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About this supplement.

time with the citizen levy has ended to signify the

sacrifices of their kinsmen.
This is a fan-made supplement for Warhammer
Fantasy Roleplay 4th This is a fan-made supple- The red ribbons borne aloft by Chracian Spear-
ment for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th edition men are earned by deeds of valour - warriors who
which adds rules and background for playing an slay a mighty opponent single-handed bear the
elf from Chrace, including rules for their famous white, whilst those who have selflessly gone to a
white lions. It is a supplement made by Leo E comrade's aid - and suffered wounds in the
Gunnemarsson. course of their deeds - bear the red. These too,
like the red clothes of the elves, are often carried
The Kingdom of Chrace on long after the citizen levy time is over.
Chrace is a realm of Ulthuan, located at the north- The Wilds of Chrace
western tip of the island. It is one of the outer king-
doms and one perfectly matching the view of the The mountains of Chrace are the home of the
outer kingdoms as more rugged and accustomed fearsome white lions. To be counted as a real
to warfare. hunter, an Elf of Chrace must kill one of these re-
gal creatures single-handed. This task is not an
The Kingdom of Chrace was once a relatively easy one, for the lions are intelligent and canny
empty and peaceful region of Ulthuan, occupied beasts, making the contest one of wits, as well as
only by those who sought to escape the civilized strength. The white lion also gives its name to the
realms and return to nature. Now, Chrace exists in legendary regiments in the service of the Phoenix
a state of near permanent war, for it is the main Throne: the White Lions, carefully selected warri-
route through which the Dark Elves seek access ors who guard the Phoenix King in battle.
to the Inner Lands. At most times this war is not
one raging hot with large armies but one of small Chrace is a mountainous and forested region. The
groups of druchi trying to break through and find inhabitants are all renowned as skilled hunters.
entrance into the inner kingdoms but each Chrace Elves of Chrace, not just the White Lions, often
citizen knows that these minor attacks can at any wear furs and animal pelts over their clothes and
moment be replaced by a major dark elf invasion armour as cloaks or decorative collars. Signifying
where their land stands as the frontline. to other high elves their heraldry of Chrace and to
other Chracians the beasts they have felled.
Chrace's settlements are fortified, its glades have
been wetted with elven blood, and its populace The Capital of Tor Achare
lives ever under the shadow of battle. The once-
The Tor Achare is the capital of Chrace. Its foun-
wondrous forests have become perilous, for Dark
dations were laid in the years following the death
Magic has scoured the land, corrupting ancient
of Aenarion and it has endured relatively un-
groves and giving birth to monstrous creatures.
changed since those halcyon days. Carvings of
The hunters of Chrace maintain a constant watch Aenarion's foremost generals stare proudly from
on the passes through their lands. When the Dark alabaster cornices, capstones, and finials, in
Elves are spied, Great Eagles are immediately death watching over a people their heroism pre-
dispatched to summon reinforcements. Mean- served in life. Statues of Caledor the Great and
while, the Chracian citizen levy employ every trick Aenarion the Defender loom over courtyards, mar-
of ambush and forestcraft to hinder and destroy ble giants filigreed with gold and set with glittering
the trespassers. Thus has many an invading army gemstones. They tower over the masses just as
of Dark Elves simply been swallowed up whilst their deeds eclipse those of their descendants.
campaigning in Chrace, with no tale of its fate ev-
In modern times Tor Achare is a lynchpin
er reaching their twisted homeland.
of Ulthuan's defences both martial and mystical.
Red is the dominant colour of Chracian heraldry, Its garrison boasts nigh twenty thousand souls,
signifying the blood its people spill, not only in the waiting in readiness for the next inevitable bat-
defence of their own land, but for all Ulthuan. tle. Archers and spearmen, knights and nobles all
While featured in the uniforms and heraldic devic- train within the walls, harnessing six thousand
es its also common for elves of Chrace to contin- years of combat experience to serve one of the
ue to wear red as their dominant colour after their most disciplined armies the world has ever known.
The Grand port of Elisia The Amaranth Isles
Where Tor Achare stands as the seat of the army The Amaranth isles are unique amongst the do-
of Chrace the port of Elisia holds its naval might. mains of Chrace as they are not on the mainland
While not famed for their sailors like Cothique or of Ulthuan. This makes them different from the
Eataine the land of Chrace still holds a warfleet to other lands. No lions stalk its forests and steppes.
meet invasions and guard their Amaranth Isles. The famous flora and fauna of the Chracian wilds
This mighty fleet is built and maintained at the port are not present. In many ways its environments
of Elisia where the precise archers of Chrace man are more akin to those of distant Yvresse than that
a hundred warships to face those Druchi that dare of Chrace. The numerous and varied seafowls
sail towards Chraces shores. Even more than a dwelling in Cothique can be found nesting
fighting force the role of Elisias fleet is as a patrol amongst the spires of Tor Dynal just as they do in
of their seas for while smaller groups may be the great city of Tor Yvresse. The rugged coasts
beaten at sea the Elisians know most must be often find themselves swept in cold fogs from the
faced on land where the Chracians can use their north which along the cold current passing just by
strengths to the best advantage. Thus the patrols its northern tips cools the islands climate consider-
scout the path towards their lands sending great ably compared to the hot temperatures of the rest
eagles to warn the towns when dark elf vessels of Chrace. But where the climate and environs
appear on the horizon. But such a naval focus harken to other kingdoms the people show pride
does not mean that Elisia can not fight on land, on in their Chracian culture, as brave and skilled
the contrary it is extremely well adapted to stand hunters as those of any other part of Chrace are
for a siege with both ocean and river used in its found in Tor Dynal, even if that prey may at times
defenses to bolster its many layers of tall walls. be whales and krakens rather than the beasts of
Beasts of Chrace
The fauna of Chrace is as varied as it is deadly. In ages past it was the favoured hunting grounds of Ulthuan for
its excellent game and these animals remain but dark powers from the isle of blight and dark elf invasions have
seeped into the lands changing the beasts that dwell there and making the monsters of the Annulii at times es-
tablish their lairs in Chrace. Thus truly unique and deadly animals move through the pale cliffs of Chrace or
move in the shades of itsTeak and Ber forests.

