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Contents Rogue Careers-

About...2 Gambler...31

Human (Tilean)...2 Jailfarer...32

Species generation table….2 Street Fighter...33

Career generation table….3 Vigilante...34

Academic Careers- Warrior Careers-

Doomsayer…7 Greatsword...35

Gyrocopter Pilot...8 Mercenary...36

Necromancer...9 Pistolier…37

Sword-Scholar of Hoeth...10 Shieldbreaker...38

Burgher Careers- Familliars Expanded...39

Big Moot Sandwich Artist...11 Expanded Armoury...40

Chimneysweep...12 New Mounts...41

Lamplighter...13 Magic-

Republic Citizen...14 Necromantic Artefacts...47

Courtier Careers- High Magic...48

Bloodline Thrall...15 Dark Magic...49

Food Taster...16
Dynasty merchant...17
Peasant Careers-
Horse Coper...21
Ranger Careers-
Dwarf Ranger...23
Wildwood Ranger...26
Riverfolk and Seafarer Careers-
Lothern Sea Guard...27
Tobaro Navigator...30
About this supplement.
This is a fan-made supplement for Warhammer
Fantasy Roleplay 4th edition which adds 32 new
career paths, fourof each category of careers. All
careers are made by Leo E Gunnemarsson as are
new talents, skills, mounts, equipment and spells
associated with them.
Class Career Human Human Dwarf Halfling HighElf Wood Elf Gnome
(Reiklander) (Tilean)

ACADEMICS Apothecary 01 01 01 01 01-02 - 01

Doomsayer 02 - - - - - -

Engineer 03 02-03 02-04 02 - - -

Gyrocopter Pilot - - 05 - - - -

Lawyer 04 04 06 03-04 03-06 - 02

Necromancer 05 05 -

Nun 06-07 06-07 - - - - -

Physician 08 08 07 05-06 07-08 - 03-04

Priest 09-11 09-12 - - - 05

Scholar 12-13 13-14 08-09 07-08 09-11 01 06-08

Sword-scholar of - - - - 12-13 - -
Wizard 14 - - 14-16 - 09-14

BURGHER Agitator 15 15 10 09-10 - - 15

Artisan 16-17 16-17 11-16 11-13 17-19 02-06 16-17

Beggar 18-19 18-19 17 14-16 - - 18

Big Moot Sand- - - - 17-20 - - -

wich Artist
Chimneysweep 20 20 18 21-23 - - 19-20

Investigator 21 21 19 24 20-21 - 21

Lamplighter 22 - 20 25 - - 22-23

Merchant 23 22 21-24 26-27 22-26 - 24

Rat Catcher 24 23-24 25 28 - - 25

Republic Citizen - 25 - - - - 26

Townsman 25-26 26 26 29-31 27-28 - 27-29

Watchman 27 27 27-30 32-33 29 - 30

Class Career Human Human Dwarf Halfling HighElf Wood Elf Gnome
(Reiklander) (Tilean)

COURTIERS Advisor 28 28 31-32 34 30-31 07-10 31

Artist 29 29 33 35-36 32 11-14 32

Bloodline Thrall 30 30 - - - - -

Dynasty Mer- - 31 - - - - -
Duellist 31 32 34 - 33-34 - -

Envoy 32 33 35-36 37 35-37 15-21 33

Food Taster 33 34 - 38-39 38 - 34

Noble 34 - 37 - 39-40 22-27 35

Servant 35 35 38 40-42 - - 36-37

Spy 36 36 39 43 41-43 28-31 38-40

Tyrant- 37 37 - 44-45 - - 41
Warden 38 38 40-41 46 44-45 - 42

PEASANT Bailiff 39 39 42 47 - - 43

Clansdwarf - - 43-47 - - - -

Hedge Witch 40 40 - - - - -

Herdsman 41 41 48 48 - - 44

Herbalist 42 42 - 49-50 46-47 32-38 45

Horse Coper 43 43 - 51 - - 46

Hunter 44 44 49 52 48-50 39-48 47-48

Miner 45 45 50-54 53 - - 49-54

Mystic 46 46 - - - 48-52 -

Scout 47 47 55 54 51-55 53-62 55-57

Skavenslave 48 48 56 55 56 63 58-59

Villager 49-50 49-50 57 56-57 - - 60-62

Class Career Human Human Dwarf Halfling HighElf Wood Elf Gnome
(Reiklander) (Tilean)

RANGER Bounty Hunter 51 51 57-58 58 57-59 64 63

Coachman 52 52 59 59 - - -

Dwarf Ranger - - 60-61 - - - -

Entertainer 53-54 53-54 62-63 60-61 60-62 65-66 64-68

Fieldwarden - - - 62-63 - - -

Flaggelant 55-56 55-56 - - - - -

Ghost Strider - - - - - 67-68 -

Karak Ranger - - 64 - - - -

Messenger 57 57 65 64-65 63 69-70 69

Pedlar 58 58-59 66-67 66-67 - - 70-75

Road Warden 59 60 68 68 - - -

Spellsinger - - - - - 71-74 -

Wildwood - - - - - 75-78 -

Witchhunter 60 - - - - - -

RIVERFOLK/ Boatman 61-62 61 69 69 64 - 76

Huffer 63 62 70 70 - - -

Lothern Sea - - - - 65-69 - -

Navyman 64 63 71 71 70 - -

Pirate 65 64-65 72 72 71 - 77

Riverwarden 66-67 - - 73 - - -

Riverwoman 68-69 66 73 74-76 - - 78-80

Seaman 70 67-68 74 77 72-79 - -

Smuggler 71 69 75 78-81 80 - 81-83

Stevedore 72-73 70-71 76-77 82 - - -

Tobaro Naviga- - 72-73 - - - - -

Wrecker 74 74 78 - - 79 -
Class Career Human Human Dwarf Halfling High Elf Wood Elf Gnome
(Reiklander) (Tilean)

ROGUE Bawd 75-76 75-76 - 83-84 81-82 - 84-85

Charlatan 77 77 - 85 83-84 - 86-89

Fence 78 78 79 86 - - 90

Gambler 79 79 - 87 - - 91

Grave Robber 80 80 - 88 - - -

Jailfarer 81 81 - 89 85 - 92

Outlaw 82-83 82-83 80 90 86-87 80-85 93

Racketeer 84 84 81 91 - - 94

Street Fighter 85 85 82 92 88 - -

Thief 86 86 83 93 - - 95-96

Vigilante 87 87 84 94 - - -

Witch 88 88 - - - - -

WARRIOR Badger Rider - - - 95 - - -

Cavalryman 89 89-90 - - 89-92 86-90 -

Greatsword 90 - - - - - -

Guard 91-92 91-92 85-87 96 93-94 91-92 97

Knight 93 93 - - 95 93 -

Mercenary 94 94-96 88-89 97 96 94 98

Pistolier 95 - - - - - -

Pit Fighter 96 97 90 98 97 95-96 -

Protagonist 97 98 91 - 98 - -

Shieldbreaker - - 92-93 - - - -

Soldier 98-99 99 94-96 99-100 99-100 97-100 99

Slayer - - 97-100 - - - -

Warrior Priest 100 100 - - - - 00

Academic Career

Doomsayer Some doomsayers travel alone across the lands,

Human some in small groups of Morr devotees. Some ot-
hers join up with other people travelling the lands,
Travelling across the empire and sometimes finding those that live with dangers and death ever
beyond are a feared group of Morr priests called present easier companions than ”normal people”.
Doomsayers. As they enter a village or town they
What few realize is that the Doomsayer do not
stop to divine the auguries and chose a few terri-
leave a dooming forgotten once told, each doo-
fied children at the age of ten to be taken aside
ming foretold is added into a massive house of
and learn their final fate. Doomsayers are not po-
records kept by the cult of Morr.
pular, people fear to know death too closely, yet
they are greatly respected, people see the burden
they carry and the powers they hold.
The doomsayers are not secretive of their bles-
sings and curses nor do they try to claim power
they lack but that does not stop rumours from
spreading, and few dare ask them about them.
Many are those that fear the Doomsayers above
all else believing that they don’t just predict a per-
sons death but writes his final fate.
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

     

Career Path
Doomspeaker — Brass 2
Skills: Athletics, Cool, Endurance, Intuition, Lore (Morr), Pray , Intimidate,
Talents: Doomed, Holy Visions, Read/Write, Bless (Morr)
Trappings: Dark Robes, Tools of Divination
Doomsayer — Silver 1
Skills: Perception, Entertain (Fortuneteller), Lore (Theology), Heal, Out-
door Survival, Melee (Basic)
Talents: Invoke (Morr), Magical Sense, Fearless (Own Dooming), Me-
Trappings: Religious symbols of Morr, Scriptures of Morr
Fateseer — Gold 1
Skills: Art (Tattoo), Lore (Divination), Language (Any), Lore (Heraldry)
Talents: Savant (Dooming Records), Coolheaded, Pure Soul, Hatred
Trappings: Relic of Morr
Vision of Morr— Gold 2
Skills: Lore (Politics), Lore (The End Times)
Talents: Fearless (Undead), Resistance (Any), Savant (Theology), Sixth
Trappings: Reoccuring visions of the end times

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Academic Career

Gyrocopter Pilot Gyrocopter pilots are often seen as a bit of fools

Dwarf by other dwarfs as gyrocopters crash. The fact
that they do so quite rarely these days and almost
One of the most famous inventions of the dwarfs every such crash is caused by an enemy attacking
is undoubtedly the gyrocopters that fly above the them does not seem able to change this view of
dwarfs mountain homes bringing messages to far them. The best pilots of the aircorp are chosen to
off dwarf holds or ruin to the dwarf enemies. Not become part of the ”Kings Flying Corps” a perso-
all dwarfs accept the Gyrocopters and many are nal airforce of the holds king.
the longbeards that grumble about these
Gyrocopter pilots are part ohe engineering guild
”newfangled inventions that keep a dwarfs feet off
but they are rarely the highest valued engineers of
the ground where they need to be”, still its ef-
a hold for most do not see pilot as a proper career
fectivity and uses are hard to fully deny and thus
for a dwarf, even amongst the engineer guild. It is
all mayor holds have acquired an Aircorp of them.
seen as a good way for younger engineers to le-
Even newer than the gyrocopter is the gyrobom- arn the more complicated machinery of the dwarfs
ber, a larger warmachine made to drop heavy and get some experience before they foolishly
grudgebuster bombs on the enemy and blow them start to get the idea to invent things themselves.
away. Though as a consequence of their heavier
New Skill:
build the gyrobombers lose out in manouverability.
Fly (Ag) advanced, grouped
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel Your ability to operate and manoeuvre a flying vessel. Assuming

      you have a flying vessel in good condition, you only use the Fly skill
when you must push your vessel to perform, either by racing, navi-
gating particularly dangerous situations, struggling against bad -
Career Path weather, or similar difficulties. Simply flying with a gentle wind
doesn’t require a Test for those with Fly (but does require having
Ground-Crew— Brass 3 the skill).
Skills: Consume Alcohol, Cool, Endurance, Lore (Engineer), Perception,
As piloting one dwarfen flying machine is not so different to flying
Ranged (Explosives), Trade (Mechanic), Trade (Explosives)
another, having any Fly Speciality makes all other Fly Specialities
Talents: Read/Write, Carouser, Craftsman (Mechanic), Tinker Basic Skills for you.
Trappings: Mechanic Tools, Jug of Fuel Alcohol, Leather Jacket Specialisations: Gyrocopter, Gyrobomber, Dirigible
Gyrocopter Pilot— Silver 1

Skills: Intuition, Fly (Gyrocopter), Navigation, Ranged (Engineering),

Ranged (Blackpowder), Language (Guilder)

Talents: Orientation, Etiquette (Guilder), Catfall, Savant (Gyrocopters)

Trappings: Pilot goggles, Gyrocopter or Gyrobomber

Aircorp Ace — Silver 3

Skills: Language (Khazalid), Lore (Warfare), Fly (Gyrobomber), Secret

Signs (Guilder)

Talents: Super Numerate, Etiquette (Soldier), Combat Aware, Hatred


Trappings: Aircorp Oath of Service

Gyro-Wing Commander— Gold 1

Skills: Lore (Geography), Leadership

Talents: Unshakable, Drilled, Iron Jaw, Sniper

Trappings: Royal contract to a dwarf hold

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Academic Career

Necromancer With such dangers it is no surprise that many

Human Necromancers seek out vampires to offer their
servitude to and learn from. For those masters of
The ancient lore of necromancy was invented mil- undeath have centuries if not millenia of experi-
lennia ago by the mighty Nagash in the far off land ence in hiding from prying eyes and angry mobs
of Nehekara. Originally mixing the teachings of the and often collections of necromantic lore far
Nehekaran priesthood with the teachings of dark beyond that of most mortal necromancers.
magic from dark elf prisoners it allowed a mastery
New Talent:
over death never seen before. But dark magic is
dangerous to use and the old claim that power Master of the Dead
corrupts is certainly a true one. Necromancers Max: Willpower Bonus
have caused much suffering in the world and are
rightly feared and hated, often no less than the Tests: Channeling (Dhar)
forces of chaos. You have learnt to call forth large hordes of the fallen to serve
your bidding. When successfully casting Raise Dead you
For those pursueing the ancient necromantic arts summon an additional skeletons equal to your ranks in Mas-
a search for forbidden texts is neccessary for all ter of the Dead.
writings on this dark lore are forbidden and should Corpsemaster
they be found both the texts and those owning
them are to be burnt by witchhunters. Max: Willpower Bonus
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel Tests: Drive tests for driving a Corpsecart
      You have mastered the ability to drive the constructs known
as corpsecarts across the lands spreading death and misery
across the lands and unleashing the dark magic that
Career Path strengthens the undead fighting beside a Corpsecart. Any
undead under your control within 12 yards of you or your
Necromancer Apprentice— Brass 2 corpsecart increase all their characteristics with a number
equal to your ranks in Corpsemaster
Skills: Channelling (Dhar), Drive, Intuition, Language (Magick), Lore
(Necromancy), Melee (Basic), Research, Perception

Talents: Read/Write, Petty Magic, Bookish, Coolheaded

Trappings: Dagger, Necromantic text

Necromancer— Silver 2

Skills: Melee (Polearm), Ranged (Entangling), Intimidate, Ride (Skeletal

Steed), Deceive, Cool

Talents: Corpsemaster, Magical Sense, Menacing, Arcane Lore


Trappings: Quarterstaff or Whip, Blasphemous Tome

Master Necromancer — Silver 5

Skills: Leadership, Ride (Nightmare), Ride (Hellsteed), Language (Ancient


Talents: Night Vision, Resistance (Disease), Savvy, Schemer

Trappings: Magic item imbued by Necromantic Power

Master of the Dead— Gold 1

Skills: Ride (Abyssal Terror), Lore (Any)

Talents: Speedreader, Strong-Minded, War-Wizard, Master of the Dead

Trappings: Two or more magic items ímbued with Necromantic Power

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Academic Career

Sword-Scholar of Hoeth something that will just keep growing. By the time
High-Elf they reach the ranks of swordmasters or even bla-
delords they are capable of amazing deeds like
The legendary swordmasters of Hoeth are rightly cutting down arrows mid-flight, cleaving candles
considered some of the most skilled weaponmas- without disturbing the flames or fighting blindfol-
ters of the world. This they achieve not through ded without it impairing their skills much.
battles and brute strength but through centuries of
New Talent:
meticulous study. In fact the students must study
and understand hundreds of fighting styles and Deflect Shots
train to mentally master the sword before being Max: Weaponskill bonus
allowed to even lift the signature swords of the
Swordmasters. Where these skills are tought is Tests: Melee (Two-handed)
not just anywhere however but the tower of Hoeth, You have learnt the amazing feat of cleaving arrows mid-
the greatest centre of learning in Ulthuan and flight to defend yourself. When armed with a Greatsword of
Hoeth you can use Melee (Two-handed) to defend against
perhaps in the whole world.
ranged attacks.
As the sword-scholars first lift the perfectly ba- Fightstyle analyzer
lanced steel-forged greatswords of Hoeth they are
allready far better warriors than most humans Max: Intelligence bonus
could dream of ever becoming and this ability is Tests: Lore (Fighting Styles)
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel You have learnt hundreds if not thousands of different fighting
styles and know a few dozens counters to each move your
      opponent can make. As your action you can chose to analyze
an opponents fighting style, to do so take a Lore (Fighting
Career Path style) test, if you succeed you gain advantage equal to your
rank in this talent. Note that this takes your action and can
Student of War at Hoeth— Brass 3 not be combined with making an attack.

