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Group 1

Table 1 shows the observation for Metals reaction in different solution
SOLUTION/ Mg(NO3)2 Pb(NO3)2 Cu(NO3)2 FeSO4 Zn(NO3)2

ZINC - Colour of - Colour of - Blue - Yellow

the solution the solution solution to solution to
did not did not colourless colourless
change change - The size of solution
- The size of - The size of the metal is - The size of
the metal is the metal is unchanged the metal is
unchanged unchanged - No unchanged
- No - No formation of - No
formation of formation of gas and formation of
gas and gas and precipitate gas and
precipitate precipitate precipitate
MAGNESIUM - Colour of - Colour of - Colour of - Colour of
the solution the solution the solution the solution
did not did not did not did not
change change change change
- The size of - The size of - The size of - The size of
the metal the metal is the metal is the metal is
decreased unchanged unchanged unchanged
- Has - Has - Has - Has
formation of formation of formation of formation of
gas and gas and gas gas
precipitate precipitate - No - No
precipitate precipitate
LEAD - Colour of - Colour of - Colour of - Colour of
the solution the solution the solution the solution
did not did not did not did not
change change change change
- The size of - The size of - The size of - The size of
the metal is the metal is the metal is the metal is
unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged
- No - Has - No - No
formation of formation of formation of formation of
gas and gas and gas and gas and
precipitate precipitate precipitate precipitate
COPPER - Colour of - Colour of - Colour of - Colour of
the solution the solution the solution the solution
did not did not did not did not
change change change change
- The size of - The size of - The size of - The size of
the metal is the metal is the metal is the metal is
unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged
- No - No - No - No
formation of formation of formation of formation of
gas and gas and gas and gas and
precipitate precipitate precipitate precipitate
IRON - Colour of - Colourless - Colour of - Colour of
the solution solution the solution the solution
did not turns did not did not
change brownish change change
- The size of - The size of - Metal - The size of
the metal is the metal is surface turn the metal is
unchanged unchanged to copper unchanged
- No - No coloured - No
formation of formation of - No formation of
gas and gas and formation of gas and
precipitate precipitate gas and precipitate

Table 2 shows the observation for halogen in dichloromethane

Halogens Observation
Bromine water + dichloromethane -Form two layers
Top: Colourless solution
Bottom: Colourless solution
Chlorine water+ dichloromethane -Form two layers
Top: Colourless solution
Bottom: Colourless solution
Iodine water + dichloromethane -Form two layers
Top: Yellow solution
Bottom: Pale violet solution

Table 3 shows the observation for halogen displacement reaction

Halogens Halide Ions Observation
Chlorine Water KBr Top layer: Colourless to pale
Bottom layer: No changes
KI Top layer: No changes
Bottom layer: No changes
Bromine Water KCl Top layer: No changes
Bottom layer: No changes
KI Top layer: No changes
Bottom layer: No changes
Iodine Water KCl Top layer: No changes
Bottom layer: No changes
KBr Top layer: No changes
Bottom layer: No changes
Group 1

According to table 1, certain metals reacted with the compounds, while others did not react in
the same way. Magnesium is the most reactive of the five metals. Most of the chemicals
responded strongly to it. As a result, magnesium is ranked higher in the metals' activity
rankings. Zines (lead), iron, and copper (copper) make up the other four metals. Because of
this, magnesium is capable of dissolving all four of the other compounds in its system.
Mg(s) + Pb2+ (aq) → Mg2+ (aq) + Pb (s)
Mg(s) + Cu2+ (aq) → Mg2+ (aq) + Cu (s)
Mg(s) + Fe2+ (aq) → Mg2+ (aq) + Fe (s)
Mg(s) + Zn2+ (aq) → Mg2+ (aq) + Zn (s)
Equation 1: Net Ionic Equation for magnesium single displacement reaction
In all four processes, Mg is oxidised to Mg2+ (the loss of two electrons). Zinc, on the other
hand, is the metal that reacts the fastest. Lead (I) nitrate, copper (I2) nitrate and iron (I)
sulphate are shown to react. magnesium is more reactive than zinc. Magnesium cannot be
substituted in zine's solution. It is possible for zinc to replace lead, copper, and iron in
solutions because zinc is a more reactive metal. In any case, the zinc-lead (II) nitrate reaction
is hardly perceptible. This is due to the short time span between the activities of zinc and
lead. The reaction becomes weaker as the distance between the components becomes less.
Zn(s) + Pb2+ (aq) → Zn2+ (aq) + Pb (s)
Zn(s) + Cu2+ (aq) → Zn2+ (aq) + Cu (s)
Zn(s) + Fe2+ (aq) → Zn2+ (aq) + Fe (s)
Equation 2: Net Ionic Equation for zinc single displacement reaction

