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a PRECHNIQUE SECKE These four Technique Secrets are used as daily warm-ups for pieces and exercises in this book. ‘The “secrets” may be learned gradually and are highlighted in gold-colored boxes throughout the pages. For quick and easy use, the Lesson Book also refers to each correlating Technique Book page with this icon: ‘The teacher should demonstrate each “technique secret” as it is introduced. Four Technique Secrets Technique means skill. These technique secrets will help you play pieces more easily 1. The first secret is ROUND HAND SHAPE. Hand Cups f r + Place your right hand over your kneecap. + Keep that “hand shape” and s-lo-w-Ly place your hand on the keyboard. + Now do the same with your left hand. ‘Try it hands together! 2. The second secret is a RELAXED WRIST. Wrist Float-off (on the closéd piano lid) * Set your hands in a rounded hand position. * Pretend a balloon on a string is slowly pulling your wrist upward, Let your wrist rise in s-I-o-w motion until only the tip of finger 3 is touching the surface.* + Now gently return to a normal playing position. + Do 2 “wrist float-offs” with right hand, then left hand. Try it hands together! Teacher Note: The shoulder should matse: a a sel _— Oo ee Teacher Note: The next secret teaches staccato, allowing the hand to bounce lightly from the wrist. The student should be coached to relax while tapping, so as not to stiffen the forearm, 3. The third secret is a LIGHT HAND BOUNCE. on A a Woodpecker Taps (on the closed piano lid) rae, a * Place your R.H. in a rounded hand position. * Perch your thumb on the side tip so your wrist doesn’t sag. + Lightly tap this rhythm with your R.H. fingertips. (all fingers tap together). RH, \ ced leed Tap - ping, tap - ping the tree, + Repeat Woodpecker Taps with your left hand. Ne oe Now tap hands together. 4, The fourth secret is FINGER INDEPENDENCE. Finger Talk (on the closed piano lid) * Silently play the finger pattern below Remember to keep a round hand position. © Play right hand. © Play left hand. * Playhands together. 7 5 _ 24. B56 (____- finger pattern —___! Legato means a smooth and connected sound, with no break between tones. When you play LEGATO, one finger goes down as the other finger comes up. Warm-up with Hand Cups (p. 2). ny VOR, ee Prene-t® @ E Sticky Fingers Legato Steps for R.H. Butterseoteh Fingers (Remember to play on the side tip of the thumb.) i 2: RH. mf zy Play le - sh + te, soft-ly on the keys. Cotton Candy Fingers 3 R.H. hes ee smooth-ly on the keys. Caramel Fingers ® 4 R.H. mf P Z Stick fin - gers, play le - ga - to, please. ‘Teacher Duet: (Student plays as written) Use this duet for both pages 4-5 Butterscotch Fingers Cotton Candy Fingers 3 Hee = Lf tee * Which of these ideas remind you of legato? (circle two) at, popping com a flowing stream a bumpy road arolling ball — a we Sticky Fingers Legato Steps for L.H. Butterscotch Fingers (Remember to play on the side tip of the thumb.) L.H. 2 i mf P Play le - ga - to, soft -ly on the keys. Cotton Candy Fings mf (3) 4 Pp Walk your fin - gers smooth-ly on the keys. L.H. Caramel Fingers Stick - y fin - gers, play Je - ga - to, please. ate pa meas bia eee —> : Ee a sa ‘Warm-up with Wrist Float-off (p. 2). Smooth Take-off : ee ———— This exercise uses a SKIPPING PATTERN, repeated higher up the keys. * Technique Hint: Lift gently from your wrist at the end of each line. Move to next hon HIGHER C R.H. ee ~ ae ann eee2---4 Move tonext HIGHER C Memorize this musical pattern and play Smooth Take-off by memory. Watch your “wrist float-offs” as you play. =2ilesson p.12 (Ferris Wheel) Technique Secret: relaxed wrist Warm-up with Wrist Float-off (p. 2). Smooth Take-off _ (for LH. alone) This exercise uses a SKIPPING PATTERN for the left hand. Listen for a smooth legato. * Does your wrist float off on the first or last note of the pattern? Left hand does a wrist float - off. 7 oo mf oS [aa LH. == ton 35 Move to next as, LOWER C Left hand does a wrist float - off. —7 Orn Move to next «CN » LOWER Se Cra ; ® 15" (Play 2 octaves lower than written) ~~~ ~---~-~~4 = To imagine a “wrist fioat-off,” picture a gentle wind lifting the wrist up, a 7 oa Technique Secret: light hand bounce Warm-up with Woodpecker Taps (p. 3). 