Skills: Lore (Warfare), Lore (Fighting styles), Lore (Magic), Research,

Language (Magick), Language (Eltharin), Cool, Art (Any),

Talents: Read/Write, Acute sense (Proprioception), Fightstyle Analyzer,

Careful Strike

Trappings: 4 Elven Books of War, Holy Icon (Hoeth)

Sword-Scholar of Hoeth— Silver 2

Skills: Melee (Two-handed), Lore (History), Intuition, Evaluate, Art

(Caligraphy), Perception

Talents: Bookish, Savvy, Beat Blade, Furious Assault

Trappings: Greatsword of Hoeth

Swordmaster of Hoeth — Silver 5

Skills: Language (Any), Lore (Any), Dodge, Athletics

Talents: Speedreader, Acute Sense (Hearing), Reaction Strike, Deflect


Trappings: Full scale armour (count as mail until it gets its own rules)

Bladelord of Hoeth— Gold 1

Skills: Lore (Any), Leadership

Talents: Savant (Fighting Styles), Combat Master, Strike to Injure, Tower

of Memories

Trappings: Leadership over a unit of Swordmasters

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Burgher Career

Big Moot Sandwich Artist The make of the classic Big Moot Sandwich
is well known and consist of three all meat
Halfling patties, Hot Pot sauce, lettuce, cheese,
onions and pickles on a caraway seed bun.
The cuisine of the halflings is famed all across However the classic Big Moot Sandwich is just
the Old World and while their pies and feasts one way of making them and there are
are famed for their high quality they are not the countless different recepies and versions,
most common Mootland food eaten by the each chain and even each sandwich store
masses. That title instead goes to the Big having its own versions which they are greatly
Moot Sandwiches which may not be as fa- proud of and whose recepies they protect
mous for their taste but instead are famous for against the thievery of rivalling Sandwich
their availability thanks to Halfling Food Chains Shops.
such as the famous McMurtys, HalfWays and Is this really canon?: Not at all, Big Moot Sandwiches
Big Moot King. are a part of Bloodbowl lore which as most of you know
isn’t canon for warhammer fantasy. However, with that
These food places can be found in most large said this career doesn’t break the lore either, it’s so-
cities in the empire and some of the smaller mething that isn’t mentioned in the lore but which could
ones too, making sure that a halfling made exist.
meal never is far away. Unlike most restau-
rants of the Empire these places have low pri-
ces and offer food deliveries.
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

     
Career Path
Deliveryboy — Brass 3

Skills: Athletics, Charm, Climb, Consume Alcohol, Drive, Dodge, Gossip, Haggle

Talents: Beneath Notice, Catfall, Contortionist, Fleet Footed

Trappings: Shirt with sown on sandwich chain logo

Big Moot Sandwich Artist — Silver 1

Skills: Trade (Cook), Evaluate, Intuition, Art (Sandwich Artist)*, Ranged

(Hotpot), Gamble

Talents: Acute Sense (Taste), Cat-Tongued, Craftsman (Cook), Dealmaker

Trappings: Sets of knives, ingredients

Big Moot Store Manager — Silver 4

Skills: Cool, Language (Any), Perception, Bribery

Talents: Embezzle, Master Tradesman (Cook), Savant (Sandwiches) , Read/Write

Trappings: Big Moot Sandwich Store with staff, 25GC

Big Moot Chain Manager — Gold 1

Skills: Lore (Politics), Intimidate

Talents: Attractive**, Briber, Magnum Opus (Sandwich recepie), Numismatics

Trappings: Big Moot Sandwich chain with at least three stores, 100GC

*Normally considered part of Trade (Cook) extensive lobbying from wealthy hal-
flings has gotten Big Moot Sandwiches accepted as an artform in this supplement.

**This however has absolutely nothing to do with the large donations of halfling
gold I received and is just an accurate representation of Big Moot Sandwich chain

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Burgher Career

Chimneysweep different reasons. Unlike much of the work of

dwarfs which is concerned with making so-
Halfling, Human, Dwarf, Gnome mething lasting sweeping the chimneys is
merely maintnance, an important job but one
All over the Old World coal and wood is burnt that offers no honour or glory. Thus clans give
to keep houses warm and industries pro- their beardlings these temporary jobs as a pa-
ductive. This of course clogs the chimneys use from their apprenticeships fully expecting
with soot requiring chimneysweeps to quite the chimneysweeps to return to the clanwork
litterally sweep by and fix the problem. Most afterwards.
chimneysweeps are children or halflings using Chimneysweeps, often called sweeps, tend to
their small size to great advantage by being work in pairs with one feeding down the brush
able to reach down or climb into chimneys. But from the hearth while the other, often a child or
it is far from only children that do this job, halfling, shimmies into the chimney and cleans
many of the children growing up as
out deposits of soot.
chimneysweeps stay as chimneysweeps when
they reach adulthood, it’s not a good paid job
but at least its a job.
Dwarfs too have a need for chimneysweeps
and just like the humans they often prefer to
give this work to their younger ones, but for
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

     

Career Path
Sootlad — Brass 1

Skills: Lore (Empire), Endurance, Haggle, Perception, Climb, Intuition,

Stealth (Urban), Secret Signs (Sweeps)

Talents: Contortionist, Scale Sheer Surface, Strider (Rooftops), Beneath


Trappings: D5 sweeping brushes, sooty attire

Chimneysweep — Brass 4

Skills: Consume Alcohol, Gossip, Navigation, Ranged (Sling), Language

(Mootish), Perform (Rope Walking)

Talents: Catfall, Alley Cat, Resistance (Suffocation), Night Vision

Trappings: 8 Sweeping Brushes, Sooty attire, Sootlad working for you

Sweep Organiser — Silver 2

Skills: Cool, Dodge, Leadership, Intimidate

Talents: Nose for Trouble, Jump Up, Shadow, Strong Legs

Trappings: 10 Sweeping Brushes, Five or more workteams of Sweepers

Sweep Master — Silver 4

Skills: Lore (Politics), Language (Any)

Talents: Sharp, Savant (City*), Lightning Reflexes, Well-prepared

Trappings: 12 Sweeping Brushes, Ten or more workteams of Sweepers

*This is the city you are working in and have worked most of your career

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Burgher Career

Lamplighter the lamplighter soon gets to rest, but not quite

yet. At dawn the lamplighters must check the
Halfling, Human, Dwarf, Gnome lamps for flaws, making notes of them and go-
ing back to get supplies and repair them. Once
The Empire’s largest cities hold an amazing this has been done the lamplighter is finally
wonder not seen elsewhere in the Old World, done for the night and gets some free time to
street lamps. Though they aren’t found close sleep.
to everywhere in the cities and illuminate but Lamplighters are loners walking in nice ne-
the finer districts where nobles and merchants ighbourhoods and as such must of course be
dwell they are looked at with great pride by the very careful, criminals often see them as easy
population of the cities where they are found. marks or even useful distractions. The fact that
Each district with lamps have one or more watchmen sometimes ask for their help kee-
lamplighters to keep it illuminated. Starting his ping an eye open during their night walks does
work at dusk the lamplighter walks around his nothing to lower the risk they are put in.
district making sure each lamp is lit, having to
relight snuffed out candles or refill lamp oil.
During stormy nights relighting may be almost
constant while on calm nights a lamplighter
may go almost a full night without having to
relight a single lamp. As the sun starts to rise
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

     
Career Path
Lamper — Brass 3

Skills: Perception, Lore (Local), Consume Alcohol, Stealth (Urban), Trade

(Lantern/Lamp Maintenance), Haggle, Outdoor Survival, Climb

Talents: Night Vision, Acute Sense (Sight), Savvy, Flee

Trappings: Lamp Oil, 20 matches, Storm Lanterm, Lamplighters Pole

Lamplighter — Silver 1

Skills: Drive, Athletics, Gossip, Melee (Basic), Secret Signs (Thief), In-

Talents: Dirty Fighting, Alley Cat, Fleet Footed, Combat Aware

Trappings: Tinderbox, 8 Wax Candles

Top-District Lamplighter — Silver 2

Skills: Lore (Law), Ride (Horse), Evaluate, Language (Any)

Talents: Acute Sense (Hearing), Lightning Reflexes, Luck, Nimble Fingered

Trappings: Lamplighter top-district working contract

District Lamp-Master — Silver 4

Skills: Lore (Politics), Leadership

Talents: Nose for Trouble, Read/Write, Sharp, Strong-Minded

Trappings: Supervision duties over a whole Lamplighter district

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Burgher Career

Republic Citizen In the mind of the populace however there is a

massive difference, people of a republic are
Halfling, Human, Dwarf, High-Elf, Gnome famed for fierecly defending their system and
see it as superior to all others, often getting
The Republics of Tilea, most famously Rema into fierce arguments over it. They defend their
and Verezzo, are in practice not that different republic from critique with passionate argu-
from the merchant-principalities. While the lea- ments and heated words. Not because the city
ders are voted for the only ones that can be gives them much more power but because no-
voted for and who are allowed to vote are bility no longer rules them and anyone could in
wealthy merchants and so in practice the re- theory amass enough wealth and become the
alms are still ruled by merchant-princes, just president.
elected ones. The difference lies in that any New Talent:
republic citizen could potentially amass
enough wealth to join the ranks of these Repu- Merchant-Nobility
blican Merchants, gain a vote and gain a Max: 1
chance to rule. Tests: Any Test influenced by your Status
The life of a Republic citizen is in reality very You are either born into the merchant-nobility of Tilea or have
simmilar to that of a townsman in another city, risen there through trade or mercenary work. Assuming you
are dressed appropriately and within Tilea, you are always
filling the trade needs of the republic and wor- considered of higher Status than others unless they also have
king to make a better life for themselves. have the Merchant-Nobility Talent, where Status is compared
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel as normal. This puts you at a higher rank than characters with
the Noble Blood talent while in Tilea. In other lands you are
      instead considered a high-ranking and important merchant,
counting your status as highest unless a character with noble
blood is present.
Career Path
Vendetta (Group)
Republic Towner — Brass 5
Max: Your Fellowship Bonus*
Skills: Charm, Lore (Tilea), Language (Tilean), Consume Alcohol, Drive,
Gamble, Gossip, Haggle Tests: Any attacks (physical or by scheming) on
Talents: Alley Cat, Argumentative, Vendetta (Any), Coolheaded the target of your Vendetta
Trappings: Lodgings, Tilean Hat You are a proud Tilean and can not abide the insult that some-
one has dealt your family. When taking this talent chose a
Republic Citizen — Silver 1
group you have a Vendetta against, this can be any family,
Skills: Bribery, Evaluate, Intuition, Dodge, Melee (Fencing), Play (Any) merchant house/dynasty, specific temple etc, it may not be a
general group such as ”Nobles”, ”Merchants” or ”Priests” but
Talents: Dealmaker, Embezzle, Hatred (Nobles), Gregarious
can be ”The Leonceur Royal Family”, ”The Belladonna Fa-
Trappings: Modest Lodgings in a Tilean Republic, Servant or Mercenary mily”, or ”The Temple of Lucan in Luccini”. Any tests to harm
members of that group through scheming or direct attacks
Republican Merchant — Silver 5
score one additional SL per rank in this talent.
Skills: Cool, Lore (Politics), Perception, Research

Talents: Briber, Wealthy, Read/Write, Vendetta (Any)

Trappings: Coach and Driver, Spy or Bodyguard, Townhouse in a Tilean


President — Gold 2

Skills: Lore (Politics), Intimidate

Talents: Commanding Presence, Public Speaker, Schemer, Merchant-


Trappings: Command over a Tilean Republic

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Courtier Career

Blood Dragon
Bloodline Thrall The Blood Dragons are often not too concerned about mortals, tending
to focus on their martial aspirations. But occassionally they find a mor-
tal they feel has potential and take him with them to see if he can reach
Human his potential and be allowed to perhaps join their order.

Bloodline Skills: Melee (Cavalry), Ride (Skeletal Steed)

The vampire Bloodlines are powerful and their mighty masters of unde-
ath are able to summon hordes of zombies, armies of skeletons and Bloodline Talent: Warrior Born
stranger undead beasts. It is not strange that such power attracts mor-
tals too into their servitude. Some serving the vampires out of fear, Bloodline Trappings: Horse or Skeletal Steed, Saddle and Harness,
some out of adoration and some out of hope to one day be allowed to Lance
become one of them.
Jade Blooded
The Vampires in turn find mortal servants useful, people who can walk
the day, speak to the common masses and who do not face any of the The Jade Blooded vampires of far Cathay are traditionalists caring for
weaknesses of the undead. For many it also gives them a feeling of complicated rules of that foreign culture which they require their mortal
official rule over the lands of the living, something most vampires belive servants to follow flawlessly.
they should have. Bloodline Skills: Lore (Cathay), Language (Cathayan)

Bloodline Skills and Talents: Bloodline Talent: Etiquette (Noble)

To represent the different bloodlines and servitude to them the careers Bloodline Trappings: Eight sets of Cathayan Courtly Garb
have ”Bloodline Skills”, ”Bloodline Trappings” and ”Bloodline Talent”
written in them, where they stand look to the Bloodline served on the Lhamia
table below and add the appropriate Bloodline Skills and Bloodline The Lhamia bloodline has always valued power over mortals and often
Talent to the career. When a skill or talent says ”Bloodline” change it surround themselves with servants and informants.
for the relevant bloodline (for example Lore (Bloodline) would be Lore
(Necrach) if you were serving a Necrach). Bloodline Skills: Entertain (Act), Gossip

Bloodline Talent: Attractive

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel Bloodline Trappings: Sexy Outfit, Dagger with the Fine Quality or
Gold Ring
      Mathmasi
The depraved and monstrous Mathmasi of the southern deserts some-
times claim the services of mortals to aid them,
Career Path
Bloodline Skills: Stealth (Rural), Athletics
Enthralled Mortal — Brass 3 Bloodline Talent: Strider (Desert)
Skills: Bloodline Skills, Charm, Stealth (Any), Drive, Entertain (Any), Bloodline Trappings: 30GC, Any one Melee Weapon
Secret Signs (Bloodline), Haggle
Talents: Bloodline Talent, Beneath Notice, Strong Back, Cat-tongued
The Necrach vampires rarely take mortal servants, prefering to dwell
Trappings: Bone Charm alone with only undead servants. Still at times they see the use for
Bloodline Thrall — Silver 1
Bloodline Skills: Research, Language (Ancient Nehekaran)
Skills: Ride (Horse), Animal Care, Melee (Any), Ranged (Any), Cool, Lore
(Bloodline) Bloodline Talent: Savvy

Talents: Coolheaded, Criminal, Distract, Fearless (Witch Hunters) Bloodline Trappings: Three Scrolls of Necromantic Lore

