Gas Law Report

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Criteria: B, C

For our last investigation in physics class this year, our class was instructed to do an
investigation one quantity of state of a gas (air) depends on another using chosen containers and
circumstances. We were divided into breakout rooms and all rooms got various different tasks. I
was given the following task: “Investigate the dependence of pressure on temperature in °C and
present it as a formula”. This means that I have to investigate how the pressure of air changes by
changing the temperature of the air in a container of constant volume. During our Zoom class,
we were divided into groups to discuss and plan out our investigation. I was in a group with Pia
Čengija and Petar Barić and we received the details of our task as well as the pictures of our
apparatus. We were given time to understand our task and come up with a method on how to
solve the problem. In the breakout room we were mostly quiet, rereading our task and attempting
to form our method. After five minutes of figuring out my apparatus and coming up with a
logical method in my head. There are three quantities which influence the state of a gas:
temperature, pressure and volume. Since I am investigating the relation between the two of them,
I have to keep the third one (volume) constant, but more on that in my method. I asked Pia and
Petar whether they understood and came up with anything. All of us agreed on the same, most
logical method when the teacher came. I presented our method and it was satisfactory. I would
discover the formula through a graph of my variable values from the data the teacher would give
us, the difference in pressure and temperature in °C. The teacher warned us how the graph would
contain a horizontal intercept, and how we should understand and explain its meaning once we
obtain it. We also had to form the graph where the temperature would be presented in unit of
Kelvin, which I could simply do through a unit conversion formula which we did in class. After I
obtained the formula, the graphs and my conclusions, I would have to compare it with theoretical
knowledge, literature, and discuss differences in the graphs as well as the information they

My hypothesis is that the two variables are linearly dependent, meaning that as temperature rises,
the pressure of air will rise as well, while controlling a constant volume of the air. Upon getting
the task, I recognized that my experiment is an example of the isovolumetric process. An
isovolumetric process is a thermodynamic process which occurs at constant controlled volume,1.
In class we learned how in an isovolumetric process, the ratio between pressure and temperature
in degrees of Kelvin should be constant. From this fact alone I am certain how pressure depends
on temperature in general. Since the temperature in Kelvin is directly proportional to pressure in
Pascal, this means how temperature in unit of Celsius cannot be directly proportional, as the
numerical values of those two units present completely different true temperatures, meaning that
10K does not equal 10°C .Furthermore, I know the dependance of my variables won’t be direct
because the teacher told us in class how we would obtain a horizontal intercept in our graph.
Since my graph portrays the difference in pressure which depends on temperature, the
temperature variable will be placed on the horizontal axis. From this, I can conclude how this
intercept would represent the temperature of the air in degrees Celsius at the point where air is
under atmospheric pressure only, as there is no difference in pressure. I can relate the behavior of
my air to the behavior of an ideal gas. For an ideal gas with constant quantity of moles, „the
increase in energy is proportional to an increase in temperature and pressure.“ 2 This means that
in a container of constant volume, energy is transferred into the container the temperature of the
gas will increase, and consequently will the pressure. Ideal gas equation is pV=nRT, where “p” is
the pressure, “V” is the volume, “n” is number of moles f gas”, “R” is the universal gas constant
and “T” is the temperature”. From it alone, I can expect the value of pressure to rise as the value
of temperature does. We learned this in class by sketching the „p-T“ graphs (pressure-
temperature in Kelvin graphs) , and we sketched it as a straight diagonal line of proportion going
through the origin. However, for my formula in degrees Celsius, I expect just a linear proportion
of my values with a horizontal intercept in my graph, and a formula which will be based on the
general formula of linear dependance.

Serway, Raymond A, and Jerry S Faughn. Physics. Orlando, Florida, Holt Mcdougal, 2012.
“Isochoric Process.” Wikipedia, 2 Feb. 2021, Accessed 2 June 2021.

In this report I will be explaining the whole, thorough process of my investigation. It will be
divided into method and materials, with subtopics such as collecting data, variables, calculation
method and finding my result. We were given this task to conclude and apply knowledge we
have learned in the heat unit.


