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Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Volume 2020, Article ID 4282398, 12 pages

Research Article
Computation of Deflections for PC Box Girder Bridges with
Corrugated Steel Webs considering the Effects of Shear Lag and
Shear Deformation

Wei Ji , Kui Luo, and Jingwei Zhang

College of Civil Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Wei Ji;

Received 14 January 2020; Revised 8 June 2020; Accepted 25 June 2020; Published 18 July 2020

Academic Editor: Miguel Castro

Copyright © 2020 Wei Ji et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Prestressed concrete (PC) girders with corrugated steel webs (CSWs) have received considerable attention in the past two decades
due to their light self-weight and high prestressing efficiency. Most previous studies were focused on the static behavior of CSWs
and simple beams with CSWs. The calculation of deflection is an important part in the static analysis of structures. However, very
few studies have been conducted to investigate the deflection of full PC girders or bridges with CSWs and no simple formulas are
available for estimating their deflection under static loads. In addition, experimental work on full-scale bridges or scale bridge
models with CSWs is very limited. In this paper, a formula for calculating the deflection of PC box girders with CSWs is derived.
The longitudinal displacement function of PC box girders with CSWs, which can consider the shear lag effect and shear de-
formation of CSWs, is first derived. Based on the longitudinal displacement function, the formula for predicting the deflection of
PC box girders with CSWs is derived using the variational principle method. The accuracy of the derived formula is verified
against experimental results from a scaled bridge model and the finite element analysis results. Parametric studies are also
performed, and the influences of shear lag and shear deformation on the deflection of the box girder with CSWs are investigated by
considering different width-to-span ratios and different girder heights. The present study provides an effective and efficient tool
for determining the deflection of PC box girders with CSWs.

1. Introduction characteristics of box girder bridges with CSWs considering

the effects of shear lag and shear deformation have been
Prestressed concrete (PC) girders with corrugated steel webs studied by some scholars [4–6]. The flexural behavior of
(CSWs) are a new type of girders that can take full ad- I-girders with CSWs has also been studied by many re-
vantages of the material properties of the concrete flanges, searchers [5, 7–11]. In addition, the fatigue performance of
prestressed tendons, and steel webs. As shown in Figure 1, girders with CSWs was also studied by some researchers
the upper and bottom concrete flanges provide the bending [12, 13].
strength while the CSWs provide the necessary shear ca- Deflection is a very important indicator for structures’
pacity but contribute little to the bending capacity [1]. stiffness and bearing capacity. However, very few studies
Bridges with this type of girders are aesthetically pleasing have been conducted to investigate the deflections of full PC
and attractive from the viewpoint of both saving con- girders or bridges with CSWs. Meanwhile, no simple for-
struction time and cost effectiveness. Moreover, the CSWs mulas are available for estimating the deflection of PC girder
do not absorb much prestressing force in the concrete bridges with CSWs. In addition, most previous studies were
flanges and can therefore improve the prestressing efficiency focused on the behavior of CSWs or steel beams with CSWs
over the conventional PC box girders. rather than the performance of full bridges with CSWs, and
Most of the previous studies focused on the shear very few experimental studies have been reported on the
buckling of CSWs [2, 3]. The static and dynamic overall performance of PC girders with CSWs [14, 15].
2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Therefore, simple and accurate formulas for calculating the Diaphragm