Trappings: Bloodline Trapping Strigoi

Personal Servant to the Aristocracy of the Night — Silver 2 The monstrous Strigoi often rely on mortal servants to interract with
mortals, though not all Strigoi value such interactions.
Skills: Ride (Nightmare), Lore (Necromancy), Endurance, Evaluate
Bloodline Skills: Charm Animal, Climb
Talents: Read/Write, Etiquette (Bloodline), Fleet Footed, Implacable
Bloodline Talent: Hunter’s Eye
Trappings: Two sets of Courtly Garb
Bloodline Trappings: 5kg of Meat, Butcher’s Tools
Mortal Advisor— Silver 4
Von Carstein
Skills: Lore (Any), Bribe
The Von Carstein have always seen themselves as the rightful rulers of
Talents: Bookish, Briber, Detect Artefact, Numismatics, Savant Sylvania and most often with aspirations to even wider rule. With such
(Bloodline) aspirations they enjoy to have mortal servants in their courts who know
their places under von Carstein rule.
Trappings: Heraldic device of the Bloodline, Weapon with the Fine
Bloodline Skills: Lore (Sylvania), Gossip
Bloodline Talent: Shadow

Bloodline Trappings: Uniform in the Old Sylvanian colours, Shield

with the Fine quality carrying the heraldry of a von Carstein
Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson
Courtier Career

Food Taster Ulthuan few nobles would poison another but that
does not mean its noble houses are safe from
Human, Halfling, High Elf, Gnome these attempts. It is not uncommon for dark elf
spies and assassins sent onto the splendrous high
In the courts of the Old World intrigue is ripe and elf shores to utilize their mastery of poisons to
the threat of assassination is ever present. To help attempt to dispose of hated high elf nobility. A tale
guard against this powerful individuals hire tasters is told in Naggarythe of how during one such
to make sure the food they eat hasn’t been poiso- attempt the taster but smelled the food before dip-
ned. This is a pretty good job for a while, the food ping his knife into its sauce and throwing it to strike
tasters are well paid and have a very low work the heart of the chef, a hidden dark elf assassin,
burden, however the job almost inevitably leads to killing him right away. As the court looked at the
a premature death, often in painful ways. Still a few dying chef in shock the taster dissapeared in the
survive a long time and the royal halfling taster few seconds of distraction leaving but an amulet
Lodo Halfbelly is now 87 years old and has served with the mark of the Shadow King Alith Anar in his
in the Bretonnian court since the time of King Char- seat.
It is not only in the old world this is needed either, in

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

     

Career Path
Reserve Taster — Silver 2

Skills: Endurance, Perception, Intuition, Gossip, Evaluate, Consume

Alcohol, Gamble, Haggle

Talents: Coolheaded, Acute Sense (Taste), Beneath Notice, Etiquette


Trappings: Metal Cutlery, Bib

Food Taster — Silver 4

Skills: Lore (Poisons), Lore (Gastronomy), Charm, Cool, Entertain (Any),

Language (Classical)

Talents: Carouser, Very Resilient,Resistance (Poison), Nose for Trouble

Trappings: Bib with the Fine quality

First Taster — Gold 1

Skills: Bribery, Language (Any), Melee (Fencing), Secret Signs (Assassin


Talents: Diceman, Blather, Acute Sense (Smell), Luck

Trappings: Silver Cutlery

Royal Taster— Gold 2

Skills: Lore (Any), Language (Any)

Talents: Fearless (Assassins), Hardy, Pure Soul, Savant (Poisons)

Trappings: Royal Contract*

*Or contract to another high ranking individual, a contract to an

electour count would count as equal to a royal contract just as the ruler
of an Ulthuan kingdom or a Bretonnian Duke
Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson
Courtier Career

Tilean Dynasty Merchant Given that there is no true hereditary right to rule
every Merchant-Prince, and indeed any mer-
Human chant dynasty, must watch out for rivals making
a bid for power. It is quite usual for a ruler to be
The city states of Tilea are ruled by powerful mer- toppled from power by a rival contender from anot-
chant-princes controlling them not by hereditary her family or even amongst his own relatives. Po-
right but by wealth and mercenary might. An under- wer struggles often taking the form of street fights
standable situation given the large ammount of or even all out war. This leads to strong rivalry and
mercenaries and small ammount of non-mercenary the Tilean traditions reflect this, in Tilean tradition it
forces in the country. In theory this means anyone is important to get back at those that have wronged
can rule a Tilean city-state, in practice the same you and each such instance may be cause for a
family tends to rule the city almost as consistently Vendetta. A Vendetta is an unwritten goal of
as the nobility of Estalia, Bretonnia or the Empire. bringing vengeance on an enemy or rival, renewed
This pre-eminent family would then chose amongst and remembered as needed.
its own ranks a merchant-prince. Some city-states
New Talent:
are instead republics, an oligarchal system where
the mighty merchant dynasties all give a candidate Merchant-Nobility
that can get chosen to rule by a vote from the citi- Max: 1
zens (vote power sometimes decided by wealth).
Tests: Any Test influenced by your Status

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel You are either born into the merchant-nobility of Tilea or have
risen there through trade or mercenary work. Assuming you are
      dressed appropriately and within Tilea, you are always consi-
dered of higher Status than others unless they also have have
the Merchant-Nobility Talent, where Status is compared as
normal. This puts you at a higher rank than characters with the
Career Path Noble Blood talent while in Tilea. In other lands you are instead
considered a high-ranking and important merchant, counting
Aspiring Dynasty Merchant — Gold 1
your status as highest unless a character with noble blood is
Skills: Animal Care, Bribery, Charm, Language (Tilean), Lore (Tilea), present.
Gamble, Melee (Fencing), Haggle
Vendetta (Group)
Talents: Merchant-Nobility, Dealmaker, Read/Write, Vendetta (Any)
Max: Your Fellowship Bonus*
Trappings: Courtly Garb, Foil or Abacus, 10 GC, Jewellery worth d10 GC

Dynasty Merchant — Gold 3

Tests: Any attacks (physical or by scheming) on the
target of your Vendetta
Skills: Evaluate, Ride (Horse), Language (Classical), Language (Guilder),
Leadership, Gossip You are a proud Tilean and can not abide the insult that some-
one has dealt your family. When taking this talent chose a
Talents: Briber, Vendetta (Any), Etiquette (Guilder), Attractive group you have a Vendetta against, this can be any family,
Trappings: Coach or Purebred Horse with saddle and harness, Quality merchant house/dynasty, specific temple etc, it may not be a
Courtly Garb , Main Gauche or Fine Quality Notebook, 100 GC general group such as ”Nobles”, ”Merchants” or ”Priests” but
can be ”The Leonceur Royal Family”, ”The Belladonna Family”,
Paymaster — Gold 5 or ”The Temple of Lucan in Luccini”. Any tests to harm mem-
Skills: Charm, Consume Alcohol, Lore (Politics), Secret Signs (Guilder) bers of that group through scheming or direct attacks score one
additional SL per rank in this talent.
Talents: War-Leader, Public Speaking, Numismatics, Vendetta (Any)

Trappings: Hired Mercenary Army, 2 sets of Fine Courtly Garb, Ware-

house, Signet Ring, 400 GC

Tilean Merchant-Prince— Gold 7

Skills: Intimidate, Intuition

Talents: Commanding Presence, Vendetta (Any), Schemer, Wealthy

Trappings: 4 sets of Fine Courtly Garb, Fine Foil or Abascus in Ivory and
Silver, 1500 gc ,Tilean City-State

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Courtier Career

Tyrant-Appeaser Those that do see the realms find the mighty ogres
that live there driven by the same greed and vanity
Human, Halfling, Gnoblar, Gnome of humans, though sometimes taking other forms.
The tyrants want to be recognized for their great-
Far to the east of the worlds edge mountains, ac- ness and for a silver-tongued individual appeasing
ross the howling plains and beyond even the lands these mighty warlords can be a rewarding choice,
of the chaos dwarfs the Ogre Tyrants rule. Mighty espesially when considering that the options tend to
warlords reigning over the ogre tribes in the be slavery or being eaten. For gnoblars this comes
Mountains of Mourn. In the comparatively civilized naturally and they have a long experience of serving
Old World most dismiss the ogres as uncivilized this way, this does however unfortunately mean that
brutes, something that admittedly does hold true for they aren’t much of trophies for a mighty Ogre,
them, and fail to understand that they rule mighty having a human tell them how great they are is ho-
realms often rivalling imperial provinces in size or wever a great proof of their superiority. Halflings ins-
even in the case of the Goldtooth tribe dwarfing tead share a strange connection to ogres that neit-
some of them. The few ogres seen by the citizens of her specie can explain, they simply tend to get
the empire tend to be roving mercenaries in rela- along, which is lucky for the halflings given that
tively low numbers but merchants daring the silk when they don’t the ogres find their taste delicious.
road to Grand Cathay tell tales of the Ogre King-
New Talent:
doms and the might of the Tyrants.
My boss can beat your boss!
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel
Max: 1
      Tests: -
Career Path You serve a mighty Ogre tyrant, a creature able to wrsetle gi-
ants, hunt down mammoths, scale the highest peaks unaided
Bruiser-Admirer — Brass 4 and much more before dinner. As long as you are near an ally
Skills: Perform (Any), Intuition, Charm, Dodge, Language (Grumbarath), which causes fear you ignore the fear rule of everything with an
Lore (The Ogre Kingdoms), Perception equal or lower fear rating than your fear causing ally.

Talents: My boss can beat your boss!, Blather, Supportive, Beneath Shantytown Bully
Max: Fellowship Bonus
Trappings: A mark of the ogre tribe you are serving, d10 pieces of un-
matched cutlery Tests: Intimidate to people with lower status
Tyrant-Appeaser — Silver 1 You serve a mighty Ogre tyrant, the best boss in the whole
tribe, this automatically makes you superior to all other ogre
Skills: Consume Alcohol, Cool, Evaluate, Gamble, Intimidate, Entertain slaves, something you love rubbing in their faces. When dealing
with others you may count the status of your ogre master as
Talents: Etiquette (Gnoblars), Embezzle, Shantytown Bully, Cat-tongued your own status as long as those you deal with have heard of
your master.
Trappings: Rags with the Fine quality

Tyrant’s Luckbringer — Silver 2

Skills: Entertain (Storytelling), Stealth (Any), Language (Any), Lore (Any)

Talents: Distract, Suave, Luck, Nose for Trouble

Trappings: A reputation for bringing good fortune

Tyrant’s Favorite— Silver 5

Skills: Sleight of Hand, Bribery

Talents: Briber, Carouser, Savant (The Ogre Tribe you serve), Well-

Trappings: A clear status as the favorite servant of an ogre tyrant

*Note that its almost exclusively Ogres and Gnoblars that find ”just
shouting really loudly” to be entertaining in and off itself.

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Peasant Career


For dwarfs clan and ancestors is incredibly im- As time goes on the beardling learns to become a
portant, honour is not only a mark of a single dwarf true dwarf of his clan. He gets to meet the hated
but of his whole clan. Pressure to follow tradition is foes of the dwarfs in battle with his clansdwarfs by
thus very big for dwarfs and to honour ones clan his side. He learns the stories of the dwarfs and the
and forefathers is according to many the only im- lore of the mountains, eventually most further spe-
portant pursuit a dwarf can have. cialise, spending time with guild as much as with
clan. Still a dwarfs ties to his clans are hard to se-
Thus many beardlings start as they should, by lis-
ver and even when far from home he identifies with
tening close to the words of their elders to learn to
them first and foremost.
act as a true dwarf should. Learning the lore of the
ancient dwarf realms, learning Khazalid and the As the dwarf gets older he learns that there is really
klinkarhun, learning the trade of their clan and how only one place for him, at the hold of his birth in his
to swing an axe against those that threaten the own clan-halls. Perhaps he never left, perhaps he
dwarfs and their treasures. had long wandered the world. But old and wise he
prepares to take an honoured place there. As his
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel beard reaches the floor when standing the dwarf
becomes a longbeard, something normally happe-
      ning around the age of 500-years. A great cere-
mony is held and he is accepted amongst the
Career Path Longbeards, the oldest and wisest of all dwarfs. In
both peace and war thanes and lords turn to long-
Beardling — Brass 3
beards for advice, often choosing councillors from
Skills: Language (Khazalid), Lore (Dwarfs), Trade (Any One), Melee
their ranks.
(Basic), Consume Alcohol, Endurance, Ranged (Crossbow), Lore
(Metallurgy) As the longbeard grows ever older he will eventu-
Talents: Read/Write, Relentless, Resolute, Strong-minded ally find himself the oldest member of a clan. Such
Trappings: Hand Weapon (Hammer, Axe or Pick), Mail Coat, Tankard
an individual is known as a clan elder and generally
is the one that leads the clan.
Clansdwarf — Brass 4
But what do I actually do?: Unlike most careers it may
Skills: Entertain (Storytelling), Evaluate, Intimidate, Lore (Geology), Lore
seem there is no job really linked to Clansman, a clans-
(History), Melee (Two-Handed)
man could really be any old dwarf regardless of clan and
Talents: Drilled, Carouser, Stout Hearted, Hatred (Any) profession right? The answer to that is both Yes and No.
Trappings: Helmet, Mail Chausses, Pipe, Personal Book of Grudges Yes they come from all kinds of dwarf clans but they
share a deep respect for dwarf traditions and hold strong
Longbeard — Silver 2
ties to clan and hold. Working this career has you wor-
Skills: Leadership, Intuition, Melee (Any), Lore (Warfare) king for your clan and either learning from your elders or
Talents: Wealth, Inspiring, Etiquette (Dwarf Old-timers and Veterans), teaching the beardlings of the clan.
Seasoned Traveller

Trappings: A beard long enough to reach the floor, Beard-ornaments

Clan Elder— Silver 4

Skills: Lore (Any), Charm

Talents: Blather, Fearless (Any), Commanding Presence, Iron Jaw

Trappings: Dwarf Clan

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Peasant Career

Herdsman Most famous are perhaps the shepherds of Car-

casonne in Bretonnia who are infamous for their
Human, Halfling, Dwarf, Gnome military role in not only protecting their herds from
orcs but harrying those Waaaghs! as they advance
and scouting their posistions for lord and duke.
Herdsmen are a common sight in the Old World
In the holds of the dwarfs herding clans are
and ones often carrying a dangerous and unappre-
amongst those with the absolute lowest status,
ciated line of work. Leading herds of cattle, sheep,
spending time over ground they are belived to go
goats or swine in the wilds of the Old World marks
sunmad over time and dealing with animals is
them as a target for bandits, beastmen, greenskin
hardly a proper dwarf job.
and worse. As a result many train so they are able
to put up a fight with their staffs and slings and thus
increase the chances of survival for them and their
herds. Some instead offer meat, cheeses and an
overly friendly attitude to roadwardens and fi-
eldwardens where they live to make sure those gu-
ards of the lands keep an extra eye out for their

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

     

Career Path
Apprentice Herdsman — Brass 2

Skills: Charm Animal, Animal Care, Outdoor Survival, Endurance, In-

tuition, Navigation, Melee (Polearm)

Talents: Acute Sense (Hearing), Flee!, Sharp, Beneath Notice

Trappings: Shepherd’s Crook (Counts as Quarterstaff), Cute little Lamb or

Cute little piglet or Lonely Calf or Goat kid, Leather Jerkin

Herdsman — Brass 3

Skills: Perception, Ranged (Sling), Stealth (Rural), Climb, Dodge, Secret

Sign (Ranger)

Talents: Marksman, Animal Affinity, Rover, Fleet Footed

Trappings: Sling, Sheepdog

Herdkeeper — Brass 4

Skills: Lore (Local), Play (Flute), Entertain (Storyteller), Track

Talents: Combat Reflexes, Orientation, Rapid Reload, Sharpshooter

Trappings: Herd of Sheep or Herd of Swine or Herd of Cattle or Herd of


Ranch owner— Silver 2

Skills: Haggle, Bribery

Talents: Fearless (Outlaws), Luck, Suave, Hardy

Trappings: Ranch

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Peasant Career

Horse Coper A coper that always dealt so would however not

last too long, while no horse coper worth his name
Human, Halfling, Gnome would pass up an easy mark most learn, someti-
mes the hard way, that if they scam the wrong pe-
ople they may end up beaten to an inch of their life,
Horse Copers, or horse salesmen, are notorious for or worse straight up killed. Thus most Horse Co-
their dishonesty and while there are the occassion- pers make sure to treat regulars well and keep the
al honest one most stables seem to have a coper true scamming for people just passing by.
offering ”the best horses on the market at insane
prices”. As horses tend to be both important and
expensive the market is incredibly competative and
buyers tend to have a hard time finding a reliable
dealer, or well the ”Breeders Guild of Averland” su-
rely fits as reliable but then again their prices tend
to be well over twice the market rate as a result.
Espescially underhanded and deceitful Horse Co-
pers have been known to go to such extremes as
paint rotting teeth white and use perfumes to mask
the stink of disease on their animals.

