Mid 1 - SPR22, Gen-226

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Department of Social Relations

MID 1 Examination Spring 2022
GEN 226: Emergence of Bangladesh
Course instructor: Dr. Lutfun Nahar
Full Marks: 20. Time 90 minutes

Question 1 Demand for provincial or regional autonomy was as old as Muslim’s demand for
separate homeland. Their demand was reflected in different meetings of the Muslim League,

More evident in the Lahore Resolution 1940. It was crystalize by the negative role of central

leadership of Pakistan. Explain it in the context of regional leader’s demand, League ‘s role

Lahore Resolution and subsequent activities of central leadership of Pakistan.(10 Marks)

Question 2. What are the key factors behind the victory of Jukto Front in the provincial election of
1954? What roles the language movement play in that election? (5 marks)

Question 3: What was the basic features of Pakistan at its birth? What are the differences
between East and West Pakistan? What did Pakistani leadership do to resolve those issues?

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