Daily English Test For Exact Dept

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Suara Cilacap Pos, 9 August 2021


BY Qoalification :

 English teacher graduation preferable Poss Graduated

 Not more than 30 years old
 Fluent ing aktif speakaing english
 Good performance
 Mastering MS Words and Excel
 Ready to work collaboately

If you interested please send your application letter to :

MAN 1 Cilacap Jl. Raya Kalisabuk Km.15 Kesugihan Cilacap Not

more than 1 week

I. Based on the advertiemen above please make aplication letter completed by Resume
II. Make two sentences express ing offering help ( acepting)
III. Make three sentences expressing offering help ( refusing)


cilacap, 8th Agustus, 2015

Attention To:
The President of MAN 1 CILACAP
Jl. Jl. Raya Kalisabuk Km.15 Kesugihan Cilacap
Dear Sir

Having knowing that MAN 1 CILACAP one of the greatest shcool in Indonesia needs
employee as a teacher. Through this letter, I would like to apply for that position. I am
sure it would be an excellent career opportunity for me to join in and work for this
respective English Course.

My name is Chairul Ichwan, I am twenty one years old. I am a student of English

Department, Lampung University in the eighth semester. I consider myself that I have
good qualifications to fill the position as English teacher in this school. I have good
time management, and motivation to progress beside that I am good in English both
oral and written.

With all my qualifications, I believe that I will be able to give a good contribution in
this course. For your consideration, I enclose my:
1. Copy of Academic Transcript.
2. Curriculum Vitae.
3. Recent photograph with size of 3×4.

I would express my gratitude for your nice attention and I am looking forward to your
reply soon. Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours,

Chairul Ichwan

2. - Rio : Hi, Joy. Would you want me to help you with the box?
Joy : Yes, of course. You are very kind. Please put this box in the garage.
Rio : Sure, Joy. It will be done in a minute.
Joy : Thank you, Rio.
Rio : You are welcome.

- Doni : Can I do something for you?

Nina : yes,I need to get some medicine, but my stomach still hurts.

Can you get some for me?

Doni : Okay Tony. I will get some for you in medical room and I will also buy some

food for you.

Nina : Thank you so much Doni. I can’t say a word. Thanks for your help.  

Doni : You’re welcome Nina.

3.- Security: Good afternoon, Sir. May I help you?
Mr. Brown: Yes, please. I cannot find the book store. Where is it?
Security: The book store is on the third floor, Sir. It is next to the shoe
Mr. Brown: Oh, I see.
Security: Shall I take you there, Sir?
Mr. Brown: No, I’m fine. Thank you.
Security: You’re welcome, Sir

- Mother: It’s really cold tonight.

Jessica: Should I bring you a blanket, Mom?
Mother: No, I’m fine. I’m already wearing my jacket.
Jessica: Okay, then. I’ll make you hot chocolate if you like.
Mother: Thanks, Sweetie.

-Daniel: I think I lost my earphone.

Natalie: Really? Have you checked your bag?
Daniel: Yes, I have.
Natalie: Maybe you dropped it somewhere. Do you want me to help
you find it?
Daniel:.: No, Thanks. I can do it by my self.

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