Chracian Lion
These fearsome white furred beasts are deadly hunting cats, powerful creatures with a muscular frame and a
sharp, cunning mind. Almost as tall at the shoulders as an Elven Steed, a Chracian Lion is far stronger, able to
break bones with each sweep of its claws and shatter even helmeted heads with a single chomp of its fanged
maw. When War Lion prides hunt, none within their chosen grounds are safe. They will range far and wide, coor-
dinating by instinct, in search of prey. A War Lion's loyalty is to its kin, first and last. This fidelity, along with their
incredible ferocity when they attack, has given rise to a great many songs and poems throughout Ulthuan, and it
is with a clear measure of pride that the Phoenix King's bodyguard have adopted the famed White Lions of
Chrace as their namesakes.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel W

8 55 - 60 45 41 35 15 30 25 - 36

Traits: Armour (2), Bestial, Bite +10, Night Vision, Rear, Stealthy, Tracker, Weapon +10, Size (Large)
Optional: Big, Clever, Trained (Broken, Drive, Magic, War)

Great Eagle
The Great Eagles of Ulthuan have always been firm allies to the High Elves as well. The histories tell that the
two races have fought in one another's cause since the time of the Daemon invasion, but legend carries the
friendship deeper into the past. Indeed, in some tales, it was Talyn, King of the Eagles, who bore Ereth Khial
away to the Underworld at Asuryan's command. Like the High Elves, Great Eagles are haughty creatures who
long remember insults, and do not suffer foolish company gladly. When High Elf armies assemble, the noble Ea-
gles too join the battle. They swoop down upon the crew of enemy war machines, tearing them apart with power-
ful talons before using mighty wings to glide swiftly away.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel W