deflection of such girders/bridges are very desirable.
For a box girder, the shear lag effect reduces the in-plane Top concrete flange
stiffness of the flanges, leading to an increase of the girder
deflection [16]. Therefore, the effect of shear lag on the Corrugated steel
deflection of PC girder bridges with CSWs is considered in web
this study. Based on the experiments and theoretical analyses
carried out to date, it has been confirmed that the shear force Bottom concrete flange
in the girder is mostly resisted by the CSWs [1]. The CSWs, Internal
which usually have a thickness of 10 mm, are much thinner
than the webs of conventional PC box girders and therefore External
have smaller shear stiffness. Therefore, the effect of the shear tendons
deformation of the CSWs on the total deflection of PC box Figure 1: Main components of a PC box girder with CSWs.
girders with CSWs should be taken into account.
The main purpose of this paper is to provide an ef-
fective and efficient way for calculating the deflection of
PC box girders with CSWs while considering the effects of L1 L2
both the shear lag and shear deformation of the CSWs.
The longitudinal displacement function of PC box girders L3
with CSWs which can consider the shear lag effect and
shear deformation of CSWs is derived. Based on the
longitudinal displacement function, the deflection for- Figure 2: Corrugation configuration and geometric notation.
mula of PC box girders with CSWs is deduced using the
variational principle method. The accuracy of the derived
formula is verified against experimental results from a (3) The quasiplane section assumption is adopted in
scaled bridge model and also the finite element analysis calculating the stresses of the box girder with CSWs
(FEA) results. under vertical loads.
(4) The geometry and support conditions of the girder
are both symmetric. Also, the normal stress and
2. Shear Modulus of CSWs displacement in the lateral direction are assumed to
To understand the shear behavior of PC girder bridges with be zero.
CSWs, it is necessary to determine the effective shear A cross section of a PC box girder with CSWs is shown in
modulus of the CSWs. Samanta and Mukhopadhyay [17] Figure 3, in which the shear lag effect is illustrated. The
proposed a formula for determining the effective shear phenomenon of nonuniform normal stress distribution in
modulus of CSWs as follows: the flange of a thin-walled member is called the shear lag.
L 1 + L2 􏼁 Es The coordinate system adopted in this study is illustrated in
Gs � � αG, (1) Figures 3 and 4. For a box girder with CSWs, the shear lag
L 1 + L3 􏼁 2 1 + v s 􏼁
effect reduces the in-plane stiffness of the flanges, leading to
where G, Es, and vs are the shear modulus, Young’s modulus an increase in the deflection of the PC box girder with CSWs.
of elasticity, and Poisson’s ratio of the flat steel plates, re- Because of the CSW’s longitudinal failure to pull (as
spectively, and α is the length reduction factor, which is the shown in Figure 5), the effect of the shear deformation of the
ratio of the projected length (L1 + L2 ) to the actual length of CSWs on the girder deflection should be considered [4, 6].
the corrugated plates (L1 + L3 ) shown in Figure 2. Since the For the CSWs, the shear strain cs can be expressed as
value of α is less than 1, the shear modulus of CSWs is cs � W′ (x) − ϕy (x), (2)
smaller than that of flat steel plates.
where W′ (x) � the derivative of the vertical translation of
3. Governing Equilibrium the cross section with respect to x and φy (x) � the angular
rotation of the box girder section about the y axis.
Differential Equations
3.1. Description of the Problem and Assumptions. The basic
assumptions made for the PC box girders with CSWs in- 3.2. Warping Displacement Function for Shear Lag. The
vestigated in this study are summarized as follows: warping displacement function for shear lag should be se-
lected cautiously because it directly reflects the warping
(1) The CSWs have no contribution to the flexural stress distribution due to the shear lag. In the box girder with
strength of the PC box girders with CSWs due to the CSWs, a large shear flow is normally transmitted from the
accordion effect. webs to the horizontal flanges. This causes the in-plane shear
(2) The materials of the girder are linear elastic, and the deformation of the flange plates, the consequence of which is
girder deflection and rotation are small. that the longitudinal displacement in the central zone of the
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3

b ζb surface of the top slab; t is the slab thickness; and s is the

σ–x contour coordinate measured along the central line of the
wall and its origin is at the intersection point between the
ht x-z plane and the central surface of top slab.
y The in-plane shear deformation of the top slab can be
z hb approximately expressed as
2 zu q(s) Q(z)ht
σ–x cxy � � � s, (4)
σx zs Gc t Gc Iy