Collecting data

As the first step of my experiment, I will assemble and introduce the apparatus. I was provided
with a thermometer (precision to 0.1 °C), a metal stand with a clamp, a tall plastic container, a
kettle, and a glass flask enclosed with a cork manometer (precision to 0.5kPa). The whole
procedure is done on a large table of a hard surface, in a lab. Make sure that the manometer is
properly working and that the value at the beginning of the experiment is set to 0.0 kPa. I will
ensure the thermometer works by taking a brand new thermometer and turning it on. After
turning it on, I will compare the temperature it displays to the values which my peer’s
thermometers display, so all of us can check whether our thermometers are working properly,
displaying the room temperature. After establishing my apparatus is accurate, I can begin my
experiment. Firstly, I will pick up the manometer flask with my hand and bring it towards the
clasp on a stand. I will open up the clasp by unscrewing it open and placing the cork of the flask
onto the clasp and hold it in place. With my other hand, I will start screwing the clasp shut
enough for it to hold the flask, but making sure I don’t screw it too hard so the flask damages or
breaks. It is important that I screw the clasp on the cork only and not the actual glass flask, as I
will later explain why the whole surface of the glass flask should remain uncovered. Now that
the flask is being steadily held on the stand, I will unscrew and loosen the part of the clasp
attached to the stand and raise it up the stand, holding it up with one hand. Simultaneously, I will
take a plastic container with my other hand and place it directly below the elevated flask. Then, I
will lower the flask into the container with my first hand until the clasp touches the rim of the
container. At this point, the visible glass part of the flask should be fully inside the container
when looking perpendicularly to the container and the flask inside it, only the manometer should
stick out of the container opening. I will tighten the clasp around the metal stand, so that it holds
the flask inside the container. The main aspect of my method is changing the temperature of the

air in the flask, which I will achieve through the concept of thermal equilibrium. An apparatus I
was provided with is a kettle with the capacity to 1.0L (precision to 0.1L), so I will place on my
table and open up the top lid. In my physics lab, I will search for a regular plastic measuring cup
with the capacity of 1.0L (precision to 0.1L) of liquid. I will take it and hold it by its handle with
one hand, then walk to the sink in the lab. With my other hand I will turn on the sink water and
place the cup under the water missile until it reaches a bit over 1.0L mark on the cup. I will put it
on my hard table surface, look perpendicularly to the scale that I filled the cup a bit over the 1.0L
mark, it doesn’t have to be so precise. At that moment, I will turn the sink off and move and lift
the cup above the kettle opening, I will start to pour the water in the kettle carefully, looking
perpendicularly to the kettle’s scale. Once the water reaches the 1.0L mark on the kettle, I will
stop pouring the water and place the cup to the side of the table, with any remaining what it may
have inside. I will close up the kettle lid with my hand and walk over to the power wire next to
the wall. I will take the power wire in my hand, inserting into a power source in the wall of the
lab. I will return back to my kettle on the table and push down the power button on it. A light on
the kettle should switch on signaling the kettle started to heat the water. After a few minutes,
kettle should produce a sound signaling the water has heated up. I will push the power button to
turn off the kettle, grab it by the handle and raise it from the desk. I will walk towards my metal
stand and lift the kettle above the plastic container, over the area between the rim of the container
and the flask. I will slowly tilt the kettle and start pouring the water in the plastic container. I will
pour the water in until the point when the whole glass surface of the flask in the container is
completely submerged in the hot water. The water level should reach up to the manometer cork,
so no glass surface of the flask is left unsubmerged. There will likely be some leftover water in
the kettle, so I will place it back in its original position on the table. Since my aim is to change
the temperature of the air inside the manometer flask, I will achieve this through the concept of
thermal equilibrium. Thermal equilibrium occurs when two objects are said to have the same
temperature value. This is achieved when two objects have different temperatures and are in
contact with each other. The transfer of energy (heat), transfers energy from an object with
higher temperature to an object with lower temperature during some time. This is also a case of
the 0th law of thermodynamics. When their temperatures equalize, there is no more transfer of
energy, and the two objects are in thermal equilibrium. For our experiment, the two bodies which
are coming to equilibrium are the body of water in the container and the body of air in the flask.

As the body of water is of higher temperature than the air in the flask and the flask itself, the
energy transfers from the water onto the glass surface of the flask, and finally through the air in
the flask. I will let my system perform this process for ten minutes, so I am sure that the
equilibrium has occurred. I will know this by setting a countdown for 10 minutes in my phone’s
clock app, so it will ring at the moment I estimated my thermal equilibrium to be reached. Once
the water has been poured in, I will place a metal stick thermometer into the water, which has a
small plastic case with a screen display on one side of it. During this time of reaching the
equilibrium, I will be constantly stirring the water with the thermometer stick in order to
constantly equalize the temperature throughout the water. This is because I want all surfaces of
the glass flask to be in contact with water of the same temperature, so equilibrium is reached
gradually. I will turn on my thermometer submerged in the water and make sure that it displays
temperatures in unit of degrees Celsius. After the 10 minutes, I will collect my variable values
with an assistant, to ensure the exact same timing of reading of the values. The values will be
collected as my assistant will be looking at the manometer scale display and I will be looking at
the thermometer scale display. At one moment, I will signal my partner to remember the
difference in pressure value while looking perpendicularly to the manometer scale, while I
remember the temperature one. This will ensure how we are truly taking trial values at the same
moment. Then, we will write the values down in my raw data table presented in the result, with
correct precision. The first value will be taken after 10 minutes of putting the flask inside the
heated water, more precisely when my countdown on my phone rings and thermal equilibrium
was reached. Below is a sketch of my assembled apparatus at the time of taking the raw data
measurements, once thermal equilibrium was reached:

Figure 1 Sketch of my method

In this specific sketch only, the symbol “t1” represents the temperature of air in the flask, while
“t2” represents the temperature of the water. Since this sketch represents my method at the state
of thermal equilibrium, these two values are equals. I will use these symbols later, where they
will have slightly different meanings, thus these meanings are only relevant for this sketch. The
“Q” symbol represents the heat, which is the energy which is transferring outside the water and
the system towards the colder air. This is how my independent temperature variable will be

After that I will be checking the clock and coming back every 10 minutes with my assistant to
take a new trial measurement. These intervals of time do not need to be exact down to the
second, as that is not needed for me to obtain the needed data in order to draw the graph points.
After finishing all 10 trials, I will clean my apparatus and return it to its rightful place.

In most scientific investigations one of the main aspects would be the independent and dependent
variable. Independent variable is the variable whose value is intentionally changed in order to
study its influence on the dependent variable. In this experiment, the independent variable is the
temperature value measured in degrees Celsius. I will purposefully be changing its value
throughout my method to see how it affects my dependent variable. It will be presented with a
symbol “t” when I express the temperature in degrees Celsius. Throughout my report however, I
will be dealing with temperature values expressed in units of Kelvin. In this case, I will modify
my temperature symbol to “T”, making the letter capital. This will make the distinction between
the temperatures of different units evident and easy to recognize throughout my report.
A dependent variable is the one whose value is being affected and potentially changed by the
change of the value of the independent variable. The dependent variable is change in pressure
presented with a symbol “Δp”, which is the variable being affected by change in temperature (if
dependance exists). This is the data value I will be given by my teacher and which I will perform
the calculation with. However, throughout my results and discussion, I will utilize different
pressure values. In my report, I will be using the value of atmospheric pressure in later
calculations, which I will identify with a symbol “ patm “. Its value will be constant throughout
my report, and it will equal to 100.0 kPa. I used the value with one decimal place because my
obtained values of pressure difference are also expressed in the unit of kPa, and to one decimal
place. Though this is probably not the exact value of the atmospheric pressure at the time of
performing the experiment, I will touch upon that in the discussion. In my results, I will be using
the pressure value of the total pressure, expressed with a symbol “ pT “. This value will be used
when I need to express the sum of atmospheric pressure and the pressure difference at a specific
point, expressing the total pressure affecting the air in the flask at that point. By changing the
temperature, I will measure my dependent and independent variables in order to investigate their
relationship and prove whether the change in pressure of air depends on temperature or not.
My only control variable will be the volume of the flask in which the air is in, also meaning the
volume of air. The three quantities which affect the state of the gas are temperature, pressure
and volume. In order to measure and record the relationship between the two variables of
temperature and pressure, I have to keep volume constant, so it doesn’t affect the state of the gas
and the value of pressure and temperature. I will control the volume of the gas by using the same

gas flask with constant volume which the air is trapped in. By keeping my flask constant, the
volume cannot become bigger as the air volume cannot expand past the glass walls, meaning the
glass flask is limiting and controlling the volume of the air. In the experiment, I am not actively
measuring and recording the control variable values like in other investigations, because I do not
need to calculate and control the volume value of each trial. Just by keeping my apparatus the
same, I am ensuring a constant volume of air. Because of this, it is relative whether I can call
keeping the same flask throughout the experiment a controlled variable. However, this is a
special case of a control variable and an important aspect which I should keep constant.

Obtaining the formula

I was assigned to find the formula of dependance of pressure on temperature in °C through the
graph which I will form based on my obtained data measurements. My final goal is to find the
formula of dependance for the total pressure, displayed with the symbol “ pT”, though through
my method I only obtained the value of pressure differences between the atmospheric pressure
and the pressure of the air in the flask. Because of this, I will firstly have to find the formula for
the pressure difference, and later on add the value of atmospheric pressure to the formula to
obtain the final total pressure formula.
To find the formula of the pressure difference and temperature graph, I will transform the general
formula for a graph of a straight line not passing through the origin (linear dependance). My
teacher guaranteed to us that our graph cannot pass through the origin, but that we will obtain the
horizontal intercept. Because of this, I can assume that the dependance will be linear. The
general formula looks like so:
dv = a · iv + b
where the symbol „dv“ stands for the dependent variable, „a“ stands for the slope of the graph
line, „iv“ stand for the independent variable, and „b“ stand for the intercept of the vertical axis as
the intercept is not through the origin of the graph. When transforming this formula into a
general formula for my experiment I will obtain:
Δp = a · t + b kPa
In class, the teacher explained to us how I will obtain the graph with a horizontal intercept,
meaning that I should imagine how the line would „continue“ below the horizontal axis and have
an intercept of negative value with the vertical axis. Because of this, I can already predict how