2 50 5 45 40 45 30 20 40 40 30 32

Skills: Language (Eltharin) +5

Traits: Size (Large), Flight (90), Weapon (Talons) +8
Optional: Big, Champion
Playing as a Great Eagle
As Great Eagles are not only intelligent but known allies of the Elves it is possible players would want to
play as one. In an all elf campaign (but not others) this may work though the way it changes a campaign
may have the GM rightfully hesitant to do so. If the GM makes a campaign where it fits the rules on pg
314 of the core book does it well. In addition to this use the specie skills of an elf as the specie skills for a
great eagle. Still this is a very strange and a bit extreme character so only ever use it if your GM is sure he
can make it work in the game you are about to play. For career use the following table; 01-05 Advisor, 06-
15 Envoy, 16-60 Scout, 61-100 Messenger. But know that you will need to adapt the careers a bit for a
creature with wings but no hands .
Twilight Sambar
The Twilight Sambar of Chrace is a large deer, standing at roughly 170cm at the shoulders with a length of near-
ly 3m. It’s large three-tined horns are bioluminescent allowing the Twilight Sambar stags to attract does with im-
pressive light displays. As the name implies these deer are mostly active during the twilight hours. The Twilight
Sambar has dwelt in the lands of Chrace for many millennia and is a favorite prey of both Chracian Lions and
elven hunters.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel W

9 25 - 35 40 45 30 5 15 20 - 26

Traits: Afraid (Chracian Lions), Bestial. Horns +6, Night Vision, Size (Large), Stride
Optional: Big, Mental Corruption

Chracian Four-horn
The Chracian four-horn is an antelope native to Chrace named for the four horns on its head. It stands at roughly
60cm tall and generally solitary. In ancient texts and images from Chrace the creature appears with but two
horns and thus it is believed that the horns it is named for come from corruption, having become a stable chaos
mutation of the animals. Something further supported by the creatures often being found with other mutations as
well. They are a favoured prey of Great Eagles in Chrace though they have many other predators as well.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel W

9 25 - 20 15 40 60 10 15 10 - 4

Traits: Bestial, Size (Small), Hardy, Horns +4, Skittish, Stride

Optional: Clever, Fast, Mutation, Tough, Magic Horns
Magic Horns: A Chracian Four-horn with this trait counts all its horn attacks as magical in all respects. Note that
unlike the Magical trait this only applies to the attack gained through the horns trait.

Goldflower Civet
The Goldflower Civet of Chrace is named after a tree that no longer exists. The Goldflower trees of Chrace died
out a few centuries after the sundering but the Civets remained and survived even without their favourite fauna.
In the old days these viverrids could live their entire lives in the large goldflower trees, using their bright yellow
fur to blend in amongst the flowers. These days the Goldflower Civet is not as common and is forced to spend
much time on the ground where in dry grass its camouflage still can aid it. It is a small omnivore reaching lengths
of no more than 50cm. It’s preferred diet is birds but it is well adapted to survive on berries and fruit as well.
Sometimes Goldflower Civets are taken as pets by Chracians, the attempt to use them for hunting has however
proved fruitless.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel W

4 25 - 20 20 30 45 15 15 15 - 2

Traits: Arboreal, Bestial, Bite +2, Size (Little), Stealthy, Stride

Optional: Mutation, Trained (Broken, Home)
Ironheart Ratel
The small size of the Ironheart Ratel hides much ferocity and it is with good reason creatures many times its size
tend to give it a wide berth. It’s white back and black underside make it easy to distinguish amongst the general-
ly brighter coloured animals of Chrace as it prowls its territories. They have an average length of 70cm with large
teeth and claws bound to make larger creatures think twice before facing them. The Ironheart Ratel is named for
its tendency to show neither fear nor mercy, a trait poets have attributed to a heart of iron. It’s a scavenger and
small prey hunter.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel W