σx : Actual stress where u is the longitudinal displacement of the top slab and
considered shear lag Gc is the shear modulus of concrete slab. In equation (4), the
–σ : By elementary
x effect of the lateral displacement of the top slab on the shear
beam theory
deformation is assumed to be negligible. Integrating equa-
Figure 3: Cross section of box girder with CSWs. tion (4) with respect to s gives
Q(z)ht 2
u − u0 � s, (5)
2Gc Iy
where u0 is the longitudinal displacement at the origin of s.
x The longitudinal displacement at the intersection be-
tween the CSWs and top slab (Point 1, as shown in Figure 3)
W(x) can be expressed as
Q(z)ht 2
u1 � b + u0 . (6)
l 2Gc Iy

Figure 4: Coordinate system adopted in this study. The additional deflection induced by the shear lag effect
of the top slab can be expressed as
Q(z)ht 2
ξ 1 (x) � u1 − u0 � b. (7)
/dx 2Gc Iy
Using the following boundary conditions, i.e., u � u0
at y � 0 and u � u1 at y � b, the longitudinal displace-
dW/dx ment function at any point of the top slab can be
x expressed as
ut (x, y, z) � u1 (x, z) − 􏼠1 − 􏼡ξ (x). (8)
b2 1
The same method can also be applied to the cantilever
slab and bottom slab. Therefore, the longitudinal displace-
ment function at any point of the cantilever slab and bottom
slab can be expressed as
Figure 5: Shear deformation for the box girder with CSWs in the x-
z plane. (ζb + b − y)2
uc (x, y, z) � u1 (x, z) − 􏼢1 − 􏼣ξ 2 (x), (9)
flange plate lags behind that near the webs, whereas the
bending theory predicts equal displacements. Therefore, the y2
ub (x, y, z) � u2 (x, z) − 􏼠1 − 􏼡ξ (x), (10)
warping displacement function for shear lag can be inves- b2 3
tigated from the in-plane shear deformation. For the box
girder with CSWs with a vertical symmetrical axis as shown where ξ 2 (x) � ((Q(z)ht )/(2Gc Iy ))(ζb)2 is the additional
in Figure 3, the flexural shear flow at any point of the top slab deflection induced by shear lag effect of the cantilever slab
(between two CSWs) can be expressed as and ξ 3 (x) � − ((Q(z)hb )/(2Gc Iy ))(b)2 is the additional
Q(z) Q(z) deflection induced by the shear lag effect of the bottom
q(s) � − 􏽚 Sy ds � h ts, (3)
Iy Iy t slab.
Based on the quasiplane section assumption of the PC
where Q(z) is the vertical shear on the cross section; Iy is box girder with CSWs, the longitudinal displacement of the
the moment of inertia of the cross section about the y CSWs at Point 1 and Point 2 (shown in Figure 3) can be
axis; ht is the distance between the y axis and the central expressed, respectively, as follows:
4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

dW 1 l 1 l
u1 (x) � − ht 􏼠 􏼡, (11) Vb � 􏽚 􏽚 Ec ε2x dAdx + 􏽚 􏽚 Gc c2xy dAdx
dx − cs 2 0 A 2 0 A

1 l
dW 2
u2 (x) � hb 􏼠 􏼡, (12) � 􏽚 Ec f2 (y, z)dA 􏽚 􏼂ξ ′ (x)􏼃 dx
dx − cs 2 A 0

where hb is the distance between the y axis and the central + 􏽚 Ec f(y, z)hi dA 􏽚 ξ ′ (x) W″ − cs′􏼁dx (15)
surface of the bottom slab, as illustrated in Figure 3. A 0
After substituting equations (11) and (12) into equa- l
tions (8)∼(10), the longitudinal displacement at any point 1 2
+ 􏽚 Ec h2i dA􏽚 􏼂W″ − cs′􏼃 dx
of the cross section of the PC box girder with CSWs 2 A 0
including the shear lag and shear deformation effects can l
be expressed as 1 2
+ 􏽚 Gc 􏼂f′ (y, z)􏼃 dA 􏽚 [ξ(x)]2 dx,
2 A 0
u(x, y, z) � hi 􏼠 􏼡 + f(y, z)ξ(x), where Ec and Gc are Young’s modulus and shear modulus of
dx − cs the concrete flange, respectively; Iy � 􏽒A h2i dA;
Iff � 􏽒A f (y, z)dA; Ifh � 􏽒A f(y, z)hi dA; and

⎪ y2 Iff � 􏽒A [f′ (y, z)]2 dA.

