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This would probably be my intro line if ever that I will consider being a YouTuber.

We are now in a generation wherein technology rules. We can watch videos as long as
we have devices and internet connections. I can say that this generation is lucky in
many ways, unlike before that they always need manpower to do something. A lot of
people consider being a YouTuber because it gives money just by making appropriate
content. Some YouTuber's content is about cooking, online streaming, and dance
choreography. Few do videos on pranking their partners, entertainment, and covering
songs. These contents are somehow entertaining to the viewers however, as time goes
by, many YouTubers upload videos that are inappropriate to other people especially to
minors. They consider themselves as influencers but they fail to understand what that
word means and who to influence.
YouTubers who know the meaning of being an influencer actually do what they
are supposed to be doing and that is to influence. The YouTubers who caught the
attention of the people are more likely to be the YouTuber who wants to earn money
and influence at the same time. Those who have positive reviews are being praised all
over social media. One of their goals is to entertain people and they do that by doing
appropriate content. There are people who become YouTubers after trending on social
media. These people caught the people’s attention because they do something
appropriate that makes the people entertain. Some influencers are known to be good at
making jokes, doing sarcastic videos, and even helping others.
There are also YouTubers who are infamous, meaning, they are known for doing
something bad or not good in the eye of the people. These YouTubers believe that no
matter what they do, even if it’s inappropriate, they will still earn money. They are more
likely to be targeting something that will trigger the people to make noises about their
names which actually work sometimes. According to Georgina Torbet, most people who
often use YouTube are teenagers and below. In this matter, doing inappropriate content
will not only harm the creator but also the people who are being influenced. In simple
terms, they should at least avoid doing inappropriate content because they should
consider who they are influencing. They should also do something out of social media,
their worlds should not only revolve around doing videos because there might some
opportunities out there which may guarantee their success more. Opening doors to
something new is not bad, if they become YouTubers just because they drop school,
then it just means that they are depending on their viewers because no viewers mean
no money so having another plan will surely make a difference. Yes, by doing
inappropriate content, you can still earn money but are you going to keep doing that,
being the talk of the town not for doing good but for doing bad?

In conclusion, YouTubers should know how to identify themselves whether they

are influencers or content creators. They should put the effort into knowing who they are
influencing. Don’t let money change who they are and don’t let being famous get into
their head. I believe that good YouTubers are those who know they are influencers and
keep on influencing for good.

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