4 35 - 25 25 25 25 10 10 60 - 10

Traits: Bestial. Belligerent, Bite +6. Fury, Size (Small),

Optional: Brute, Frenzy, Hardy, Mental Corruption, Mutation, Tough

Greater Annulii Whitebear

The Greater Annulii Whitebear is as the name implies a beast of the Annulii but this beast at times moves into
the Chracian mountains as a lethal invasive threat. Today there is a wild population of the creatures despite
hunters attempts to cull them. The bears are four metres tall, far larger if they stand on their hindlegs. Their fur is
white or very light brown depending on the individual. They are far from a natural specie in the lands however.
Spikes often protrude from their body due to chaotic powers twisting their bodies and magic energies emanate
from their lungs to create a horrid breath of pure pain. Their minds are cruel, twisted by dark magic. Some such
minds hold a portion of cruel intellect, some have even been observed as launching large boulders to fell prey
and foe.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel W

6 45 10 60 60 35 50 15 15 60 - 96

Traits: Bestial, Belligerent, Breath +12 (Dhar), Corrupted (Moderate), Dark Vision, Size (Enormous), Saturated
with Dhar
Optional: Big, Immunity (Dhar), Magical, Mental Corruption, Ranged Thrown Boulder +6 (12 yards)
Saturated with Dhar: A character that for any reason temporarily transforms into a Greater Annulii Whitebear
receives six corruption points.
Expanded Rules for Skinning
The kingdom of Chrace is famed for the animal pelts Table 1-1: Experience table
worn by its people and so skinning is an important part
of their culture. Experience Modifier Example
Trade (Skinning) time and difficulty
Nothing like it -10 The character has never
To skin an animal to preserve its skin a character can worked on any creature
test Trade (Skinner) or Outdoor Survival. Difficulty and like it before. Skinning a
time is decided as follows;
wolf when he had only
1) Is the animal dead? If the answer is no the skin- skinned pigs before for
ner gets one corruption point and will increase example.
time and difficulty penalties with 25%. This is
assuming it is still restrained. If not restrained Simmilar but not +-0 The character has never
play out a fight with the creature first. quite worked on this particular
specie but has skinned
2) Set a base time of one hour per foot of length.
simmilar creatures be-
3) Set a base difficulty of +0 if using Trade fore. Skinning a wolf for
(Skinner) or –40 if using Outdoor Survival. the first time when you
4) Add an experience modifier. Table 1-1. have skinned other cani-
5) Add other relevant modifiers. Table 1-2
Once or twice be- +10 The character has little
6) Let the time of the work pass. fore experience with skinning
7) Roll a dramatic test. this species. Skinning a
wolf for the second or
8) Receive a pelt of a quality decided by SLs.
third time.
Table 1-3: SLs and Quality Experienced with +20 The character has skinned
the animal. this species many times
SLs Quality before.

Table 1-2: Other Modifiers

-6 or less Skin is completely ruined. Nothing can
be salvaged. Special Situation Modifier to Modifier Example
difficulty to time
-4 or –5 Skin is ruined, a few scraps can be
shown for your effort but even they Creature is hy- -10 +30% Griffin, Hip-
are in bad condition. brid-like pogriff

-3 or –2 Skin is ruined. A scrap of roughly 10% Creature has -60 +400% Jabberslyth
of the total size ”survives” the work in Corrosive Blood
decent condition. Creature has -0 +50% Stonehorn,
extremely hard Dragon,
-1 and –0 Skin is partially ruined, 20% of the skin skin Bastilodon
is ruined in the work but the remai- Creature was a -0 +50% Troll
ning 80% make up an adequate skin. troll (must be
+0 and +1 Skin is mostly well made but 10% of singed by
the skin is ruined in the work. flame as
part of
+2 and +3 The animal is skinned well and you
have a skin in good quality.
+4 or more The animal is skinned perfectly. You
get the skin or pelt with one instance
of either the Fine or Practical quality
(makers choice).
Playing an Elf of Chrace mour even for a moment. You must succeed a cool test
in order to get to test endurance to regain wounds, on a
Playing an elf of Chrace is done similarly to playing fail you can not rest properly and instead keep a vigil
another High Elf but to represent the kingdoms unique for dark elves. In addition to other requirements you
culture and the life one of its citizens leads the skills must succeed a cool test to remove fatigued condi-
and talents are changed. tions.
Elf of Chrace
Skills: Cool, Climb, Language (Eltharin), Leadership, High Elf of Chrace Mental Mutations
Lore (Chrace), Melee (Two-handed), Navigation, Per- Any Khorne Nurgle Slaanesh Tzeentch Mutation
ception, Ranged (Bow), Stealth (Rural), Swim, Outdoor Power
01 - 01-02 01-03 01-05 Aethyric Leak
Talents: Acute Sense (Sight), Night Vision, Read/
02-05 01-06 03-05 04-07 06-10 Animalistic Psyche
Write, Very Strong or Coolheaded, Second Sight or
Sixth Sense 06-08 07-09 06-07 08-10 11 Awful Cravings

