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Name of client: ______Patient B_____ Age: _60__ Sex: __M__ Date: ______

Room No. _202__ Diagnosis:_Muscle spasms,gastrocnemius muscle______

Prescribing doctor: _______________________________________________________
Prepared by: ____________________________________________________________

Drug Indication Contraindication Mechanism of Action Side Effect/ Nursing Responsibilities

Adverse effect
Common side
Generic Name:  It is  A patient with  Baclofen suppresses effects:  Assess vital signs and nutrition
baclofen Specifically, hypersensitivit mono- and  Feeling  Cunsel the patient to have
flexor y with the polysynaptic sleepy, tired, sufficient rest and sleep.
Brand Name: spasms, substance responses, easing dizzy or  Assess and observe the patient
Lioresal pain, clonus,  A patient with spasticity. weak for indications of baclofen
and schizophreni  Hyperpolarization of  Feeling or overdose.
Therapeutic muscular the membrane and being sick
It helps relax a stiffness are decreased calcium (nausea or
certain type of all improved influx at nerve vomiting)
muscle. by the use of terminals are two  Diarrhea
baclofen for effects of baclofen,  Headaches
Pharmacologic the treatment which is produced by  Problems
classification: of spasticity the drug's action on sleeping
muscle relaxant due to neurons. This lowers  Dry mouth
multiple the threshold for action  Rapid eye
Dosage: sclerosis. potentials in the motor movements,
10mg TID  Baclofen is neurons that innervate blurred
approved in muscle spindles, both vision or
Route: patients 0 to presynaptic and difficulty
Oral 18 years for postsynaptic focusing
the  Excessive
symptomatic sweating or a
treatment of mild rash
cerebral  Increased
spasticity, need to pee
notably or pain when
infantile you're peeing
palsy, Serious side
cerebrovasc effects:
accidents, or  Eyes turn
neoplastic or yellow, may
degenerative indicate liver
brain illness. problems
 Sleep apnoea
 More muscle
spasms than

NAME OF STUDENT:Cabrera, Josiah Jefferson I. SECTION: BSN 202

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