kaldu instan

1. Siapkan ceker yg telah bersih lalu goreng hingga kering, dengan api sedang. Angkat
lalu masukkan ke dalam air es. Diamkan hingga mengembang. (Saya biarkan
2. Haluskan bumbu, lalu tumis dan tambahkan serai dan daun salam hingga harum.
3. Masukkan ceker ayam, lalu tambahkan air secukupnya, garam, gula, kaldu instan
dan santan. Masak beberapa saat.
4. Terakhir tambahkan kemangi. Lalu sajikan.
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500 chicken feet

Grinded Ingredients:

50 gr of small chilies A bruised lemongrass

2 large chillies Bay leaves
A piece of ginger Cooking oil
4 cloves of garlic water
5 cloves of shallots Coconut milk
Lime leaves Basil leaves
Instant broth

1. Prepare the chicken feet that have been cleaned and fry them until they are dried with
medium heat. Take the chicken feet and put them into the ice water. Leave them until it
expands. (I leave them overnight)
2. Grind the ingredients then cook them in a stir-fry and add lemongrass and bay leaves
until it smells delicious.
3. Put the chicken feet into it, and then add water, salt, sugar, instant broth and coconut
milk. Cook it for a while.
4. The final step is adding basil. Then, serve it.

Translation Glossary
Source (Ind) Definition/meaning Target (Eng) Note (Use)
Bumbu Halus Ingredients that Grounded
have been grounded ingredients
Siung cloves
Daun Salam Aromatic leaves Bay leaves
used in cooking
Kemangi Basil leaves
Haluskan bumbu To reduce Grind Crush the
(something) to ingredients until it is
small particles or blended
powder by crushing
Tumis a cooking technique Stir fry Put a small amount
in which ingredients of cooking oil in the
are fried in a small pan and stir the
amount of hot oil by ingredients.
being stirred

Chef melakukan semuanya kecuali masak

Itulah gunanaya istri!

“Memasak itu menyenangkan” kata istriku. “Food preparation” itu membosankan! Coba
pikirkan makanan yang aku mau masak jika aku punya kenwood chef! Karena chef dapat
memanaskan, mengocok, dan mencampurkan. Dengan tambahannya, alat ini
melikuidasi, mencincang, memotong, mengiris, menghancurkan , menghaluskan,
melembutkan. Alat ini bisa mengupas kacang polong dan mengiris kacang tanah,
mengupas kentang , mengakari sayuran, membuka kaleng ,menghaluskan kopi serta
mengekstrak jus buah-buahan dan sayuran. Alat ini sangat membantu membuat welsh
rarebit hingga four-course dinner. Aku punya gambaran bahwa aku akan memberikan
istriku kenwood chef segera.

Kirimkan kupon ini untuk selebaran yang membujuk suami tentang Kenwood Chef.

Translation Glossary
Source (Eng) Definition/meaning Target (Ind) Note (Use)
Food preparation Food preparation is Using borrowing
the process of technique because
getting raw the words “food
ingredients and preparation” are
processing them to common in
be ready for Indonesia.
Liquidise To make liquid Likuidasi
mince To cut food mencincang Use a knife to mince
especially meat into meat
small pieces
welsh rarebit a dish consisting of It is not translated
a hot cheese-based because it is a
sauce served over name of bread
slices of toasted
Four-course dinner Meal consisting of a I use borrowing
soup, an appetizer, technique in the
an entrée, and translation.

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