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Gasoline Octane Number Improvement by Ethanol as an Oxygenated Compound

Article  in  American Journal of Oil and Chemical Technologies · April 2016

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Pshtiwan Jaf
Koya University


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Gasoline Octane Number Improvement by Ethanol as an Oxygenated

Farkha, S. , Jaf, P. , Salih, W.

Department of Petroleum, The Fuculty of Engineering, Koya University, Iraq-Kurdistan-Erbil

This paper reports the Research (RON) and Motor (MON) Octane Numbers of gasoline blended with an oxygenated compound
“ethanol”. The ethanol concentration was varied from zero to 20%, resulting in a clear picture of the variations of the RONs and
MONs in all cases. The observed differences then prompt a systematic study of the variation in the RONs and MONs of ethanol
blended with two type of gasoline took it in the Bazyan Oil refinery-Sulaimani and one petrol station before and after isomerization
process respectively. Fuel properties of ethanol–gasoline blended fuels were first examined by the standard ASTM methods. Results
showed that with increasing the ethanol content, the octane number of the blended fuels is increased until some percent after that
any increase in ethanol percent will not affect RON and MON.

Keyword: Blended fuel, Oxygenated compound, Research Octane Number (RON), Motor Octane Number (MON)

1. Introduction
Since 19th century Alcohol or oxygenated compound has been used as a fuel for auto-engines, however, due to high price it is not
used widely. Based on characteristic of alcohol (methanol, Ethanol) it has some advantages over gasoline such as better anti-knock
characteristics and the reduction of CO and UHC emissions [1]. Although ethanol can be fermented and extracted from biomasses
as a renewable energy, due to restriction in technology, economic and regional considerations, alcohol fuel still cannot be used
broadly [1].
Researchers have focused on the relationships between ethanol-gasoline blended fuels (3–85 vol %) and pollutant emissions
explained that “exhaust total hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions are lower with oxygenated fuels, but comparable or
higher NOx emissions are produced” [2]. In addition, Ethanol to gasoline has been experimental to reduce benzene, 1, 3-butadiene,
toluene, and xylene emissions, but this may rise acetaldehyde emission [3,4].
Due to miscibility of ethanol in water, blended fuel will contain water, this may create corrosion problem on mechanical compound,
especially on the component of older engines [5,6].
Subsequently the possibility of using ethanol-gasoline blends as fuel for vehicles as air quality supervision tools has been raised, an
examination of the blend effect on high-mileage cars is essential. Currently, biomass fuels cannot swap conventional fuels on a one-
for-one basis in unmodified vehicles [7].
Consequently, the researchers study was undertaken to estimate the impact of ethanol-gasoline blended fuel (3, 10, and 20% by vol)
on engine emissions of the cars without any engine modification. The results were providing a basis for monitoring agencies to plan
an air quality control policy for mobile sources where old automobiles are responsible for urban air pollution [7].
Farkha et al /American Journal of Oil and Chemical Technologies 4 (2016) 63-69

1.1. Etnanol Properties

Ethanol is a fuel or solvent, which can be used car fuel or mixed with gasoline as a solvent. Its properties is a colorless, explosive,
flammable liquid that is the intoxicating agent in liquids. Ethanol chemically is also named ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol.
Ethanol is huge member of organic compound groups that are called alcohols. It is an organic compound that has one or more than
one hydroxyl (OH) groups attached to a carbon atom. The chemical expression of Alcohol is shown as: C-O-H or C-OH. The below
expression shows the Ethanol bonds which presents hydrogen atoms at two sites while the remaining site holds added carbon atom.
It may show as a;

The characteristics of its pure form, which is shown in below table (2), are mild characteristic odor that boils at 78º C (172º F) and
freezes at -112º C (-170º F). Ethanol has no straightforward or acidic properties. Ethanol produces a pale blue flame with no residue
and considerable energy, when it burned [8].
1.2. Gasoline Properties
Gasoline, United States and Canada is called gas, United Kingdom is petrol and Europe is benzene, which is a mixture of explosive,
flammable liquid hydrocarbons distillated from petroleum and it can be used as fuel for internal-combustion engines. Oils and fats
may add some gasoline as a solvent to meet the requirement. Initially due to high energy of combustion and capacity to mix readily
with air in a carburetor gasoline, as a by-product of the petroleum industry, is developed the preferred car fuel.
Gasoline is a mixture of hydrocarbons which has boiling point below 180˚C (355˚F). additionally, based on the carbon atoms in
their molecular construction and decrease into three general types: paraffins (including the branched materials and cyclo-paraffins),
olefins, and aromatics.
At the beginning of the gasoline purification, cracked gasoline was regarded as an inferior product due to its relative instability on
storage but as more gasoline was required, the petroleum industry revolved around processes by which this material could be
formed. For example, catalytic cracking, thermal and catalytic reforming, hydrocracking, alkylation, and polymerization, can be
used to addressee and resolve problem of storage instability, show shown in figure (1).
Automotive gasoline characteristically contains about nearly 200 hydrocarbon compounds. Depending on the source of crude oil,
refinery process, and product conditions the relative concentrations of the compounds vary significantly. Typical hydrocarbon chain
lengths range from C4 through Cl2 with a overall hydrocarbon distribution containing of alkanes (4–8%), alkenes (2–5%), iso-
alkanes 25–40%, cycloalkanes (3–7%), cyclo-alkenes (l–4%), and aromatics (20 50%) [9].