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

     

Career Path
Coper Stablehand — Brass 4

Skills: Animal Care, Charm Animal, Animal Training, Charm, Haggle,

Entertain (Act), Ride (Horse), Drive

Talents: Argumentative, Cat Tongued, Animal Affinity, Suave

Trappings: Set of Fine Clothing, Set of Work Clothes, Saddle

Horse Coper— Silver 2

Skills: Bribery, Evaluate, Lore (Horses), Sleight of Hand, Gamble, Ranged


Talents: Deal Maker, Attractive, Blather, Criminal

Trappings: 5 horses of varying quality, 5 gold, Lasso or whip

Horse Merchant— Silver 5

Skills: Language (Any), Track, Gossip, Consume Alcohol

Talents: Cardsharp, Read/Write, Embezzle, Numismatics

Trappings: 10 horses, 15 gold

Master Horse Merchant— Gold 1

Skills: Intuition, Lore (Any)

Talents: Kingpin, Diceman, Savant (Horse), Savvy

Trappings: 20 horses, 25 gold

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Peasant Career

Skavenslave enough to let them survive to learn the basic rules

Brown Skaven, Any Captured by Skaven for survival as a skaven slave. Learning how and
when to get food, how to beg pitifully enough to be
Deep under the lands of men and dwarfs lie the spared and how to make any junk found into a
under-empire, the fractious realm of the skaven. relatively deadly weapon.
These lands of the vile ratmen require a massive
Life for skaven slaves tend to be short and their
slavecaste not merely for labour but for their entire
ends violent but there are some few that manage
economy. While most slaves are of the ratmens
to survive for several years and even tales of
own specie there are also unfortunates from other
some rare few that have managed to live in sla-
species that make up this lowest of rungs of the
very for more than a decade. These rare Oldti-
skaven hierarchy.
mers always have some trick that keeps them
The life of a skaven slave is a harsh one. The life alive long, tricks worth much amongst the slaves.
of a skaven slave is worth far less than a single
Skaven slaves are also sometimes sent into battle
shard of the warpstone they mine and those sla-
where they can drain the ammunition of the foe by
ves that fail in their duty or for different reasons
getting hit by it or tire their foes by forcing them to
die get added to the next days feeding soup. For
commit to the repeatable motions required to cut
most new slaves this nightmarish existance
them down. Occassionally the skaven slaves sent
becomes to much and they do not last. For some
to fight manage to actually wound or kill a foe, so-
the drive to survive and their endurance prove
mething that inevitably leads to recognition….for
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel the chieftain leading them and his tactical bril-
liance that managed to utilize even slaves so well.
     
Still it is not as if slaves are never recognized for
Career Path their services to the clan. When something goes
wrong it is quite common that a slave gets the pri-
New Slave — Brass 0
vilige of speaking for the clan and explain its act-
Skills: Athletics, Climb, Endurance, Language (Queekish), Melee ions.
(Brawling), Outdoor Survival, Entertain (Beg pitifully)*

Talents: Beneath Notice, Stone Soup, Dirty Fighting, Flee

Wait I have no income!: That is fully intentional
and not an error. You are a slave, you are not
Trappings: Rags
paid. It is assumed you get (insufficient) food and
Skavenslave — Brass 0 (shared cramped) housing as part of it though so
Skills: Dodge, Melee (Basic), Trade (Shiv-making), Lore (Skaven), Sleight while you are working you need not worry too
of Hand, Perception much about that. At the GMs discretion you gain
Talents: Fast Hands, Enclosed Fighting, Night Vision, Resist (Warpstone scraps of food when working to get income. If this
Corruption) is chosen the below table decides how much
Trappings: Poor craftsmanship tool scraps of food you get.
Skavenslave Survivor — Brass 0 Career Scraps of Food Earned
Skills: Intimidate, Intuition, Swim, Ranged (Sling)
1 d10
Talents: Resist (Disease), Scale Sheer Surface, Strider (Heaps of trampled
corpses), Strider (Rubble)
2 2d10
Trappings: Miniscule Warpstone sliver

Skavenslave Old-timer — Brass 0 3 4d10

Skills: Stealth (Underground), Charm
4 6d10
Talents: Supportive, Resistance (Poison), Resistance (Mutations), Strider

Trappings: Successful Survival Strategy

*Note that this is far less entertaining for non-Skaven to watch.

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Ranger Career

Dwarf Ranger

Even amongst the dwarfs who so clearly dislike signature greataxes equally able to cut apart ene-
spending time outside there are those that scout mies as to quickly fell trees of the strategy requires
and hunt. The job of a dwarf ranger is not glamo- it the dwarf rangers are no weaklings up close.
rous and most dwarfs agree that dwarf rangers Many are the orcs who have thought them an easy
tend to suffer from sun-madness sooner or later. target for their boars just to face a wall of blade and
Still the rangers continue their clan work, they learn steel no less solid than the line-infantry.
the mountainsides every shortcut and hidden path,
Most rangers use crossbows to fight, picking off
they learn of the dangers lurking there and how to
their foes with steady aim and iron bolts. Most but
keep the hold with the information it needs.
not all, not all dwarf rangers are hunters, it is the
Rangers are often though not always from hunter greataxe that is their signature weapon, not the
clans, utilizing their knowledge of wilderness survi- crossbow. Still even those that prefer to fight up
val for scouting. In war rangers are a valued and close and personal see the value in ranged opt-
important resource for the dwarf holds, needed to ions. Well-crafted throwing axes accompany them
learn of the enemies locations and plans. With their to battle which can be unleashed with great
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel strength.

      New Talent:
Armoured Stealth
Career Path Max: Agility Bonus
Outdoorsman — Brass 3
Tests: Stealth
Skills: Melee (Basic), Ranged (Crossbow), Navigate, Climb, Perception,
Dwarf rangers wear their chainmails when scouting, deeming
Track, Lore (Local), Stealth (Rural)
anything less unfit for any war-situation, and as a result has
Talents: Catfall, Hunter’s Eye, Hatred (Greenskins), Fleet Footed learnt to sneak even when wearing heavy armour. The penalty
to stealth and perception for wearing mail armour is reduced
Trappings: Hand Weapon (Axe), Crossbow with twelve bolts, Leather
by three times the characters ranks in this talent.
Jack, Leather Leggings, Warm coat

Ranger— Brass 4 Karak Rangers and Dwarf Rangers

Skills: Athletics, Intuition, Melee (Two-Handed), Ranged (Thrown),
Stealth (Any One), Set Trap When I made this Archives of the
Talents: Armoured Stealth, Stonesoup, Strong Legs, Strider (Mountains) empire was not yet released and
Trappings: Mail Coat, Two-handed Axe thus Karak Rangers were not a career
Ranger Veteran — Silver 1
yet. Both seem to represent the
Skills: Lore (Warfare), Trade (Cartographer), Leadership, Entertain
same concept but in very different
Talents: Jump Up, Orientation, Resistance (Cold), Furious Assault, ways. This is closer to the tabletop
Trappings: Helmet, a band of rangers under your command version while Karak Ranger takes its
Master Ranger— Silver 2 own spin on it (replacing the trad-
Skills: Stealth (Any One), Evaluate
itional crossbow with gunpowder
Talents: Nose for Trouble, Rover, Scale Sheer Surface, Implacable,
weapons. Newfangled objects worth
Trappings: A two-handed axe with at least two instances of the durable
quality, the hard-earned respect of the hold’s longbeards to grumble about). Anyway, I chose
to make both randomizable in this.

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Ranger Career

Fieldwarden or seeking out and rescuing a lost lamb. This type

of community presence makes the Fieldwardens
Halfling highly liked in the Moot and offers of free beer or
pies are common as they visit taverns or homes.
Given the Moot’s shared border with Sylvania the
The Moot is not kept safe and happy by shear luck
fieldwardens have learnt to deal with the undead,
or purely by human intervention. Guarding it’s bor-
and which undead they can’t deal with without help
ders are the Fieldwardens, skilled skirmishers
from outside the Moot.
ready to repel unwanted guests regardless if those
are bandits, greenskins, beastmen, undead or so-
mething else. While the Moot has it’s own state
troops as well it is the fieldwardens that stand as
the first line of defence and which buys them time
to arrive with spears, bows, hotpots and half-tanks.
When Fieldwardens aren’t stationed on the frontli-
nes they tour the communities offering a friendly
face that shows that for now the Moot is safe.
During this time they also take on various small
jobs like mending fences, helping with the harvest But there are official rules for these
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel
There are, And you should probably
     
use those. There weren’t when I
Career Path made these rules however and rat-
Aspiring Fieldwarden— Brass 2 her than remove this career from the
Skills: Ranged (Sling), Dodge. Lore (Halfling), Language (Mootish), supplement I kept it in for anyone
Gossip, Stealth (Rural), Outdoor Survival, Perception
that wants to see or even use my ol-
Talents: Fleet Footed, Savvy, Rover, Rapid Reload

Trappings: Sling, Lantern. Lamp Oil, Spade

der version instead.
Fieldwarden— Brass 4

Skills: Intuition, Lore (Necromancy), Charm, Cool, Track, Athletics

Talents: Sure Shot, Accurate Shot, Acute Sense (Sight), Combat Aware

Trappings: Leather Jack

Fieldrider — Silver 1

Skills: Lore (Warfare), Ride (Pony), Charm Animal, Animal Care

Talents: Combat Reflexes, Deadeye Shot, Iron Will, Pure Soul

Trappings: Pony with Saddle and Harness

Fieldwarden Captain— Silver 2

Skills: Leadership, Consume Alcohol

Talents: Attractive, Fearless (Undead), Inspiring, Sniper

Trappings: A unit of Fieldwardens or Fieldriders

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Ranger Career

rent winds or even mixing them. In fact the greatest
Wood elf Spellweavers are able to call upon magic it takes High Elf
Loremasters centuries to master instinctively or call forth the
Woodelves all share a connection to Athel Loren and the magic the dark elves have over generations cruelly deve-
World Roots but for most this magical path offers little more loped through torturous rituals with but a thought to the dhar-
than omens and foreboding. Not so for the Kindred of Kel- corrupted parts of the worldroot.
Isha, the spellsingers.
New Talent:
Instead of shielding themselves from the magic and the forest
to avoid losing their minds to the vast powers of Athel Loren Blessings of the Ancients
they use rituals to open their connection and become unique-
ly connected to the powers of Athel Loren. A connection that Max: Initiative Bonus
allows them to reshape the woods themselves or to change Tests: Channeling
the laws of nature not with studied spells or strong faith as
humans would but by an intuitive connection to the forest and Connected to the ancient magic of the forest you can call upon po-
through it the winds of magic. wers stronger than your own. While using the channeling skill in a
forest (as approved by the GM) you score an additional number of
It is partly due to this connection that the spellsingers are the SLs equal to your rank in this skill.
first sent for diplomacy on the rare cases the woodelves
attempt it. Where other elves would need to try to predict the Darkweaver
forests reaction to any counter-arguments or suggestions a
Max: 1
Spellsinger simply understands it.
You study the lore of Dark Magic. You may now memorise spells from the
Being bound to the forest rather than accessing the winds
Dark Magic Lore for the following cost in XP up to a maximum of four such
directly spellsingers need not worry about calling upon diffe-
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel Number of Dark Magic Spells Currently Known and XP Cost for a new spell

      No spells known 200 XP

One spell known 400 XP

Career Path Two spells known 600 XP

Three spells known 800 XP

Kel-Isha Kindred Youngling — Bronze 1
Full rules for learning new spells are provided in Chapter 8: Magic. If you
Skills: Language (Eltharin), Intuition, Outdoor Survival, Entertain (Sing),
have this talent you may never learn the highweaver talent.
Language (Magick), Channeling, Lore (Athel Loren) , Charm Animal

Talents: Second Sight, Petty Magic, Magical Sense, Sixth Sense Highweaver
Trappings: A strong connection to Athel Loren Max: 1
Spellsinger — Bronze 3 You study the lore of High Magic. You may now memorise spells from the
Skills: Perception, Ride (Horse), Heal, Stealth (Forest), Navigate, Climb High Magic Lore for the following cost in XP up to a maximum of four such
Talents: Blessings of the Ancients, Perfect Pitch, Arcane Lore (Any), Holy
Visions* Number of High Magic Spells Currently Known and XP Cost for a new spell

Trappings: A very strong connection to Athel Loren No spells known 200 XP

Spellweaver — Silver 1 One spell known 400 XP

Skills: Animal Care, Ride (Unicorn), Ride (Great Eagle), Tracking Two spells known 600 XP

Talents: Savant (Athel Loren), Orientation, Strider (Vegetation), Animal Three spells known 800 XP
Affinity Full rules for learning new spells are provided in Chapter 8: Magic. If you
Trappings: A near unparalleled connection to Athel Loren have this talent you may never learn the darkweaver talent.