09 10 08-09 11-12 12-15 Beacon of Corruption

Corruption of Chrace
10-14 11-17 10-14 13-15 16-19 Beast Within
To represent the ways the magic-infused wilds of the
15 18-21 15-17 16-19 20-21 Beyond Pain
lands has affected the elves of Chrace the following
mutations can be added to the ones of the core-book 16 22 18 20 22 Blasphemous Soul
and Enemy in Shadows companion to be possible for 17-19 23-26 19-21 21-22 - Blasted Mind
an elf of Chrace to gain.
20-22 27-29 22-25 23-25 23-24 Call of the Wild
Call of the Wild 23-24 30-33 26-27 26-28 25-29 Chaotic Dreams

Description: The wilds call to you and you find the 25-27 34-35 28-32 29-31 - Crawling Skins
confines of cities unpleasant. A life as a hunter, forester 28-30 36-40 33-36 32 30 Enemy of Rahagra
or mountaineer is one that calls to you as civilization
31-32 41 - 33-34 31-34 Fantasist
grows ever more claustrophobic.
33-34 42-43 - 35-37 - Fitful Hatred
Effect: While in a city or town you suffer a –10 penalty
to willpower and fellowship. 35 - - 38-41 35-39 Glorious Corruption

36-38 44-48 37-38 - 40-41 Hateful Impulses

Enemy of Rahagra
39-42 49-50 39-40 42-45 42-44 Hollow Heart
Description: The knowledge of the death the lions of
43-46 - 41-43 46-47 45-46 Hounds of Despair
Chrace has brought to elves over the ages and the
sights of noble elven blood staining the ferocious 47-48 51-53 44-46 48-52 - Hurried Masochism
beasts fur red with blood as they rip apart asur bodies 49-51 - - 53-57 47-51 Jealous Thoughts
has finally gotten to the character. Where once he saw
52-54 - 47-51 - 52-53 Lingering Foulness
that the felines, while vicious, were nought but beasts
he now starts to look at them with hatred and a desire - - - - - Lonely Spirit
to kill them all. A hatred that quickly spreads from these 55-58 54 52-56 58-62 54 Looming Shadows of War
lions to all kinds of cats. A trait that may fly in the wilds
59-61 55-57 57-59 63-64 - Mental Blocks
of Chrace but will surely lead to trouble when the elf
strikes down a noblemans pet cat. 62-63 58-60 60-62 - 55-58 Mindless Wandering
64-66 - 63-66 65-67 59-61 Monstrous Paranoia
Effect: You are subject to Hatred (See Psychology)
67-69 61-63 67-70 68-72 62-64 Panicked Urgency
against all Felines.
70-72 64-66 71-74 73-76 65-66 Ravenous Hunger
Looming shadows of War
73-76 67-68 75-78 77-78 67-71 Shaky Morale
Description: The elves of Chrace all know that peace 77-79 69-71 79-83 79-81 72-75 Soul Sickness
is but a temporary respite but for some even this tem-
80-82 72-75 84-85 82-83 76-80 Suspicious Mind
porary lull in fighting seems false. Unable to lay down
your arms or rest you are ever vigilant for war. What 83-86 76-77 86-87 - 81-83 Terrible Phobia
can be seen as a commendable trait in a warrior quick- 87-89 78-82 - 84-87 84-86 Thrill Seeker
ly devolves to paranoia as you start to expect a dark elf
90-92 83-87 88-92 88-90 87-88 Tortured Visions
attack behind every corner.
93-94 88-92 93-97 91-94 89-93 Totally Unhinged
Effect: You will refuse to abandon weapons and ar-
95-97 93-97 - 95-98 94-97 Unending Malice