2 4 Peacock Strut (for R.H. alone) Lively lon_? Play close to the keys! L ws mf Repeat playing Tovtave HIGHER, Ostrich Walk 5 (for LH. alone) Lively Repeat playing T octave LOWER. -£.lesson p.14 (Mexican Jumping Beans} doing two different motions at the same time. In this exercise, the LH. holds a note down while the R.H. plays staccato. RH. Warm-Up __* Play these fingers together several times on the piano lid. = 4 s 1 2 & . Keyboard Trick! Moderately fast 3on_? 4 nee? 4 aS os 4 Play and bounce your hand. Play and bounce your oe | | | | Play and bounce your | hand. and bounce your | hand. $2) Can you play this piece with the R.H. 1 octave higher’? ‘Teacher Duet: (Student plays 1 octave higher) fARLIOLE Y means playing the MUSIC WIL) CXpressioOn OF leeine. * Listen to your teacher play The Wild Colt. Does the music create 2 mood or “sound picture? + Can YOU create a “sound picture” as you practice The Wild Colt? ' 1. Could the staccato sounds be horse hooves running quickly? 2. For the legato section, can you picture the wild colt running up and down the hills? 3. At the end of the piece, could the colt be disappearing into the moonlight? The Wild Colt N. Faber Rather quickly don_? 2on_? ee | een an a . Gal - lop - ing, | gal - lop - ing, | gal - lop - ing, | gal - lop - in as : ae ‘don_? ‘Teacher Duet: (Student plays J octave higher) RH. 10 c2lesson p.17 (Young Hunter] in - to the Where does he fill, rich tone (sound) Sal rich tone Repeat from measure 5. ler eee eae 13 4 Re aes as written o > Gal - lop - ing, gal - lop - ing Technique Secret: round hand shape Warm-up with Hand Cups (p. 2). + Imagine each staccato note is a popcorn seed. Pop the popcorn with a crisp, staccato sound! * Before playing, circle step or skip. Pop! Pop! Popcorn! Words by Crystal Bowman Bouncing happily lon_? SEDs of skips? in a cup. Pour the oil, __ Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, pop, pop! Pop, pop, pop, Pop, yf’ p on repeat steps or skips? steps or skips? = a a 7 a ee heat it up. Lots of — ker - nels get - ting hot. Pop, pop, pop! Pop, pop, pop, pop, Pop, pop, pop! Repeat af. steps or skips? playing piano. Hear them sizzle, | hear them pop! Pop, (rest) pop, (rest) | pop! Pop-corn pop-ping, | pop, pop, pop! f 12 lesson p.18 (Skipping in Space} . ‘2 “wrist float-off” ® for your teacher before playing. == Imagine your right hand as arising balloon. Let your wrist gently rise on the “air currents.” Floating Balloon Hold the damper pedal down throughout. ) Nt Moderately aon wrist wrist =" 3 foaog float-off Wrist will gent - ly 9 wrist wrist Wrist will gent - ly mf 13 wrist (The balloon comes down.) wrist ee : y the float-off alee Technique Secret: finger independence Do Finger Talk (R.H., L.H., then HT.) using this pattern: 5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5 A pianist with good technique PREPARES the next hand position. * Move one hand to the next position while the other hand is still playing. Walking swiftly ton mf o (LH. prepares.) Tree House McArthur im the fast line of music. * Play the music at the very end of the piece sofily. The secret is being whispered! Happily E mp Ros - es ‘a is - cret that’s | just a} Play softly, like a whisper. ‘Teacher Duet: (Student plays f octave higher) Ea 3) eae an fb) 3 Re La Technique Secret: light hand bounce © Write your own rhythm in 4 using staccatos. * Do Woodpecker Taps (p. 3) using your rhythm. 4 ccay a Sealed fc + Before playing, name the intervals . (2nd or 3rd) in each blank. Mouse on a ach C 5-Finger Scale Rather quickly A 4 i A 1 A 2 Play the right hand one octave higher. 16 ___jessom p27 (iin tes Pict Seeatie Beale i - | Warm-up with Hand Cups (p. 2). This 1 is 4 You Steady (for R.H. alone) -——— musical pattern ——| 4 4 Divecliaian ® 1 nf Ply up a 4th! Play up oa 4th! ® ® etc. Playfup 8 4th! Ply up oa 4th! Continue this pattern beginning on G, A, B, and C. This 1 is 4 You, 2! (for LH. clone) Steady Play down a 4th! Play down a 4th! Ug cae i 4 i } @us 4 (_—— musical pattern ——— Play down a 4th! Play down a 4th! Ome Ome Continue this pattern beginning on F, E, D, and C. Bel Play each exercise again using fingers 2 and 5. ee Oe eee Do Finger Talk (R.H., L.H., then H.T.) using this pattern: 1-4-3-2- Show * Circle all the 4ths in this piece. -” Moderately fast Racing Bikes lon a 4 UD ci ing down the | cit - y streets,the | bik - ers round the | curve. ee ees Sie | Up and down the | hills, they pass each | oth - er with a Ton 4 [3] —’ “Num-ber Four” is | lead-ing now, and | wins in rec-ord | time! te Ev -'ty-bod-y’s | cheer-ing as they | near the fin - ish | line. Secret: Warm-up with Wrist Float-off (p. 2). Magic Doorbells Slowly and gracefully Son_? a ® mj Ting - dong, (float - off) as written Ding- dong, (float-off) Ring! (2 - 3 - 4) Ding-dong, (float-off) say Ding-dong, (float-off) Ding-dong, (float-off) Ring! (2.