Highweaver/Darkweaver (As defined by choice of lore) — Silver 2

Skills: Stealth (Rural), Charm

Talents: Darkweaver, Highweaver, Savant (Magic), Etiquette (Forest


Trappings: A state of being between that of elf and forest spirit

*Though they can occassionally come from any within the pantheon it is
Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemars-
most commonly Isha that sends them.
Ranger Career

Wildwood Ranger
suffered greatly at the hands of the denizens of
Wood elf the wildwood, often having lost their family to the
dark forest spirits.
Even for the elves of Athel Loren the forest is not
While they answer to no authority within their soci-
safe and it is most certainly not tamed. There are
ety the Wildwood Rangers sometimes agree to a
still those forest spirits that would prefer to see all
highborns request to gain their aid in an upcoming
elves driven from their forest. The worst of these
war, and at every time they so fight they do it with
forest spirits are kept in a part of the forest known
the same stoicism with which they carry their duty
as the wildwood kept in by ancient magic and El-
at the edges of the Wildwood.
ven Waystones.
New Talent:
But even the ancient magic of the elves can fail
releasing these deadly forest spirits upon Athel Guardian of the Wildwood
Loren. Thus it comes to the Wildwood Rangers to
Max: Willpower Bonus
patrol its borders and keep the forest safe.
Test: Melee (Two-handed) to attack fear causing enemies
These ancient kindreds of elves have a steadi-
You have trained to defend against horrifying foes and seeing their terrify-
ness of will even other elves find intimidating and
ing visages just fill you with determination. Melee attacks you make against
there is good reason for this. Almost all of those enemies causing fear deal extra damage equal to your ranks in this skill.
that take up the mantle of Wildwood Ranger have

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

     

Career Path
Waystone Guardian — Silver 1

Skills: Cool, Perception, Outdoor Survival, Lore (Forest Spirits), Intuition,

Set Trap, Climb, Melee (Basic)

Talents: Combat Aware, Combat Reflexes, Coolheaded, Drilled

Trappings: Sword, Leather Jack

Wildwood Ranger — Silver 3

Skills: Navigation, Tracking, Melee (Two-Handed), Stealth (Rural), Intimi-

date, Athletics

Talents: Fearless (Forest Spirits), Relentless, Guardian of the Wildwood,

Stout Hearted

Trappings: Two-handed Axe, Full leather armour, Cloak

Wildwood Warden — Silver 5

Skills: Leadership, Secret Signs (Ranger), Climb, Heal

Talents: Iron Will, Menacing, Strong Minded, Unshakable

Trappings: Unit of Wildwood Rangers

Lord Warden of the Wildwood— Gold 1

Skills: Melee (Any), Lore (Athel Loren)

Talents: Savant (The Wildwood), Magical Sense, Slayer, War Leader

Trappings: Several units of Wildwood Rangers

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Seafarer Career

Lothern Sea Guard compete for dominance of the seas such as the
High Elf vicious Dark Elves but also a great number of sea
monsters. Due to this reason the Sea Guard often
The capital of Eataine guards the path between worship Mathlann, a god seen as destructive and
Ulthuans inner and outer sea. It is from this glo- dangerous in other parts of Ulthuan. But knowing
rious port the finest navymen of Ulthuan are rai- the powers of the deep the Sea Guard know it can
sed, the Lothern Sea Guard, a disciplined force be fateful to disrespect the the god of sea mons-
proud in its ability to adapt to any situation with ters. It is believed that this may be the reason the
help of training in a wide array of weapons and only elves ever shown respect by the fearsome
sea operations. merwyrms have been a few chosen Seahelms of
the Lothern Sea Guard.
Seeing the Hawkships and skycutters of the High-
Elf Navy it is easy to see why the Sea Guard New Talent:
holds its great reputation and can rightly be proud
Blessed by Mathlann
in their abilities.
Max: Twice your Willpower Bonus
The fact that Ulthuan dominates the seas should
not be seen as an indication that the work of the Tests: No
Sea Guard is safe or easy however. The Sea Gu- The Lord of the Deeps have taken notice of you, a fact that
ard not only face many deadly foes that wish to may very well end up saving your life, but one must remem-
ber that Mathlann is a dangerous and fickle god. As an alter-
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel nate use of fortune points you can spend one to make a sea
creature chose to not attack you. This can be called at any
      time and makes the Sea Monster chose other targets than
you for a number of turns equal to your rank in this skill. In
addition having this rank allows you to be able to ride a mer-
Career Path wyrm (note that this does not guarantee that the merwyrm is
friendly to you and can have it attack despite the talent, also
Levyman — Silver 2 note that you will also need the skill ”Ride (Merwyrm)”.
Skills: Melee (Basic), Melee (Polearm), Ranged (Bow), Sail (Hawkship),
Swim, Lore (Sea Creatures), Lore (Ulthuan), Navigate

Talents: Sea Legs, Strider (Coast), Well-prepared, Drilled

Trappings: Spear, Bow with six arrows, Light Scale Armour (Treat as mail
ruleswise until scale gets its own rules)

Sea Guard — Silver 3

Skills: Cool, Sail (Skycutter), Ranged (High-Elf Boltthrower), Athletics,

Perception, Intuition

Talents: Fisherman, Orientation, Reaction Strike, Resistance (Drowning)

Trappings: Shield, Helmet

Sea Master — Silver 5

Skills: Leadership, Entertain (Any), Sail (Any), Play (Horn)

Talents: Old Salt, Pilot, Strong Swimmer, Blessed by Mathlann

Trappings: Sea Guard Unit

Sea Helm— Gold 1

Skills: Charm, Ride (Merwyrm)

Talents: Inspiring, Savant (Ocean), Stout-Hearted, Master and Comman-


Trappings: Hawkship

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Seafarer Career

Navyman to hire them as privateers.

Human, Halfling, Dwarf, High Elf Most Dwarf holds lack ships and navies com-
pletely but Barak Varr stands as a mighty except-
Many are the dangers that come from the sea and
ion to this rule. It’s navy might hold the individually
someone has to keep them off the civilized sho-
strongest vessels in the entire world with mighty
res. Regardless if it’s Norscan wolfships, orc pira-
steam driven Ironclads, underwater Nautiluses
tes, Dark Elf Corsairs, Sartosan Buccaneers, the
and carrier ships for the dwarf air corps.
Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast or any other
ocean reavers someone has to stand as a bulwark Even such wonders do not allow the dwarfs of
against their assault and that duty is done by the Barak Varr the title as the most powerful navy in
navy. the world however, their ships are not numerous
enough for that. Instead this title falls clearly to the
In the Empire the province of Nordland shoulder
Navy of Ulthuan which clearly rules the seas and
this responsibility almost alone sharing some of
holds a naval presence in all corners of the world.
the responsibility with Ostland, the other Imperial
province with a coastline.
In Tilea each coastal city state hires a mercenary
navy to serve it on the high seas and protect them
from Sartosan pirates when the state can’t afford

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

     

Career Path
Navy Recruit — Silver 1

Skills: Melee (Basic), Swim, Dodge, Cool, Endurance, Language (Battle),

Sail (Any), Row

Talents: Sea Legs, Warrior Born, Strong Swimmer, Strong Back

Trappings: Uniform, Handweapon (Cutlass), Roll of rope

Navyman — Silver 3

Skills: Athletics, Consume Alcohol, Gamble, Ranged (Gunpowder), Melee

(Brawling), Entertain (Sing)

Talents: Drilled, Etiquette (Navy), Rapid Reload, Chanty

Trappings: Pistol with ten shots, Leather Jacket

Navy Captain — Silver 5

Skills: Leadership, Perception, Intuition, Sail (Any)

Talents: Old Salt, Warleader, Master and Commander, Unshakable

Trappings: Command of a Navyship

Admiral— Gold 1

Skills: Lore (Warfare), Lore (Sea Creatures)

Talents: Inspiring, Public Speaking, Seasoned Traveller, Stout-hearted

Trappings: Command of a Fleet

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Seafarer Career

Pirate Dwarf pirates are rare but not unheard of, the infa-
Human, Dwarf, Halfling, High Elf, Gnome mous Long Drong Silver and his Slayer Pirates is
an example although that particular crew refuse to
There are those that prey on others on the High prey on just anyone, attacking primarily greenskin,
Seas, dread pirates that take sink ships and take Norscan, Dark elf and skaven vessels.
their treasures. As natural with such a terror of the
Ulthuan may deny the existance of High Elf pira-
seas legends are rife and it tends to be hard to tell
tes but their claims are not true, although rare
the truth of it. Still some such legends are true,
there are those high elves that deflect from Ulthu-
there is a pirate kingdom The Tilean state of Sar-
ans sailors and become pirates, and good ones at
tosa is an island of pirates where the ruling fami-
that. Utilizing the sea lore of the High Elves and
lies all are bound by the pirate code.
their skill as sailors they become feared pirates no
There are many reasons people may find Piracy a less deadly than the Dark Elf Corsairs.
good choice but the truth is that most choosing it
New Talent:
do so due to the harsh conditions they face every
day on the ships they work on before. On a pirate Privateer (Any)
ship the crew share more democratic than on Max: 1
most lawful vessels and even a small improve-
You have made a deal with a nation to prey on their enemies
ment can be worth a lot to a scurvy ridden sea and serve them. You have a letter of Marque and although
dog. not liked by either side you are at least tolerated by those that
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel you have made a deal with. When taking this talent chose a
nation keeping in mind that it should make sense in the
      game, discuss with the GM if needed. With this nation you
ignore the status penalty from Criminal and you can hide
there from justice for crimes made in other nations..
Career Path Merchant-Nobility
Sea Dog — Silver 1
Max: 1
Skills: Melee (Brawling), Swim, Dodge, Athletics, Melee (Basic), Con-
sume Alcohol, Sail (Any), Row Tests: Any Test influenced by your Status
Talents: Sea Legs, Etiquette (Pirates), Strong Swimmer, Criminal You are either born into the merchant-nobility of Tilea or have
risen there through trade or mercenary work. Assuming you
Trappings: Cutlass (Hand Weapon), Bandana, Bottle of Rum are dressed appropriately and within Tilea, you are always
Pirate — Silver 3 considered of higher Status than others unless they also
have have the Merchant-Nobility Talent, where Status is com-
Skills: Cool, Perception, Gamble, Endurance, Ranged (Gunpowder), pared as normal. This puts you at a higher rank than charac-
Entertain (Sing) ters with the Noble Blood talent while in Tilea. In other lands
Talents: Ambidextrous, Marksman, Rapid Reload, Chanty you are instead considered a high-ranking and important
merchant, counting your status as highest unless a character
Trappings: Pistol with six shots, Leather Jacket with noble blood is present.
Pirate Captain — Silver 5

Skills: Leadership, Melee (Any), Intuition, Sail (Any)

Talents: Old Salt, Warleader, Privateer (Any), Dual Wielder

Trappings: Pirate Ship with Crew, Captain’s Hat

Pirate Princess— Gold 1

Skills: Language (Tilean), Lore (Sea Creatures)

Talents: Inspiring, Master and Commander, Seasoned Traveller, Mer-


Trappings: Fine Lodgings at Sartosa, Five or more Pirate Ships with


Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Seafarer Career

Tobaro Navigator part with is still to this day kept by the Del Sagona
Human, Halfling, Dwarf, High Elf, Gnome navigator family.
Due to these great dangers the Navigator Families
The city of Sirens and fools, Tobaro, is infamous
of Tobaro we,l,l guard their knowledge and run a
for the dangers assoociated with going there due
oligopoly on all sea trade in the city, making them
to no small part the Fool’s Rock. A series of sharp
a supremely powerful organisation within the city.
cliffs, strong currents and hidden reefs. In fact so
Still they do not do so unchallenged for their ori-
deadly is this passage that it is said that none but
gins hark back to the origins of the Tobaran
the Navigator families can navigate them, a ru-
houses, the rivalling political organisations that vie
mour tested many times. Famously the seahelm
for power in the city.
Elthriona tried it when her seaguard were sent to
oppose Skaven plans and relieve the city of an As these powerful houses rose infighting became
ongoing siege. Arrogantly she presumed those rife and for those that disagreed with the lea-
rumours of it being difficult where all from the point dership there where two options, fight or move.
of humans and that an elite elf like herself would Those that fought the royal house lost and were
have little problem navigating the Fool’s Rock. publicly executed by being thrown of the Tobaran
Running aground she was then forced to pay an cliffs. Those that moved to new places in the
exorbitant price for the help to get the valuable elf vicinity either moved deeper in the caves or out on
ship out. The magic sword Elthriona was forced to the cliffs and islands of the Fool’s Rock. Those
that moved deeper into the caves where never
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel heard from again but those that moved out on the
Fool’s Rock became the Navigator houses, con-
      trolling the sea of Tobaro and despite their rivalry
keeping a united front against the rulers of To-
Career Path
New Talent:
Fool’s Guide — Silver 1
Fool’s Pilot
Skills: Consume Alcohol, Gossip, Intuition, Lore (Tobaro), Language
(Tilean), Language (Estalian), Perception, Navigate, Swim Max: Intelligence Bonus
Talents: Fool’s Pilot, Etiquette (Sailors), Sea Legs, Read/Write
Tests: Navigation, Row, Lore (Tobaro) and Sail
Trappings: Navigator House Seal, Sextant, Maps, Stylish hat
You have learnt the secrets of guiding vessels through the
Tobaro Navigator — Silver 3 Fool’s Rock. In tests to guide a ship through the Fool’s Rock
you get a +20% bonus to the tests. In addition all lore tests
Skills: Charm, Cool, Gossip, Sail (Any), Row, Secret Signs (Navigator
regarding Tobaro count as basic for you. For each rank ad-
ded beyond the first add a +5 bonus to associated Navigate
Talents: Orientation , Dealmaker, Numismatics, Pilot and Lore tests.
Trappings: Coded Navigator House maps, Purse with both Tilean and Merchant-Nobility
Estalian coins
Max: 1
Master Navigator — Gold 1

Skills: Haggle, Intimidate, Entertain (Storytelling), Lore (Estalia)

Tests: Any Test influenced by your Status

Talents: Etiquette (Pirates), Fearless (Sharks), Linguistics, Old Salt You are either born into the merchant-nobility of Tilea or have
risen there through trade or mercenary work. Assuming you
Trappings: Sea-capable ship, Crew are dressed appropriately and within Tilea, you are always
Head of House — Gold 3
considered of higher Status than others unless they also
have have the Merchant-Nobility Talent, where Status is com-
Skills: Leadership, Bribe pared as normal. This puts you at a higher rank than charac-
Talents: Briber, Schemer, Merchant-Nobility, Wealthy
ters with the Noble Blood talent while in Tilea. In other lands
you are instead considered a high-ranking and important
Trappings: Tobaran Navigator House merchant, counting your status as highest unless a character
with noble blood is present.

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Rogue Career

Gambler At first the gamblers lifestyle may seem glamorous

to outsiders, all happy nights at busy taverns, but at
Human, Halfling, Gnome closer inspection these nights take work and dedi-
cation if you need them to live and a gambler con-
Most people encounter gambling and find its promi- stantly needs to invest to gain money, making sure
ses of income enticing but nothing one can reliably most barely break even.
live on and thus abandon it to take a job to make an
New Talent:
honest living. Some however see a chance to earn
gold without working and take it right away. Le- Dartmaster
arning to play and win many different games they Max: Ballistic Skill Bonus
roam from tavern to tavern trying to lure people to
play away their hard earned money. Tests: Ranged (Throwing) when using throwing
While some gamblers shy away from cheating most
You are used to playing, and winning when throwing darts,
tend to notice how it offers a good way to ensure although your methods may involve keeping your opponent
victory and full-heartedly embrace it. If found out more drunk than you. When you successfully use Gamble or
there is a good risk the gambler may be lynched Ranged (Throwing) when competing at darts, you can choose
and so all tend to learn how to avoid just that. Ma- to either use your rolled SL, or the number rolled on your units
king sure they are not found guilty when they cheat. die. So, a successful roll of 28 could be used for +8 SL. If you
play a real game of darts to represent what is happening in-
game, you may stand 10% closer to the dartboard for each
level in Dartmaster.
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

     
Career Path
Amateur Gambler — Brass 1

Skills: Gamble, Consume Alcohol, Charm, Gossip, Perform (Card Tricks),

Sleight of Hand, Ranged (Throwing), Haggle

Talents: Diceman, Cardsharp, Dartmaster, Carouser

Trappings: Dice, Deck of Cards, Set of Darts

Gambler— Brass 2

Skills: Lore (Games), Evaluate, Bribery, Entertain (Storyteller), Melee

(Brawling), Perception

Talents: Attractive, Cat Tongued, Criminal, Luck

Trappings: Deck of cards with extra aces or weighed dice or indentical

sets of balanced and unbalanced darts

Gambling Pro — Brass 5

Skills: Intuition, Entertain (Any), Language (Any), Stealth (Urban)

Talents: Blather, Distract, Gregarious, Dealmaker

Trappings: Set of fine clothing, 10gc

King of Gamblers— Silver 2

Skills: Entertain (Any), Language (Any)

Talents: Briber, Etiquette (Nobles), Kingpin, Numismatics

Trappings: Courtly Gard, 25gc

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Rogue Career

Jailfarer For the latter type there is always work to take,

crime organisations willing to pay quite a bit for a
Human, Halfling, High-Elf, Gnome scapegoat to take the blame and more importantly
the punishment. Most of these fall guys eventually
For most criminals a trip to one of the Empires many die in prison, either from other inmates or in a few
penitentaries is a terrifying prospect they try their cases out of disease or old age. Some however live
best to stay away from, for some it is an experience long enough to do an important mobster a solid fa-
allready lived through. These ex-convicts come vour by taking the blame and end up with a powerful
mainly in three forms, the ones that take small jobs individual owing them one once they get out, able to
until they can go clean, the ones that are more ca- live a comfortable enough life protected by the
reful next time and use their prison contacts to rise crime boss with little work needed on their part.
amongst the criminal ranks and lastly the ones that
go back to the same things that got them there in
the first place and predictably return to jail soon
again. Some of these jailfarers are petty criminals
just never getting out of their habits Some just can’t
adopt to life outside and go back willingly.