In this experiment, the third-most reactive metal is iron. Nothing happens when magnesium
(I) nitrate and zinc (Il) nitrate are mixed together with iron metal. Because iron is less
reactive than magnesium and zinc, it cannot replace them. Lead (II) Nitrate and Copper
Nitrate react with iron, resulting in the formation of iron oxide (FeO). Because iron is
positioned above both lead and copper in the activity series, it is considered to be more
Fe(s) + Pb2+ (aq) → Fe2+ (aq) + Pb (s)
Fe(s) + Cu2+ (aq) → Fe2+ (aq) + Cu (s)
Equation 3: Net Ionic Equation for iron single displacement reaction
For this reason, only when interacting with copper (II) nitrate does lead undergo a single
displacement reaction. Due to its lower reactivity, copper is ranked lower in the activity series
Group 1
of the four metals than lead (the other three). Although copper was found to be the least
reactive, it had no interaction with any of the other metals.

Pb(s) + Cu2+ (aq) → Pb2+ (aq) + Cu (s)

Equation 4: Net Ionic Equation for lead single displacement reaction

Metals in increasing order of reactivity are Cu < Pb <Fe <Zn < Mg, according to these data.
Its oxidising ability may be linked to the activity series. As one moves down the activity scale
of metals, the element becomes more resistant to oxidation. Observations demonstrate that
magnesium reacts strongly with all other elements, but copper has no interaction at all.
The second element of the experiment is the halogens' single displacement reaction.
Dichloromethane is added to the halogens to begin this stage of the experiment. To see
whether the halogen has displaced the solution or not, dichloromethane is added. In this
experiment, it serves as an indication. There are two distinct layers of dichloromethane and
chlorine water, as seen in Table 2. Organic solvent chloromethane, usually known as DCM, is
insoluble in water. A dichloromethane layer is formed at the bottom because DCM is denser
than water. In bromine water with DCM, the similar phenomenon is found. In contrast, a faint
violet solution is seen at the bottom of an iodine water solution when dichloromethane is
added to it. Dichloromethane has a little quantity of iodine dissolved in it, and the colour that
appears is due to the iodine. It will be interesting to see how these results compare to those
from a halogen displacement process.
Potassium bromide solution reacts with chlorine water in dichloromethane. In the presence of
KBr, chlorine forms a light yellow solution on top of the colourless base. As a result, a single
displacement reaction is occurring, which indicates that one element is being displaced by
another. There is, however, no reaction when chlorinated water and KI are mixed together.
This demonstrates that there is a mistake in this experiment. Because iodine falls below
chlorine in the halogen activity series, it is assumed to have a reaction.
Cl (aq) + 2Br- (aq) → Cl- (aq) + Br2 (aq)
Cl (aq) + 2I- (aq) → Cl- (aq) + I2 (aq)
Equation 5: Net Ionic Equation for Chlorine single displacement reaction

There was no response when bromine water from DCM was put to KCl. It is impossible for
bromine to remove chlorine from a solution because bromine is less reactive than bromine.
The higher oxidising power of bromine and its greater reactivity than that of iodine allow it to
displace iodine from KI solution. This indicates that the experiment was flawed, since there
was no interaction between KI and bromine water.
Group 1
Br2 (aq) + 2I- (aq) → 2Br- (aq) + I2 (aq)
Equation 6: Net Ionic Equation for Bromine single displacement reaction

Iodine, on the other hand, had no effect on KCI or KBr. Due to chlorine's low activity, it's by
far and away the least reactive of all the halogens. As a result, iodine is unable to displace and
oxidise chloride and bromide ions in solution. We may infer from this that chlorine has the
ability to oxidise bromide as well as iodide ions. Only iodide ions may be oxidised by
bromine, but neither chloride nor bromide ions can be oxidised by iodine. In decreasing
sequence, the halogens' reactivity is Br>CI>I.