my „b“ value will be negative. Following the standard rules, I will place the difference of
pressure variable on the vertical axis and the temperature value on the horizontal one. After
plotting my graph points based on my data, I will first start with the calculation of the slope „a“
of the graph. I will start by finding two points from my graph’s best fit line which I can easily
read, meaning preferably whole numbers or those which correspond to the scale markings on my
graph. The two points should be significantly apart, as far as practical. I will name these points
„A“ and „B“ and their position will be written in the form A (t1, Δp1) and B (t2, Δp2). The “t1“
symbol stand for the temperature value corresponding to the point A on the graph line, while
„Δp1” stands for the corresponding value of the difference in pressure at point A. The “t2“
symbol stand for the temperature value corresponding to the point B on the graph line, while
„Δp2” stands for the corresponding value of the difference in pressure at point B. The general
formula for the slope of the graph is a =Δdv / Δiv. The symbol „Δdv“ stands for the difference
in the dependent variable, meaning the difference of the two pressure difference values from my
chosen A and B points. The symbol „Δiv“ stands for the difference in the independent variable,
meaning the difference of the two temperature values from my chosen A and B points.
Consequently, the formula for my graph slope will be written as follows:
p 2−p kPa
t 2−t ° C

Following the slope, I will discover the vertical intercept of my best fit graph line. For my
variable values, I would insert the same values I read off and used for my point A when
calculating the slope of my line. After performing the calculation , I should obtain a negative „b“
value. Since I know all the value of variables in the formula Δp1 = a · t1 + b kPa, except for “b”,
I can just mathematically rearrange the formula so “b” is on the left side of the equation and all
other value are on the right. This will be performed in my results.
Now I have all necessary values to make a formula of dependance for my graph, which is the
difference of pressure on temperature. I would use the general formula: p=a∗t+b kPa , and
insert the obtained “a” and “b” constant values.
To get my final formula for the dependance of total pressure on temperature in degrees Celsius, I
need to add the value of atmospheric pressure to my previous formula.. My final formula will
take the following form:

pT ¿ a∗t+ b + patm kPa
pT ¿ a∗t+ b + 100.0 kP a

After formulating my method, I obtained the following data from the teacher:
n t/°C (±0.1°C) Δp/kPa (±0.5kPa)
1 28.0 0.5
2 33.0 2.0
3 38.0 3.5
4 42.0 5.0
5 55.0 9.5
6 68.0 13.5
7 74.0 15.5
8 80.0 17.5
9 87.0 20.0
10 98.0 23.5
Table 1 Raw data table

In the table above, the symbol „n“ identifies the number of a trial. The symbol ”t” represents the
temperature of water and air in the flask (measured with thermometer). The symbol “Δp”
represents the change in pressure, displayed on the manometer of the flask. Based on these
measurements, I formed a dependance graph following the standard rules. On the horizontal I
placed my independent variable of temperature in degrees Celsius, and on the vertical axis my
dependent variable of the difference in pressure in kilopascals. The graph looks like so:

Figure 2 Graph 1: Δp(t) graph

After plotting the dots, I drew an estimated best fit line from my points, which was simple as I
can recognize a very clear line just from the points themselves.
I can clearly see a dependance from the graph, as the value of the pressure difference variable
changes as the value of temperature changes. My graph line is a general straight line not passing
through the origin, meaning my variables are linearly dependent. The values don’t have direct
proportion as the graph line doesn’t pass through the origin of the graph. My graph has a
horizontal intercept, which corresponds to exactly 26.5 °C, as the precision of my horizontal
scale is to 0.5 °C. Since this graph visualizes the difference in pressure of the air in the flask
before the experiment and after, this means that before the experiment the pressure of the air was
equal to Δp=0.0kPa. At this point (where pressure of air in the flask equaled that of atmospheric
pressure outside) we can derive the room temperature. Since the values are dependent, when the
pressure of the air was the same a that of the room, the temperature of air was the same as that of

the lab room. The increase in difference in pressure started happening only when the temperature
value started rising above the room temperature. This means that I can assume how the
temperature of the air in the flask before the experiment was equal to my horizontal intercept
value of 26.5 °C.
I was assigned to find the formula of dependance of pressure on temperature in °C, which I will
find through the graph above. Following my method, I will start by finding the slope of the graph
needed for my formula. The points I chose were A (30.0, 1.0) and B (85.0, 19.0). I inserted
these values into the slope formula and performed the calculation like so:

p 2−p kPa
t 2−t ° C
19.0 kPa−1.0 kPa
85.0 °C−3.0 °C
18.0 kPa
55.0 ° C
18.0 kPa
55.0 °C
a=0.32 7

