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I would like to express my special thanks

of gratitude to my teacher Mr. D.P Singh
sir as well as our Senior Principal Mrs.
Jyoti Kashyap and our Principal Mrs.
Shivani Singh who gave me the golden
opportunity to do this wonderful Physics
Project, which also helped me in doing a
lot of research and I came to know
about many new things.
I am really thankful to them.
Secondly, I would like to thank my
parents and friends who helped me a lot
in finalizing this project within the
limited time frame.
• Rationale of the study
• Introduction
• Theory
• Construction
• Working principle
• Transformer types
• Step-down transformer
• Illustration
• Step-up transformer
• Illustration
• Efficiency
• Apparatus
• Circuit diagram
• Procedure
• Uses
• Conclusion
• Bibliography
Studying senior secondary physics provides us
with a suite of skills and understandings that are
valuable to a wide range for further study
pathways and careers.
I got the golden opportunity to make this physics
project for my Board examinations. Therefore, I
have chosen the topic ‘Transformer’ for my
project because I have keen interest in the
physical phenomena associated with the presence
and motion of matter that has a property of
electric charge. Electricity is related to magnetism,
both being the part of the phenomenon of
The transformer is a device used for converting a low
alternating voltage to a high alternating voltage for
A transformer is based on the principle of mutual
induction. According to this principle, the amount of
magnetic flux linked with a coil changing, an e.m.f is
induced in the neighbouring coil.
A transformer is an electrical device which is used for
changing the A.C. voltages. A transformer is most
widely used device in both low and high current circuit.
As such transformers are built in an amazing strength
of sizes. In electronic, measurement and control
circuits, transformer size may be small that it weighs
only a few tens of grams where as in high voltage
power circuits, it may weight hundreds of tons.
In a transformer, the electrical energy transfer from
one circuit to another circuit takes place without the
use of moving parts
A transformer which increases the voltages is called a
step-up transformer. A transformer which decreases
the A.C. voltages is called a step-down transformer.
When an alternating e.m.f is supplied to the primary
coil p1p2, an alternating current starts falling in it. The
alternating current in the primary coil produces a
changing magnetic flux, which induces altering voltage
in the primary as well as in the secondary coil. In a
good-transformer, whole of the magnetic flux linked
with a primary coil is also linked with the secondary,
and the induced e.m.f induced in each turn of the
secondary is equal to that induced in each turn of the
primary. Thus, if Ep and Es be the instantaneous values
of the e.m.f induced in the primary and the secondary
and Np and Ns are the number of turns of the primary
secondary coils of the transformer and
= rate of change of flux in each turnoff the coil at
this instant, we have
Ep= -Np ----------------(1)
Es= -Ns -----------------(2)
Since the above relations are true at every instant, so
by dividing 2 by 1, we get
Es/Ep= -Ns/Np------------(3)
As Ep is the instantaneous value of back e.m.f induced
in the primary coil p1, so the instantaneous current is
primary coil is due to the difference (E-Ep) in the
instantaneous values of the applied and back
e.m.f further if Rp is the resistance o, p1p2 coil, then
the instantaneous current Ip in the primary coil is given
Ip = E-Ep/Rp
E-Ep = IpRp
Thus, back e.m.f = input e.m.f
Hence equation 3 can be written as
Es/Ep = Es/E
=Output e.m.f / input e.m.f
=Ns/Np = K
Where K is constant, called turn or transformation
Es<E so K<1, hence Ns<Np
If Ip=value of primary current at the same instant; and
Is=value of secondary current at this instant, then
Input power at the instant = Ep Ip
Output power at the same instant=Es Is
If there are no losses of power in the transformer, then
Input power = output power
Ep Ip=Es Ip
Step-Down Transformer
Es>E so K>1, hence Ns>Np as K>1, so Ip>Is or Is<Ip i.e.
current in secondary is weaker when secondary voltage
is higher.
Hence, whatever we gain in voltage, we lose in current
in the same ratio.
Similarly, it can be shown, that in a step-down
transformer, whatever we lose in voltage, we gain in
current in the same ratio.
Thus, a step-up transformer in reality steps down the
current and a step-down transformer steps up the
Step-up transformer
Efficiency of a transformer is defined as
the ratio of output power to the input
𝜂 = output power / input power =
Thus, in an ideal transformer, where there
are no power losses, 𝜂=1.
But in actual practice, there are many
power losses; therefore, the efficiency of
transformer is less than one.
Following are the major sources of energy loss in a
