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Practice -Defining Items

Oracle Inventory Job Title*

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Defining Items Effective 11/27/02

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Defining Items
In this practice you will learn how to define items, assign item attributes, and enabled items in organizations.

You are skilled in Oracle navigation. Responsibility: Inventory, Vision Operations USA. You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Create Items Create an item using the template you created in the previous task. Create eight items using the Finished Goods template with the following descriptions: No Inventory Controls Locator Control ON Revision Control ON Lot Control ON Parent and Child Lot Control ON Grade Control ON Serial Number Control ON Dual Unit of Measure Control and Lot Expiration Control ON

What item attribute do you have to disable if an item if you create an item under dual unit of measure control? _________________________________________________ Note: Use the following naming convention for your items, ##-Item##, and be sure to enable your items in M1 Seattle and M2 Boston.

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Solution - Defining Items

Responsibility, Inventory, Vision Operations USA Create Items 1. Navigate to the Master Items window 2. (N) Items > Master Items

Create the no inventory controls item: Name: ##-Item01 Description Team ## No Inventory Controls (M) Tools > Copy From Enter Finished Goods in the Template field (B) Apply. (B) Done

3. 4. 5. 6.

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7. 8. 9.

(M) File > Save (M) Tools > Organization Assignment Assign the item to the following inventory organizations: Org: M1 Seattle Manufacturing Org: M2 Boston Manufacturing

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10. (M) File > Save 11. Click the Attribute Groups tab. 12. File > New 13. (T) Inventory 14. Create your locator-controlled item. Enter the item name and description. Repeat steps 2-6 to copy the finished good template. Enable the following additional item attributes for your locator-controlled item: Name: ##-Item02 Description Team ## Locator Controlled Item Locator Control: Prespecified

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15. (M) File > Save 16. Repeat steps 8-10 to enable the item both M1 Seattle Manufacturing, and M2 Boston Manufacturing. 17. Click the Attribute Groups tab. 18. (M) File > New 19. (T) Inventory 20. Create your revision-controlled item. Enter the item name and description. Repeat steps 2-6 to copy the finished good template. Enable the following additional item attributes for your revision-controlled item: Name: ##-Item03 Description Team ## Revision Controlled Item Revision Control: Selected

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21. (M) File > Save 22. Repeat steps 8-10 to enable the item both M1 Seattle Manufacturing, and M2 Boston Manufacturing. 23. Click the Attribute Groups tab. 24. (M) File > New 25. (T) Inventory 26. Create your lot-controlled item. Enter the item name and description. Repeat steps 2-6 to copy the finished good template. Enable the following additional item attributes for your lotcontrolled item: Name: ##-Item04 Description Team ## Lot Controlled Item Lot Control: Full Control Starting Prefix: A Starting Number: 001 Maturity Days: 10 Hold Days: 5

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27. (M) File > Save 28. Repeat steps 8-10 to enable the item both M1 Seattle Manufacturing, and M2 Boston Manufacturing. 29. Click the Attribute Groups tab. 30. (M) File > New 31. (T) Inventory 32. Create your parent and child lot-controlled item. Enter the item name and description. Repeat steps 2-6 to copy the finished good template. Enable the following additional item attributes for your parent and child-lot-controlled item: Name: ##-Item05 Description Team ## Child and Parent Lot Item Lot Control: Full Control Maturity Days: 10 Hold Days: 5 Child Lot Enabled: Selected Child Generation: Parent+Child Prefix: A Starting Number: 001
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33. (M) File > Save 34. Repeat steps 8-10 to enable the item both M1 Seattle Manufacturing, and M2 Boston Manufacturing. 35. Click the Attribute Groups tab. 36. (M) File > New 37. (T) Inventory 38. Create your grade-controlled item. Enter the item name and description. Repeat steps 2-6 to copy the finished good template. Enable the following additional item attributes for your grade-controlled item: Name: ##-Item06 Description Team ## Grade controlled item Lot Control: Full Control Starting Prefix: A Starting Number: 001 Maturity Days: 10 Hold Days: 5 Grade Controlled: Selected Default Grade: A
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39. (M) File > Save 40. Repeat steps 8-10 to enable the item both M1 Seattle Manufacturing, and M2 Boston Manufacturing. 41. Click the Attribute Groups tab. 42. (M) File > New 43. (T) Inventory 44. Create your serial-controlled item. Enter the item name and description. Repeat steps 2-6 to copy the finished good template. Enable the following additional item attributes for your serial-controlled item: Name: ##-Item07 Description Team ## Serial Controlled Item Generation: Predefined Starting Prefix: A Starting Number: 0000001

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45. (M) File > Save 46. Repeat steps 8-10 to enable the item both M1 Seattle Manufacturing, and M2 Boston Manufacturing. 47. Click the Attribute Groups tab. 48. (M) File > New 49. (T) Main 50. Create your dual unit of measure and lot expiration-controlled item. Enter the item name and description. Repeat steps 2-6 to copy the finished good template. Enable the following additional item attributes to enable dual unit of measure control: Primary: 00-Each Tracking: Primary and Secondary Pricing: Primary Secondary: 00-Meter Defaulting: No Default Deviation + 0 Deviation 0

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51. (T) Inventory 52. Enter the following lot control parameters: Name: ##-Item08 Description Team ## Dual UOM and Lot expiration controlled tiem Lot Expiration (Shelf Life Control) Full Control Shelf Life Days: 30 Retest Interval: 10 Expiration Action Interval: 5 Expiration Action: Dispose Lot Control: Full Control Starting Prefix: A Starting Number: 001 Maturity Days: 10 Hold Days: 5

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53. (M) File > Save 54. Repeat steps 8-10 to enable the item both M1 Seattle Manufacturing, and M2 Boston Manufacturing. 55. (M) File > Save 56. (M) File > Close Form Create a Unit of Measure Conversion for your Dual UOM controlled item 57. Navigate to the Unit of Measure Conversions window 58. (N) Setup > Units of Measure > Conversions 59. (T) Inter-Class 60. Enter the following information Item: ##-Item-08 Destination: ##-Meter Conversion: .05

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61. (M) File > Save 62. (M) File > Close Form.

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