⎪ − ht 􏼠1 − 2 􏼡, for top slab,

⎪ b The strain energy in the CSWs is calculated as

⎪ l

⎪ Gs A s 2

⎪ Vf � 􏽚 cs dx, (16)

⎪ 0 2
⎨ (ζb + b − y)2 2
f(y, z) � ⎪ − ht 􏼢1 − 􏼣ζ , for cantilever slab,

⎪ (ζb)2 where As is the total cross section area of the two CSWs.

⎪ For the box girder with CSWs shown in Figure 4, the

⎪ potential energy stored in the girder W due to the external

⎪ y2

⎪ loading can be given by
⎩ hb 􏼠1 − 2 􏼡, for bottom slab,
(13) W � 􏽚 M(x) W″ − cs′􏼁dx + 􏽚 Q(x)cs dx. (17)
where f(y, z) is the warping displacement function for
As a result, the total potential energy of the box girder
shear lag and ξ(x) � ((Q(z))/2Gc Iy )b2 is the additional
with CSWs can be calculated as Π � Vb + Vf + W. According
deflection induced by the shear lag effect.
to the principle of minimum potential energy, it can be
obtained that δΠ � 0. The governing differential equations
and natural boundary conditions of the system are as follows:
3.3. Governing Equations Based on the Variational Principle.
Considering the symmetry of shear strain about the x-z
Ec Iy W″ − cs′􏼁 + Ec Ifh ξ ′ (x) + M(x) � 0, (18)
plane, the normal strain and shear strain in the top slab,
cantilever slab, and bottom slab can be given, respectively, as
follows: Gc Iff ξ(x) − Ec Ifh 􏼒W‴ − c″s 􏼓 − Ec Iff ξ ″ (x) � 0, (19)

zu(x, y, z)
εx � � f(y, z) · ξ ′ (x) + hi · W″ − cs′􏼁, Q(x)
zx cs � , (20)
Gs A s
zu(x, y, z)
cxy � � f′ (y, z) · ξ(x). 􏼌􏼌l
zy δξ(x)􏼐Ec Iff ξ ′ (x) + Ec Ifh W″ − cs′􏼁􏼑􏼌􏼌􏼌0 � 0. (21)
Then, the strain energy of the top slab, cantilever slab, Differentiating equation (18) with respect to the path
and bottom slab of the box girder with CSWs shown in variable x and then substituting the term (W‴ − c″s ) into
Figure 3 can be expressed as follows: equation (19) results in
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5

Gc Iy Iff 1 Ifh M(x)

ξ ″ (x) − 2 ξ(x) � − 2 Q(x). W0 � − 􏽚􏼢􏽚 dx􏼣dx + C10 x + C20
Ec Iy Iff − Ifh Ec Ifh − Iy Iff Ec I
(22) q 3 3 4
�− 􏼒 lx − x 􏼓 + C10 x + C20 ,
Equation (22) can be further simplified into the 24Ec I 2
ξ ″ (x) − k2 ξ(x) � − k1 Q(x), (23) in which the constants of integration, C10 and C20, may
be determined by using the boundary conditions:
where k2 � (Gc /Ec )((Iy Iff )/(Iy Iff − I2fh )); When x � 0,
k1 � (1/Ec )((Ifh )/(Ifh − Iy Iff )).
Then, the general solution of equation (23) can be W0 � 0, C20 � 0.
expressed as When x � l,

