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Cape Breton University

Department of Education
Lesson Planning Template

Preservice Teacher Name(s): Claudia Gennette

TITLE: Subitize Numbers 1 to 5 Date: June 22, 2022
Grade(s): Primary
Subject(s)/Course(s): Mathematics Unit/Theme: Number (N)
Students will be expected to
demonstrate number sense.
Length of Learning Period: 75 minutes

Learning Module Topic & Description

In this unit, students will be expected to recognize and identify the quantity represented
by familiar arrangements of one to five dots, at a glance without counting through a
variety of different methods.


Are students able to recognize and subitize numbers from 1 to 5 without counting
one by one?

Stage 1: Desired Results

Curriculum Outcomes: SCOs and Performance Indicators

SCO N02: Students will be expected to recognize, at a glance, and name the quantity
represented by familiar arrangements of one to five objects or dots [C, CN, ME, V].

Performance Indicators:

N02.01 – Look briefly at a given familiar arrangement of one to five objects or dots and
identify the number represented without counting (COM, CT).

N02.02 – Identify the number represented by a given dot arrangement on a five-frame (COM,

Essential Concepts/Knowledge/Skills/Social Dispositions to be Learned/Applied:

Skill – Subitizing: the ability to identify a whole quantity as their subgroups but also
combining them together to make up the whole, without counting.

Essential Questions/Concepts to be Learned:

- Are students able to recognize the number represented without counting?
- Are students able to recognize the number when it is represented in various ways?
- Do they understand that even if the arrangements differ, the quantity in the sets is the
- Do they recognize that some arrangements are easier to recognize than others?
- Do they understand that there are many ways to arrange a set of objects?
- Do they recognize that patterns for larger numbers can be made up of two or more
patterns for smaller numbers?

Curriculum Connections/Big Ideas: (interdisciplinary, integrative)

English Language Arts Integration

Outcome 1: Learners will interact using effective oral language skills considering audience,
purpose, and situation (CZ, COM, PCD, CI, CT, TF).

- Begin to ask and respond to questions and seek information
- Share ideas, express feelings, give simple descriptions and express opinions with others
in a variety of ways
- Engage in small- and whole-group conversation
- Respond to simple directions or instructions
- Begin to develop an awareness of social conventions in group work and co-operative
play in multiple cultural contexts (turn-taking, when to speak, when to listen)
- Begin to use expression and appropriate volume to communicate ideas and feelings

Social Studies Primary Integration

Outcome 2: Learners will investigate how cooperation is an important part of being a
group member. (CZ, COM, PCD, CT).

- Investigate how sharing and cooperation contribute to positive relationships (CZ, COM,

Stage 2: Planning Learning Experience and Instructional Process

Student Groupings (e.g., whole class, small, Materials/Resources (e.g., equipment,

pairs, independent work): PowerPoint sides, manipulatives, hand-outs,
games, assessment tool):

Introduction: Whole Class Teaching YouTube (projected)

Activity: Pairs/Small Group Work Timer (10 minutes)
Discussion & Exit Slip: Whole Class Counters
Teaching Dotted plates
Worksheet & Activity Sheet Examples
Attached (would be printed and in the
classroom already)
Linking blocks
Red, Yellow, Green Exit slip
Instructional Strategies (e.g. direct Considerations (e.g., contingency plans re:
instruction, demonstration, simulation, role- technology failure or student absences and
playing, guest speaker, etc.): groupings, or guest speaker cancellations or safety

Direct Instruction Strategies: If technology were to fail, proceed without

- Demonstration: Students will be given a YouTube as the video needs the visual
demonstration on what is expected of component on the screen. An alternative to
them (subitizing as a class). this would be switching to whole-group
- Students will be given direct instruction instruction. Explain to students how to
subitize and then ask students to tell you
on how to complete activities.
what number they see by using either
Activity Strategy – Students will complete dotted plates or holding up your fingers.
activities in pairs/small groups which will give
them time to implement their learnings. If the timer cannot be put on screen, it can
be done on a phone or with teacher
Cooperative Strategy: instruction.
- Discussion: we will discuss as a class,
ways in which students are able to If students were absent, I would
accommodate by switching from pairs to
recognize whole patterns through
including small groups of three as needed
but in the stations, students will be paired
- Peer Practice: students will help each from a larger group.
other practice in groups of two-three to
consolidate their understanding or
enhance skill development.

Independent Learning Strategies:

- Memorization: the mental rehearsal of
content or skill that enables quick recall,
in this case: the ability to subitize
- Reflection: thinking process that
involves taking time to consider
information and make sense of it.

Inquiry and Research Models:

- Cognitive Skills Model: using concepts,
skills and habits of mind that enables
students to reflect not only what they
think (content) but also how they think

Thinking Skills Strategies:

- Classifying: based on numbers flashed,
students will classify the dots as a
number from 1 to 5.
- Experimenting: testing knowledge and
understanding through the activity.
- Manipulatives: using the counters to
appeal to the senses, as well as the
dotted plates to bridge the gap and allow
for visual understanding.
- Problem-solving: applying critical and
logical thinking to perceive and resolve
the gap between the present situation
and a desired goal.

Differentiation Strategies and Adaptations/Modifications/Accommodations and

Individual Program Plans (to address different needs and preferences of students, including
those with exceptionalities)

For this activity, since we are working in groups, students will also be grouped based on
mixed skills to work together to help everyone achieve the end goal and support each other.
Everyone will be divided into pairs but within a larger group to work the stations.