In the second line of my calculations I subtracted the numbers. A rule for significant digits states
how when you add or subtract, you assign significant figures in the answer based on the number
of decimal places in the original measurements. In my case, this is one decimal place, thus in the
third row of my calculations each value in the fraction has one decimal place.
In the fourth line of my calculations I divided the values. A rule for significant digits states how
when you multiply or divide, you assign significant figures in the answer based on the smallest
number of significant figures from your original set of measurements. In my case, each of the
measured values have three significant digits, thus in the fifth and final row of my calculations,
the slope, is rounded to three significant digits.
Next, I will go on to discover the intercept in the vertical p axis, also written as „b“ according to
my calculation method. I inserted these values into the slope formula and performed the
calculation like so:

p=a∗t+b kPa
1.0 kPa=0.327 ∗30.0° C+ b kPa
1.0 kPa=9.81 kPa+b kPa /-9.81 kPa
1.0 kPa−9.81 kPa=b
−8.8 kPa=b
b=−8.8 kPa

When subtracting my difference in pressure values in my third row of calculation, my result has
to be rounded to the number of decimal places of the value with the lest number of them, which
is one decimal place in “1.0 kPa” . Next, I will obtain the formula of dependance of the
difference in pressure on temperature by inserting the calculated constant values from above. The
formula was obtained like so:
p=a∗t+b kPa
p=0.327∗t−8.8 kPa
To get my final formula of dependance of total pressure of air on temperature in ° C , I will add
the value of atmospheric pressure at the end of the formula and change my symbol on the left
side of the equation from “ p to “ pT” like so:
pT ¿ 0.327∗t−8.8 kPa + patm k Pa
pT ¿ 0.327∗t−8.8 + 100.0 kPa

pT ¿ 0.327∗t+ 91.2 kPa

Evaluation of the hypothesis
My hypothesis statement about the pressure of a gas being linearly dependent on temperature is
degrees of Celsius was proven to be correct. As the temperature value rises, the pressure value
does as well. My argued assumption on why pressure cannot be in direct proportion with
temperature in degrees of Celsius was also correct, as that was proven to be the case with
temperature expressed in Kelvin only. I will further prove this claim in the rest of my discussion
through a total pressure and temperature graph in units of Kelvin. The law and the principle of
ideal gas which I hypothized would apply in my experiment did apply. Ideal gas equation is
pV=nRT, where “p” is the pressure, “V” is the volume, “n” is number of moles f gas”, “R” is the
universal gas constant and “T” is the temperature”. I can conclude how my gas behaved
according to this equation, as in my experiment it was evident that as temperature increased, the
pressure did as well. My formula indeed was based on the general formula of linear proportion.
More points of evaluation which relate to my hypothesis will be mentioned throughout the
discussion below, after obtaining new findings and transforming my data into various other

Evaluation of the method

Though I find my method successful because I got my needed result and obtained the formula of
dependence, there are many improvements which would benefit it.
The first weakness to my method is the fact that I assumed how the kettle wouldn’t heat my
water up past 100.0°C, meaning I denied the possibility that the kettle could heat my water up
past the boiling point. If this were to happen, my water would start evaporating in the air in my
kettle. What is an even bigger problem is the fact that I would start pouring this water into the
plastic container in my flask. In my method, I planned to pour the water into the container to the
point where it would completely submerge the glass area of the flask, reaching up to the
manometer cork. If I poured this evaporating water of high temperature into the container, it
would likely continue to evaporate for some time until the water cools down to below 100.0°C.
However, this would mean that the volume of water decreases as it evaporates, and so much
water could evaporate that the glass flask wouldn’t be completely submerged in water. Because