ξ(x) � a1 shkx + a2 chkx + ξ , (24) W0 � 0, C10 � (ql3 /48Ec I).
where ξ ∗ is the specia1 solution related to Q(x) and the Then,
constants a1 and a2 are determined based on the boundary q 3 3 ql3
conditions. W0 � − 􏼒 lx − x 􏼓 + x. (29)
24Ec I 2 48Ec I
Further simplification of equation (18) gives
M(x) Ifh Q (x)
W″ � − − ξ ′ (x) + ′ . (25) (2) W1 is the displacement due to the shear lag effect:
Ec Iy Iy Gs A s 28q 3
ξ ″ (x) − k2 ξ(x) � 􏼒 l − x􏼓. (30)
3Ec I 8
Integrating equation (25) with respect to l, the total
vertical deflection of the box girder with CSWs is calculated
as The solution is as follows:
M(x) Ifh 28q 3 1 5kl chkx
W(x) � − 􏽚􏼢􏽚 dx􏼣dx − 􏽚􏼔􏽚 ξ ′ (x)dx􏼕dx ξ(x) � 􏼢− 􏼒 l − x􏼓 − shkx + 􏼠thkl − 􏼡 􏼣,
3Ec Ik2 8 k 8chkl k
Ec Iy Iy
28q 5kl
Q (x) ξ ′ (x) � 􏼢1 − chkx + 􏼠thkl − 􏼡shkx􏼣,
+ 􏽚􏼢􏽚 ′ dx􏼣dx + C1 x + C2 3Ec Ik2 8chkl
Gs A s
W1 � − 􏽚􏼔􏽚 ξ ′ (x)dx􏼕dx + C11 x + C21 ,
� W0 + W1 + W2 + C1 x + C2 , 4
where W0 is the displacement calculated with traditional in which the constants of integration, C10 and C20, may
beam theory and can be calculated as be determined by using the boundary conditions:
W0 � − 􏽒[􏽒(M(x)/Ec I)dx]dx + C10 x + C20 ; W1 is the dis-
placement due to the shear lag effect and can be calculated as When x � 0,
W1 � − (Ifh /Iy ) 􏽒[􏽒 ξ ′ (x)dx]dx + C11 x + C21 ; and W2 is W1 � 0, C20 � 0.
the displacement considering shear deformation effect and
can be calculated as W2 � 􏽒[􏽒(Q (x)/Gs As ) When x � l,

dx]dx + C12 x + +C22 . In the previous displacement ex- W1 � 0,
pressions, C1 , C2 , C10 , C20 , C11 , C21 , C12 , and C22 are
constants and can be determined from the boundary con- 7ql l2 1 − chkl 5kl shkl
ditions at the two ends of the box girder with CSWs. C11 � − 􏼢 + + 􏼠thkl − 􏼡 2 􏼣,
The two-span continuous box girder with CSWs under k2 Ec Il 2 k 2 8chkl k
uniformly distributed load q (as shown in Figure 6), the
bending moment, and shear force at any section x can be 7q x2 chkx 5kl shkl 7q
W1 � 􏼢 + 2 + 􏼠thkl − 􏼡 􏼣− 4
obtained: Ec Ik2 2 k 8chkl k2 k Ec I
3 qx2
M(x) � qlx − ,
8 2 7qx l2 1 − chkl 5kl shkl
(27) + 􏼢 + + 􏼠thkl − 􏼡 􏼣.
k2 lEc I 2 k2 8chkl k2
Q(x) � ql − qx. (32)

(1) W0 is the displacement calculated with traditional (3) W2 is the displacement considering shear defor-
beam theory: mation effect
6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Q (x)
W 2 � 􏽚􏼢 􏽚 ′ dx􏼣dx + C12 x + C22 x
Gs A s
q l l
�− x2 + C12 x + C22 , z
2Gs As
Figure 6: Load Case 1: a continuous box girder under uniformly
in which the constants of integration, C12 and C22, may distributed loads.
be determined by using the boundary conditions:
When x � 0,
W2 � 0, C22 � 0. P P
When x � l,
W0 � 0, C10 � (ql3 /48Ec I). l l
Then, z