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

     

Career Path
Ex-Convict — Brass 1

Skills: Stealth (Urban), Intimidate, Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling),

Trade (Shiv-making), Language (Thieves Tongue), Secret Signs (Thief)

Talents: Craftsman (Shiv-Making), Criminal, Etiquette (Criminals), Stone


Trappings: An improvised weapon with a quality of choice, Penitentary


Jailfarer — Brass 2

Skills: Dodge, Intuition, Pick Lock, Lore (Law), Endurance, Athletics

Talents: Dirty Fighting, Warrior Born, Master Tradesman (Shiv-making),

Resistance (Infection)

Trappings: An improvised weapon with two or more qualities, Peni-

tentary clothes

Fall guy — Brass 5

Skills: Charm, Gossip, Entertain (Storyteller), Cool

Talents: Robust, Iron Jaw, Menacing, Flee!

Trappings: An improvised weapon with three or more qualities, Peni-

tentary clothes

Favour man— Silver 2

Skills: Consume Alcohol, Gamble

Talents: Carouser, Diceman, Fast Hands, Iron Will

Trappings: A favour owed you by a powerful criminal (GMs discretion

what counts as a powerful criminal)
Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson
Rogue Career

Street Fighter dettas become that these trainings have spread to

other realms as well and some claim that Mari-
Human, Halfling, Dwarf, High Elf enburg has even stablished a guild for them, a ru-
mour the district official of the Tilean district refuses
The streets of the Old World’s cities can be a to comment.
dangerous place and there are those that don’t
New Talent:
mind making them more dangerous one bit. Crimi-
nal organisations can wage gang wars over territory Mask of Death (Any)
and when they do it’s their street fighters they send Max: 1
in first. People trained for street warfare and just
looking for an excuse and a few coins to unleash Tests: Intimidate tests
violence on whoever is unfortunate to be near. You are an infamous Vendetta feared in a town where criminals
and lawmen alike whisper your name with dread. When taking
At the lowest end of street fighters are common this talent chose a city, in this city your reputation is greatly fea-
brawlers just given a few brass for putting their fists red. Within this city you cause fear when dressed for Vendettas.
to work for some criminals. On the very other end of Vendetta (Group)
the spectrum are the infamous Tilean Vendettas,
elite urban skirmishers recognized not only by crimi- Max: Your Fellowship Bonus*
nal organisations but by guilds and merchant- Tests: Any attacks (physical or by scheming) on the
nobility as well. In fact so successful have the Ven- target of your Vendetta
You are a proud Tilean and can not abide the insult that some-
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel
one has dealt your family. When taking this talent chose a
group you have a Vendetta against, this can be any family, mer-
      chant house/dynasty, specific temple etc, it may not be a gene-
ral group such as ”Nobles”, ”Merchants” or ”Priests” but can be
Career Path ”The Leonceur Royal Family”, ”The Belladonna Family”, or ”The
Temple of Lucan in Luccini”. Any tests to harm members of that
Street Brawler — Brass 1
group through scheming or direct attacks score one additional
Skills: Intimidate, Melee (Brawling), Dodge, Consume Alcohol, Gamble, SL per rank in this talent.
Entertain (Heckler), Endurance, Language (Thieves Tongue)

Talents: Carouser, Combat Aware, Criminal, Dirty Fighting

Trappings: Brass-knuckles, Bottle of spirits, Belt

Street Fighter — Brass 3

Skills: Melee (Basic), Ranged (Throwing), Secret Signs (Thief), Climb,

Athletics, Intuition

Talents: Ambidextrous, Beat Blade, Careful Strike, Enclosed Fighter

Trappings: A pair of Daggers

Vendetta — Silver 1

Skills: Cool, Perception, Stealth (Urban), Melee (Fencing)

Talents: Alley Cat, Vendetta (Any), Catfall, Dual Wielder

Trappings: Cloak, Grappling hook, Fencing blade of any type

Master of Vendettas— Silver 5

Skills: Stealth (Underground), Pick Lock

Talents: Vendetta (Any), Combat Master, Feint, Mask of Death (Any)

Trappings: A lethal reputation

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Rogue Career

Vigilante There is of course no official pay for being a vi-

gilante so those that walk the streets dispensing
Human, Halfling, Dwarf their own ”justice” tend to take what they can from
their targets to survive and continue their self-
The justice system of the empire is far from perfect. imposed quest. Most vigilantes do not last long, a
Dirty Watchmen turn a blind eye at crimes if the criminal organisation will eventually mark them for
right person makes a donation, chaos cultists lurk elimination and it is rare for their little street justice
right under the nose of those searching for them quests to last long after that.
and spread their corruption. Powerful criminals
Some few do last for a while however, often
practically run some of the large towns. With such
because a criminal organisation sees them as use-
problems abound it isn’t strange that some people
ful to fight their rivals, keeping them with clues to
lose their faith in the system and try to take the law
stop their enemies and laughing at their patsy
in their own hands. These vigilantes, while having
”hero”. Some few end up abandoning their de-
good intentions, tend to cause as much trouble as
structive paths and join the watchmen proper.
they solve if not more. A city’s investigators will
have to investigate a vigilantes murder of a criminal
just as much as a criminals murder of a civillian and
the vigilantes must be tracked just as much as the
criminals they seek to fight.

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

     

Career Path
Disgruntled Citizen— Brass 1

Skills: Endurance, Melee (Brawling), Melee (Basic), Perception, In-

tuition, Dodge, Consume Alcohol, Athletics

Talents: Alley Cat, Frenzy, Carouser, Hatred (Criminals)

Trappings: A growing hatred for criminals and distrust of the justice


Vigilante — Brass 3

Skills: Melee (Any), Ranged (Any), Stealth (Urban), Trade (Tailor), Intimi-
date, Entertain (Act)

Talents: Ambidextrous, Berserk Charge, Dirty Fighting, Secret Identity

Trappings: Disguise, One weapon of any type

Street Judge — Silver 1

Skills: Ride (Horse), Climb, Melee (Any), Ranged (Any)

Talents: Battle Rage, Break and Enter, Combat Master, Disarm

Trappings: Full leather armour, Two weapons of any types

Self-proclaimed Hero— Silver 3

Skills: Melee (Any), Ranged (Any)

Talents: Combat Aware, Dual Wielder, Fearless (Criminals), Hardy

Trappings: Full leather armour, four weapons of any types

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Warrior Career

Imperial Human

Greatswords are the elite soldiers of the Imperial

State Troops, famed for their courage and skill.
Only the absolute best are ever considered for the
rank of Greatsword and almost every chosen man
has performed a brave and heroic deed on the field
of battle proving his skill as a great soldier.
It is no coincidence that it is the Greatswords that
make up the bodyguard of Elector Counts for they
are famed for never giving ground to a foe under
any circumstances. While some of the reputation
may be exaggerations they are a true force to be
reckoned with. Imperial Greatswords have saved
countless battles for the armies of the empire.
From these ranks the Elector Count chooses his
own personal champion, a man to above all others
protect him and fight challenges on his behalf if
need be.
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel .

     
Career Path
Greatsword Pledge — Silver 1

Skills: Athletics, Climb, Cool, Endurance, Language (Battle), Melee

(Basic), Melee (Two-handed) Play (Drum or Fife)

Talents: Unshakable, Coolheaded, Strong Back, Warrior Born

Trappings: Zweihänder, Mail Coat

Greatsword — Silver 4

Skills: Consume Alcohol, Gamble, Charm, Melee (Brawling), Dodge, Out-

door Survival

Talents: Drilled, Stout-hearted, Combat Aware, Strong Minded

Trappings: Breastplate, Helmet

But this career exists
Veteran Greatsword — Silver 5

Skills: Intimidate, Intuition, Entertain(Storyteller), Perception Yes, but it did not when I first made it. I
Talents: Fearless (Any), Combat Master, Implacable, Iron Will suggest you use the one from ”Up in
Trappings: Recognition for Heroic Deeds in the Imperial Military
Arms” but I left my version here for those
Count’s Champion — Gold 1
that want to check it out. Given it was
Skills: Leadership, Melee (Any)

Talents: Etiquette (Nobles), Strike Mighty Blow, Inspiring, Hardy

after all allready made.
Trappings: Full-plate Armour, Greatsword, Status as the personal cham-
pion of an Imperial Elector,

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Warrior Career

Mercenary In the Empire mercenaries are less common, a

Human, Halfling, Dwarf, High Elf, Wood Elf, Gnome standing state army makes it less required. Still
that does not mean that no mercenaries are found
The threat of war is ever present in the Old World there, the Free Companies of the Empire are com-
and soldiers are often in shortage. This is where mon groups of sell-swords offered jobs in the Em-
Mercenaries step in. These Dogs of War accept pire army. Many of the men in free companies are
payments to fight for the highest bidder under a outlaws given an offer of pardon in exchange for
temporary contract. fighting in a free company contract.
The land of Tilea is the land most famed for it’s Dwarfs are not the most common mercenaries but
mercenaries, indeed it is said no mercenary will they are appreciated ones. Most dwarf mercenaries
ever go unemployed in the land and it is not just are younger members of warrior clans who see an
empty words. Tilean city states employ large opportunity to earn some gold doing what their clan
armies of mercenaries and rarely have permanent loves.
soldiers hired. As a result of this most career mer-
Halfling mercenaries are considered ”adventure
cenaries of the Old World sooner or later journey to
loving weirdos” by their kinsmen but their marks-
Tilea to join it’s ranks of mercenaries. So prelave-
manship is appreciated by mercenary captains as
lent are Tilean mercenaries that for someone to
is the hotpot catapults they usually bring when hi-
become a Mercenary officer it is almost mandatory
red in groups.
to speak the language of that land.
Ogre Mercenaries are shared with the Tileans the
most famous mercenaries and when an Ogres
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel wanderlust overtakes him he is likely to travel the
world and seek employ to other realms. Fighting all
      kinds of creatures and eating all kinds of food is
Career Path greatly appreciated by any Ogre worth his name.
New Talent:
Sellsword — Silver 2

Skills: Dodge, Haggle, Language (Battle Tongue), Melee (Basic), Melee Free Company
(Any), Ranged (Any), Cool, Lore (Warfare)
Max: 1
Talents: Free Company, Etiquette (Mercenaries), Ambidextrous, Marks-
You have taken up a contract in the Free Companies of the
Empire to attone for your crimes. When you take this talent
Trappings: Handweapon, Dagger, Leather Jacket, Mail Shirt remove all ranks in the Criminal talent (without paying to re-
move them) and gain 2d10 Silver Schillings.
Mercenary — Silver 5

Skills: Consume Alcohol, Gamble, Athletics, Endurance, Ride (Horse), Merchant-Nobility

Language (Tilean)
Max: 1
Talents: Warrior Born, Accurate Shot, Dual Wielder, Seasoned Traveller
Tests: Any Test influenced by your Status
Trappings: Ranged Weapon of Choice, Melee Weapon of Choice
You are either born into the merchant-nobility of Tilea or have
Mercenary Captain — Gold 1 risen there through trade or mercenary work. Assuming you
Skills: Bribery, Leadership, Language (Grumbarath), Melee (Any) are dressed appropriately and within Tilea, you are always
considered of higher Status than others unless they also have
Talents: Briber, Combat Master, Dealmaker, Inspiring have the Merchant-Nobility Talent, where Status is compared
Trappings: Command of a renowned regiment
as normal. This puts you at a higher rank than characters with
the Noble Blood talent while in Tilea. In other lands you are
Mercenary General — Gold 3 instead considered a high-ranking and important merchant,
Skills: Ride (Pegasus), Intimidate
counting your status as highest unless a character with noble
blood is present.
Talents: Merchant-Nobility, Wealthy, Commanding Presence, Hardy

Trappings: Command of a Mercenary Army

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Warrior Career

Imperial Human
Many young imperial nobles dream of the knightly life, Once the volunteers that stay become skilled and good
having heard tales of heroic and glorious deeds and riders for whom pistols seem like an extension of their
buying the romanticized image offered. While some hands they get to become true Pistoliers. Set under the
chose to humbly ask for a posistion as squire many watch of a skilled Outrider they are sent into battle to
more feel a quicker and more heroic start better fits their win glory. There they are a justly feared military force as
status. As a result they volunteer to the Pistolkorps to powerful fast cavalry aiding the imperial forces. Most
win their posistion in a knightly order as a Pistolier. Pistoliers either win the approval of a knightly order or
find a violent death but a few remain amongst the Pistol-
While almost all such men are able to fight with a pistol
and ride a horse (and the few that can’t usually get laug-
hed out of the korps in quick order) they still tend to find The Outriders are the veterans of the Pistolkorps, grizel-
themselves quite far from the skilled Pistoliers whose led veterans of many battles who no longer dream of
ranks they join. What is worse training proves both hard knightly orders and glorious heroism. With a far more
and time consuming, military life turns out requiring hard practical outlook they also see less need for running
work better suited to servants and battles seem more circles around their foes when a good posistion, a re-
horrifying than glorious when you’re actually present. peater handgun and a fast steed to carry you away
when the enemy nears can do the same job better.
Thus a lot of the less suitable nobles return home after
They may not be as flashy and hot-headed as the pisto-
actually trying, leaving a far better batch of candidates
liers but any good imperial general will tell you that is
to actually become Pistoliers.
exactly why they are the best ranged troops you can
hope for.
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel
Amongst the Outriders there are some that stand out as
      excellent shots despite the great competition. These
sharpshooters are unparalleled shots with an excellent
Career Path understanding of advanced weaponry, yet there are few
tales of their exploits. Anyone staying so long in the
Pistolkorp Volonteer — Silver 1
Outriders that he can call himself a Sharpshooter has
Skills: Animal Care, Charm Animal, Lore (Heraldry), Ranged (Blackpowder), very little desire for glory and heroic tales, having seen
Consume Alcohol, Gamble, Ride (Horse), Dodge all too many young nobles with such dreams die alone
Talents: Combat Reflexes, Ambidextrous , Noble Blood, Etiquette (Nobility) and forgotten within minutes of their first battle.
Trappings: Pistol, Plate Chestplate or Plate Helmet with the Fine quality, Pistoliers and Knights: It is common for noblemen to
Riding Horse with Saddle and Tack reach the status of knights in the empire through doing
Pistolkorp Pistolier — Silver 5 glorious deeds as Pistoliers. Thus a character can enter
the career Knight from the career Pistolier freely just as
Skills: Charm, Outdoor Survival, Cool, Entertain (Storytelling), Melee (Basic),
if it was the next step on its own Career Path. The pisto-
Ranged (Engineering)
lier will not need to take the step of a squire in-between.
Talents: Fast Shot, Roughrider, Crack the Whip, Dual Wielder

Trappings: Breastplate, Plate Helmet with the fine quality, Riding Horse with
Saddle and Tack, Pair of Pistols

Pistolkorp Outrider — Gold 1

Skills: Intimidate, Perception, Language (Battle Tongue), Lore (Warfare),

Talents: Marksman, Etiquette (Soldiers), Gunner, Trick Riding

Trappings: Repeater Handgun, Grooming kit

Pistolkorp Sharpshooter — Gold 2

Skills: Ranged (Explosive), Intuition

Talents: Accurate Shot, Lightning Reflexes, Deadeye Shot, Rapid Reload

Trappings: Ranged weapon of the Engineering group, Grooming kit

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Warrior Career

Shieldbreaker New Talent:

Gromril Shieldwall
Max: Toughness Bonus
For dwarfs most fights are fought below the ground and
as a result the dwarfs train soldiers to fight under- Tests: Melee (Basic) tests using a gromril shield
ground. Warriors specializing in fighting deep under- You stand strong against anything sent to destroy you and
ground are known as Shieldbreakers. Brave fighters your kinsmen. Any attack against you hitting an arm holding a
seeking to safeguard the dwarf holds and stem the tide Gromril shield counts as having the ”Undamaging” weapon
of evil that comes from the greenskins and skaven foes. flaw.