• Copper loss is the energy loss in the form of heat
in the copper coils of transformer. This is due to
joule heating of conducting wires.
• Iron loss is the energy in the form of heat in the
iron ore core of the transformer. This is due to
formation of eddy currents in iron core. It is
minimized by taking laminated cores.
• Leakage of magnetic flux occurs in spite of best
insulations. Therefore, rate of change of magnetic
flux linked with each turn of S1S2 is less than the
rate of change of magnetic flux linked with each
turn of P1P2.
• Hysteresis loss is the loss of energy due to
repeated magnetization and demagnetization of
the iron core when A.C. is fed to it.
• Magneto striation i.e., humming noise of
Mutual inductance term in the primary circuit
represents the load of the secondary. It has the
negative sign because it helps the source to produce
more current in response to increasing load in the
secondary circuit.
Mutual inductance term in the secondary represents
the coupling from the primary and acts as the voltage
source that drives the secondary circuit.
• Take thick iron rod and cover it with a thick paper
and wind a large number of turns of thin Cu wire
on thick paper (say 60). This constitutes primary
coil of the transformer.
• Cover the primary coil with a sheet of paper and
wounded respectively smaller number of turns
(say 20) of thick copper wire on it. This constitutes
the secondary coil. It is a step-down transformer.
• Connect p1, p2, to A.C main and measure the
input voltage and current using A.C voltmeter and
• Similarly, measure the output voltage and current
through s1 and s2.
• Now connect s1 and s2 to A.C main and again
measure voltage and current through primary and
secondary coil of step-up transformer.
• Repeat all steps for other self-made transformers
by changing number of turns in primary and
secondary coil.
Utility of transformers in long-distance
power transmission:
If electric power generated at the power station, say
22000 W, be transmitted over long distances at the
same voltage as required by consumers, say 220 V, a
number of disadvantages will arise:
• The current I flowing through the line wires will be
very high (=22000/220 = 100A). Hence a large
amount of energy (𝐼2 𝑅𝑡 will be wasted as heat
during transmission, R being the resistance of the
line wires.
• The voltage drop along the line wire (IR) will be
considerable. Hence the voltage at the receiving
station will be considerably lower than the voltage
at the generating station.
• The line wires, which are to carry the high current,
will have to be made thick. Such wires will be
expensive and require stronger poles to support
If, however, the power is transmitted to a high
voltage, (say 11000V) all the above disadvantages
almost disappear. The current flowing through the
line wires will be then only 22000/11000=2A. This
will cause much less heating, much less voltage
drop along the line wire and will and will require,
much thinner line wires.
Hence, the electric power generated at the power
station is stepped-up to a very high voltage by
means of a step-up transformer and transmitted
to distant places. At the place where the supply is
required, it is again stepped-down by a step-down
Only alternating current is suitable for this
transmission because only alternating voltage can
be stepped-down or stepped-up by means of
1. In voltage regulator for T.V., refrigerator,
computer, air conditioners, etc.
2. A step-down transformer is used for welding
3. A step-down transformer is used for obtaining
large current.
4. A step-up transformer is used for the production
of X-Rays and NEON advertisement.
5. Transformers are used in voltage regulators and
stabilized power supplies.
6. Transformers are used in the transmissions of a.c.
over long distances.
7. Small transformers are used in Radio sets,
telephones, loud speakers and electric bells, etc.
A transformer consists of a rectangular shaft iron core
made of laminated sheets, well insulated from one
another. Two coils p1 & p2 and s1 & s2 are wound on the
same core, but are well insulated with each other. Note
that the both the coils are insulated from the core, the
source of alternating e.m.f is connected to p1p2, the
primary coil and a load resistance R is connected to s1 s2,
the secondary coil through an open switch S. thus there
can be no current through the secondary coil so long as
the switch is open.
For an ideal transformer, we assume that the resistance
of the primary & secondary winding is negligible.
Further, the energy loses due to magnetic the iron core
is also negligible.
Transformers are used in various fields like power
generation grid, distribution sector, transmission and
electric energy consumption. There are various types
of transformers which are classified based on the
following factors;
• Working voltage range.
• The medium used in the core.
• Winding arrangement.
• Installation location.