- 3 - 4) a Po Cas @ as written ® ee In this piece, you can choose the dynamics. ! : + First, read the words and play the music. + Then write dynamic marks in the boxes given ti + Now play the piece and enjoy your version of Legend of the Buffalo! Legend of the Buffalo N. Faber With spirit 3on_? The ground shakes as a herd of buffalo run. lon_? Son_? The sound echoes from the hills. ‘Teacher Duet: (Student plays as written) Note: Follow the dynamic marks chosen by the student. js} ob c == rg ae Re Rares 20 Lilesson p.35 [lightly Row) A Cheyenne child stops and listens. (growing louder) 17 3 o~ ae A dust cloud rises as the buffalo thunder by. ‘ -—o—o—o_ 9 09 00 9 oe oe o 8 2s 1 f (You write the last sentence.) a @) ey Technique Secret: _ finger independence Do Finger Talk (R.H., L-H., then H.T.) using this pattern: 5-3-5-3-4-2-4 + First play on the closed piano lid. Hint: Both hands use the same fingering. Met Berea 1 ae ly spin the | wheels. Hear that clat - ter 2 Make the mo - tor | purr i with your 5 22 Llesson p.36 (Forest Drums) ‘by memory, looking straight at your hands. + Memorize the musical pattern for Bat Sonar, then play it “blind flying.” Bat Sonar Stead: : (for R.H. alone) et musical pattern ——\ eran 1 (move up) GQ) 1 (move up) ane mf e eeeeneeee es Fly-ing up and down. Fly-ing up and — down. 3 (move up) (0) (move up) @ 3 etc. Fly - ing up and down. Fly - ing up and down. Continue this pattern beginning on G, A, B, and C. Bat Sonar (for LH. alone) Steady Hang-ing up -side down. Hang-ing up-side down. San, (move down) @) 3 1 (move down) (__— musical pattern ——- Hang up - side down. ete. @ (move down) @) 3 5 (move down) Have you ever looked through a kaleidoscope? You would see many beautiful colors. In music, playing the @yNaMiCs creates “musical colors.” * Create “musical colors” in this piece by following the dynamics closely. Before playing, name the intervals (2nd, 3rd, 4th, or Sth) in the blanks. Hold the damper pedal down throughout. Rather slowly Son Kaleidoscope Colors N. Faber 21 mf mp aS ie —o- + Use your imagination and choose a color for each dynamic mark. Ze Sats ed Ein f Warm-up with Wrist Float-off (p. 2). + When playing from a white key to a black key, let your hand roll forward (toward the piano). * As your fingers “walk up” to the black key, your wrist will rise slightly. sea Play F 3 Play LH. RH. > ye ye Vv ‘Teacher Duet: (Student plays as written) SSF 8 lower throughout Lesson p.58 (Dinosaur Stomp) F107 Upbeat upbeat downbeat Tac, Mina An upbeat leads into the first beat of the next measure. ‘The first beat of the measure is called the downbeat. = oe lightly Upbeat Rule: Play the upbeat lightly, then play a stronger tone on the downbeat. Before playing the melodies below: 7 + draw an up-arrow over cach upbeat. + draw a down-arrow over each downbeat. Home on the Range The Muffin Man Billy Boy (This melody has 2 upbeats) On, __ lwhere have you | been Oh, | doyou know the | muf-fin man mp mf When the Saints Go Marching In (This melody has 3 upbeats) 1 mf’ Oh, when the saints , go march-ing 1 2 Point out a melodv that begins on beat 2, on beat 3, on beat 4. With your teacher, look through this piece to find the following: 1. slurs 2. staccatos 3. dynamic marks 4. accent marks ‘Show your artistry in this final piece! Ocean, Ocean Music by N. Faber Words by Crystal Bowman lon Moderately °° ® o - cean’swide, 1 Ton 7 growing louder ® Crash, crash, o - cean’s wide, Il growing louder ® ship and ride so | far a-way to |Greece or Rome and mf Crash, crash, 24 Listen to the sound of staccato with pedal! SU 5 eS, Siaas wa ® Feel the sea spray mp Certificate of Fabulous Fingers Congratulations to: Src s seraniior tie a (Your Nama) = You have completed LEVEL 1 TECHNIQUE & ARTISTRY and are now ready for LEVEL 2A Teacher: Date: ih ata ate ate ate ath ats ath a ath ate ae ae ahh ae a Floating Balloon . Journey by Camel . . Kaleidoscope Colors Legend of the Buffalo . ‘Tradifig Baseball Cards ‘The Wild Colt . ..

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