of this, the thermal equilibrium wouldn’t be reached gradually throughout the air in the flask, as
half of it maybe wouldn’t even be submerged. A solution to this problem would be getting a sort
of digital smart kettle, where I could input to what temperature I want it to heat the water up to. I
would put in the value below 100.0°C, for example 95.0°C. This improvement would eliminate
this limitation in my method.
One uncertainty which I have in my experiment is the point at which thermal equilibrium
between the air and the water is reached, specifically what time it takes. When the process of the
0th law of thermodynamics occurs and energy is transferred from one body to another, that
process in not done instantly. It takes time for all of the temperatues to equalize, and the issue is I
don’t know the exact time that would take in my experiment. I decided to wait 10 minutes, but
that was just my rough estimate based on intuition, and not scientific reasoning. This is because I
haven’t been taught or able to comprehend any formulas or strategies of estimating the time
needed to reach it. When I researched this topic, many formulas and methods came up which I
had trouble understanding. For me, the ideal way to overcome this would be to measure the
temperature of the air in the flask directly. I can do this with an advanced apparatus, which is a
flask with a built-in thermometer. Even measuring the temperature of the glass surface of the
flask would be more efficient than my current method, as heat has to pass through it first to reach
the air inside. But, if I had a flask with a built-in thermometer with a digital display of the
temperature, I could just read the temperature values off of it and collect my data that way.
An improvement to my method would be recording the measuring process with a camera. I
would record the displays of the manometer’s scale and the thermometer’s scale. This way I
could pause or rewatch the video after the experiment to get a more accurate reading. For
example, I could pause a video at a certain point and then write down the corresponding
pressure difference and temperature values, to really insure they were taken at the same time.
Again, this would probably not affect the fact that there would be dependence shown on the
graph, but it might have affected the accuracy of my graph points slightly and finally my best fit
A weakness of my method is the subjective best fit line itself. When drawing the graph, I
obtained the graph points and drew the best fit lines based on my opinion. If I had given different
people the same graph points, I would likely get slightly different best fit lines. Of course, those
differences wouldn’t be extreme, for example someone drawing a line where there is no

dependance based on the points. However, some differences could have affected my conclusions,
for example I could have obtained a different value of the horizontal intercept in my first graph,
or even a slightly different slope. A good extension would be to use a computer with a program
which would mathematically calculate the objective best fit line. Obviously, there is always
possibility in human error when plotting the graph points themselves, meaning I could have
accidentally plotted the dots a few millimeters in the upwards, the right etc. I can eliminate this
by also using a computer program like Excel to form my graph points.
The final extension of my method relates to my value of atmospheric pressure used in my
calculations and formula. Although the teacher allowed us to use the value of 100000Pa in our
investigation, it is not the most accurate value. Atmospheric pressure of 100000Pa is a very
general and rounded value, and to get a more accurate one, we can either measure it ourselves or
let a credible source measure it for us. One strategy is to utilize a tool called barometer, which
measures the total air pressure of the environment it is in, meaning our lab. This would be a very
accurate way of obtaining the atmospheric pressure for my personal formula, but there could be
issues regarding reading off the value accurately. Furthermore, many barometers have imprecise
scales, so another alternative method could be obtaining information from the meteorological
station in Maksimir, Zagreb. There, they have very advanced scientific barometers which display
a very accurate and precise value of the atmospheric pressure. This information can be accessed
by going to the station itself, but a simpler way is through their website, where they have a live
recording of the atmospheric temperature 24 hours a day.3

Comparison to theoretical knowledge, literature and other findings

Through the information I obtained from my teacher, I concluded my findings and obtain the
needed formula. However, the raw data the teacher gave me was used in only one graph and to
find a specific dependency. The data the teacher gave me could be applied and transformed to
illustrate and conclude many more types of dependencies, and I want to analyze all of their

“Meteorološka Postaja Zagreb-Maksimir.” Neverin, 1 June 2021,
Accessed 2 June 2021.

Another one of my tasks is to form a graph where the temperature values are expressed in unit of
Kelvin. To convert my values, I will use the general formula for conversion of units of degrees
Celsius to Kelvin:
T = t°C + 273.2 K
In this formula, symbol „T“ stands for Kelvin temperature, symbol „t°C „ stands for the
temperature in degrees Celsius. I used the Kelvin value to one decimal place because the
precision of all my temperature measurements in degrees Celsius is to one decimal place.
For my first trial, this conversion would look like so, where „t°C1“  is the Celsius temperature
value recorded in my first trial, and “T1” is the Kelvin temperature value in my first trial:

T1 = t°C1 + 273.2 K
T1 = 28.0 ° C  + 273.2 K
T1 = 301.2 K

After converting all my temperature trials, I created a new data table below where temperature is
expressed in Kelvin for my new graph:

n T/K (±0.1 K) Δp/kPa (±0.5 kPa)

1 301.2 0.5
2 306.2 2.0
3 311.2 3.5
4 315.2 5.0
5 328.2 9.5
6 341.2 13.5
7 347.2 15.5
8 353.2 17.5
9 360.2 20.0
10 371.2 23.5
Table 2 Converted temperature (Kelvin) data table