Based on Voltage Levels

Commonly used transformer type, depending upon
voltage they are classified as:
• Step-up Transformer: They are used between the
power generator and the power grid. The
secondary output voltage is higher than the input
• Step down Transformer: These transformers are
used to convert high voltage primary supply to low
voltage secondary output.

Based on the Medium of Core Used

In a transformer, we will find different types of cores
that are used.
• Air core Transformer: The flux linkage between
primary and secondary winding is through the air.
The coil or windings wound on the non-magnetic
• Iron core Transformer: Windings are wound on
multiple iron plates stacked together, which
provides a perfect linkage path to generate flux.

Based on the Winding Arrangement

• Autotransformer: It will have only one winding
wound over a laminated core. The primary and
secondary share the same coil. Auto also means
“self” in language Greek.

Based on Install Location

• Power Transformer: It is used at power generation
stations as they are suitable for high voltage
• Distribution Transformer: Mostly used at
distribution lanes for domestic purposes. They are
designed for carrying low voltages. It is very easy to
install and characterized by low magnetic losses.
• Measurement Transformers: These are further
classified. They are mainly used for measuring
voltage, current, power.
• Protection Transformers: They are used for
component protection purposes. In circuits, some
components must be protected from voltage
fluctuation etc. Protection transformers ensure
component protection.
The transformer works on the principle of Faraday’s
law of electromagnetic induction and mutual
There are usually two coils primary coil and secondary
coil on the transformer core. The core laminations are
joined in the form of strips. The two coils have high
mutual inductance. When an alternating current pass
through the primary coil it creates a varying magnetic
flux. As per faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction,
this change in magnetic flux induces an emf
(electromotive force) in the secondary coil which is
linked to the core having a primary coil. This is mutual
Overall, a transformer carries the below operations:
1. Transfer of electrical energy from circuit to
2. Transfer of electrical power through
electromagnetic induction
3. Electric power transfer without any change in
4. Two circuits are linked with mutual induction
• Keep yourself safe from high voltage
• While taking the readings of the current and
voltage, the A.C. should remain constant.

• Values of current can be changed due to heating
• Eddy current can change the reading.
The transformer in the simplest way can be described
as a thing that steps up or steps down voltage. In a
step-up transformer, the output voltage is increased
and in a step-down transformer, the output voltage is
decreased. The step-up transformer will decrease the
output current and the step-down transformer will
increase the output current for keeping the input and
the output power of the system equal.
The transformer is basically a voltage control device
that is used widely in the distribution and transmission
of alternating current power. The idea of a transformer
was first discussed by Michael Faraday in the year 1831
and was carried forward by many other prominent
scientific scholars. However, the general purpose of
using transformers was to maintain a balance between
the electricity that was generated at very high voltages
and consumption which was done at very low voltages.
The output voltage of the transformer across the
secondary coil depends upon the ratio (Ns/Np) with
respect to input voltage.
There is no loss of power between input and output
coil of the transformer.
The content for my Physics project has been taken
from the following sources:

Nootan ISC Physics for class 12th

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