Amongst the ranks of the shieldbreakers some promi- Ironbeard

sing and stalwart dwarfs are chosen to join the ranks of
Max: Willpower Bonus
the elite Ironbreakers whose expertise in underground
fighting is legendary even amongst the dwarfs. Clad in Tests: Leadership tests while underground
finest Gromril plate there is little that can break their shi-
You are a glorious leader of the underground forces of the
Ironbreakers whom even old dwarf lords would think twice
While Ironbreakers are the finest defence one can have about questioning in matters of Underground warfare. While
in a tunnel war the Irondrakes in their ranks can push underground you can affect ten times as many people with
leadership tests and troops you command underground gains
back the oncoming tides and mount counter-offensives,
a bonus to all tests equal to your ranks in Ironbeard (ie if you
only to return behind the interlocked gromril shields of
have three ranks in Ironbeard they would get a +3 bonus to all
the Ironbreakers. With the finest weapons of the Engi- tests etc).
neer guild these elite troops can rain doom upon any-
thing their enemies can send against them.

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

     

Career Path
Shieldbreaker Recruit — Silver 2

Skills: Climb, Melee (Basic), Endurance, Cool, Athletics, Stealth

(Underground), Perception, Navigation

Talents: Ambidextrous, Shieldsman, Drilled, Enclosed Fighter Ironbreakers and Shieldbreakers

Trappings: Full leather Armour, Shield, Handweapon
As some may notice there are rules for
Shieldbreaker — Silver 5

Skills: Ranged (Crossbow), Lore (Undgrin Ankor/The Underway), Entertain

Ironbreakers in The Horned Rat Compa-
(Storyteller), Consume Alcohol, Language (Battle Tongue), Track nion at page 81. These rules did not exist
Talents: Strike to Stun, Implacable, Hatred (Greenskins), Hatred (Skaven)
when I made my rules for Ironbreakers so
Trappings: Full Mail Armour
plenty of overlap is found here. However
Ironbreaker — Gold 1

Skills: Lore (Skaven), Lore (Greenskins), Leadership, Ranged (Explosives)

these rules allow for playing a shieldbrea-
Talents: Combat Master, Gromril Shieldwall, Ironbeard, Robust ker or an Irondrake so are kept here. If
Trappings: Gromril Plate Armour, Gromril Shield, Gromril Handweapon using this supplement a player rolling this
Irondrake — Gold 2 career may chose between it and the one
Skills: Ranged (Engineering), Intimidate
in The Horned Rat Companion.
Talents: Strider (Burning Debris), Hardy, Rapid Reload, Sure Shot

Trappings: Drakegun, Forge-proven Gromril Plate Armour

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Familliars Expanded

Amongst the spellcasters of the Old World there are with the forest, paying a price to acquire it or owing a
those that call upon powers differently than the college terrible debt. Unlike a normal familliar a spites first
wizards or the witches. Necromancers call upon their loyalty is to the forest of Athel Loren rather than its
own forms of familliars. In the mystic woods of Athel ”owner”. At the GMs approval a woodelf that is not a
Loren the difference between forest spirit and familliar is wizard may be given a spite familliar just as if he was a
blurred and often hard to tell. wizard. If generating a familliar character that is a Spite
familliar add ”Lore (Athel Loren)” to species skills. Spite
Necromantic Familliars: Familliars created by a Familliars can be Combat, Swarm or Spell Familliars.
necromancer have the Undead trait. Not all of them are
actually undead constructs, though that is very com- New Familliar type: Swarm Familliar
mon, but the necromantic power that has been used to
Most familliars are singular beings but that is not always
create them ensures spells and other magic affects
the case. Some become a strange mix between singular
them as if they were. They can be combat, Swarm or
beings and swarms. They may have one mind but their
power familliars.
body is one of multitudes. Such familliars are known as
New Lore of Necromancy Spell: Swarm familliars.

Incantation of Spectral Servants Characteristics: Swarm Familliars generate their stats

like Combat Familliars.
CN: 4
Skills: Athletics, Climb, Swim, Cool, Dodge, Endurance,
Range: Willpower Yards Intimidate, Melee (Brawling), Perception, Tracking
Target: One of your familliars Traits: Swarm (The bonus to WS is assumed to be part
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds of the base stats allready)

The Familliar gains the Ethereal trait for the duration. Talents: Suffuse with Wind

Spite Familliars: Familliars of Athel Loren are diffe- Trappings: A Swarm familliar has no trappings and can
rent from others. It is not even certain they are true fa- use no trappings.
milliars and at times powerful elves or forest spirits other Career: A Swarm familliar uses the Combat Familliar
than wizards have them. To get a spite as a familliar career
you must be in Athel Loren and you must make a deal
Available to: Spite Familliars, Necromancy Familliars,
Familliar Personality Chaos Familliars

D10 roll Necromancy Spite of Athel Loren

1 Grim Mischevious

2 Morbid Petty

3 Doomed Secretive

4 Brooding Feral

5 Predatory Friendly

6 Morose Malicious

7 Sardonic Manic

8 Devious Shy

9 Malicious Fierce

10 Secretive Disloyal

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Armoury Expanded
The rules in this supplement reference many different weapons, armours and items not part of the base rules, equipment that need
rules. This part of the book offers rules for them.

Greatsword of Hoeth
The steel Greatswords of Hoeth are of exceptional craftsmanship said to be more perfectly forged even than those made of the priests of
Vaul. And such a blade is needed to allow the training of true swordmasters. They are weapons of the two-handed weapon group and
require two hands to use. Being forged in steel and perfectly balanced they can not have metal qualities. They have the following rules.

Cost Enc Availability Reach Damage Qualities and Flaws

20GC 3 Exotic Long* +SB+5 Damaging, Defensive, Precise, Fluid

The weapon is made to capitalize on momentum perfectly to allow fluid movements and threatening lunges. A weapon with this quality
counts its reach as one higher if it was used to land a successful attack the previous turn. A Fluid weapon may never also be Slow (Fluid
takes precedent).

Since I made these rules Gromril got rules in The Horned Rat Companion. I
have chosen to keep my original rules for them for those wishing to use
them. It is up to the GM to chose if they wish to use my rules for Gromril or
the official ones.

Metal Qualities Forge-proven Gromril

With a set of runes to ward against the alchemical flames they spew Irond-
There are many fantastic metals in the world and foremost of these are the rakes go to war in what is known as ”Forge-Proven Gromril”. Only sets of
Gromril of the Dwarfs and the Ithilmar of the elves. To have weapons and Armour can have this quality. An item with the Forge-proven Gromril
armour with these qualities add the qualities below but instead of counting quality automatically has the Gromril quality as well. An Armour with the
it as an added quality when calculating the cost change the cost as Forge-Proven Gromril quality makes all fire attacks hitting it have the
described under each quality. Unless otherwise specified only items made ”Undamaging” weapon flaw, in addition it makes the wearer remove a
of metal can have these qualities (for example a chain armour may but a number of Ablaze conditions equal to this armours AP each turn.
leather armour may not)
Cost: An item costs twenty times as much when it has this quality.
Gromril is rare and powerful, claimed to be the most durable metal in the
world and most likely being so. An item with the Gromril quality automa- Ithilmar is as strong and durable as steel but far lighter. It is quite expensive
tically has five instances of the Durable quality as well but can have it furt- though for it is found solely on Ulthuan. An item with the Ithilmar quality
her times as per the normal rules for the Durable quality. An Armour with divides it’s Encumberance with three rounded down (to a minimum of 1).
the Gromril quality provides one additional AP but this additional AP can An Armour with the Ithilmar quality halves its normal penalty to stealth. A
not be spent to ignore a critical hit. A weapon with the Gromril quality has weapon with the Ithilmar quality deals one less damage but has the Fluid
two more instances of the Durable quality (for seven instances of the Du- quality. Barding may have the Ithilmar quality and the first set of Ithilmar
rable quality in base) and if it had the Shielding quality increases it’s value barding carried by a mount is ignored for the purposes of how much the
by one. mount can carry.

Cost: An item costs ten times as much when it has this quality. Cost: An item costs three times as much when it has this quality.
Ranged Weapons Expanded

Weapon Cost Enc Availability Range Damage Qualities and Flaws

Brimstone Gun - - Part of 25 +10 Blast of Alchemical Fury, Penet-

Gyrocopter rating, Repeater (6), Reload (12),
Gyrocopter Armament

Clattergun - - Part of 50 +9 Repeater (12), Reload (12),

Gyrobom- Gyrocopter Armament
Drakegun 25GC 4 Exotic 25 +10 Blast of Alchemical Fury, Penet-
rating, Repeater (3), Reload (6)

Drakefire Pistol 30GC 2 Exotic 20 +9 Blast of Alchemical Fury, Penet-

rating, Pistol, Repeater (2), Reload
Steam Gun - - Part of 5 +6 Blast (5), Penetrating, Gyrocopter
Gyrocopter Armament, Special Ammo

Trollhammer Torpedo 40GC 4 Exotic 50 +18 Impact, Impale, Reload (5), Special


Weapon Cost Enc Availability Range Damage Qualities and Flaws

Cinderblast Bomb 6GC 0 Exotic SB +12 Penetrating, Blast (5), Dangerous,


Dive Bomb 6GC 2 Rare Special +12 Penetrating, Blast (5), Dangerous,
Impact, Dropped Ord-
nance,Gyrocopter Armament
Grudgebuster Bomb 12GC 6 Exotic Special Penetrating, Blast (3d10),
Dangerous, Impact, Dropped Ord-
nance, Gyrocopter Armament
High Elf Boltthrowers

Weapon Cost Enc Availability Range Damage Qualities and Flaws

Eagle-Eye Boltthrower 20GC 5 Exotic 80 +11 Penetrating, Impale, Accurate, Crew


Eagle-Claw Boltthrower 25GC 6 Exotic 200 +18 Penetrating, Impale, Accurate, Crew
(2), Repeater Bolt Thrower

Ammunition Used by Cost Enc Availability Range Da- Qualities and Flaws
Alchemical Canister (3) Weapons with the 4GC - Exotic As Weapon - -
”Blast of Alchemi-
cal Fury” quality)

Water (5) Steam Gun 1d 2 Common As Weapon - -

Cheap Alcohol (2) Steam Gun 8s 1 Common As Weapon +2 -

Trollhammer Torpedo Trollhammer Tor- 10GC 1 Exotic - - -


Large Bolt High Elf 1GC 1 Scarce As Weapon - -

Ithilmar Bolt High Elf 3GC - Exotic Twice weapons -1 -
Boltthrowers normal range
Small Bolts (6) High Elf 1GC 1 Scarce As Weapon - Allows loading per
Boltthrowers the repeater
boltthrower rule if
the weapon has it.

Ranged Weapons Qualities

Blast of Alchemical Fury
In addition to normal damage this weapon also gives the target two Ablaze conditions on a hit. The weapon always uses ”Canister of
Alchemical Fire” as it’s ammo type.

Crew (Rating)
This weapon is made to be used by (Rating), this weapon is reloaded at its base time when it has this number of crewmen spending
actions reloading it, for every missing crewman increase it’s reload by one (giving it reload (2) if it before had no reload value).

Gyrocopter Armament
This weapon can only be used as part of a dwarf flying machine, at the GMs discretion they may be used in other weapon emplacements.

Dropped Ordnance
This weapon does not have a range, it can only be used on foes directly below it.

Repeater Boltthrower
When reloading this weapon the crew can, provided they have the right ammunition at hand, load it with the following profile instead.

Weapon Range Damage Qualities and Flaws

Multi-Shot Loaded 175 +9 Penetrating, Impale, Accurate, Crew (2), Repeater (6)

Special Ammo
When reloading this weapon you must use ammunition specially designed for this weapon, general ammunition of its weapon group
does not suffice (for example an Engineering weapon of this category can not be loaded with bullet and powder).
New Vehicles
There are several new vehicles and animals in this supplement and you can find their rules here. You may notice that there is an ad-
ditional row called ”Outfit”, it describes armaments and other things included in the cost of purchasing the vehicle, the carrying capacity
is in addition to the ”Outfit”.

The corpsecart is a dread tool in the necromancers arsenal. They can only be acquired by finding and performing the right ritual or by
killing it’s former corpsemaster and take his place.

The gyrobomber is a heavier build of the classic gyrocopter made to carry a far bigger payload. A Gyrobomber requires fuel to fly and
consumes roughly one pint of spirits per two minutes of flight.

This flying machine is a technological wonder that stands as testament to the dwarfs engineering mastery. Working on a small engine
driven by strong alcohol these machines flit through the sky precariously. A Gyrocopter requires fuel to fly and consumes roughly one
pint of spirits per ten minutes of flight.

The Hawkships are the ships of the line of the High Elf navy, well armed and highly mobile they deserve their deadly reputation.

These ships are built with magical wood that soars on the winds of magic and are made to be pulled by Swiftfeather Rocs.


Vehicle Cost Enc Availability Carries Outfit Associated Crew

Corpsecart Special - Special 30 - Drive 1 Corpsemas-
ter and a mini-
mum of six
Gyrobomber 600GC - Exotic 60 Clattergun, 8 Fly 1 Pilot
Grudgebuster (Gyrobomber)

Gyrocopter 400GC - Exotic 20 Steam gun or Fly 1 Pilot

Brimstone (Gyrocopter)
gun, Dive
Hawkship 1500GC - Exotic 900 Two broadsi- Sail 70 Lothern
des of six (Hawkship) Seaguard
Eagle Claw
and six Eagle
each and a
fore arma-
ment of one
Eagle Claw
Bolt Thrower
and Four Eagle
Skycutter 225GC - Exotic 30 Eagle Eye Sail (Skycutter) 2 Lothern Sea-
Boltthrower guard
New Animals

There are several new animals and other mounts.

Animal Cost Enc Availability Carries

Cattle 4GC - Common -

Goat 1GC - Common -

Hellsteed - - Raised by Necromancy 16

Merwyrm A pact to Mathlann often - Exotic 35
costing your life in return for
the temporary alliance with
a Merwyrm
Nightmare - - Raised by Necromancy 22
Pegasus 300GC - Rare 14
Royal Pegasus 400GC* - Exotic 20
Sheep 1GC - Common -

Sheepdog 2GC 5 Scarce -

Skeletal Steed - - Raised by Necromancy 15
Swiftfeather Roc 250GC - Exotic 8

Swine 10s - Common -

*In addition to the gold cost an oath of vassalage must also be sworn to a Bretonnian duke (or the Bretonnian King) as payment.