98-00 98-00 98-00 99-00 98-00 Worried Jitters

Ranger Career

White Lion The Elves of Ulthuan's northern kingdoms are a

Highelf from Chrace hardy, self-sufficient folk. The land of Chrace is a
bulwark against invasion and hunters prowl the
Ever since the time of Caledor the First, the clo- woodlands for Dark Elf raiding parties, spies and
sest bodyguards of the Phoenix Kings have come assassins. It was one such hunting party that sa-
from the forested wilds of Chrace. These are the ved Caledor I from certain doom at the hand of an
bravest of the young Elves of Chrace, chosen for assassin's blade. While he was out hunting in the
the honour of serving the Phoenix King by ancient forests of Chrace, he received news that he was
rites. Not all are worthy to serve, and each must to become the new Phoenix King. As he made his
demonstrate his skill and bravery by tracking way to the Shrine of Asuryan, a Dark Elf assas-
down one of the fierce white lions that roam the sin leaped from the forest and attacked him. As
dark forests and barren mountains of that land. they dueled, the woodsmen nearby came to his
When they find one they must kill it in hand-to- aid, cutting down the assassin with their axes. Ca-
hand combat and take its pelt. Those that have ledor recognised their courage, and made them
proved themselves wear the cloak of the white lion into the Phoenix King's personal retinue.
as a sign of their undoubted courage and may
These hunters became known as "White Lions"
serve the Phoenix King as one of his bodyguard.
for their fierceness and courage in battle, and for
the pelts earned by slaying a great Chracian
White Lion in single combat.
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel A high elf from Chrace that rolls Guard on the
      career table may exchange the result for White
Lion if he wishes.

Career Path
Lionhunter Initiate — Brass 5
Skills: Athletics, Climb, Tracking, Melee (Two-handed), Trade (Skinner),
Outdoor Survival, Stealth (Rural), Navigation
Talents: Fearless (Felines), Coolheaded, Very Strong, Warrior Born
Trappings: Family heirloom in the form of a two-handed axe, Mail Coat
White Lion — Silver 2
Skills: Dodge, Intuition, Cool, Play (Horn), Secret Signs (Ranger), Langu-
age (Battle Tongue)
Talents: Strike Mighty Blow, Drilled, Combat Aware, Hatred (Dark Elves)
Trappings: Cloak made from the pelt of a white lion of Chrace you killed
and skinned yourself, Open Helm, Bracers
White Lion Guardian — Silver 4
Skills: Drive, Animal Care, Leadership, Intimidate
Talents: Combat Master, Furious Assault, Iron Will, Combat Reflexes
Trappings: Banner or Warhorn or group of five or more White Lions
following you or White Lion Chariot
White Lion Captain— Gold 1
Skills: Animal Training (Lion), Entertain (Storytelling)
Talents: Commanding Presence, Hardy, Strong-minded, War Leader
Trappings: Command of several groups of White Lions

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Ranger Career

Skinner the lands many hunters to bring them spectacular

Any beasts to skin and prepare.
A character that rolls Artisan on the career
A skinner is a person who skins animals. Usually
table may exchange the result for Skinner if he
creatures such as cattle, sheep, and pigs but also
more exotic beasts. Skinners usually engage in
the hide and fur trades of their lands, and some
make clothes and leatherwork as well, utilizing the
fact that they get the materials needed for it.
Good sharp knives are the prime tools of skinners
and its not uncommon for them to keep close con-
tact with knife-sharpeners keeping their many
tools as sharp as they can be.
In Chrace the trade of skinner is a very important
one for any true Chracian wishes to wear the pelt
of a worthy prey, even those that can not skin an
animal themselves. Thus Chracian skinners set up
shop in the fortified towns of the land and wait for

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

     