In conclusion, elements with a greater reactivity have the ability to replace less reactive ones.
In the Reactivity series, the element's reactivity may be found in the sequence of the metal
cation. Higher reactivity suggests that metals are stronger reducing agents and have a greater
capacity to oxidise by losing electrons, making them more reactive. Halogens are very
reactive, and the more reactivity they have, the more quickly they may be reduced as they
absorb electrons. Halogen's reactivity reduces as the number of group 17 elements decreases.
 The reactivity series of metals - Metals and reactivity series - (CCEA) - GCSE
Chemistry (Single Science) Revision - CCEA - BBC Bitesize. (2022). Retrieved May
17, 2022, from BBC Bitesize website:

 P3: Activity Series of Metals. (2014, February 18). Retrieved May 17, 2022, from Chemistry
LibreTexts website:

 (2020). What Is the Reactivity Series in

Chemistry? Retrieved May 17, 2022, from ThoughtCo website:
Group 1


Part a(Metal-metal ion displacement reactions)

1. Write the ionic half equations for any reaction that occur and hence the overall


i. Zinc metal

 Oxidation : Zn → Zn2+ + 2e- Reduction : Pb2+ + 2e- → Pb

Overall equation : Zn + Pb2+ → Zn2+ + Pb

 Oxidation : Zn → Zn2+ + 2e- Reduction : Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu

Overall equation : Zn + Cu2+ → Zn2+ + Cu

 Oxidation : Zn → Zn2+ + 2e- Reduction : Fe2+ + 2e- → Fe

Overall equation : Zn + Fe2+ → Zn2+ + Fe

ii. Magnesium metal

 Oxidation : Mg → Mg2+ + 2e- Reduction : Pb2+ + 2e- → Pb

Overall equation : Mg + Pb2+ → Mg2+ + Pb

 Oxidation : Mg → Mg2+ + 2e- Reduction : Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu

Overall equation : Mg + Cu2+ → Mg2+ + Cu

 Oxidation : Mg → Mg2+ + 2e- Reduction : Fe2+ + 2e- → Fe

Overall equation : Mg + Fe2+ → Mg2+ + Fe

 Oxidation : Mg → Mg2+ + 2e- Reduction : Zn2+ + 2e- → Zn

Overall equation : Mg + Zn2+ → Mg2+ + Zn

iii. Lead metal

 Oxidation : Pb → Pb2+ + 2e- Reduction : Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu

Overall equation : Pb + Cu2+ → Pb2+ + Cu

iv. Iron metal

 Oxidation : Fe → Fe2+ + 2e- Reduction : Pb2+ + 2e- → Pb

Overall equation : Fe + Pb2+ → Fe2+ + Pb

 Oxidation : Fe → Fe2+ + 2e- Reduction : Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu

Overall equation : Fe + Cu2+ → Fe2+ + Cu

Group 1

2. For each reaction, identify the oxidizing and reducing agents.

i. Reducing agent: Zinc metal

Oxidation agent: Lead nitrate, Copper nitrate, Iron (II) sulphate

ii. Reducing agent: Magnesium metal

Oxidation agent: Lead nitrate, Copper nitrate, Iron (II) sulphate, Zinc nitrate

iii. Reducing agent: Lead metal

Oxidation agent: Copper nitratee

iv. Reducing agent: Iron metal

Oxidation agent: Lead nitrate, Copper nitrate

3. List the four metals observed in this experiment in the order of decreasing strength as

reducing agents.


Part b(Halogen displacement reactions chemicals)

1. Write the ionic equations for any reaction that occur.

i. Chlorine
 Cl (aq) + 2Br- (aq) → Cl- (aq) + Br2 (aq)
 Cl (aq) + 2I- (aq) → Cl- (aq) + I2 (aq)

ii. Bromine
 Br2 (aq) + 2I- (aq) → 2Br- (aq) + I2 (aq)

2. List the halogens observed in this experiment in the order of strongest oxidizing



3. Based on the group 7 elements in the periodic table, explain your series.

Displacement of both bromine and iodine may be achieved by substituting chlorine.

As a result, whereas bromine is capable of displacement but not displacement of

chlorine, iodine is not reactive enough to displace both bromine and iodine.

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