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Listening 73

73.1. Listen and fill the gaps. Then cover the dialogue.
In a sports shop
Assistant Can I help you, sir?
Rob an eight
Yes. Do you have these in 1________?
I'll V = Let me V = Shall I V...?
Assistant a minute
Just 2____________, I’ll go and check.
=a moment
Assistant Here you are, these are an eight. Do you want to 3______________?
try them on

Rob No, thanks. I’m sure they’ll be fine. How much are they?
Assistant They’re $4__________.

Rob Oh, it says $5__________.

Assistant Yes, but there’s an added sales tax of 6__________.
Rob Oh, OK. Do you take MasterCard?
Assistant Sure.
Assistant Can I help you?
Rob Yes, I bought these about half an hour ago.
Assistant Yes, I remember. Is there 7__________?
a problem

Rob Yes, I’m afraid they’re too small.

Assistant What 8______
size are they?
Rob They’re an eight. But I take a 9___________.

Assistant Oh right. Yes, a 10________

UK eight is a 11_________.
US nine

Rob Do you have a pair?

Assistant Just a minute
I’ll go and check. 12_______________.
(...) I’m sorry, but we don’t have these in a nine. But we do have these
and they’re the 13___________.
same price Or you can have a 14__________.

Rob Erm... I’ll take this pair then, please

Assistant No problem. Do you have the 15__________?

Rob Yes, here you are?

Assistant Brilliant

73.2. Listen and circle the right answer

1. Rob went to ________

A Boston B Brooklyn.

2. He __________ Jenny his new trainers.

A shows B doesn't show

3. Jenny goes running every ___________ in Central Park.

A morning B evening

4. She wants to go running with him at________.

A 6.45 B 7.45

5. Rob thinks it’s too___________.

A early B late

6. They agree to meet at ____________.

A 6.45 B 7.15

7. Holly thinks Rob _____________ a lot of energy.

A has B doesn't have

73.3 Listen to a radio programme and answer the questions

1 What does chocolate have in common with red wine? illnesses
It contains anti-oxidants. heart-diseases
2 What kind of chocolate is ______________.
a) good for you b) not good for you? calories
a) dark chocolate
b) milk chocolate and white chocolate
more intellectually stimulating

3 How are TV series different from the ones 20 years ago? Why is this good for us?
They are more intellectually stimulating
Because they are more complicated and clever so they can help us more intelligent.

4 What can we learn from reality TV shows?

group psychology

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