Hellsteeds are a specific form of Nightmare, at first glance they may look much like a winged horse mordibly barded but at closer
glance what seemed like ornaments on its armour are clear parts of the monstrous steed itself. It carries scales and spikes on its form
and their bat-like wings end in vicious pinions.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel W

7 45 - 48 45 20 32 - 8 12 4 26
Talents and Traits: Armour (1), Bestial, Dark Vision, Fear (2), Flight (100), Rear, Size (Large), Stride, Trained (War*), Undead, Immune
to Psychology

Optional: Bite (6), Fury, Hardy, Horns (7), Hungry, Tail Attack (4), Trained (Broken, Magic, Mount), Vampiric, Frenzy

*WS increase included in base characteristics

Merwyrms are incredibly powerful sea creatures linked to the mighty elven god Mathlann. Woe those forced to face them in battle
for as massive and brutal they are they also possess an unnatural grace and swiftness that almost seems impossible for something so

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel W

9 65 - 65 65 65 45 15 30 70 5 85
Talents and Traits: Armour (5), Bite+10, Night Vision, Size (Enormous), Tail Weapon+10, Immunity (Water), Amphibious, Terror,
Night Vision,

Optional: Trained (Mount), Fast, Cunning, Miracles (Mathlann*), Ward (9)

*Use the lore of Mannann until Mathlann gets his own lore.

Nightmare is a collective term for the many varied twisted forms of undead steeds ridden to battle by vampires and necromancers.
Exactly how they are created varies but the result is always a violent and deadly creature.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel W

7 45 - 48 45 20 32 - 8 12 4 26

Talents and Traits: Bestial, Dark Vision, Fear (2), Rear, Size (Large), Stride, Trained (War*), Undead, Immune to Psychology

Optional: Bite (6), Fury, Hardy, Horns (7), Hungry, Trained (Broken, Magic, Mount), Vampiric, Frenzy

*WS increase included in base characteristics

Royal Pegasus
Royal Pegasi are highly valued purebred mounts of Bretonnia and the dukes that ride them to battle take great pride in them. It is
rare indeed that anyone but a noble Bretonnian ever gets to ride one.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel W

8 40 - 50 45 35 50 - 25 40 10 38

Talents and Traits: Flight 100, Size (Large), Stride, Weapon+8

Optional: Trained (Broken, Drive, Magic, Mount, War)

Skeletal Steed
Skeletal Steeds are little more than bones of horses given life to run again.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel W

7 45 - 48 45 20 32 - 8 12 4 26

Talents and Traits: Dark Vision, Fear (1), Rear, Size (Large), Stride, Undead, Unstable, Immune to Psychology

Optional: -

Swiftfeather Roc
Swiftfeather Rocs may share visual resemblance with the Great Eagles of Ulthuan but lack the latters great intellect. A swiftfeather
roc is an impressive beast but still just an animal.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel W

2 55 - 42 35 41 26 - 10 23 10 22

Talents and Traits: Flight 90, Size (Large), Weapon+8, Beastial, Trained (Magic)

Optional: Trained (Broken, Drive, War)

Corpsecart are accursed vehicles carried forth by hordes of the restless dead, with zombies both moving it forth and lashing out to
rip asunder any that moves close.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel W

3 - - - 80 10 10 - - - - 66

Talents and Traits: Corpsemasters Control, Hordes of Zombies, Regeneration (3), Armour (1)

Optional: Unholy Lodestone, Balefire

Corpsemasters Control
The Corpsecart is controlled by a Corpsemaster and can always test on his characteristics for WS, BS, S, Dex, Int, WP and Fel, should the Corpsemaster
wish the cart can test using zombie stats instead. If the Corpsemaster is dead the Corpsecart must instead test all these characteristics using a zom-
bies stats and suffers d10 wound each round as the binding is failing.

Hordes of Zombies
In melee each round the Corpse Cart makes d10+2 Attacks using zombie characteristics, these attacks may be divided freely between those engaging
it in combat.

Unholy Lodestone
Undead within 30 yards gain Regenerate (1).

Casting of spells from a lore other than Necromancy within 120 yards of the Corpse Cart gain one less SL.
Necromantic Artefacts
Skabscrath The Staff of Damnation
Skabscrath is the legendary blade of the undead mercenary Ennio Mordini Bathed in the blood of the traitorous Necromancer Ulbrecht thrice-cursed
and constantly flickers with a pale flame. The weapon is so potent it can’t and taken from the blackened heartwood of the hagmans tree. Carrying
be sheated or lain aside without taking a life (doing so instead drains the the bones of murderers tied to its gnarled form. For one well-versed in the
wielders life and permanently lowers his wounds by one, should this ever lore of Necromancy it’s dark spells can be unleashed. A Necromancer wiel-
take him to zero wounds the wielder is destroyed body and soul in such a ding it counts as having memorized the following spell as long as he still
way that even a fatepoint can’t save him. The weapon itself carries a dark wields it. It can be memorized to be known without the artefact as other
intellect and when unsheated it makes the air ring out with the screams of spells but should a character do so he suffers six corruption immediately.
the fallen amplified into an evil mind-wrecking chorus which it’s wielder
can direct at his foe. In close combat this weapon deals +SB+WPB+4 da- Hangman’s Curse
mage and has the Impale quality. While drawn it also grants its wielder the
CN: 10
Ghostly Howl trait. Each time it is drawn the wielder gains one corruption
which he may not test to resist. Range: 30 yards

Target: All friendly Undead within range

The Nightshroud
Duration: Instant
Enscorcelled in pitch darkness of the otherworld there is little of the
Nighshroud that exist mainly in this world. It was fashioned from the death- Each undead affected may immediately make an attack out of the initiative
rainments of King Pharatohep and soaked in the blood of sorcerers to order. This will not affect their number of actions later.
create an aura of gloom so mighty it lashes out like shadowy tentacles to
hinder those that would dare strike its wearer. The nightshroud is a suit of The Cursed Book of Har-ak Iman
armour granting 1 point of armour on all locations, it can not be combined
The writer of this book is claimed to have been the most depraved man
with other armour. Anyone in melee with the wearer of the Nightshroud
ever to live and his dark presence is clearly felt on the book. This tome
add the slow and dangerous qualities to their attacks against it’s wearer.
carries the following spells and the one carrying it can cast (and memorize)
While wearing the Nightshroud the wearer suffers a –20 penalty to Charm,
them all as if they were from the lore of Necromancy. The spells are; Soul
Gossip and Leadership but gains a +10 bonus to Stealth and Intimidate. The
Vortex (Lore of Death), Starcrossed (Lore of Heaven), Net of Amyntok (Lore
wearer always stays shrouded in darkness which may in the wrong situ-
of Light), Choking Shadows (Lore of Shadows), Mystifying Miasma (Lore of
ation (such as in broad daylight) attract unwanted attention.
Shadows), Blight (Lore of Witchcraft), Curse of Crippling Pain (Lore of
Witchcraft) and Curse of Ill-Fortune (Lore of Witchcraft). If the wielder of
Banner of the Barrows the book casts a spell from the book that he has not memorized the spell
It is said this banner has been woven from the wind and the cold in ages does not double it’s CR as normal but instead fades from the pages after it
past and it certainly carries qualities that suggest so, the very air around it has been cast. The text will reappear next time Morrsleib waxes full (and if
becomes cold and frosty and the banner always seems to blow in an unna- Morrsleib is currently full the spell does not dissapear from the pages).
tural breeze accompanied by the howl of the wind somehow seeming to
mimicking a scream in pain. Exactly what power and symbolism it held Book of Arkhan
when first made is unknown but the Wights of the Empire seem to answer
This horrid book is claimed to have once belonged to the infamous li-
to its ancient marks. Any Wight fighting below the Banner of the Barrows
eutenant of Nagash known as Arkhan the Black. For someone able to read
gain one advantage each round and anyone facing a wight fighting below
Ancient Nehekaran this book contains all Spells of Necromancy found in
the banner of the barrows loses one advantage each round.
the core book and if the wielder holds it can once per round cast the spell
”Vanhel’s Call” freely. The book counts as having passed the casting roll
The Screaming Banner with 3 SL and counts as having an IB of 3 for the spell effect. The spell can
From the tattered fabric of this banner one can hear squalling wails of the be dispelled as normal using the wielders ”Language (Magick)” skill to de-
dead and dying and as people listen their dread increases for they hear the fend.
pained voices of those they have lost to war. The lamentation of fallen
comrades the warrior never could save, begging for a release from the pain Rod of Flaming Death
now. Anyone coming into contact with the Screaming Banner must take a
This staff is topped with a skull whose eyes burn with magic fire as it’s jaws
Cool test at –20, if they fail they gain mental corruption. In addition the
clatter and gnash constantly. It can unleash destructive magic upon its foes.
Screaming Banner causes Fear (X) where X is equal to the number of valued
This rod can once per minute unleash the spell ”Great Fires of U’zhul”
friends and family the character had who have died in battle or have been
counting as succeeding the roll by 4SL and having a willpower of 40. In
addition when the character wielding it Fumbles the Rod of Flaming Death
immediately casts this spell at a randomly chosen living being within range.
Black Periapt
A gem this size is extremely valuable but it is only in the hands of a spell-
caster it’s true potential can be realized. When a character takes a channel-
ling test he can store SLs inside the Black Periapt. The Black Periapt can
store up to ten SLs. SLs stored inside the Black Periapt can not be lost but
can be used when casting a spell.
High Magic
You may grant the Warding (9) trait to yourself or one target of a increases his weaponskill, ballistic skill, initiative and agility by a total sum
spell each time you cast high magic. This trait lasts for one round equal to the casters willpower (divided as the spellcaster wishes) for the
per lore you have cast spells from within Willpower Bonus Hours. duration of the spell (a character can not benefit from multiple ”Hands of
Glory” simultaneously).
For every lore other than high magic you have cast spells from
within Willpower Bonus hours add +10 to attempts to Channel or
Walk Between Worlds
Cast High Magic. For example if you within that time has cast spells
from the lore of death, shadow and light you would receive a +30 CN: 14
bonus. Petty magic does not count as a lore for the purpose of Range: Willpower yards
these traits.
Target: One individual
Soul Quench Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds

CN: 10 For a moment, the wizard’s ally tread immortal pathways. The target gets
the Ethereal trait until the start of the wizards next turn. In addition as
Range: Willpower yards
soon as the spell is cast the target may make a free move action.
Target: AoE (Willpower bonus +SL yards) within range

Duration: Instant
You let white light burst forth to banish the spirits of those it touches. This CN: 10
deals damage as a magical missile with Damage +10 that inflicts the Stun- Range: Willpower yards
ned Condition on each target hit. Everyone within the Area of Effect are hit.
Against Daemons the spell causes double damage. Target: AoE (Willpower bonus +SL yards) within range

Duration: Willpower Bonus rounds

Drain Magic
Without warning an eight-winded storm breaks about the foe. Anyone
CN: 8 affected suffer damage as per a magic missile with Damage +8. Everyone
affected also suffer a –20 penalty to their attack rolls until the end of turn
Range: Willpower yards
or while they remain in the tempest, and can not fly for the same du-
Target: One individual or item ration .A zone lasting willpower bonus rounds remains covering the AoE
Duration: Willpower Bonus rounds

You conjure a small vortex of anti-magic to calm the battlefield. All spells Arcane Unforging
and magical effects affecting the target immediately end or are supressed
for the duration of the spell (GMs choice, should veer towards ended for CN: 16
temporary magic effects and supressed for permanent ones) and the target Range: Willpower yards
counts as having the magic resistance talent for the spells duration.
Target: One Magic Item
Apotheosis Duration: Permanent

CN: 12 The magic of unmaking flies true from outstreched hands. The target magic
item is completely destroyed.
Range: Willpower yards

Target: One individual Fiery Convocation

Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds CN: 18
Waves of pure magic infuse the wizard’s ally to strengthen him. The target Range: Willpower yards
regains all lost wounds and gains the Frightening talent for the duration of
the spell. Target: One individual

Duration: Special
Hand of Glory
With a single secret word, fire rages and flesh burns. The spellcaster sets a
CN: 12 foe ablaze giving him one ablaze condition right away. Until the caster casts
another spell, Fiery Convocation is dispelled, the caster becomes un-
Range: Willpower yards
concious or the caster dies the target suffers ablaze conditions at the be-
Target: One individual ginning of each of the spellcasters rounds and at the start of each of his
rounds. The number of ablaze conditions thus suffered are decided by a
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
”Channeling (Qhaysh)” test from the caster giving one ablaze condition per
With a simple sign, the wizard grants his allies the might of old. The target SL.
Dark Magic
Each time you suffer damage note the foe that dealt you that specific da-
mage down, when targeting that foe until the end of the week increase
damage against it with 2, note that it is the individual enemy that is thus CN: 11
affected, not all of its kind (ie one individual goblin and not all goblins). For
every wound suffered beyond your maximum add +4 to all channeling and Range: Willpower yards
casting attempts with dark magic for spells targetting that enemy. Target: Up to twice the characters willpower bonus characters

Power of Darkness Duration: Instant

A clutch of hungry swords sweep across the battlefield. Each target must
CN: 4
take a weaponskill test opposed by your ”Channeling (Dhar)”. On a failure
Range: Willpower Bonus yards they suffer a damage +5 hit.

Target: Self and up to Willpower Bonus allies in range

Shroud of Despair
Duration: Three times willpower Bonus
CN: 12
The caster draws unstable power from the Realm of Chaos to empower her
spells and minions. The caster and all allies affected increase their strength Range: Willpower yards
by 5 for the duration of the spell. The Caster gains one Corruption. The Target: AoE (Willpower bonus +SL yards) within range, does not affect the
caster gains eight advantages and for the spells duration benefit from them caster
when casting spells.
Duration: Immediately
Doombolt At the caster’s command light is driven from the battlefield and numbing
darkness rushes to fill the void. Anyone affected gains a number of Broken
CN: 11
conditions equal to the spellcasters willpower bonus.
Range: Willpower yards

Target: One target

Soul Stealer
Duration: Instant CN: 11

The caster hurls a bolt of blazing black fire at his foe. This is a magic missile Range: Willpower yards
with damage +12. Target: Willpower bonus enemies within range.

Chillwind Duration: Immediate

Tendrils of pure, solidified darkness writhes out from the wizard’s outstret-
CN: 11
ched hands, draining life force from her hapless enemies to renew her own
Range: Willpower yards vigour . Each target suffers three wounds ignoring toughness and armour,
the spellcaster regains as many wounds as opponents suffered this way.
Target: One individual
Critical castings of Soul Stealer can not cause critical hits.
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds

The caster assails her enemy with a freezing gale. The target suffers a num-
Arnzipal’s Black Horror
ber of magic missile hits equal to the willpower bonus of the caster each CN: 20
being a magic missile with damage +4. The target also suffers a –10 penalty
to all rolls to attack for the duration of the spell. Range: Special

Target: Special
Word of Pain
Duration: Special
CN: 12
The caster tears down the walls between realities, and a black cloud of
Range: Willpower yards roiling energy sweeps across the battlefield. As the darkness travels, slimy
tentacles lash out from its depths, dragging unfortunate victims screaming
Target: One individual
to an unknown fate. Summon Arnzipal’s Black Horror and chose a direction
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds for it to travel the first round of its horrid existance. The horror remains
until the caster casts another spell or Arnzipal’s Black Horror is dispelled.
As the caster utters a forbidden name, the enemy find their limbs wracked
For as long as Arnzipal’s Black Horror exists it makes a full move with a
with crippling pain. The target decreases his weaponskill, ballistic skill,
movement value of D10 in a random direction (the first round this direction
initiative and agility by a total sum equal to the casters willpower (divided
is decided by the caster), anything it moves over must take a strength test
as the spellcaster wishes but not in a way that causes any characteristic to
to hold against its grasping tentacles, on a failure the individual is removed
fall below 5) for the duration of the spell (a character can not suffer from
from existence.
multiple ”Words of Pain” simultaneously.

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