Based on these measurements, I formed a dependance graph following the standard rules. On the
horizontal I placed my independent variable of temperature in Kelvin, and on the vertical axis
my dependent variable of the difference in pressure in kilopascal. The graph looks like so:

Figure 3 Δp(T) graph

The information which I can get from the graph is not much different from my Graph 1. A very
clear difference is the fact that my best fit line is much more to the right side of the graph, and
the slope appears steeper. This is because my temperature value scale needed to display a wider
range of values, from 0.0K to 380.0K, compared to the previous graph. The actual temperature
difference between each unit of Kelvin and degree Celsius is the same, but the Kelvin values are
numerically much greater for the same temperature expressed in degrees Celsius. Because of
this, my graph points are closer to each other, more “compressed”, but the dependance and
relationship that they display is the same linear proportion from before. The horizontal intercept
has the same meaning, representing the room temperature (atmospheric temperature) of the lab
the experiment was performed in, based on my best fit line. Here, the horizontal intercept
equaled 298.0K , which I converted into degrees Celsius with an online unit converter, and it

equaled 24.8 ° C . On my Graph 1 the same intercept equaled 26.5 ° C . This difference in
obtained horizontal intercepts can be explained due to the accuracy and precision of the graph
axis. In my Graph 1, where temperature was expressed is degrees Celsius, the scale of the
horizontal graph axis was much more precise. Its precision was to 0.5 ° C , while the precision of
my Graph 2 was to 2.0K. We already established how the difference in temperature between a
unit of degree of Celsius and Kelvin is the same, so we can directly compare these values.
Because of this, I would much rather analyze the dependencies through my Graph 1, as well as
estimate the lab temperature through the horizontal intercept, if that were a part of the task.
Furthermore, I had a much harder time locating and plotting the dots of Graph 2 because of its
scale, and the dots were much more cramped together over a smaller area.

For my third graph, I wanted to illustrate how the total pressure depended on the temperature in
degrees Celsius, which is that graph that can closely illustrate the dependance which my formula
explains. Firstly, I needed to calculate my total pressure data. This was easy, as all I did was take
the raw difference of pressure data values from my teacher and added 100.0 kPa to those values.
The sum of those two values would equal the total pressure value. After doing this with all my
measurements, I simply copied the temperature values in ° C from my teacher’s data. The table
of data looks like so:

n t/°C (±0.1°C) pT/kPa (±0.5 kPa)

1 28.0 100.5
2 33.0 102.0
3 38.0 103.5
4 42.0 105.0
5 55.0 109.5
6 68.0 113.5
7 74.0 115.5
8 80.0 117.5
9 87.0 120.0
10 98.0 123.5
Table 3 Converted data table – temperature t and total pressure

After all the calculations, I plotted the graph using the standard rules.
On the horizontal axis I placed my independent variable of temperature in degrees Celsius, and
on the vertical axis my dependent variable of the total pressure in kilopascals. The graph looks
like so:

Figure 4 Graph 3 Dependance of pT on t

This is the graph which “should” describe my obtained final formula from Graph 1. The vertical
intercept clearly indicates the total pressure at 0 ° C . When I read off this value, it equals exactly
92.0 kPa. My formula for the total pressure is the following:
pT ¿ 0.327∗t+ 91.2 kPa
Meaning if the temperature were to be 0.0 °C, the formula would give me the total pressure value
of 91.2 kPa . From this, I can tell that the accuracy of my formula to my new graph is not
satisfactory, as there is a 0.8 kPa difference. If I wanted to, I could have obtained my final

formula of dependance of pressure on temperature in ° C from the graph above. However, just
from looking at the pressure scale I can already see how it is much less precise than the
difference in pressure scale from my Graph 1. The precision of the vertical axis of my Graph 1
was to 0.2 kPa. Even though this is more precise than the precision of my raw data
measurements themselves, I am finding the dependance formula from my best fit line, not my
raw data measurements. The vertical axis precision of my third graph was to 1.0 kPa, which is
clearly much more imprecise than my Graph 1. Although it took me more calculations to find the
vertical intercept in my Graph 1 to obtain the final formula, it wasn’t an issue, and because of it
in the end I obtained a more accurate and precise formula compared to the one I would get from
Graph 3.

