Action and Stative Verbs - 91551

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Music for everybody.

It’s Sunday today and the family are at home.

Listen! Betty and her granny are playing (play) the piano. They
are (be) happy, they like (like) music very much.
Jim wants (want) to play the trumpet.
The cat is sleeping (sleep) on the sofa, it doesn’t hear(not/hear)
the music.
Look! Jim’s father is coming (come) into the room. He
wants(want) to play, too.

Now he is playing (play) the guitar and Jim is playing (play) the
The cat hears (hear) the music, it isn’t sleeping(not/sleep) now,
because the music is too loud loud/loudly. They are playing
loudly loud/loudly.

Can you see the cat? It is sitting(sit) next to the piano and she is
listening (listen) to the music! It likes (like) music, too!
Look! Granddad is coming (come). He is smiling (smile), he also
wants(want) to play.

Here Mum comes and she sees(see) a wonderful scene.

Her mother is playing (play) the piano, her father is
playing (play) the violin, her husband is playing (play)
the guitar and her children are dancing (dance). They are
(be) happy! They are having (have) a good time!
What a surprise! Nobody are playing (play) now, but everybody hears(hear) the music!
Mum is claping (clap) her hands. Who is playing?


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