Conversations, Observations and Products are all included within this lesson. Conversations
is where we discuss together during whole-class discussion based on what we’ve learned and
can do, it also includes the self-assessment (exit slip at the end) and conferring within their
smaller groups. Observations come into play during group work, as they go throughout the
workshop and work on problem-solving skills, demonstrating knowledge and applying
strategies. Products comes into play with the worksheet, visual representation, and the video
if technology allows.

Since the workshop is completed in groups, those who have mobility issues has someone to
assist them throughout and if students need help, they have their bigger group to turn to as
well. For the worksheet at the end, for students with any type of learning disability, more
time can be allotted as well. Stations will also be set up to easily be maneuvered for students
who may be in wheelchairs, etc.

If students are visually impaired, we can either guide their finger if they feel comfortable or
provide sheets with a difference in texture over the dots so that they can run their hand over
and feel it as well. This can be done for the worksheet, or they can run their hands over the
counters rather than seeing the visual plate and saying the number out loud, for the teacher
to make note.

Formative Assessment Strategies (specific Summative Assessment (future plan)

strategies e.g. conferencing, exemplars,
rubrics, self-peer assessment etc.)

Formative Assessment: Formative Assessment Continued:

The formative assessment will include For this lesson, students will complete the final
the video portion and the activity timed worksheet to test their ability to complete
workshop for students. During this time, the worksheet without counting and based solely
students will be assessed based on on what they see. This will be the formal
personal communication and knowledge assessment to see if any students may need more
of subject matter, especially as you go help and the exit slip is just an extra step to match
through and check on students’ progress exit slips to students’ progress on the worksheet.
and during discussion for what they
notice, what they’ve learned and what
they may still be learning.

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Motivational Hook (process for grabbing and focusing students’ attention) Time (mins): 5

We will begin today’s lesson with Jack Hartmann’s “Subitize up to 5” video. Let students know
beforehand that when dots appear on the screen (hold up a dotted plate to show an example)
they will say the number they see. While holding the dotted plate, ask “For a practice round, how
many do you see?” once students answer, play the video and watch them as they answer. If they
seem to be having trouble, help them out. Once the video completes, tell students that they did a
great job!
Opening (process for signal direction of lesson and agenda) Time (mins): 15

After our warm-up activity, we will do a quick discussion as a class. Ask students prompting
questions like:

“How could you tell it was 4?”

“Did anyone see anything different when they saw 4?”
“Do you think everyone sees 4 the same way?”
“Were any of them hard to figure out right away? Why or why not?”

If students struggle with questions, feel free to use the dotted plates as a visual to help with
questioning. After doing the little warm-up assessment, address today’s topic. Let students know
that we will be learning how to subitize, meaning how to recognize a number without having to
count all the way to 5!

You will explain that we will be working in pairs in small groups as we move through our
stations. There will be 3 stations, that will be 10 minutes each. Students will rotate clockwise
(station 1 will move to station 2, station 2 will move to station 3 and station 3 will move to
station 1) – students may need help with this part but visually showing them will be helpful.

You will then explain each of the 3 sections. Station 1 will be using the dotted plates and
counters, in pairs one student will flash the dotted plate and the other will use counters to create
the number.

Station 2 is subitize roll and cover. There are 4 cards included, 2 for numbers 1-6 and 2 sheets for
numbers 7-12. Player #1 rolls a die and covers the number that it matches. Player #2 then takes
their turn doing the same. The first player to get 4 in a row wins OR you can play blackout where
the entire card has to be covered in order to win.

Station 3 is Stack It subitizing sheets. For this activity, students will be given linking cubes to
stack a tower that matches the total. There will be different sheets given so that if a student
finishes one, they can grab another and complete that. Both team members can work together
and do the sheet one at a time as well.

Body (main instructional and learning processes to build understanding, skills, attitudes) Time
(mins): 35 minutes

This is where we will move into our activity, more specifically our workshops. After
explaining, students will be broken into three groups and assigned to work a station. Once
students are in their station, check on each group to make sure instructions are clear and
they understand. Start the timer after this.

As students are working in stations, this will also allow time for teacher led small groups
for those who may need the extra help or to go around and sit with each group to see how
they’re doing and to ask some discussion questions to solidify learnings. Some examples of
questions include:

“How do you see that this is 5?

Do you find it difficult when the pattern is different? Why or why not?
Did you notice that you can still get the same number even if it’s arranged differently?”

Take note of students who seem to be counting as well.

The extra 5 minutes allotted at the end will be for wrapping up and a body break for the
students before moving on to wrap up the subjects.

Consolidation (processes for application and practice of knowledge, skills, attitudes) Time
(mins): 15 minutes

During this time, we will wrap up what we’ve learned and discuss what the students enjoyed
about the workshops or what they found difficult – no longer than 10 minutes. To finish off the
lesson, students will be given a worksheet to complete that is timed to assess their learnings
where they write the number they see based on the image, it will be timed for 5 minutes but give
an extra 1-2 minutes for those needing to finish up.

Closure (processes for recapping, looking ahead) Time (mins): 5

To finish off our lesson, we will end with a Stoplight Exit Slip. Explain to students to write their
name at the top and circle Red, Yellow or Green. Explain to students that red means they feel lost,
Yellow means I’m a little confused but not completely lost and Green means I’ve got it!

They will then turn exit slips in as they go.

Stage 4: Reflection and Extension

Teacher Reflection (e.g., next time notes)

Extension Ideas & Additional Resources

Attached after template.

Note: Please attach to the template any appendices (e.g., content notes, assessments,
student activities pages, etc.)

Station 2 Worksheet Example (can use counters instead of blocks):

Station 3 Worksheet Example:

Exit Slip:

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