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People Management

Section B
Mid Term Examination

Time: 60 minutes Marks: 40

All Questions carry 2 marks each including Bonus questions.
Instructions: -
a. Do not answer in this word doc. Please write your answers in a separate word
b. Do not copy the questions.
c. Write the question number only correctly
d. Name the word document as your name
e. Do not copy from your classmates or internet.
f. All submission will be checked on Turnitin.

1. JUD Hotels is hiring receptionists and managers for its new restaurant. Based on past
data out of 10 receptionists 7 remain receptionists, 2 become managers and 1 leaves
the organization. Out of 10 managers 6 remain managers, 2 get promoted and 2 leave.
Which HR planning method are they using? How many managers and receptionists
should they hire so that after one year they have 10 of each. Currently they have none.

2. What happens in the following conditions?

a. Strong horizontal and vertical integration of HR policies but weak action.
b. Weak horizontal and vertical integration of HR policies but strong action.

3. In a FMCG company recruitment effort yielded 200 applicants out which 75 reached
the final stage of interviews and 25 finally joined the company. What is staffing and
hiring yield of the process?

4. You as an HR manager are designing a job of Manager Finance in a new product

division. You want to design the job is such a way which allows her to use her
accounting and fintech skills, be responsible for the entire product division and enable
her to contribute significantly to the division. Which elements of the Job
Characteristics Model are you using?
5. You join a company after completing your MBA and number of things happen to you
in your first month
a. Your team takes you out for dinner
b. Your boss assigns you one senior member who shows you how things are
c. You must attend a workshop organized by HR
d. You are required to attend some lectures by vising managers from other units
Finally at the end of the month your boss says that you know almost all there is to know and
for everything else you can learn yourself. What are these 5 things kind of?

6. What is the Critical Incident Method and which HR processes is it used for?

7. What kind of job seeker are you? What about your seniors MBA 2022 students?

8. What should HR managers do so that they are not hated according to P.Cappelli?
Discuss any 2 steps.

9. What is the difference market compliance-based HR configuration and commitment-

based HR configuration?

10. You start working in a company where you senior from JGBS is your boss. When
time for performance appraisal comes, she rates you higher than others in your cohort.
She rates your friend based on the behaviour she observed in an official function
where your friend behaved aggressively with a server, and she thought your friend has
negative attitude. What errors is your boss committing while apprising your friend
and you?

11. A media company specializing in groundbreaking content is hiring for production

head of its OTT division. The job specification includes more than 10 years of work
experience, relevant degree from a reputed institute, number of successful projects/
programmes produced, creative and innovative skills, team worker and leadership
skills. Looking through the competency framework what kind of competencies are
they looking for. Map the specifications to the kind of competencies identified by

12. In 2022 which cohorts will be non-traditional hires for an IT company?

13. What is the difference between performance appraisal and performance management?

14. What is Type 1 and Type 2 errors in hiring?

15. Truck Drivers of 16-wheeler trucks are tested on driving stimulators. What kind of job
testing is this and why is it used here?

16. If you are Learning & Development manager and must design a training programme
for mid-level managers for Big Data Analysis what will be your first two steps for

17. One of your seniors recounted her experiences of hiring saying that though the people
of the company where quite rude and strict, the process followed was well laid out,
transparent and fair and final decisions were also taken objectively and fairly. What
fairness perceptions were she talking about?

18. In a sales department of a mattress company the usual target is 10 mattresses sale per
salesperson per month but new manager with an MBA degree increased the target to
25 mattresses per salesperson. There was some resistance to this target, but the
manager insisted, and the new policy was implemented. At the end of the month on
average every salesperson sold 18 mattresses. The manager was happy even though
target of 25 was not achieved. Why?

19. What are the different kinds of strategies that companies follow at different levels of
the organization? Give 2 examples of each such strategy.
20. What were the role of ratings in Deloitte? Are there any negative fallout of these

Bonus Questions
If you attempt them the marks will be added to your overall internal marks and not the
midterm marks.
1. What are the New Approaches to organizing HR. Discuss any 2.
2. Describe MBO and its benefits.
3. List four differences between traditional HR and SHRM.
4. What are BARS and BOS?

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