Figure 1. Refinery streams that are blended to produce gasoline [9].


Farkha et al /American Journal of Oil and Chemical Technologies 4 (2016) 63-69

2. Materails and Methods

Two set test fuels were used in this study. The first one was taken from Bazyan oil refinery, which is was a light naphtha before any
isomerization processes with a research octane number (RON) and motor octane number (MOT) of 78.6 and 74 respectively.

The second fuel test sample was taken from one petrol station in the Koya city, which represent as a normal gasoline for cars in
Kurdistan-Iraq. This type of gasoline is the product of local refinery for example Bazyan Oil Refinery, after purification and
isomerization. The Research Octane Number (RON) is around 94.5 and the Motor Octane Number is only 83.3.
The test was performed by using the digital octane number measurement is called ZX 101C (Zeltex, Inc., Hagerstown, MD) as
shown in figure (2), which is available in chemical laboratory in koya University –Faculty of Engineering.

Figure 2. Digital Octane Number Metter ZX-101

3. Results and Discussion

Light Naphtha/Ethanol blends

The neat ethanol with RON range between 108.0 to 108.5 was used to this test and the measured MON of ethanol is around 90.7.
Research Octane Number (RON):
The figure (3) shows the RON values of different ethanol/ Light Naphtha blends on the volume basis. The early results of RON are
representing non-linear relationship between the volumetric concertation of ethanol and naphtha. This is due to the less oxygen
compounds come from ethanol concertation.

To compare the result with the result in the literature, in this study the more percentage of ethanol the more RON have, this is the
similar as in the Foog, et all (2013) presented in figure (4).

80 This Study
0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00%
thanol content % (v/v)

Figure 3. Measured RONs of ethanol/light naphtha blends versus ethanol content


Farkha et al /American Journal of Oil and Chemical Technologies 4 (2016) 63-69







98 (Foog, et al, 2013)




0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%
thanol content % (v/v)

Figure 4. Measured RONs of ethanol/Gasoline blends versus ethanol content by [10]

Motor Octane Number (MON)

The figure (5) illustrates the MON values of different ethanol/ Light Naphtha blends on the volume basis. The early results of MON
are representing non-linear relationship between the volumetric concertation of ethanol and light naphtha. This relation is very
similar to the RON results. To equate the outcome of this study with the result in the literature, which is more similar as in the Foog,
et all (2013) presented in figure (6).


This study
0.00% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% 8.00% 10.00% 12.00% 14.00% 16.00% 18.00% 20.00%
Ethanol Content % (v/v)

Figure 5. Measured MONs of ethanol/light naphtha blends versus ethanol content


Farkha et al /American Journal of Oil and Chemical Technologies 4 (2016) 63-69







85 Foog, et al, 2013




0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%
Ethanol content % (v/v)

Figure 6. Measured MONs of ethanol/Gasoline blends versus ethanol content by [10].

The neat ethanol with RON range between 108.0 to 108.5 was used to this test and the measured MON of ethanol is around 90.7.

Research Octane Number (RON):

The figure (3) shows the RON values of different ethanol/ Light Naphtha blends on the volume basis. The early results of RON are
representing non-linear relationship between the volumetric concertation of ethanol and naphtha. This is due to the less oxygen
compounds come from ethanol concertation.
To compare the result with the result in the literature, in this study the more percentage of ethanol the more RON have, this is the
similar as in the Foog, et all (2013) presented in figure (4).

Gasoline (Benzene)/Ethanol blends

The Benzene fuel was taken from on petrol station in Koya city, the by volume percent, the ethanol as oxygenated compound was
added. The neat ethanol with RON range between 108.0 to 108.5 was used to this test and the measured MON of ethanol is around
Research Octane Number (RON): The figure (7)displays the RON values of different ethanol/ gasoline blends on the volume
basis. The early results of RON are representing uncertainty between the volumetric concertation of ethanol and benzene, but once
the RON reach to around 96 the relation between them are very similar. If we compare again with the results came from Foog, et all
(2013) research, it shows that by increasing ethanol to the gasoline the RON will increase. However, the further increases ethanol
will not affect more, as shown in figure(4).


Farkha et al /American Journal of Oil and Chemical Technologies 4 (2016) 63-69




95 This study


0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00%
ethanol content % (v/v)

Figure 7. Measured RONs of ethanol/Benzene blends versus ethanol content

Motor Octane Number (MON): The figure (8) exemplifies the MON values of different ethanol/ Benzene blends on the volume
basis. The early results of MON are more similar to the outcome of RON, the only difference is further increases of ethanol fraction
the MON will increase, more than as in RON. To parallel the result of this study with the outcome in the literature, which is more
similar as in the Foog, et all (2013) presented in figure (6).





This study


0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00%
Ethanol content % (v/v)

Figure 8. Measured MONs of ethanol/benzene blends versus ethanol content

4. Discussion
• Ethanol as oxygenated compound can be used to enhance the octane number of gasoline.
• Based on the result of this study and after comparing with the literature, by adding the ethanol to the either gasoline
and light naphtha, the RON and MON will increase.


Farkha et al /American Journal of Oil and Chemical Technologies 4 (2016) 63-69

• Any further percentage of ethanol will not create more on the octane number, as in gasoline, which it has around 89
but after adding ethanol by amount more than 10%, the octane number will increase to 94.3.
• Figure 4 and 5, ethanol percent more than 12% the octane number will not increase more.

5. References
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