Career Path
Apprentice Skinner — Brass 2
Skills: Athletics, Cool, Consume Alcohol, Melee (Basic), Endurance, Evalu-
ate, Outdoor Survival, Trade (Skinner)
Talents: Artistic, Craftsman (Skinner), Strong Back, Very Strong
Trappings: Knife, Knife with the practical quality, Leather Jack, Leather
Skinner — Silver 1
Skills: Charm, Haggle, Lore (Monsters), Language (Guilder), Gossip,
Talents: Dealmaker, Etiquette (Guilder), Nimble Fingered, Sturdy
Trappings: Knife with the fine quality, Animal pelt with the fine quality
Master Skinner — Silver 3
Skills: Intuition, Leadership, Gossip, Secret Signs (Guilder)
Talents: Acute Sense (Touch), Master Tradesman (Skinner), Read/Write,
Seasoned Traveller
Trappings: Apprentice
Guildmaster— Gold 1
Skills: Bribery, Intimidate
Talents: Briber, Magnum Opus, Public Speaker, Savant (Monsters)
Trappings: Guild, High quality animal pelt

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Spells of Rahagra Goldflower Summon
Rahagra is in legends the divine beast that is the first CN: 0
Chracian lion. Said to have fought Kurnous to a stand-
Range: Special
still. Elves seeing no divide between arcane and divine
magic in the way the humans do can channel the pow- Target: Special
ers of Rahagra through the following new spells. They Duration: Willpower days
are added to lores already in the book or listed as ar-
You call upon the glory of the past in Chrace, forming from the aethyr one
cane spells if not belonging to a specific lore. Non-
of the flowers of the now extinct Goldenflower tree. A large gold-coloured
elves can learn these spells as well but they are gener- flower appears in your open palm and remains in good condition barring
ally not taught outside of Ulthuan. active destruction of it for the duration of the spell.
When casting these spells animal pelts will always
count as appropriate clothing in addition to normal ap-
Lore of Light
propriate clothing of the lore.
Horns of Twilight
Lore of Beasts CN: 3

Beastform of Chrace Range: You

Target: You
CN: 5
Duration: Two times willpower bonus rounds
Range: You
The caster forms shining horns onto his head shaped from the light energy
Target: You
surrounding him. A set of horns akin to those of the Twilight Sambar form
Duration: Willpower Minutes on the casters head giving him the ”Horns +6” trait. These horns illuminate
the surroundings like a lantern would.
This spell works just like the Beast Form spell from the lore of Beasts with
the exception that it lets you chose a form from The Beasts of Chrace Lore of Metal
section instead of the Beasts of Reikland section.

Binding of the Lion Ratels Heart of Iron

CN: 5
CN: 14
Range: You
Range: Willpower Bonus Yard
Target: You
Target: One Chracian Lion
Duration: Willpower Rounds
Duration: Willpower Hours
You call upon the wilds and iron veins of Chrace to harden your heart unto
When preparing for war, it has been known for High Elf Mages to bind a
iron to feel neither fear nor compassion. While the spell is in effect you
pride of War Lions to their will. Such a gesture is not without risk, for the
have the Immune to Psychology trait.
lions of Chrace are intelligent and patient beasts, and they are not easily
controlled. Even when armoured for war and bound by powerful magic,
Lore of Shadows
White Lions maintain a lethal predatory instinct, and they remain vigilant
against any threat, constantly ready to pounce should danger present itself.
An opposed willpower test is made against the target. If the spellcaster
Rahagras Visage
wins this test the spell is successful, otherwise it is not. For the duration of CN: 3
the spell or until the caster is killed the lion accepts any orders from the
caster as long as they don’t kill or directly damage the lion or a member of Range: You
its pride. The lion will remember its entire time of servitude and the GM Target: You
should keep that in mind for how it will regard the mage afterwards.
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
Rahagras Roar You show Rahagra standing at your side inspiring awe and fear in those
seeing you. Beside you appear the illusion of a large Chracian lion. For the
CN: 6
duration of the spell you get the Fear (1) trait and +10 to social tests to
Range: AoE (2x Willpower Bonus Yards) Chracian lions.

Target: All except Chracian Lions

Duration: Instant

You give a terrifying roar that few dare stand against. Anyone affected
must test cool or gain one Broken condition.

Lore of Life

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