q q Figure 7: Load Case 2: a continuous box girder under concentrated

W2 � − x2 + xl. (34) loads.
2Gs As 2Gs As

For continuous box girder under concentrated loads (as Two prestressing tendons were used in the bridge model,
shown in Figure 7), C1 , C2 , C10 , C20 , C11 , C21 , C12 , and C22 as shown in Figure 9, with the prestressing force monitored
are constants and can be determined from the boundary by the pressure sensors installed at the two ends of the bridge
conditions at the two ends of the box girder with CSWs by model. The prestressing tendon has a tensile strength of
the same method. fpk � 1860 MPa and Young’s modulus of Ep � 195 GPa. An
When 0 ≤ x ≤ (l/2), effective prestressing force of 130 kN was applied to each
prestressing tendon.
C10 � (1.496/48Ec I)Pl2 , C20 � 0, C11 � (7P/2Ec Ik2 ), The prestressing force is only used to prevent bottom
C21 � 0, C12 � 0, C22 � 0. concrete flange from cracking due to the large deformation
When (l/2) < x ≤ l, caused by the self-weight when the test girder is lifted in
laboratory. During the loading test, the influence of prestress
C10 � (7.496/48Ec I)Pl2 , C20 � − (Pl3 /48Ec I), C11 � force is not considered in the model test girder.
− (7P/2Ec Ik2 ), C21 � (7Pl/2Ec Ik2 ), C12 � 0, C22 � 0.
Equation (26), which considers the effects of shear lag
4.2. Static Tests. In this paper, only one bridge model is
and shear deformation, can be used to calculate the de-
made, and two loading cases were adopted to study the
flection of PC box girders with CSWs provided that the
deflections of this bridge model. The deflection is in un-
boundary conditions can be given. It should also be noted
cracked stage of concrete at low level of loading, and the
that the displacement of both simply supported girders and
deflection of the composite box girder with CSWs is cal-
continuous girders can be calculated provided that the
culated when there is no crack in the bottom concrete flange.
boundary conditions are properly defined.
Load Case 1 is a uniformly distributed load, as shown in
Figure 8. In this study, three different magnitudes of uni-
4. Experimental Study formly distributed loads were tested, namely, 2 kN/m, 4 kN/
m, and 6 kN/m, respectively. Figure 10 shows a picture of the
4.1. Bridge Model and Test Setup. The bridge model used in bridge model loaded with a uniformly distributed load of
the experimental study is a one-tenth scale model built for 4 kN/m in the laboratory.
the Juancheng Yellow River Bridge located in Shandong Load Case 2 consists of two equal concentrated loads
Province, China. This bridge model, as shown in Figure 8, is applied at the midpoints of the two spans. Three different
a two-span continuous concrete box girder bridge with levels of concentrated load, namely, 5.0 kN, 10.0 kN, and
CSWs. The length of the bridge model is 6 m in total. The 15.0 kN, were adopted.
bridge model is supported by a hinge in the middle and a
roller support at each end. The CSWs of the bridge model
have a thickness of 1.2 mm. The steel material has a yielding 4.3. Finite Element Model for the Bridge Model. A finite el-
stress of fy � 296 MPa, Poisson’s ratio of vs � 0.3, and ement model (FEM) was created for the PC box girder
Young’s modulus of Es � 206 GPa. The compressive strength bridge model with CSWs using the software ANSYS-14. The
fc , Young’s modulus Ec , and Poisson’s ratio vc for the upper Shell63 element, which has both bending and membrane
and lower concrete flanges are taken as 51.2 MPa, 34.5 GPa, capabilities and allows both in-plane and out-of-plane loads,
and 0.2, respectively. The dimensions of the PC box girder was used to model the CSWs. This element has six degrees of
bridge model with CSWs are shown in Figure 8. freedom (DOFs), including three translational and three
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7

1350 6000
1080 960 960 960 960 1080



150 50 200
Unit: mm



650 Unit: mm

(a) (b)


43 37 43 37 43

Unit: mm

Figure 8: A PC box girder bridge model with CSWs: (a) cross-sectional view; (b) elevation view; (c) dimensions of corrugated steel web.