For my last graph I wanted to find the dependance of the total atmospheric pressure on
temperature presented in units of Kelvin. I took the temperatures of values in Kelvin from my
data table for Graph 2, and the total pressure values from my data table from Graph 3. The data
table for my fourth and final graph is pasted below:

n T/K (±0.1K) pT/kPa (±0.5kPa)

1 301.2 100.5
2 306.2 102.0
3 311.2 103.5
4 315.2 105.0
5 328.2 109.5
6 341.2 113.5
7 347.2 115.5
8 353.2 117.5
9 360.2 120.0
10 371.2 123.5
Table 4 Raw data temperature in K and total pressure in kPa

On the horizontal I placed my independent variable of temperature in Kelvin and on the vertical
axis my dependent variable of the total pressure in kilopascal. The graph looks like so:

Figure 5 Graph 4 : dependance of temperature(K) to total pressure (kPa)

After plotting the dots of the graph, I drew my best fit line. Though my point were packed on the
upper right side of the graph, I extended my best fit line to see what kind of dependance I would
obtain. Since my best fit line is straight and passing through the origin, the two variables are in
direct proportion. Based on the graph, is the temperature were to be 0.0 K, the pressure at that
point would equal 0.0 kPa. This phenomenon can be compared to the theoretical knowledge we
obtained on ideal gasses in class. For an ideal gas, when the temperature of a gas equals zero
Kelvin, the pressure of a gas equals zero Pascals. The formula for pressure is the force exerted
per unit area. However, when there is no temperature, the kinetic energy of air particles becomes
zero, hence then they will theoretically “not move”. I real life, there couldn’t be a case where
particles would have zero energy and not move, as there will always be at least minimal
movement between them. However, because there is theoretically no movement, there are no
collisions between the air particles and the walls of the container glass container. This specific
situation would result in the pressure being zero.

This can be seen from the ideal gas equation itself. Ideal gas equation is pV=nRT, where “p” is
the pressure, “V” is the volume, “n” is number of moles f gas”, “R” is the universal gas constant
and “T” is the temperature”. We can assume that the temperature equals zero, which is on the
right side of the equation. Since the equation contains multiplication only, any number multiplied
by zero equals zero. Thus, if temperature equals zero, the whole right side must equal zero, and
consequently the whole left side must equal zero. Since the air is in some sort of positive volume
space, the temperature must equal zero. This is direct proof that in an ideal gas scenario, if
temperature is zero the pressure will be zero. Now, why would my real-life experiment with air
which shouldn’t completely follow the ideal gas law behave like an ideal gas? An ideal gas
actually doesn't exist in real life, it is a model for scientists in order to predict the behaviors of
real gasses. Ideal gasses take many variables out of equations and put of consideration to
simplify situations and problems. Some of these variables are volume of particles, as in real life
gas molecules take up a very small volume, which is disregarded in ideal gas problems as the
volume can be considered irrelevant due to its small value. Furthermore, there are no interactions
between ideal gas molecules, and various other disregardments. However, these aspects should
influence my gas in a lab experiment. My only possible answer to this issue is the assumption
that teacher gave me the data based on the behavior of an ideal gas. An alternate explanation
could be my best fit line, which might have only gone through the origin because I decided to
plot it through the origin, thus because of this best fit line the graph portrays the gas behavior as
an ideal gas, with my variables having direct proprotion

Furthermore, in class we have learned how for an isolvolumetric process, the ratio between the
total pressure and temperature expressed in Kelvin is constant, meaning:

p/T = constant

If I take any two points in the graph, I could confirm the validity of this claim and how my graph
line follows it. This further justifies the part of my hypothesis where I stated how since I am
dealing with an isovolumetric process, this rule of the constant should be proved to be correct.


Through this investigation, I have obtained the formula of dependance of pressure of a gas on its
temperature in degrees Celsius. As the temperature of the gas increases, so does its pressure, and
I have proved this proportion through my following obtained formula:

pT ¿ 0.327∗t+ 91.2 kPa

I have compared my findings to literature and they are proven to be accurate, pressure of a gas
does depend on its temperature. My method did have some weaknesses, but overall it was a
successful investigation. Similarly, to this investigation, we could investigate various other
thermodynamic processes such as isobaric, isovolumetric etc., and how the variables of
temperature, volume and pressure depend on each other within these processes. Through these
investigations, we can witness and confirm the laws of physics we have learned about. After
writing my report, I can better understand the concept of heat and thermodynamic processes.



1. “Isochoric Process.” Wikipedia, 2 Feb. 2021, Accessed 2 June 2021.

2. “Meteorološka Postaja Zagreb-Maksimir.” Neverin, 1 June 2021,
Accessed 2 June 2021.
3. Serway, Raymond A, and Jerry S Faughn. Physics. Orlando, Florida, Holt Mcdougal, 2012.

Other references

- MYP5 Physics notebook

- discussions during MYP5 physics lessons with dr. Zrinka Mavračić


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