LiyuGebeya - Value Proposition

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An Ecommerce Platform

Value Proposition
The Problem
● Lack of Real-Ecommerce Platform
○ In Ethiopia, there are no ecommerce platforms like other developed
countries have. Those who claim to be ecommerce platforms are not
doing it well, and that creates a gap between what the customer needs
and what is available on the market.

● Low Quality Web & Mobile apps

○ The ecommerce web & mobile apps that exist in Ethiopia right now are not
created from scratch; rather they used old technologies that are heavy and
slow, creating a very bad user experience. Some of them only have a web
or mobile app. Overall, the current technologies on the market are very
disappointing for the customer that already got the experience of very
quality international apps, like Telegram or Youtube.

The Market
● We target the growing number of middle and upper classes. On the Capitol,
Addis Ababa alone, the middle class is growing so fast, they desperately need a
modern platform that will give them the comfort of civilization. There are a
number of telegram channels who have tried to fill this gap, but they are just
telegram channels, meaning they have limited options when it comes to creating
a unified ecommerce experience. By targeting the middle class, we can create a
very lucrative business that makes a difference in people's lives.

The Solution
● A Web & Mobile app that connects buyer & seller easily & efficiently
● An algorithm that will show targeted ads based on customer needs
● A Delivery Service that will provide cheap/free shipping for the customers
The Business Model
● Phase One
○ Using our web & mobile apps, we will show targeted ads to our visitors;
the advertiser, mostly our seller will pay us for each view & click
● Phase Two
○ We will expand our business by partnering with various supermarkets,
restaurants and other suppliers. Integrating online payment systems and
offering a shipping service. We will charge the sellers a percentage of
each sale and customers for each delivery.
● Phase Three
○ Since Ethiopia is a net importer country, there is an opportunity to import a
product and sell it directly to the customer. Eliminating the middleman
allows us to sell the products at a very low price, increasing our overall
customer base and number of sales. This is a larger scale operation which
we will be able to achieve after a few years of working on Phase one &
two models.

The Competition
● On the phase one model, we have a handful of competitors.
○ Qefira(only Web)
○ JiJi Ethiopia (Web & Mobile)
○ Yetale (Mobile)
● On the phase two model, we don't have general purpose competitors, but there
are specific ones that sell foods & drinks online & deliver it to the customer.
○ Delivery Addis(Web & Mobile)
○ Tikus Delivery(Web & Mobile)
● On the phase three model, there are no competitors yet.

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