1080 960 960 960 960 1080

Unit: mm
Figure 9: Layout of the prestressing tendons.

rotational DOFs, at each node. The concrete flanges and

diaphragms were all modeled using the eight-node three-
dimensional (3D) solid element Solid45 [18]. This element
has three translational DOFs at each node. The Solid45
element also has plasticity, creep, swelling, stress stiffening,
large deflection, and large strain capabilities. The pre-
stressing tendons were modeled by the 3D two-node spar
element LINK8. This element is a uniaxial tension-com- Figure 10: Bridge model loaded with a uniformly distributed load
pression element with three translational DOFs at each of 4 kN/m.
node. An initial strain can be given to the LINK8 element to
simulate the prestressing force.
The connection between the steel webs and concrete
flanges was treated as rigid connection. The same boundary
conditions as described in the previous section were adopted
in the finite element model. Figure 11 shows the FEM of the
PC box girder with CSWs.

5. Results and Discussion

Figure 11: The FEM of the PC box girder with CSWs.
Figures 12 and 13 show the measured midspan deflections of
the two spans under the uniformly distributed loads and
concentrated loads, respectively. The results obtained from accuracy. It can also be seen from Figures 12 and 13 that
the finite element analysis and the developed formula are the measured results of the tested bridge model are
also presented for comparison. slightly smaller than the results from the finite element
As can be seen from Figures 12 and 13, the results analysis and those measured from the tested bridge model.
obtained from the developed formula match very well The reason is that actual size of bridge model is slightly
with the results predicted from the finite element analysis larger than the design size due to the manufacturing
and those measured from the tested bridge model, indi- deviation or the mold deformation, which increases the
cating that the developed formula has satisfactory rigidity of the bridge model.
8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

6 6

Uniformly distributed load (kN/m)

Uniformly distributed load (kN/m)

4 4

2 2

0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Displacement (mm) Displacement (mm)

Present method Present method

FEM method FEM method
Experimental Experimental
(a) (b)

Figure 12: Midspan deflection of the test girder under uniformly distributed loads: (a) first span; (b) second span.

15 15
Concentrated load (kN)

Concentrated load (kN)

10 10

5 5

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

Displacement (mm) Displacement (mm)

Present method Present method

FEM method FEM method
Experimental Experimental
(a) (b)

Figure 13: Midspan deflection of the test girder under concentrated loads: (a) first span; (b) second span.

It can also be observed from Figures 12 and 13 that the girder height, on the deflection of the girder with CSWs. The
deflections of the two spans increase linearly with the increase effects of shear lag and shear deformation of CSWs on the
of loads, indicating that the bridge model was working in the deflection of the PC box girder with CSWs were also
linear-elastic range under all the loading cases considered. investigated.

6. Parametric Study
6.1. Effect of Width-to-Span Ratio. In order to analyze the
In order to further evaluate the present method, a parametric influences of shear lag and shear deformation of CSWs on
study was conducted to investigate the effects of two im- the deflection of PC box girders with CSWs under dif-
portant parameters, namely, the width-to-span ratio and ferent width-to-span ratios, the height of the bridge model
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 9

6 100
Shear lag effect on total deflection (%)

Shear deformation effect on total


girder deflection (%)



0 20
0.650 0.325 0.217 0.163 0.130 0.108
Width-to-span ratio (2b/l)
Figure 14: Contribution of the shear lag effect on the total girder 0.625 0.325 0.217 0.163 0.130 0.108
deflection under uniformly distributed loads. Width-to-span ratio (2b/l)
Figure 17: Contribution of the shear deformation of CSWs to the
total girder deflection under concentrated loads.
Shear deformation effect on total deflection (%)

Shear lag effect on total girder deflection (%) 6


40 4


0.650 0.325 0.217 0.163 0.130 0.108
Width-to-span ratio (2b/l)
Figure 15: Contribution of the shear deformation of CSWs on the 0
total girder deflection under uniformly distributed loads. 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Height of CSWs (mm)

18 Width-to-span ratio 0.650

Width-to-span ratio 0.325
Width-to-span ratio 0.217
Shear lag effect on total deflection (%)

Width-to-span ratio 0.163

Width-to-span ratio 0.130
12 Width-to-span ratio 0.108
Figure 18: Contribution of the shear lag effect to the total girder
deflection (J1) under uniformly distributed loads.

was assumed as constant. Six span lengths were investi-
gated, namely, 1 m, 2 m, 3 m, 4 m, 5 m, and 6 m, for each
span of the continuous bridge, respectively, which cor-
respond to six width-to-span ratios of 0.650, 0.325, 0.217,
0 0.163, 0.130, and 0.108, respectively.
0.650 0.325 0.217 0.163 0.130 0.108 Denote the contribution of the shear lag effect and
Width-to-span ratio (2b/l) shear deformation of CSWs on the total girder deflection
Figure 16: Contribution of the shear lag effect to the total girder as J1 and J2, respectively; J1 and J2 can be calculated as
deflection under concentrated loads. follows:
10 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Shear deformation effect on total girder deflection (%)

Shear lag effect on total girder deflection (%)





0 0
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Height of CSWs (mm) Height of CSWs (mm)

Width-to-span ratio 0.650 Width-to-span ratio 0.650

Width-to-span ratio 0.325 Width-to-span ratio 0.325
Width-to-span ratio 0.217 Width-to-span ratio 0.217
Width-to-span ratio 0.163 Width-to-span ratio 0.163
Width-to-span ratio 0.130 Width-to-span ratio 0.130
Width-to-span ratio 0.108 Width-to-span ratio 0.108

Figure 19: Contribution of the shear deformation of CSWs to the Figure 20: Contribution of the shear lag effect on the total girder
total girder deflection (J2) under uniformly distributed loads. deflection (J1) under concentrated loads.

J1 � × 100%,
W 100
Shear deformation effect on total girder

J2 � × 100%. 80
Figures 14 and 15 show the contribution of the shear lag
deflection (%)

effect and shear deformation of CSWs on the total girder 60

deflection under uniformly distributed loads, respectively.
From Figures 14 and 15, it can be seen that the shear de- 40
formation of the CSWs has a significant influence on the
deflection of the bridge girder with CSWs while the shear lag
effect has a relatively small influence, which only accounts 20
for less than 6%. In addition, it is observed that the influ-
ences of shear lag and shear deformation of CSWs decrease 0
significantly with the increase of the width-to-span ratio. As 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
for the influence of the shear deformation of the CSWs, the Height of CSWs (mm)
contribution is reduced from over 90% with a width-to-span
ratio of 0.650 to less than 50% with a width-to-span ratio of Width-to-span ratio 0.650
0.108. Width-to-span ratio 0.325
Figures 16 and 17 show the contribution of the shear lag Width-to-span ratio 0.217
effect and shear deformation of CSWs to the total girder Width-to-span ratio 0.163
deflection under concentrated loads, respectively. As can be Width-to-span ratio 0.130
Width-to-span ratio 0.108
seen from Figures 16 and 17, similar observations can be
made as those observed from Figures 14 and 15. From the Figure 21: Contribution of the shear deformation of CSWs on the
comparison of the results under different load cases, it is also total girder deflection (J2) under concentrated loads.
observed that the contribution of the same parameter to the
total girder deflection changes under different load cases.
different heights (denoted as hw in Figure 3), the dimensions
of the top and bottom flanges were kept the same. Seven
6.2. Effect of Girder Height. In order to analyze the influences CSW heights were investigated, namely, 50 mm, 100 mm,
of shear lag effect and shear deformation of CSWs on the 150 mm, 200 mm, 250 mm, 300 mm, and 350 mm,
deflection of the PC box girder with CSWs that have respectively.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 11

Figures 18 and 19 show the contribution of the shear lag Conflicts of Interest
effect and shear deformation of CSWs to the total girder
deflection under uniformly distributed loads, respectively. The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
As compared to Figures 14 and 15, it can be seen from
Figures 18 and 19 that the change in the height of the CSWs Acknowledgments
does not cause a significant change in the influence of both
the shear lag effect and shear deformation of CSWs on the This study was supported partially by two grants from the
deflection of PC continuous box girder with CSWs. National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant nos.
Figures 20 and 21 show the contribution of the shear lag 51708269 and 51868039) and by the Foundation of A
effect and shear deformation of CSWs on the total girder Hundred Youth Talents Training Program of Lanzhou
deflection under concentrated loads, respectively. Similar Jiaotong University.
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